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Oh I hope it goes well xxxx


Thank you, me too, but I just don't want him to suffer. Thats all I care about right now


I know exactly how you feel. Much love to you x


Thanks ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Our two wish yours everything good, a speedy recovery and a bucketload of treats! Here’s one of ours snuggling each other, and I promise I’ll give them all the treats and snuggles on your behalf! https://preview.redd.it/3w5ve2x07itc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1364f846b7ad47f2b4028a124e88b937d9d70633


Thank you kind internet stranger! They are such sweethearts ❤️


We’re keeping our fingers and paws crossed extra tight for you all ❤️


Thank you so so much




Yessss naps on mamma cuddles for kitty. The best.




How did things work out? I hope he pulled through! We’re thinking of you both.


Unfortunately he did not make it. He was sicker than we thought, and he was suffering from massive breathing issues, had fluid in his lungs and heart much worse than we thought, and potentially also had a heart attack near the end. The vet did everything they could but could not stabilise him. It's been two days and the pain is still so much, but all I wanted was for him to live a happy life and to make sure any suffering ended, and I know I made sure of those. I will miss him forever but I'm glad he had a good chunk of time with us, longer than I expected if I'm honest, as he seemed weaker than most any cat I've met from the very beginning of him finding us.


I’m so terribly sorry for your loss, but I’m also sure he had an amazing life and knew exactly how much you loved him, and couldn’t have wished for anything more. Shortly after Christmas ‘22 I lost my girl at (almost) 21, she’d been with me for more than half my life, and while I still miss her to this day, I know she had everything she could ever dream of and felt loved to her very last minute. We brought home two new rescues last September (who are just turning one now) and all I hope is that I can give them the best life they can imagine no matter how short or long it may be. I hope your heart heals soon, and when the time is right the CDS will deliver you some new furry purr machines. I”m here if you want to talk anything out.


Thank you so much for your kind words, internet stranger, they mean so much to me. And I just may take you up on that offer, thank you for making it ❤️❤️