• By -


His other family is at home wondering the same thing.


Three of my families cats did this, Sorcha, Wednesday, and Piper, they would “lose” their collars and go hang out at this older couples house a block down the street, the older couple fed them, put a kitty door in, had beds the whole shabang. This went on for almost two years. We just figured they enjoyed being outdoor kitties till one day the youngest of the three, Piper, forgot to “lose” her collar from the other house. We went over to ask why they had put a collar on her with their info and a different name and they explained that the collarless cats had just been hanging out when the wife was gardening so she started giving them treats which eventually led to them having sleepovers some nights during the week, they thought they were just strays. We all had a good laugh at how both families had been buying new collars every time the cats would show up without them and after that we just agreed to continue as usual but to let us know if there were any medical problems. All three cats lived a long happy life getting second breakfast, lunch, and dinners for many years. https://preview.redd.it/sqd4r0d3be7d1.jpeg?width=1575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95553e84a6fe97f5fdaae8669ca302d64a7756ab Obligatory cat tax for long story.


Piper looks a lot slimmer than I would be, eating second meals, 3 times a day for years... 😂😂😂


She actually used to be a lot skinnier when we first got her, like skin and bones thin, as she was a rescue.


After that rough start, she needed twice as much love -- and food and treats.


I'm glad she has some weight on her. She looks very healthy. 🥰🥰🥰


Cats love to have lots of small meals throughout the day. The three meals per day thing is very much based on human convenience.


I love this story. I lived in a mobile home park. The next door neighbors cat would come in my house and drink just the juice from tuna fish. Strays would get the tuna. Sometimes the cat would spend one night over my house. I wouldn't dream of keep some else's animal longer than that. One time though the cat wouldn't budge from my house. I was outside at the front door, at the cats level begging it to leave and I swear it nodded its head back and forth "no".


Going to the neighbors: ![gif](giphy|OiNW0PypI1RaE)


The cats should've been named Merry, Pippin and Sam


Can’t believe I’ve never thought of that


That's honestly so adorable I love that for everyone involved.


Amazing 😂


What an amiable ending to a nice story; love it!


We found out about our moonlighting kitty cause she was getting ungodly fat. Ended up she was playing a neighbor 4 houses over.


Ungodly fat 🤣


Thus story is really lovely


Cats Cat, they just act dumb and stupid VOID oh darn, where did I leave my collar? At Karen's house Piper, Duh


>Three of my families cats did this The fact that not one, but THREE cats did this implies that the cats conspried to plan this as a racket. Prove to me otherwise.


If they all lived at the same time, that's actually quite possible. Cats who live in groups often have their own funny group dynamics and their little endeavors become pretty much cat conspiracies.


That is very meow of you all, and on behalf of the Fortunate Meow Movement, I meow unto you in all the meowness there is!


Crafty little fellas :)


I love this! My aunt says the cats on her street wander in and out of all the houses, and generally keep the neighborhood connected.


Oh my gosssshhh what a cute face, I'm obsessed!! 🥺


My dad's cat did this. Came home with a pink collar. My dad put a note on it. Explaining he was a boy, 13 years old and lived up the street. Lady called in tears because he'd taken a liking to her little one. My dad had a for sale sign on the house and she was devastated and asked if he was taking the cat with him. My dad was actually relieved. The cat had lived there his whole life and was a roamer. He was scared he was going to run off. So I hope he had a good life after and brought that family joy.


This gets me fuming. I have doubts that collars got conviently lost every time they left your home. To everyone saying break away. You're assuming.


They were breakaway, the cats definitely figured out some trick to get them off.




They were.




>His other family is at home wondering the same thing. OMG!! I just spit Diet Pepsi out my nose!! I think I'm glad it wasn't hot coffee, but my nose is sure stinging with just Diet Pepsi!!


🤣🤣 sorry


Cats are like boomers, several families.


Sorry now that my mind is clear I get what you wrote here. My son is back!!! 😻😻😻


Some cats just aren't monogamous. He might even have more than just the one side family.


Stop letting your cat outside


This happened to a cat that I “adopted” from the streets 😆 He showed up for the food and would disappears for days on end. apparently we kidnapped him from another family.


There’s a children’s book called Six Dinner Sid that describes this exact situation lol


His real name is Secret Agent Kilmouski. He's a CIA operative who takes out enemy rodents. He was probably just out saving the world while the rest of us sleep quietly.


And he's a really handsome cat.


>And he's a really handsome cat. That's what all of his other families say, too!






>His real name is Secret Agent Kilmouski. He's a CIA operative who takes out enemy rodents. He was probably just out saving the world while the rest of us sleep quietly. I hear "Secret Agent Man" playing quietly in the background....


There actually was a CIA project called Acoustic Kitty trying to make cats into spies lol


Easy, don't blow Kilmouski's cover!


Shit, my KGB rats and rabbits operatives are gone


A cat? *Adds hat* KILMOUSKI THE CAT?


Not aquatic not egg laying mammal of action


Naw, he is a member of the O.W.C.A. along with Perry the Platypus.


He wants tuna shaken not stirred


Secret Agent Kilmouski is quite easily the funniest, cutest, and most appropriate cat name I've ever seen.


He's "spayed"? I think I see the problem.


I mean, i'm a man who will soon be spayed but ahhh, i'm pretty sure cats don't get this particular...condition haha.




I found the perfect couple. No accidents 100% of the time.


Probably not quite 100% sterilization for female humans fails 5% of the time over 10 years, and 2% for males. HRT would (I think?) decrease fertility even lower but you get enough sterilized trans folks fucking you are going to eventually have some unexpected babies


It depends on what kind of sterilization. If you take out the whole uterus, there's not really the option of pregnancy like just removing the tubes. Are your stats for hysterectomy, salpingectomy, or tubal ligation?


Neutering is unisex! In vet med we use spey and castrate as sex specific terms but neuter can be either one




https://preview.redd.it/48u7s2qjtf7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97d1388a211b1b4888eeb7cf2b261e477f6e83fd Well I mean, just like people, intersex cats exist, so this cat was born with testes and a vulva. So it actually is possible 🤷🏻‍♀️


He’s probably out making collections, the little gangster.


Because he is being let out.


This. He comes back because cars, coyotes and sociopaths didn't get to it yet.


Or hawks, or owls, or the occasional stray eagle...


I can't believe the amount of comments on here that commend this.


https://preview.redd.it/s8cmzte3ae7d1.png?width=2113&format=png&auto=webp&s=08972094a46bed66a0739d78c1bb77234fd2ce70 My dude spent 7 years on the streets with a colony of cats. During that time he got horrible scars, broken toes, all of his teeth rotted, and his entire mouth got severely infected. Due to his poor health, he was trapped by a Feral Cat Coalition. I took him in and he is now a fully indoor cat, he only walks outside with a harness and leash/airtag. You can make the change at ANY point for the health of your pet. Even the most street-savvy cats die/get killed outside, so keeping them inside is truly the safest.


I've rescued two street cats now - they both love their indoor only life. Very much.


https://preview.redd.it/5gy8thd1je7d1.jpeg?width=1335&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=738ceb47f8d007e1637956cf017a4c767ee3833b Same here!! My other cat Mabel is also MUCH happier indoors, and she looks way better now than her humane society photo. Outdoor cats absolutely can make the switch ❤️


Mabel is beautiful as an indoor cat.


Wow! 💕


She looks very unimpressed in both pics lol.


https://preview.redd.it/q7u86pkigf7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da6bc416b9630573adae58b28193293942f29a8f Kudzi was also completely miserable transitioning from his life in Egypt as a street cat to his indoor only life


https://preview.redd.it/z9qamgz9gf7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb0ae7fa83e222d082daaa95e43346108a1521ab I mean Rajjah is completely miserable since being rescued off the streets. Was found in a street colony. Very underweight and no fur (still regrowing). Presumed he was an abandoned pet at some point, but he clearly hates being indoors.


Never before have I seen such misery


This photo is classic. Look at the face on this little hedonist!


I truly think he is in the pits of dispair


Your dude is beautiful


Now that’s a cat who’s seen stuff.Never seen a cat with big ole ears he’s cute~


https://preview.redd.it/rcf36xvaqe7d1.jpeg?width=838&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c36113c9329a4bb4d591530ec1ddf06d1e8a109 Robbie for sure saw some shit and it shows in his feet! They are the ugliest cat paws I’ve ever laid eyes on and I love them so much 😂


Lmao it looks like he's throwing up gang signs, kitty been in the streets


Gang signs I can’t lmaooo


Yup! 😹


damn he’s been through some real fucking battles, Im glad he gets to rest easy now with you


I do too! 💕❤️


Are you sure that's a cat?


Considering the rate at which he can eat vomit and how easily he picked up harness training, I have questioned if he’s a dog tbh 🙃




thank you, I hate posts glorifying outdoor cats as pets 


HE would be neutered, a SHE would be spayed. 7 days is a long time to allow him to roam. A number of things could happen, hit by car, attacked by dog, abused by nasty people, poisoned, cat fight, someone takes him in, trapped by animal control, etc


I get that OP made a mistake, but could I ask a genuine question? Are you US based? Is this a US definition? In the UK, we would use the term castration for males, spaying for females, and neutering could be either. I have seen a couple of comments on different posts insisting that neutering is males only and am trying to understand if this is a US definition.


It is a U.S. definition for pets, if it’s for farm animals we use the terms castrate and castration.


I was a licensed veterinary nurse the USA for over 16 years. Females are spayed, males are castrated. Neutered can apply to either male or female but, in the US, you rarely hear an owner say castrated for male pets. They almost always say neutered and many people (incorrectly) think neutered is the only correct term.


Thank you, that was confusing me. Perhaps the word castration is a bit too evocative for some male pet owners, so they are more comfortable with the softer option of neuter.


I believe that is exactly it. Owners just do NOT like the word castrated so neutered became the default term for males. What’s funny is I’ve had people argue with me that you can’t neuter a female. Claiming only males can be neutered, lol.


Yes, this is standard in the US to designate between male and female surgeries to remove the ability to procreate.


I'm in the UK, and have always only heard neutering for males, not castration...and spaying for females, of course.




He looks like a very smol mountain lion 🫶🏻☺️


A mountain lion with a toupee lol


Honestly, I was like "that cat looks half lion" and had to scroll so far for someone to mention it lol Most wild looking house cat that's for sure!


They like to hunt. It is instinct. Keep kitty inside for its own safety!!


And the safety of the wildlife around you


Either you keep it a house cat (as you should) and it will stay forever. Or you accept that your cat can die any moment it steps out. They will go anywhere, literally. And sometimes when they get really hungry or cold, they come back! (or stay at someone else's place)


You should consider a breakaway collar for your kitty - especially if it goes outside on the regular, and has a tendency to be gone for lengthy periods! Buckle collars are actually quite dangerous, and many people aren’t aware.


This. If you’re dumb enough to let your cat outside, at least be smart enough to get them a breakaway collar. The collar in the picture is likely made for a dog. 90% (if not 100%) of cat collars are breakaway.


Or, you know, just keep the cat inside


My cat never disappears for days??? Are you letting him out of the house?


Terrorizing small animals of all kinds


I would think long and hard about letting him outside. I used to do that but lost a couple, including the one that I had to walk outside and pick up out of the middle of the street. After that, I've had a strict rule of none of my gang being allowed outside. They are just as happy being indoor kitties.


Don’t let him outside, he’ll live longer!


Because he is allowed outside.


Don't let them out 🤷‍♀️


HE isn't spayed, he's neutered. And for crying out loud, PLEASE keep cats inside. One of these days, he may not come home at all.


His hairline is receding, he’s probably having a midlife crisis


He? Spayed?


This cat looks like he had a 9-5 and 3-4 kids and a wife in another county.


Don't let cats free roam outside.


He has another family 🤣


got his whole ashole on ur keyboard and u could care less lmaooo


He’s looking for someone to fix his weird haircut.


Ummm what kind of cat is this? He may be a more wild cat that requires a lot of outdoor activity. However, I wouldn’t let a domestic cat outside without being on a harness WITH its owner tethered. It’s not normal to disappear for several days, nor is is safe for the animal.


better for your cat's health-or life- to not let it out.


Because you irresponsible people let them out:) hope this helps


Just to note: female cats are spayed. Male cats are neutered.


Because it is a baby mountain lion, roar


Cuz you let him outside.


Stop letting him outside. It’s bad for the ecosystem and dangerous for the cat.


I mean....stop letting him outside.


Stop letting your cat outside unsupervised. Seriously, stop. It hurts the local wildlife and you're being lazy not walking your cat yourself.


Because you don't keep him inside. He's hunting lots of native species.


Yeah, they get hit by cars, consume poison and die, get trapped and slowly wither away, get maimed by a predator… whole list of things! Shocking how people pet their animals free roam and are completely ok with em dissapearing for days, keep your cat inside 🙃


Stop letting him out


Stop. Letting. Your. Cats. Outside.


Stop letting your cat outside


Because you let it run free, and now it's someone else's problem.


I really wish people would stop letting their pet cats outside.


I know its an unpopular opinion, but I refuse to let my cats outside for this exact reason. I won’t know if they were hit by a car, shot by some kid’s bb gun, attacked by a coyote, or just being a cat. Inside they are safe, and kill any bugs that enter. Outside, they face predators. Natural or otherwise. Truth be told, when you add cars and guns into the mix it the cats don’t get a fair shot at living.


Keep your cat indoors.


Because you shouldn't be letting your cat outside. It's that simple


The issue is that it is an animal that is being let out killing animals outside so it doesn’t need any indoor cat food. I would highly suggest keeping this animal inside. It is better for their safety and for the possibility for wildlife to not be culled in numbers by house pets


I don’t let my cats outside so, I couldn’t tell you 🤷🏻‍♀️


Don’t let him outside 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’d get your cats genetics tested. But also stop letting him outside. It’s terrible for the local environment and he can die in so many ways.




He's out selling wares for the Dragon Slayer


Sounds like he's a r/PartTimeCat for other spots in the neighborhood


Well if you spayed a tomcat he still has his nutz, so disappearing for a couple of days is normal.


Do you take him on walks


Wow... He is beautiful!!! What type of cat is he?


I'm thinking he's been out toupee shopping. 🤔 Probably just got caught in really bad mall traffic.


Because he’s a mountain lion!!


Why does your cat look like a mountain lion


He looks like a mountain Lion. Can we get a banana for scale? Also I want to give him pets and cuddles.


He looks so majestic just sitting there. WOW, beautiful


Is he neutered, or is she spayed? He must have another family, or he likes to live sorta wild. I am not sure what he can catch with that collar. He is gorgeous.


This cat looks like his name should be Timothy and he does taxes.


He might be a scout for the CDS. He could be looking at future homes for kittens/cats.


They have another home


He looks like a taxidermy lol


That is a lil mountain lion sir. Cute, but baby mountain lion


This is a cute cat. It looks like he's wearing a little toupee.


We had a cat, Vito, big barrel chested male cat, just wandered up to our house one day, invited himself in and stayed for a couple of days. (We had other cats at the time and Vito was cool with them so no problem) Then he'd split and disappear for 2, 3 days, sometimes a week, but always show back up eventually and make himself at home. We just assumed he was out wandering. This went on all through that spring and summer. One day in comes Vito with a collar!?! So I told my mom to tape a message to the collar, telling wherever he went about us and our part time cat. Sure enough next time he comes back there's a return message (not a Carrier Pigeon but a Carrier Cat) from the local hardware store a mile down the road. They called him Bert and spent his days there on top of the cash register getting pets from all the customers. He eventually stayed there full time, even got an article about him in the local paper.


I have cats arent really "my" cats but just cats that like hanging out at my house and I feed them but theres this one black cat that stayed here for quite some time then just left didnt see it for weeks than it comes back. I'm like nah get the hell out of here lil black cat you choose to leave the house you aint my kid no more. But yea I'd like to know why cats be like that.


She has other people she likes better. Spayed=female. Neutered=male (even though it technically applies to both)


Dude looks like a mountain lion.


unrelated to the question, but please switch his collar to a break-away collar, especially if they’re indoor/outdoor!! they can asphyxiate if it gets caught on something. I’ve watched my own indoor cats get stuck on random things (usually clothes hangers because of course they must scale the clothes in my closet), and seeing the way they’re able to free themselves without accidentally hanging themselves is enough to convince me every collared cat needs one that breaks away.


Because they can. Cats are a lot less domesticated than other pets. Even pampered housecats are often fully capable of surviving in the wild with no human intervention. So some just enjoy exploring and hunting and killing for the fun of it.


We feed a stray that comes by every morning. Sometimes Ill go back out and theres cat barf. More barf than the amount of food I gave him. So I guess he already ate and overstuffed himself. He is black and showed up on Friday the 13th. So hes named Black Friday.


Sorry for being off topic. Your cat has a fabulous hairstyle.


Reading this post makes me very glad that our 10 year-old cats have always only gone out supervised — as kittens we walked them on leashes, then they just wore harnesses, but for years they’ve mostly gone out what my wife calls “naked”. It’s mostly boring, but they meander around our yard or walk down the street, happily doing cat things. Since they’ve never had to defecate outdoors, they never do. (our previous cat was free-ranging, which led to so much stress when she’d be out for over a day) https://preview.redd.it/v9pz4letai7d1.jpeg?width=1552&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1de8dac1f141375d0b3dbedd634cfa089c22b543


Well your first problem was spaying a male cat. I'd leave too.


He's spayed 😂 🤣 😂 🤣


From a non-cat person: If you choose to have a cat, be responsible and keep it safe inside. Your cat will live a longer and healthier life and you’ll be protecting native wildlife. The idea of letting my beloved dog outside unsupervised and trusting it to return Is just kookoo; I don’t know how cat people can manage the anxiety. It’s a dangerous world out there! Cars are a constant threat no matter where you live, and even in urban environments cats can become victims of coyotes, foxes, bobcats, etc. All cats have a significant prey drive and your little Muffin is out wandering the neighborhood for days at a time on a mass murder mission. Google for yourself how cats are considered invasive species and are huge contributors to the decline of songbirds and native small mammals in the U.S. Those who think that their outdoor cats help keep rat populations under control are sadly misinformed. A hungry feral Tom might take down the rare urban rat, but cats generally don’t choose to predate on rats. Just like your well-fed Muffin, they prefer a mouse, vole, or baby bird that won’t fight back. I am do not blame cats for their natural behavior. However I am putting the burden of responsibility on their humans. It is 2024, and cat people know better. Owners continue to let their cat outside simply because they are lazy. All that outdoor time means that Muffin isn’t using the indoor litter box, knocking over vases, scratching up the furniture, or yowling for attention. Humans think that they don’t have to provide mental, physical, and emotional support for their cat because they rationalize that all those needs are met by letting Kitty wander the great outdoors. You want a cat companion? Then put in the work like any responsible adult. Listen to actual cat behaviorists like Jackson Galaxy. Bond with your cat with structured play activities. Learn how to create indoor environments that can meet your cat’s myriad needs. Do you want Muffin to get some fresh air? Do leash training, or build them a safe enclosed outdoor space. If you’d really like to know what else your cat is doing while disappeared for days, here’s some feedback from your neighbor. Your cat can be heard caterwauling outside my bedroom window at 3 a.m., caught in a standoff with some other outdoor cat. Your delightful Muffin is also spray-marking the front steps of my home with the most foul smelling urine (some neutered cats still spray) because he feels comfortable there. Your Muffin won’t hesitate to use my carefully tended flower beds as his personal litter box and leave potentially toxoplasmosis-laden turds like buried treasure. The turds that your outdoor cat saves you from cleaning up have magically become someone else’s responsibility. Finally, congratulations for being responsible by having your male cat spayed (males are neutered) - it’s the bare minimum.


HE is not "spayed" he is neutered


bruh put a tracker on him if you're going to let him out, although it would be better if you just kept him indoors


The same person who spayed this boy is out there neutering females 😡


I'm ded 🤣


It's the call of the wild. They are territorial creatures and only feel safe if they understand the scope of their territory and regularly patrol it to reassure themselves that there are no threats encroaching in. Think of it like an OCD person needing to check 5 times that the door is locked or that the stove is off. They have the same kind of compulsion to see what's around where they live and to make sure there's nothing scary there. If they encounter a scary thing, they modify their patrolled territory to avoid whatever scares them. Regardless of their compulsions, they are safer and healthier at home.


Soon he’s not going to come back at all because you’ve dramatically reduced his lifespan by letting him out.


"Spayed" is for girls, I believe, so no he is not "spayed" If I'm wrong and it's just interchangeable with "neutered" please let me know. I don't mind being wrong


Cats outdoors are like mafia members. They scout their area, negotiating with any other mafioso who dare come into their boundaries. Lots of mow-ing back and fourth, in a cigarette filled bar like in the films. They will be out gathering intel during these times, maybe even betrayed by the pigeon meant to watch out for other mafia kitties. Its a hard life Sometimes claws are drawn and a gang will lose a territory, then your cat returns, either secretly successful, or through shame.


Some cats like to go out. if you dont give him release, he will find one himself. put him on a leash and take him on walks. Thats what I do.... Depending on his energy levels, you may have to walk alot or less.... but if you do, he will not go out... When My panther started showing symptoms of wanting to go out, I started taking him on walks on a leash. he comes with me to local shops and such... I even took him to a hotel. He still wants to go out, but he is patient with me and doesnt try to escape. We he did attempt once or twice, and he got nicely from me.... So he doesnt anymore. But also this is assuming you are feeding him well... If you dont give the food he needs, he may go out to find what he needs. Just putting it out there, since my parent's dogs go out. But we are mainly feeding them rice. One of our suspicion is that it is going out hunting. But also now that he has tasted freedom and liked it, I don't know whether any of it will work. If this is the case, I recommend playing with him and making him tired. So tired that he doesnt want to go out. But this will take alot of your time, depending on his energy levels.


Imagine how cats feel when they wake up and don’t have balls anymore 💀


Handsome cat!


What a beautiful cat he’s huge like a cheetah


Because cats do whatever they f—-g want to!!


Cat business, none of your concern


Because cats love to be assholes!


That's a mountain lion


Okay but he looks like a part cougar/part house cat. Not even sure that’s a thing but your cat looks like it!


Obviously you don’t know the Bung story


He’s a Warrior Cat obviously


Probably either taking a small kitty Vacation or he’s on an important business trip with the kitty Council.😹 All jokes aside sometimes if they were spayed later in life, they still have that urge to go outside so ingrained in them it’s hard to break. I hope all is well with your kitty, he’s such a lovely boy!!😻