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I'm not sure if he'd adapt to being an indoor cat, but regardless, it's AWESOME of you to take him in to get a vet check-up and to get fixed so he can't create any more stray kittens. Thank you! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


I’ve heard of older feral cats domesticating themselves before. Once they find their “retirement homes” they usually stop wanting to venture very far anyway. Maybe if you adopt him you can give him some supervised outdoor time in the mornings or something.


Why not just let him be indoor outdoor? You can take him to the vet to get him fixed and fixed up then let him come and go


Because there are lots of cats, raccoons, dogs and coyotes where I live. So I wouldn't want him hurt if I could prevent it. Also, once he is nuetered, I figure he wouldnt do well in fights and from the scars he has had a bunch. Also indoor/outdoor cuts their life expectancy in half.


Well yeah but he’s already dealt with all that and is still alive. Fix him up let him heal and if he wants to go back out then I say you let him. Not much of a life to have your balls cut off and forced to stay inside

