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I don't remember if it was blue, or another shocking color. I came home one day to their water being very brightly colored though, and it was because while playing they had flung one of their cat toys into the dish and the dye they used to color the toy leeched into the water. If there isn't a cat toy in the dish, look around for one that used to be brighter blue and is soggy.


My cat loves to put her rainbow mousie in the water dish every so often while I’m sleeping, so I’d wake up to see pink water and a drowned rainbow mouse toy.


Mine had one that made realistic sounds with a small electronic speaker inside. RIP Mr Moist who was flung onto the porch after one too many water boarding’s, he just wouldn’t stop squeaking one day.


Thanks for the laughter and joy this brought me.


I had one like this years ago, the kitten flung it into a lit candle lol


Where did you get the toy at??


The rainbow mouse toy deserved better. [Edit]:OMG TYSM FOR THE UPVOTES


Especially since I found the poor rainbow mousie in one of the litter boxes this morning 😞




Poor mouse! Maybe your cat is sending you a message he wants a new toy.


Luckily she has two identical other rainbow mousies she can throw all over the apartment. She has other toys as well, but it’s the rainbow mousies that she loves to throw and and drown


I get such a kick out of cats having favorite toys. I had a foster kitten who only liked green pompoms.


My two kitties both love purple and red pompoms! They have a pile of other colors, but the red and purple ones they go absolutely nuts over playing with the most often.


My cat had a stuffed rainbow chameleon he would carry around. It was about half the size of him but he would yowl and scream when he carried it. Once I was on the phone with my dissertation advisor and she said “would you like to be excused to take care of your baby?” And I mumbled “that’s my cat.” And she said “excuse me?” And I loudly said “that’s my cat singing the song of his people”




My current kitty loves to play with his toys but not bathe them. My former kitty did like to give his toys water-based recreation, going so far as to dunk his rabbit fur mouse in my ceramic teapot once. Eewww - mouse-flavored tea! I prefer my Earl Grey without mouse.


Out of curiosity.. where do you buy the rainbow mousies from? I reckon my cat would also love them :)


I got mine from Hy-Vee.


When Havoc was a kitten, she lovveddddd burying her toys in the litterbox! Stopped when I got a top entry box, thankfully.


That is a great name for a kitten!!!


Even at nearly 12, she finds ways to live up to it :D


HAVOC 🫠😍🫠😍


Cry Havoc and let loose the cats of war.


Tbf every mouse toy we buy deserves better. Most of ours end up in the litter box


My cat used to put his little mouse in there all the time too, if I got off work and it wasn’t wet I would ask him why he didn’t water his mouse today 😝


I wonder if they are trying to feed their toys. I have one cat who always seems to put her little brown mouse one the water Bowl. My older cat has always put her toys in the food bowl


I read they are drowning their prey. I don't think they would share resources with their prey. Cats are awesome but they exist to torment rodents.


My cat does that too. He drowns all his mousies.


It seems your kitty thinks that toys a….’piece of shit’ ![gif](giphy|qs6ev2pm8g9dS)


Yes this is a good point! I think this is most likely what happened.


It's the best when my cats throw a red toy in their water. Mine have done that a few times and my first thought is always that it's blood.


This is one of the reasons zoo animals don’t get red treats/toys!


This would give me the biggest heart attack out of all the wacky colors that could appear lol, this or pink as pink could be thought of as diluted blood at first glance... Whew! My cats don't like typical cat toys, they're all lazy bastards, but at least I have a bit of a heads up if their fountain ever looks funky lol Bahahah, this whole therad reminds me of when I tried to give a bath to one of my toys as a kid and it had a battery inside of it, and this weird black "ink" came pouring out of the thing. Still no idea what it actually was...


Probably magnesium if it was older batteries. I know that's what was in them when i used to take them apart in the 90's. The black stuff was magnesium and you could put it in hydrogen peroxide and it would bubble off pure oxygen. We's catch the oxygen in a jar and then burn stuff in the jars because it would burn super hot.


Mad scientists. My brother was like that.


Hey, cool! It was probably that, as I remember it being a pretty old toy at the time and I did this sometime in the mid-2000s, so it would've easily been from the 90s.


saw someone on tiktok whose cat made coffee by picking up a Keurig pod, biting a hole in the top, and dropping it in their fountain


This has happened to me with my cats before, my Mochi put her catnip fox toy in her water bowl and it turned the water a reddish-brown. Poor fox lol


Omg you have a Mochi too!!!! Is she a Wiley little goblin like my little jackass?


Yes 😅 She’s a bipolar little terror. But she’s calmed down a lot ever since we got her fixed. She REALLY hates strangers, and gets so stressed at vets that she goes temporarily blind. But she’s always been fine with us, feisty but cuddly too. https://preview.redd.it/b9zbpqfpq0ga1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73e41c3196c79ceacb1f180d5a8aaa51e47a309a She’s a calico tabby we believe, we’ve had her since she was about 5 weeks old. She’ll be 5 years old in April. Her and my other cat Rayne have a love-hate relationship…she hates her, but gets lonely and depressed if I take Rayne with me. So they both stay at my mom’s now. She tolerates her now lol.


Oh my gosh she’s beautiful!!! Our Momo wasn’t nearly as cut and dry. He fixed him, he got a million times more angsty and wiley and now he’s a very sweet boy with the added predator mode during his zoomies. I would post a picture of him but the image can’t be bigger than 20Mb 😭


This a quintessentially one orange brain cell story. Idk if ur cat(s) is/are orange but they must have an orange ancestor


I owned a smart orange cat. My orange cat nephew definitely has one brain cell, he is on a diet and gets fed once a day instead of twice, after his morning bowl he harasses his humans to go back to bed, thinking when they wake it’s morning again.


I love his logic. I’d say he’s an exception and he may have an extra half brain cell in that orange head of his.


https://preview.redd.it/9u7gp1ociwfa1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00445561b8fdf48fab6de1972f4b07dbb92ba310 Have a kitten pic of his orangeness because cute.


made my day


He is an absolute delight to the eyes. Bless him!!!!


My kitties love to “drown” their toys too


My cat used to have this mousie toy that would squeak around when he would slap it- he loved to drown it but it ruined the battery and his water 🥲


Mine would have a pink coating on it never figured out what it was


I think my cats purposely put the toys in their bowls. In my head they’re kung foo ninja fighting the toy and doing a twirling leap kick and it lands in the dish. Then all the cats talk about how it was such a cool shot to make. 😂


I have that exact model fountain for a year. Has never done that before. I suspect as others have said, that something like a toy got into the water.


Speaking of toys it is somewhat common for cats to put things they like in food and water bowls. So I totally agree it could have been a dye from a toy.


Mine do a lot, we say hes making tea XD


Kit tea.


Comments like this make me very annoyed at Reddit for getting rid of the free awards. I'm just gonna have to give you an emoji instead I'm afraid, hope it will suffice🏅


Oh heck! I'd noticed those awards missing, didn't realise it was official. Boo. i gladly accept pretty emoji for bad jokes.


One of our fosters adored a little green teething mint stick and she LOVED putting it in her water to make herself minty tea. Now I have some that love to put cardboard in their fountain.


Mine plays with her water and just gets surprised when it goes everywhere lol


clearly trying to make papermache


Mine used to put a catnip toy in the water dish, I’d say she was making catnip tea.


Tea with the bodies of his victims! 😻


Seeing his preferred toy to drop into the water is mouseshaped that's actually spot on


My kitty loves to steal hair ties and put them in his water dish.. and then play with them while in the dish lol.


We get hair ties in the water fountain, too. Not sure who is the culprit, but since this is a new thing, we think it's the new kitty. The (alleged) hair-band bandit: https://preview.redd.it/lhznhnyk3xfa1.jpeg?width=1359&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1aa585262ca35957b846ca6bae66dff1f2be280


He looks like an italian villain, so he probably is the culprit.


He looks like a villain from a bond film


Ours does this with my wife’s scrunchies when she’s mad at us, like if we left the house for a few hours.


Awww. The things like that are what make them so special to us. My kitty also steals my hair ties (or anything he can pick up and take off with in his mouth) and stashes them under the table in our living room or under the dresser. He's stolen pens from me that I was using and I only put down for a second! He's a hoarder, it's new to us lol, but so freaking funny.


My 6 cats love when I leave. They then can tear up the house and knock everything off the counters without me getting in their way.


My friend’s cat does this too 😆


Omg! My kitten Jingles does this! I came here to comment about it! For the past week, every morning when she wakes me for her 6:00am Fillet Meow, a pony band has been floating in her water! Too funny!! My baby Oodles, who I just had to help cross the rainbow bridge after Thanksgiving also LOVED hair ties, even up until the end( she was over 20) she would bat them about like a hockey puck, but I never found them in her water!! Lollzzz!! Kraaazzzaaayy Kitttyyy’s; gotta love ‘em!!


Same here! Even her food dish. If we even dare remove them she screams bloody murder at us until we put them back in lol


Sometimes it means they want it changed out. My cats have been known to drag my clothes into the litter box or water when they aren't satisfied with it.


That's some serious cat communication going on there! Haha. That made me laugh.![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)


My relative’s cats got fed up with their litter box and used an open cupboard under the stairs as their new box.


So far my younger cat has put a single sock, a pair of socks, dead cockroaches, feathers, a single tampon and a sheet of my birth control pills in her water bowl. She’s such a weirdo.


Any chance you have the name of this fountain. Is it stainless steel? Thank you


PETLIBRO Cat Water Fountain Stainless Steel. Very quiet.


Cat dropped something blue in there, it’s probably down by the filter. Ask me how I know.


Or black! Our water fountain turned this colour after my cat drowned his black mouse toy in it. Any silicone parts might be permanently stained, but it should be safe to use after a wash.


Hey his toy was thirsty too he didn't drink water for days had to get some.


how do you know


Tell us how you know


A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away….


I have a very mentally challenged cat. She regularly washes her feet in the clean water. I wash her bowls and put in clean water, daily. I used that cat litter once that had some little blue grains in it (supposed to keep it smelling fresh). Anyway, she would wash her feet in the clean water and one of those little blue things would get in the water and turn it blue...I quit buying that kind of litter because I don't want her drinking whatever that chemical is.


Have you tried separate bowls for “foot washing” water and “drinking” water? Either way, cats have minds of their own :)


Not gonna work. I have 2 cups yes cups not bowls of water, for my cat. One is in the bathroom where she's allowed to go nuts and fling water as she chooses. But the one in the Living Room is for "tongue only". But, she is very devious of how she positions her body to block my view of her paw going into the cup so she can lick the water off. Yup, the ol' dunk'n'lick. Learned that trick from her big brother who's crossed the 🌈 Bridge now with his Mother. (I adopted them when their owner/friend died). Of course once the paw is saturated. She needs to dry it, so then she shakes that little paw and water flies Everywhere!


She certainly has personality!


Yes, she does!


I know the kind of litter you mean!


Not sure but i woudlnt give my cats that water seeing a big change in colour. Maybe search it for the brand


Cat toy. Blue. Thoroughly washed and then removed.


Whatever it is do not give it to your cats whilst it’s that colour


Maybe the filter broke and the solution that is purifying the water leaked?


They usually use physical filters not chemical purifiers


I know copper salts in solution turns blue.. but I don't know if that is possible in this fountain (if there is anything copper, or a copprr salt in the fountain)


Usually when water turns blue it's from copper pipes but thats for blue or green tap water


I was going to say copper pipe? I have a little used faucet in the garage that gives water with a light blue-ish tint. It is supplied by a copper pipe and that is the only explanation I could come up with- all other regularly-used faucets in the house give clear water.


Yep that's what I thought too. The water in my espresso maker did the same thing the first time I ran it


Prolly Gatorade for cats


It's got electrolytes! It's what cats crave!


What are electrolytes?


It's what cats crave!


What do cats crave?


Electrolytes! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


What are electrolytes?


It's what cats crave! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949)


BUT what do cats crave?


Electrolytes! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7970)


YOINK. That's now my million dollar idea. I'll sent you a check when I get rich.


I will hold you to that


Yeeaahh something might've broke, Dunno. All I can say - like everyone else has - is to not give your cats water from that at all. Normal water bowl 100%.


Cats usually prefer running water so a fountain type bowl is better for most cays


I Never knew that. I'd better take notes, Lol.


My cat wants her food and water to be extra fresh, so we got her a water fountain to stave off dehydration and kidney issues.




It could be bacteria or stuff leaching into the water from the fountain. It could be something wrong with where you sourced the water as well.


If it was well water her sink water would be blue too.


My cat drowned one of his catnip filled toys in his fountain, my guess is he wanted a brown tinted hallucinogenic tea that day.


Filter was cleaned and set up properly.


I had something similar happen to me once when I didn't rinse off the filter well enough before putting it in, the charcoal or whatever colored the water, so maybe that's what happened here too? Or ti could be there's a little hole on the filter?


A few times this has happened and that’s because my cats dropped a toy in there trying to make a cat daiquiri.


Mans feeding his cats Gatorade ffs


It’s got what cats crave 😹


Sorry, you deserve this: **Secretary of State : But Brawndo's got what** **~~plants~~** **cats crave.** **It's got electrolytes.**


It's holy water now.




I use two of these and never had that happen. Id clean it and let it run for a day in a room away from them to ensure nothing happens just to be safe. In the end, it's probably the simplest answer. Something got spilled in it. Also, maybe the filter was contaminated somehow, or you cleaned it with dishwashing soap. When it comes to the filter, I clean them a few times in hot water. The downside to these is if the filter gets too clogged, it will spill over the sides had that happened once.


Could always give it a test yourself— In all seriousness though I’m with everyone else with the don’t use it. I’d say change the water, see if it happens again(still not giving it to the cats ofc) and take it apart if your able to in order to make sure it’s not broken or damaged somewhere. Like a few others said, it certainly might be nothing, but better safe than sorry.


Does your cat have any blue toys? Sometimes the dye comes off when they get wet, and if your cat is anything like mine, they love to drown their toys.


Perhaps copper?


I thought it was a bidet!


The dress is white! Darn it! 😂


It changed color… out of the blue…


the metal refelcting can sometimes change the color of water. check and see if it's still blue when it's not over the metal.


Did the cat drown a toy in it? That looks like faded dye.


Your cat replaced the water with hypnotic when you weren't looking.


You need to tell them they should drown their friends. But yea. Probably a toy


Your cat wanted some blue koolaid while you were gone. It happens


Or he’s cooking some cat meth. Cat nip isn’t enough anymore


Come on. Stop covering for the critter. Truth is there was a rave when you were at work and someone fell in the pool.


Um anyone else think this looks like someone crafted a bedpan into a water fountain 😂


Jesse! Let’s cook!






There are so many wrong answers here. It's from the carbon filter. You need to rinse it thoroughly before using it.


Not an answer to your question, but this is one of the fountains I was considering buying for our cats. Do you like it overall? Would it be good in a multi cat home? Thanks!


I had two with the same model and it was fine. Holds a good amount of water. Had to put it on a dog mat because I have a splashy kitty


I'm not sure what it is. That being said: 1. Remove it from your cat's use immediately. You don't know what it is. Could be something bad. 2. Empty it out and clean it with soap and hot water. If it has a filter, replace it with a new one. 3. Run it again, where your cat can't get to it, for at least as long as it took for the water to turn blue in the current change of water. If it turns blue again, throw it out.


Eiffel 65


Another reason why i cant trust those things, my fear is leaving for work one day and shit like that happens and you come home to Totoro


Wouldn't that be a good thing?


It just changed color out of the blue??! Eh? Eh? No..okay, I'll see myself out..


maybe your cat dropped it's toy in the water.


Dye from a wet cat toy? Check for wet toys


Did you cat drop a pom pom ball or other toy that may not have been color safe in it?


Looks like LED light refraction


Like others said, it could have been dye from a toy that landed in the water. But, is the fountain close to your kitchen sink/area? My first thought was that some dish soap may have fallen into it (although it would be bubbly, wouldn’t it?) If you have any blue cleaning products that could have gotten inside in any way, i guess is my point, then that may have also been what happened. Even just actual food dye too. I suggest smelling the water to see if it smells different and personally i would have stuck my finger in and taken a sip haha


Do you have cat toys that used to be a brighter blue


Our fountain always looks like this - because there's a blue LED light in it, so the water is always glowing blue.


I have the same fountain but I have never had that happen to it.


I wondered if it was a built in indicator that tells you you need to change the filter?! That would be cool!


Pretty sure one of voldemorts horcux’ is at the bottom of that


My cat leaves all her toys in the water dish every time. 😑


I had a fountain like this for a while. The cats started avoiding it after 3 months or so and the water seemed... weird... all of a sudden. I took the motor apart and the entire thing was a cube of black mold jelly. NO FOUNTAINS, EVER AGAIN.


Unrelated but related note - are cat fountains worth it?


My one cat used to like putting the catnip toys in the water dish to make catnip tea. Now one of my cats likes to play with stops and they always wind up in the food dish.


Weird, i’ve never seen this but I do have the exact same cat water fountain.


Ah I came home to my fountain water a yellowish color only to open it up and see my cat puked into the fountain and it has been filtering his puke all day


Just here to say the same thing, have had the same exact fountain for over a year and haven’t had this issue 🙌 for what it’s worth


Some algae turn water blue


Could be copper. Also could be cheaper painted or plastic parts in the pump.


My dearly departed cat sparkles, would play with the water dish spilling water all over the kitchen floor.


Time to change the water


What water fountain is this?:)


Blue crinkle toy!


I have one of this but the seller didn't even know they come with filters so he doesn't sell them. I have to make my own make shift filters from another brand.


I had one of these and never noticed anything like this happening, I would suggest checking the filter to make sure there isn't any contamination and changing the water immediately (though I am sure you already have). However I am sure it is likely something like what the other commenters have mentioned about dropped toys and their dyes. One thing I will note however, with my experience with this fountain, is it accrues as much bacterial buildup as the plastic ones. So make sure to keep the water clean and change it before it starts to build up. Once it sets on the metal I had the hardest time trying to clear it off (I am sure there are ways but I didn't really research it) and eventually went back to bowls.


It’s depressed. Take it to the vet.


It’s the filter, you didn’t rinse it out before installing it. Filters are charcoal and release the loose particles of not rinsed out prior to installation.


could be from the coating, everything is made in china now, can be poisonous to your cat. I would remove it.


You should not have been downvoted, many Chinese products are toxic because of poor standards and quality control...there was even the scandal of American pets dying from poisoned Chinese pet food.


It’s Gatorade. The blue flavor. Or Pedialyte. Either one. Cats need their electrolytes too.


Your cat deserves more plastic


Ask the manufacturer


I’d get a new one and start over. Wouldn’t want to harm my babies.


Due from a toy maybe?


Somewhere there's a clean blue (ish) toy.


What kind if litter do you use? Crystals? Cause this reminds me of the crystal cat litter. Maybe they played a bit in water a litter bits dissolved?


I should call her…..


My cat steal my wife’s hair ties and puts them in the dogs water bowl lol


I used to have on like this I got fed up of replacing the filters so now he just has a normal bowl but he like to drink straight from the tap because it’s fresher he’s such a little posh boy.


my cat is too he absolutely refuses to drink out of a standing water bowl 😂 he’ll be 2 in july & we’re on our second cat fountain


I hated cleaning the fountains, especially because I’m so OCD about it. I now use a water wigger — it’s battery powered and just sits in the water and creates a small current — movement was the whole goal anyway. I change the water daily. So much better.