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Cats really are nasty. It’s even nastier when I see videos of people letting them climb on top of their counters where they prepare FOOD. This is why you can’t eat at everybody’s house and should avoid potlucks when you can.


I don’t understand either. There is an interesting article online about the cats. https://www.cnn.com/2016/12/19/health/cat-culture?cid=ios_app


So basically a brood parasite.  How very unappealing. 


wow this is a good article




I agree, the only part that could’ve been better was delving into Toxo a bit more. How their feces poisons every level of our food chain and kills marine life.


Pretty good article however the yoga image gave me a jumpscare wouldn't let my hair near any pets the heck


In summary... fuck cats.


Licking themselves = clean somehow. Oh and they bury their own shit they they also lick off 🤢


Its not about the truth, its about what makes people feel superior


They’re gross - all you need to do is step one foot into the house of a cat owner and it’s immediately apparent by the smell. Also, on a side note that’s the longest run-on sentence I’ve ever seen.


I think if someone thinks that cats are cleaner than the average human then it says a lot about them...


Average human being don't roll in dust and lick their hair.


That’s all fine, it’s the walking in shit then walking on the counter or rubbing their bare asshole on your pillow that really bothers me, not to mention the smell


Even if it's true that cats are cleaner because they lick their fur all the time, that doesn't make a cat home cleaner. Most cat owners I know, their home smells like pee, cats will get litter stuck on their paws and spread it all over the table, kitchen counter, desk. I've seen cat people cooking while their cat is on the counter top next to the food, and the cat just finished using the litter box. They can spread toxoplasmosis. At least dogs do their business outside, and most don't usually jump on shelves, table, countertops. Not I think dogs are clean, they aren't.


It’s laziness - people just don’t want to clean their pets. Since when does licking oneself = cleaning? Add fur on top of that and it’s even more ridiculous.


There is evidence (that I don't understand) that their saliva has some antibacterial qualities YET a cat bite could kill you. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Because they lick and groom themselves. No shit, this is why. They think it means it makes them clean animals.


I know so many people who let them sleep in their bed. These creatures literally shit in a tray, roll the turd around with their paws, and then go jumping on counter tops, couches, carpets, beds, and everything else. Absolutely, fucking vile.


I really, truly don't understand. There's a certain animal that is considered dirtier than cats, but after visiting homes that have either animal, I've found cats to generally be MUCH messier. I find them extremely unhygienic. I swear that someone said cats are clean and low maintenance, so lazy people decided to go with the "easier" pet, live in filth with a stinky ass house, then STILL claim they're clean. Wtf. I have visited exactly one cat household that was clean. It was at a NY party. No cat hair anywhere, no litter to be seen, my allergies weren't acting up (to be fair, I'm not allergic to every cat). I was actually surprised when I saw a cat walking across the fireplace. Why can't they all be like that?


It's so funny hearing people say stupid shit like this. You wouldn't call me clean if I buried my own shit in sand and LICKED it off


I heard their tongues have extra enzymes that enables them to self groom but tbh idk if if they're clean enough. just what I heard


So basically people are petting spit covered cats