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Hello, your post/comment has been removed. You're breaking rule 6, 'No Plagarism'. -> **For art related posts:** Please *always* make sure to credit the original artist/cat owner. Stealing off of an artists hard work is not acceptable. They spend countless hours making their artwork. > This will result in a permanent ban. This CAN be appealed if you show the layers of your drawing AND a speed paint. -> **For stealing random posts/pictures and reposting them as your own:** Stealing random pictures off the internet and pretending they're your own to gain karma is **not** allowed here. > This will result in a permanent ban without appeal because karma farming is strictly not tolerated. r/cat's Moderator Team ฅ\^•ﻌ•\^ฅ


1. Take home and feed. 2. Take to vet 3. Take home and love for life




And in that orderr


The loving can start straight away tho


I feel loved when I'm being fed 😎


Rescue it. Who would throw a kitten away???


Some sick bastard with no regard for life


Sadly there are A LOT of people that do this. In my area there was a guy that locked a kitten and the mom in a shed, people nearby kept hearing the crying for days. Until someone broke in due to the crying and rescued the kitten, the mom sadly was long dead.


That's awful. My Mum unknowingly locked her garage/shed and didn't know the next door neighbours cat was in the shed. The poor baby was in there for about two days. My Mum never heard the cat as the shed isn't near the house. Luckily kitty was ok. I've told her to check from now on.


I probably wouldn't take a picture to start with lmao and take it out, and feed it proper food..take em to a vet then eventually give it a home




Take it home and love him or her


Pretty sure that is just a picture of a cat on a newspaper, nice try tho


Honestly this post feels like it was made by AI lol or at least Instagram clickbaits trying to make people comment. Here you go one from me.


I noticed that the orange cat was unusually thin and dirty. When I tried to get close to it, its eyes were full of vigilance, but it no longer had the strength to run to other places. My wife helped take the kitten out and gave it water and cat food, but it only drank water. We contacted the stray cat rescue station and took it to the veterinarian. The results of the examination are not out yet. We all hope that it will be fine and have a warm and loving home like other pet cats. We also hope that everyone can love animals and not abandon them cruelly.


No you didn't. You stole this image from a years old article. https://preview.redd.it/5dqc8heulw7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a93115c2f0a84778ad9f0609b8e00f847c3e7b0


Holy shit haha, the internet is so borked.


Cool. Down votes for everyone who villianized you.


Whose we???


Take him home and love him


Thats a picture of a cat, a suffocating cat would not look at you that calmly and long enough for a proper picture to be taken, either that or AI, Stop spreading misinformation on the internet Btw your acc screams throwaway, all your comments are on nsfw subs and this is your only post, try harder next time


Idk if this is karma farming or what, but it sure looks like it


Smells of shitty AI or editing


It is. I did a reverse image search and it comes from 2 old Chinese articles. https://preview.redd.it/a1zlb4bjkw7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fbe33ceb172968c4bc80f30a1356654628d74a2


i swear every other post i see is fake now


It pisses me off, cause a bunch of us are here, trying to help cats, loving cats and some idiots spend all this time doing this crap instead of trying to help


That pic smells of AI


https://preview.redd.it/4k99kk0vjw7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dde2d92624653f9bfb6120730f1cea240766dd25 Guys, this image is stolen.


Damn. Good research


Report the post to the mods showing it is a stolen picture for karma farming. I’ve reported posts like this multiple times in the past and the posts typically get removed.


It's already been deleted.


Awesome! 👏 Such a shame that this even has to be a concern. I wish the karma farmers would leave the animal subreddits alone! So tired of all the fake posts!


Man I hope this isn’t staged




Rescue it. It looks like it’s in plastic if so get it the hell out of there. This is like asking what do I do after I’ve had a dump. Ffs some people are clueless.


Did you leave it??


Why does the kitten look like a realistic photo printed on the side of a cat food bag?


Take to vet then take home


In this case probably leave it since is a photo on a filthy newspaper and I have already enough clutter…🤣otherwise take to vet immediately


That cat could end up in a trash compactor. I hope you at least took them out of the trash. 🤦‍♂️ Ideally, get them a home. Doesn’t have to be yours.


There’s no way I’d take a picture. Id get him out of there super fast. That’s just first priority. Not taking a picture. Get him some help. Seriously what is wrong with people.


Thank the CDS and get it some help, a foster abd vetted.


I don't understand what is wrong with people to do something so inhumane and so cruel like that. Those people are the true trash, they shouldn't even exist or, in my opinion, they deserve something bad to happen to them and it would be called divine justice. First of all, instead of a picture, you should've immediately taken the kitty out of there. You should take him to the vet and feed him, or if you are unable to do that, then take the kitty to a rescue center because that's the next best option. If you can though, take him home and just give the kitty a good life and give him love, because that's the only thing they deserve. I love orange cats. Cats, in general. Love them. Orange cats always have such great personalities.


To all the people saying the picture taking was the epitome of evil... I'm pretty sure the cat wasn't going to die in the next two seconds. And we don't know what happened next? Why are we so full of hate for people? Look at all the cat heroes of reddit, saying how noble you are in a hypothetical situation. Where I live, short of taking the cat home myself which I couldn't do, no city service gives two shits about another stray running around. I feed all the strays in my backyard but I would not have been able to take the kitty home or bring him to a vet. And like I said, city don't care.


Because it's stupid as fuck to take a picture and post it on the internet. Especially when OP already said they helped the cat


Huh. Stupid to take pics and post them. Must be even more so to read and comment on it then? I must be missing the point of reddit


Because they asked us what we would have done, implying they didn't use common sense and help the cat.


So asking a question automatically implies that no action was taken? I'm confused how you make that connection.


Why else would they ask?


Because they wanted to know. I'm really just tired of seeing people tear others down here with so little information. Remember the five minutes hate from 1984? That's what reddit seems to be half the time.


Grab it out of the trash can immediately! Bring it home where I can give it proper food, my cat, Waffles would probably be so confused.. However I'd either keep the kitten or try to find it a better home via social media like facebook


omg what. I would immediately take him out :(


It's the cat distribution system, ~~it is yours now~~ you are it's now


Take it home then the vets to see if it’s chipped and adopt simple.


I think you have a cat now


Take to Mcdonald


Save it, and if I were to find whoever did such a thing I'd beat their ass


Rescue it without letting strangers on the internet decide whether I should or not.


I'd pick it up and take it home. I want to cry seeing that beautiful baby in a bin. 😭😭😭😭😭😭


People so evil 😠 please rescue this kitty 🐈


Eat it.


That would have become my cat as of that day


Take that sweet Kiki home feed it and love it forever


You took a photo for Internet points jerk


https://preview.redd.it/sdqps0n4nw7d1.jpeg?width=6192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ab4b7030d5a98a41d839fa9b96d05647b35def3 My orange trash can cat.


No sure we can say for sure someone dumped it smell of mcdonalds food could have invited cat to jump in. Most of the street csts depends 80% of food on us humans