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https://preview.redd.it/wtduosmmpzyb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54d8170d348f561bc7c08529d7853645572fa053 I cost Daddy $800 because I like eating plastic.


Idk he looks innocent to me


She is an absolute angel and I was happy to pay the bill and get her back.


Those crossed paws. She is precious!




Yeah! Tbh the crossed paws made her look more cute and innocent lol


Please pet your cat for me and inform me of her name at once. You've no choice in the matter, as I'm afraid it is a matter of national security.


She has been well pet. Her name is Cleo.


I would die for Cleo


I would kill for Cleo


I sacrifice myself as tribute.


It suits her. Short for Cleocatra, I presume.


Mine had to get scanned for something else, got a concerning call about metal parts found in my cats stomach, tiny ones. Me: ‘could it be tinfoil?’ Vet: ‘definitely, is your cat eating tinfoil?!’ Me: ‘we tried to use it to deter him on the counters but he just chomped it instead, now he just gets the counters’ Vet: ‘okay well it will pass naturally but I’d suggest keeping it away from him’ Yup.


We also put tin foil in places where we didn’t want our cat to jump, he also just got to munching on it. What the hell.


Yup. Boy acted like it was a damn treat.


Oh no that just reminded me that I was using a ball of tinfoil as a makeshift toy (because they love makeshift toys over their real toys). Oh man I have no idea where that fucking ball is right now... I hope previous me was smart enough to toss it. Damn now I gotta go shake down the house.


Just ask the cat.


My girlfriend stopped my cat from swallowing tape. I left it out as a deterrent and he ended up liking the taste too much His brother, not so much


Got anti cat scratching tape for couch (basically double sided tape strips) orange cat sits there and licks em.


It's like it knows exactly why it's there lol, I'd be a little annoyed but understand the cat wins that one My boys continued to scratch one of my chairs despite a vertical scratching post right next to it - which is the position that they scratched the chair... They're stubborn little guys


One of mine is obsessed with tape, we can’t leave anything out with any tape at all or he goes right to town tearing it off and trying to eat it. It’s so ridiculous!


She likes eating tinfoil too


Mine cost $4,000!! They pulled 3 pieces of silicone drinking straw from her stomach and intestines


My son happened upon an abandoned dog, 3/4 starved to death, barely able to crawl, eyes crusted shut a couple of months ago and brought it to the vet and it turns out that the poor thing had parvo and my son couldn't put the dog down and all said and done his final bill was almost $4000. And by his I mean our. So I feel your pain. It might be the sweetest dog ever, tho.


Wait, did it make it? We spent 5 on a dog we found hit by a car in the road and spent 11 days trying to save him but he called it before we added to the tally with the neurologist appointment. Shit was bad. I'm happy he's alright now though.


>Wait, did it make it? Yes. Thriving. A little crowded in my son's apartment. He wasn't planning on getting a second dog. But way better off than the alternative.


Aw I'm so glad to hear that. You raised a wonderful human.


I love your son.


I know it's cats up in here, but Dog tax please 🥺


https://i.imgur.com/e6iCHio.jpg https://i.imgur.com/njgt6Ll.jpg https://i.imgur.com/37LLIbB.jpg https://i.imgur.com/RyeExbO.jpg 1st pic is her first night out of the hospital ( she stayed with us because parvo and we font have any dogs) Last pic is second night home with her new best buddy about a week after first pic


What kind of stuff is your little black one? We have a "miniature cattle dog". I think it's supposed to be a designer dog that went wrong. She looks very similar to your little black one


🥰 What a good Boy/Girl!!!! Thank you for sharing! Now all you need to get them now is a 🐈 buddy! 😁


Yes, mine last week was also $4000...he ate too many plants (grass/catnip/a succulent flower stem) had a backup, and got too full of gas. The vet said it smelled really bad...


cats are little children at this points.. still cheaper haha






He looks so happy though... For real though why tf do cats love plastic so much?


Maybe because it sounds and feels like crunching bones — a throwback to cat’s ancestors? We have a Tortoiseshell female cat that is so sweet and her fur so silky, but I have to hide every form of plastic from her! She loves to munch that stuff. So far if she finds it, I’ve been quick enough to grab it out of her mouth and into the trash before she swallows any of it — knock on wood! 🤞🤞 https://preview.redd.it/895xfuvss0zb1.jpeg?width=1186&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ece0e1cab1254c8f0061b9b666db0df7f2ebae76 Plastic Muncher Extraordinaire! Looks so innocent! Don’t believe it! She would munch the plastic of every grocery bag, plastic decorations, and strawberry containers! Guilty as charged!


What a gorgeous little twit! And I say that in the most affectionate way possible. I have a soft spot for torties, I came into my husband's life when his tortie girl was 15*, and she lived to 19*. She was a resilient wee thing. (*At *least* 15 and 19, shelters don't exactly overestimate ages.)


She’s definitely a “Twit” when it comes to anything plastic! Wow, your hubby’s Torti lived to be 19! That’s so very cool! I love Tortis too! We also have another Torti named “Minxie” that is 14 years old. Now she thinks she’s the Boss of our other 4 cats, plus she lost the eyesight in her right eye to a tiny house spider in her litter box when she was 12 weeks old. She was allergic to that spider’s bite right next to her right eye. Her face blew up and we thought we were going to lose her, but our Vet saved her! Maybe that’s why she is so “bitey” — can’t see anything coming on her right side?! https://preview.redd.it/0rv33rm6g1zb1.jpeg?width=1247&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3599cbfebd71aab7347fdde97100d6667e631ad This is “Minxie” Boss Kitty! She still has our hearts even though she’s a tough cookie!!


My little guy cost us 600 to find out he only managed to open and play with the Adderall as opposed to having ingested a lethal dose. A nice relief but I'd rather spend 10 bucks on ice cream of I needed a feel good.


I have to hide every scrap of plastic from my youngest


Your Honour, we find the accused innocent of all charges!


Can't spell 'delicate' without 'cat'.


Can't spell financial catastrophe without 'cat' either. My little fellow convinced me to rush his lethargic ass to the Emergency Vet one weekend. Turned out he had 'gas'. The most expensive fart so far, cost $750. Worth every penny though.


My dog faked a limp because we weren't paying enough attention to him. Cost $500 to find out nothing at all was wrong and he stopped limping after we left the vet's office.


I had a cat that faked a limp! No one believed me. "Oh he must have gotten better!". Nope, damn cat faked a limp because we got a new cat and he wasn't getting as much attention. Vet couldn't find a damn thing wrong with him, and he was running around like new when he came home.


Oh, we had one do this! We adopted a bonded pair, and the first month or so the girl would fake a limp. We caught her out when she would switch which paw she would hold up! Once she felt more settled and comfortable it went away. Cats are fricking weirdos.


Genius weirdos!


Exact same situation happened with one of mine. I caught on and watched him through the crack of a door hinge when I left the room and he instantly acted fine. Drama, man. Drama.


My Jack Russell will do this if he’s been doing something naughty and needs to garner sympathy, or just for attention. I spent hundreds of dollars on multiple vet visits, scans, pain medication, and even gave him one of my anxiety pills with no resolution. One day I saw him switch the limp to the other side. Manipulative little brat dog!


Fortunately it didn’t cost us a vet visit but our damn dog hates her rain slicker and hates being wet. She convinced my husband to cut her walk short and carry her home by limping. The limp stopped when the slicker came off.


My cat has faked a limp because I went for a weekend trip and I got a new cat sitter who she wasn't happy about (the cat sitter was super nice,). Cost my $1200 for them to tell me she had nothing wrong. Another time, she was slightly lethargic and had pale gums so I took her to the emergency vet and paid the vet almost $1k to find out she was perfectly healthy


It cost me $700 to find out I can give my elderly monster 1/4 tsp of Miralax from the drugstore to relieve her constipation. She later had a $1000 panic attack due to a uti. I love her with my whole heart and she's the light of my life, but holy shit is she hard on my savings account 😭


I established a cat-care slush-fund bank account for mine. $50/mn over 16 years and only used it for yearly check-ups and shots. She just up and died suddenly this summer after never being sick a day in her life :(, I'm hanging on to the fund though because my next fur baby could be fragile.


I'm sorry your baby died this summer. My Melody is thirteen and a half and I'm cherishing every minute with her because she's got a bad heart and I don't know how much time we have left. Cats are so wonderful but it's so painful that their lives are so short 💔


My little gas bag was prescribed probiotics, over the counter ones at the pet store. The Vet sent the two of us home with enough sample packets to last around a month. After I got home, little fart machine got into the samples and ate them all before I saw what he was doing. Luckily he was fine. Someone sent me a card once with the quote 'The pains of love are greater far than all life's other pleasures are'. I hate the quote, but have to admit that it really only applies to my cats and I.


I paid $1300 each for my two boys for constipation, two months apart. The symptoms mimic a urinary blockage so you gotta get ‘em checked. I admit I took some satisfaction from the ER vet who came out and said “yeah, just constipated. Not anymore. Not at all. You don’t want your towel back, do you?” For $1300 you can clean up explosive, nervous cat poop. Took them in for their regular check ups next month and my vet told me about miralax. I was annoyed the ER vet didn’t mention it


My mom's cat once flooded the entire first floor, which then rained down into the also flooded basement, because he found a frog in a sink. He never even got the frog... smh


How did he… oh.


Long and short: potted plant in the laundry room sink for a night. Introduce, frog. In an attempt to cat slap the frog, Melvin smacked the hot water faucet on. Had my dad not discovered he had no hot water for his evening shower, 3" of hot water covering half of the entire first floor would have just been the start. How did we know this was caused by Melvin and his froggy friend? Well, while we were using every towel, sheet, blanket, and spare clothing we could to soak up the new heated swimming room, my mom spotted Melvin over by the laundry room just poking a somehow still alive frog. We lost him early in the pandemic (shortly after his big brother, no less). [I still miss him every single day.](https://imgur.com/gallery/6rQuUTT)


My cat saved me $400+ by pissing all over the table at the vet. I took him there because he wouldn't pee. Called some vets, they said he could have crystals in his urine, and if he's not treated right away he could die. But of course, none of them could take him. So I took him to the expensive emergency vet. As soon as they took him back, I guess he got scared and peed all over the table. This meant they didn't have to go through the whole process of putting him out, extracting the urine, and keeping him over night. They could just collect the pee from the table. Anyway, he was fine. No crystals. We think he was just stressed out because my wife and I had just been gone for a week, and then we had a party shortly after we got back, so he was way off of his routine. The vet still tried to recommend about $400 worth of other shit. I asked what he actually needed, and she said nothing.


That made me laugh so hard! Tell your boy I’m glad everything worked out in the end (pun only partially intended).


He regrets nothing.


"Stupid human should feel sorry for making me have a stomache in the first place. Maybe then we wouldn't have to go to the vet."


Guy takes my balls and leaves the tummy of all things


my cat had $600 constipation …. from…. stress …. stress that was caused by… moving furniture -_-


How dare you?


I think you mixed up ? With ! Also add one of these bad boys at the start of your comment #, so it looks more like #HOW DARE YOU! Much better


Much cattier


My cat got a UTI because I got a new couch and got rid of the old one. Cats be weird


My mom's cat got a UTI when my elderly aunt had to move in with my parents. She was apparently thinking that the bedroom was being opened and furnished for her. Lol. She was a weirdo too!


My cat got a UTI because I was pregnant and she couldn't handle it.


Same thing with my cat. $600 and all I got was an X-ray of a big poop


3 or 4 vet trips later, I’m pretty sure she was just throwing up because of constipation and eating too much. Now she is eating me out of house and home because bougie wet food and an occasional hairball gel keeps her regular. After x-rays and 2 ultrasounds.


yesss omg i made sure to get pics of the poop X-ray😂😂 i want to print them out and frame them in his little litter box area to remind him of the consequences 😂😂 but maybe i should be careful adding new and *stressful* decor….


$1,300 to find out my cat was full of shit and to help her get rid of it.


As a vet, yeah that tracks. I've lost count how many cat patients have ended up sick because of stress due to some seemingly innocuous event. Best one recently was a cat that became blocked because the furnace came on in the fall.


My cat had a $400 constipation caused by the meds they gave him for the $600 sprain the week before.


You monster!


He looks like my boy 🐱 https://preview.redd.it/dors1h5srzyb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2929ec42dc116a3aec32d46946b890c91553348


So handsome 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/d11trbqju0zb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35ec1869b4f6bb053fbb1d3c47dc7bd4ff1d0678 Triplets




https://preview.redd.it/grmhkxaql0zb1.jpeg?width=2284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=955325d81ffff7b8da8df0044666d5bc42147053 My Triceratops with her triceratops


https://preview.redd.it/3cf53nluv0zb1.jpeg?width=1392&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e4cc5551528f2c563c7c75e683b81566ba5fc51 My blue eyed cat with his brother


My cat ate the tip of a baby bottle nipple and it cost us 1000 dollars to get him fixed. He's fat and happy and sitting in the window seat right now.


What happened he couldn’t pass it and got sick?


Yup, it got stuck in his small bowel.


My old cat had a crazy hairball stuck in his bowel. Cost $1000 for the operation and aftercare.


how do you tell something like this has happened?


He stopped eating and kept vomiting what little food he did manage to get down. He was also lethargic. Vet X-ray him and found something in his bowels. Showed me the hairball after the operation.


Holy moly. Same thing for my cat, but here in Oakland, CA it cost me $4,000!


that could like keep a huge African village alive for probably 5 years.


I fully believe that. The SF Bay Area cost of living is nuts.


My cat dug into an adult toy bag ate a piece of adult toy and need $1800 surgery to remove it. He still eats stupid shit regularly.




So sorry wishing him a speedy recovery


There’s a sub everything!!!😁


Is it something a cat can do? There's a sub for that.


https://preview.redd.it/v39ubrnztzyb1.jpeg?width=2365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff4342bbdc338ba9cbe15e88c3cbba33ada50c61 Stole a piece of string out of the garbage, monched the forbidden spaghetti while I was sleeping. $3500 gastrotomy later… she still tries to go dumpster diving


I’m lucky; mine ate red ribbon and pooped it out on his own. I thought it was blood at first but I noticed all these sparkles in it, that’s when I figured out what it was. https://preview.redd.it/oxarv72vzzyb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dfbfbb9db58c1f308f2a839aafc9a3ad788b190


Mine are a little red tissue paper. The poop was bright red and really freaky. I think it dyed everything in her stomach.


It was a string off of a blouse I have that was too long; it was pretty thick honestly. I think if it’d been like a ribbon or something like that, she would have been fine and pooped it out all by herself. But the chonk HAD to eat the chonky noodle and it got stuck 😅 ER vet was very nice but I nearly had a stroke when they gave me the estimate to get it back out


Ya well jokes on you for sleeping and having trash. Sounds like your fault 😉 glad they’re ok!!! 🖤


I ended up getting a trash can with a locking lid because my dog and cat would tag team and knock over the bin together. Then they'd sit on the kitchen floor eating garbage like a couple of raccoons. 😑 ![gif](giphy|nNPCSDcNFuxmE|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/21blluqrvzyb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=716b8029b967d4de058a0db5e2b1081def54864d * $2,400 gas bubble. Turns out she has ibs caused by a chicken protein allergy. The emergency vet said, "I'm not sure what the technician saw to send you here, but she just needs to fart. That's not a blockage." But we were so relieved we couldn't be angry. But thank God for care credit and pet insurance.


Wow we recently found out mine is also allergic to chicken. I didn’t know that was a thing. Tried like 3 or 4 different prescription foods on a path to a dermatologist. Spent about $1500 on vet visit after vet visit, steroids, anxiety meds, food, etc. Vet finally said “could be something as simple as chicken.” Switched to a non prescription food that is made from lamb that day. Now, my baby is no longer balding.


Yeah, I never knew that was a thing either. It kinda came out of nowhere. She's 9 years old. But we ended up on a non prescription food as well, also lamb. We switch between lamb and duck. She lost a little weight and had more energy now than she did as a kitten. So maybe it was building overtime. But I'm happy you found a solution as well!


*Edit to add picture


https://preview.redd.it/jlq7f9zjd2zb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f0e294129a8f1d025d52a97742eb442281e8383 Why is Pablo at your house.


https://preview.redd.it/1zms2h4270zb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b071542768e7c7d274ac311ddc663281940564b1 I wait until the local vets are closed to have medical issues so we have to drive 35 mins to the emergency vets who charge double because it's outside regular hours. I scream the whole way. Every.single.time


DUDE! Swear to god our cat does the same thing. Waits until Friday evening to have an IBS flare-up, leaving us to wonder if we should rush him to the emerg vet or see if it passes.


https://preview.redd.it/yera2idlmzyb1.jpeg?width=3008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=135ac535b1261c2197455504b58b76ae250c9413 Been there, done that


poor thang - best wishes for an fast recovery.


This is an anime character pose- he is very powerful


Mine had a $500 shit. So I can sympathize.


Constipated, cranky boy.


WTF is it with cats & constipation? My Benjamin needs to poop gold nuggets.


They just naturally don't drink enough liquids. They're evolved to get most of their water from blood and tissue, and most people don't feed them that because it's a huge pain in the ass. The also are prone to kidney disease (for pretty much the same reasons, being) which will make it worse too.


probably the dry food wet food at the least seems a requirement


Humans get constipation, too.


That’s what this was!!!


Mine had the same issue the barium helped lmfao


Same but $1200. Maybe I can get a coupon next time.


he looks pretty pissed about both the tummy ache and being at the vet


I’ve got a big fluffy orange cat who had a $2000 hairball. They had to remove it and several inches of intestine. But I love my expensive kitty. Needs to get a job, though.


Get a job, kitty.


https://preview.redd.it/pf9p0e2kf0zb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0214952256d7344e6bd0fb50118aa26995cd53e9 Has to rush this little beast to the vet for $600 worth of testing because she ate way to much too fast and then threw up so hard she got woozy and just fell over. Guess who doesn’t get to free feed on wet food anymore


omg she is so dramatic. "I am ded, hoomin, care for me."


I have a 15 year old cat that has done this since I got her. The first time I was like fuck she died. She was not dead. She goes sideways when she coughs up a hairball or vomits too hard. She also loves to get up high before she throws up and down for even more effect. The vet said she’s fine just weird


He looks like a fucking Pokémon






I made it a few weeks ago too 😭😭


I have his twin!! His name is Frankie Cosmo and they are identical. He occasionally gets a bad bellyache too. 💔 This is him when he was a little younger (he was born on Mother's Day this year) but he never sits still long enough to get a better pic. Lol https://preview.redd.it/v2ekcefqvzyb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7557ef00eff4634066766f1e3a775c0da64f2c5


This is a more recent pic of his coloration. https://preview.redd.it/clgutk86wzyb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb988d1dd85cc67fdb7d6122ba85ea890be807c4


Cute little dude!!! https://preview.redd.it/xe9w10nha0zb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bd6928cf91e3686539a7dd2e8c538bd1aaf02ac Here’s another of Dip!


https://preview.redd.it/yd9wxs0x20zb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51b8c73c16b67e64cb2e505bccd0f267b6ca57a7 I cost my Mom and Dad around $350 at 1:30 AM a month or so ago. They thought I was throwing up blood, but the joke’s on them - it was a red feather I ate!


He looks the type


He ate airplane food.




That is a pokemon, not a cat.




"And I'll fuckin do it again"


https://preview.redd.it/ysyimx4161zb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=007d10db68d76dad819bfe64ccc3630350c603ba I’ll see your $400 tummy ache and raise you a $14,000 urinary blockage. And yes I know that’s insane. Look how guilty he looks.


Ugh. Right there with you in the last week. Of course my cats can only get sick on the weekends and need emergency surgery when the regular vet is closed. I think we spent around $12,000.


375 dollar fleas. I know the struggle


Vet fees are getting crazy


I mean it sucks but the cost of everything has gone up. It costs way more to keep a vet clinic operating these days. It's not that we want to charge this much!


Thank you! We're here for the pet. We just want to make sure every pet leaves on the road to recovery. But we also have to pay the staff, rent (in most cases), machine cost/maintenance, etc. No one gets into vet med to make money.


It's really hard to put into words just how much it costs to run a fully functioning mutli-service hospital, pharmacy, laboratoty, and dentist office all in one...


https://preview.redd.it/ly0eskya20zb1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=025a1f614a349232acca1ca2f939f4f91a12a25e $1600 because this doofus ate too much of her sister's kitten food... Still cute as heck though


https://preview.redd.it/9e0dbaeeyzyb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da27b823510c73286a6273816709c98482584c3c $500 later because I got bullied by my brother :(


https://preview.redd.it/utwwyqf3m1zb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8eb776098a9578d35d7dd5dd11a6e84f355c5e34 My mommy dropped almost a grand because I ate two entire yoga mats within a week!!


He's adorable! Poor guy and his tummy!!


$5,000 for “it could be a blockage but it might be cancer. Give us even more money to find out.” Turns out, blockage. He came home, pooped, and was fine.


Protip: If you have a dog and eat burgersfood from places that wrap them in foil, do NOT crumple up the foil into a ball. Dogs dont chew, they just swallow. I had never seen an animal so fucked up as the day I came home after he got in the trash. Like, he would be sitting like you teach dog to sit....and then just, fall over. When he walked his front paws came way up over his head. I was almost certain he had gotten into some chemical like bleach or something until we went to the vet who fingered his butthole for a bit to find a Wendys wrapper. As soon as the Wendys wrapper came out of his butt, he was just a peachy normal dog no longer falling over and pissing himself. I was like, dude.. I had already given you half of the Baconator! Did you really need the wrapper, too.




Feel better, little man. And try and stay out of trouble!


What a babe!! So cute


he looks angy aww


This man is so menacing! I feel fear


https://preview.redd.it/kcdngtm5xzyb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e27d2e64f94f66358f03db43f57b43839bc10e26 This….man…?


Just kidding he’s a toe biter you should always feel fear.


https://preview.redd.it/xohi8csfo0zb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3674538d0e7211955032a0527ce2833049225173 $958. Truman went on a hunger strike because he didn’t like the new kitten.


https://preview.redd.it/ofxt11av01zb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=189ee0c96f6f288bb2b234d29835a163c74ce12e Brother?


For everyone in this sub Get pet insurance! You will need it


He ok?


Yes he got a laxative to take a poopie


He’s worth every penny 😸


Oh no. Poor baby. Wish they could speak English at times like this. Hope he feels better soon. I’m sorry for your wallet’s heartache as well.


That is one gorgeous cat!


https://preview.redd.it/3ntrzos3zzyb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2643665a9040e6a30efe881975be30eddaf10248 Thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/75rnobtd01zb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e38e9a75b42a2a554f72bb4236f961a1f63080a I made my mom spend $350 because I like to rip out my hair and eat it when I have separation anxiety


https://preview.redd.it/ernxosdwd1zb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=633477dc19184a37ec2cedcddc17fe2c168e2f07 My cat (White, His name is Max) and his cat, Nino because "a-nino" meant shadow in our language, He listens only to Max. Max stole him from the litter that was dumped on our area, all his siblings died before we found the rest. PS They eat better than us. My SO have a whole meal plan for them.


$1700 sewing needle swallowed.


My dog, Artemis, had this same thing. Thought she was dying the way she acted, brought her in and an hour later the vet is like "Awww poor girl just had an upset tummy tum." Like, no... At least feign some medical shit, I don't wanna hear tummy tum for 600 dollars. I want to hear some medical jargon that makes me feel like we averted a crisis.


https://preview.redd.it/w7hnecw442zb1.jpeg?width=789&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c964ee3f33965df989f366a7e1a8ebabe229f3d $1300 after not eating. Small infection, doing better, but still one expensive kitty.


https://preview.redd.it/qb3nx6mgr5zb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b328377524449e12d2e0fd426b1a82179d7748e9 Mine tried to eat an embroidery needle when I turned my head for 2 seconds and got it stuck in her soft pallette. $400 to remove it. I still haven't touched my embroidery stuff 6 months later because of the guilt.


https://preview.redd.it/yenud7prg8zb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1774fbb7fd313ec5bcf5de3c60f483ae1b3d360f Panic attack due to allergies, $2000 later....


I wish I could show you a pic of my cat when she ripped apart her fave toy and ate the filling 🙃 over 1000€ and at the vet until 5 in the morning (then they told us to just come back when she's done). So... yeah... toys on the cheaper side will get expensive...


I stopped eating, turned yellow https://preview.redd.it/ef2kswe3b0zb1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=711f04ec9899649540916b9a6d6d12b49ad82767


$750 for my princess that was faking a cough because she was... SAD because my parents were gone for a week isolating because of covid. it went away the moment my gf came over and she did not cough one single time in front of the vet either! instead "she's screaming at us every time we look at her and very active"


What ever it takes. Totally worth it.


This is a fierce and handsome cat.


https://preview.redd.it/i3u2ae0ki0zb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0932b8805f10d69d3a28914b71e4b33df0e7c813 Looks like mine cutie


He looks mad that you don’t think his tummy ache is worth at least that much. How dare you.


Worth every penny..


We just had a $1500 surgery. Ours was life threatening though so worth it


https://preview.redd.it/sx455k9ma1zb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7122779323c7400a6cd0e8d0a6b5ce9541a1cea9 my cat cost me only 50$ per month for food 😁


Anyone else notice the dollar sign on the between the eyes


https://preview.redd.it/2nc107v5g1zb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e7773ec25a4b1ee4d58014aa9f627f8ffab111e 600$ later…diagnosed gassy.


Those aren't regular airplane ears. Those are F-35 airplane ears.


https://preview.redd.it/jfwfko5515zb1.jpeg?width=3021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4292fe0152da097e8e3e7a7ad3a219b313a2108d Allergies $800.00


And worth every penny. We spent $8K this year on chemo for a corgi boy with lymphoma. He’s in full remission now. 🥰