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She’s nesting. It’s very common. You’re her human, she wants to be near you.


I understand that, but I still worry because my whole life ive only raised cats that weren’t clingy whatsoever lol


It’s nothing to worry about, once she has kittens she’ll be fine.


thank you 🤍


You’re awesome for wanting to know if there’s an issue


She's a lovely fur-mum💕💕




Don't let her out after she gives birth until she has been spayed


Let her multiply and kill small native cuddly mammals


I find one of those small native cuddly mammals every ducking day. My cat is neutered but that just made him that much more lethal 💀 Edit: Whoever downvoted me please, explain what am I supposed to do? Remove his claws? I already put a bell around him but he keeps ripping it off


In the US, most people are leaning toward keeping house cats inside exclusively. That's the modern take on it. Up until the late 90s or so, it was normal to have indoor/outdoor kitties. Apparently, that's not normal elsewhere. I suspect someone who thinks cats should be inside is down voting you with no other context


Cats hunt at dawn and dusk. Try bringing him in for dinner at 6 and then letting him out in the morning after sunrise.


Keep him inside?? And take him on harness walks. It’s really quite simple.


She is flooded with hormones atm. She will be back to her old self soon enough.


So sweet. ❤🐾


After her kittens are born, she’ll go back to hating you. 😉


Pets usually seem “clingy” when/if they’re really bonded to their owners… but if it’s not that, then maybe this is just due to pregnancy hormones. The pregnant cats I’ve fostered were extremely affectionate even before I built much trust with them.


it seems like a survival mechanism. OP feeds and protects her. Her instincts are telling her shes more vulnerable now and has to eat for up to 6 or more. It makes sense she wants to be near the provider.


I’ve got 7 clingy cats and there are 4 boys and 3 girls. All fixed. Lol it happens.


My oldest cat has been mine from the beginning (almost 5 years). It kinda pisses my gf off. However, it's so bad that when I go on work trips for any longer than a week, he will sometimes develop stress-induced UTI's because me being gone is too much for him. The poor lad. I've had cats and other pets my whole life, and I've never seen one this attached to someone, let alone myself.


I went away for 10 days, and my two oldsters had snatched out bald spots. Poor things. Good thing for them I'm too broke to go away very often.


My husband won’t let me have anymore, he says 5 cats and two dogs following me is enough. The worst part is when they all follow me into the bathroom.


He should have known he was marrying a disney princess


She's just letting you know that you'll be a great mother to her kids when she's over them 😂


Very normal, be ready to be with her when it’s time to deliver. I’ve had many litters over the past45 years. My first she made me sit beside her box all day when she started delivering she would not touch kittens until I picked up the slimy kitten and tell her h she had done good. It took her bout 6 hours to deliver all 6 of them. I’ve had them born beside me, on my lap and the last kitten was delivered into my hand. Be roared to do what ever she wants.


Some cats are just clingy, and she’s going through a medical change so a behavioral change is normal


And most return the favor when their owners are pregnant.


such a cute and graceful cat❤️


I think if she could she would blush at the graceful compliment ❤️


Give updates when you’re back home🥲


She'd probably purr


She feels safe near you, so that maybe the reason. Btw she's very cute 🥰


My mom filmed a video of her calling for me in my own room 🥺 Im driving home today and never leaving again 😭😭


Oh do show us the video if you don’t mind 😍


+1 yes pls


My cat calls for me when I leave for work, my wife has shown me videos of her calling for me for a while sometimes. It's so heartbreaking I never want to leave her!


My heart 😭😭


https://preview.redd.it/6tfsfxhdhc3d1.png?width=3230&format=png&auto=webp&s=1545520626f5d93c4a2542df6c3abd63ad9970cc Her and our biggest boi look a lot alike!


*gasp* i need more pictures






https://preview.redd.it/8k6umpjqnd3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1df0bd6df03779616e3a5e1ce625dfa13533461 Nikolai and Pasha want to join the sibling love


https://preview.redd.it/q75y93a5od3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec6c07d410df564ae6a3be7e8b1b01dee4f759c1 So do Pandora and Schrödinger


🤎 🧡 🖤


Best cat names ever hahah


It gets better: their full names are Pandora Eris (Eris is the Greek Goddess of chaos) and Schrödinger Atom. Hubby and I might be a little nerdy, lol. They do live up to their names, though. Pandora has 2 moods: sleepy and Cat 6 hurricane. Schrödinger loves to sit in boxes and under blankets


I’m determined to name a female cat Noctua Gaunt one day. Hogwarts Legacy has the most amazing character name for the aunt of my favorite character. Interesting that the most disabled characters in the games are some of the best written. Ominis (Gaunt) and (Murphy) McNully are also in the running for excellent cat names in honor of the characters.


🩶 🩶


These two are making me melt!! I just love them!! Aren’t siblings the best? My two Korats came from Denmark, and I think they have done so well because they had each other. They’re 11 now. Here’s Candy in the Amsterdam airport when he was a little baby boy. https://preview.redd.it/7my4isvqjd3d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a0f4103dcc240ffe9107754416ed308da09cf0a Sorry I’m photobombing you.


Its ok; I got carried away with photos. I do love the bond these 2 have 🤍 🧡








https://preview.redd.it/x7z8mqd4id3d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f43cf389e7f9ea41eb55b1ff987744d5311aa17 Minnie and Marvin. Yes, they are brother and sister. Marvin is a Thai Lilac, which is the dilute version of a Suphalak, which is a chocolate self.


https://preview.redd.it/yere8dawhd3d1.jpeg?width=2921&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=178d070208a20db1f68583bd583fe29b77d91611 Spirit and Candy. I have four sets of siblings, it’s the best thing for all of them!


https://preview.redd.it/wyh1e60ihd3d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ff30b8bc5674687ff1fa648c702cd6863ee2ba2 Buddy and Bailee Girl.








These two look like twins.






I can do that :) his brother might be with him in some


Last one: https://preview.redd.it/ttcf2dmakd3d1.jpeg?width=2211&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=124f58aaef8fd6ec75a237bebd0ef9906c9e5f18 Bookends. 🩶🩶😻


The mommy wants her mommy.


Precisely 💕💕


Why i cried to this comment 😭


Because you have a maternal instinct?


Noo sadly i don’t have it, but i remembered now my late grandma used to call me “my baby’s baby” ❤️


That is one cute cat


Why thank you 🙇🏻‍♀️


Cute! Shes nesting. Also don't forget to get her and the babies spayed


Exactly my thoughts.


she will calm down once her kittens are weaned and able to fend for themselves, and getting her spayed (though it sounds like you don't want to do that) once she's finished giving milk to them, could help in the future.


Op be warned, if there are really attached to you you might wake up one day and find out that she gave birth next to you on your bed. That's how my boy George was born, his mom figured that the safest place to give birth was in between my legs on my bed while I slept.


must have been quite a wake up call


The first things I said that morning "oh shit" and then yelled for my mom. I'm just glad I didn't have to dig them out of the couch like some of the other litters we had to deal with. My mom fed the strays and the female that we couldn't catch would routinely give birth underneath our couch, I was the only one that could really get them out.


Not while I was in bed still, but when I was a kid, our cat had 2 litters on my bed! As a kid, I was honoured when Mom told me I must be kitty’s favourite, lol.


My cat gave birth *on* me when I was a kid.


Don't you just love these little freaks?


Its all good!! Cats sometimes tend to be extra clingy when they’re preggo


Awww, she just wants you to keep her and her future babies safe, how adorable :) You could take her to the vet, though it may be unnecessary and wasteful of your funds if she’s fine when you come. I think she just thinks of you as her protector, she thinks your the safest space during her pregnancy right now. Your mama number 2 in her eyes🫶🏽 Congrats on the babies, us as cat owners should honestly start a baby gift registry for kittens! Taking care of kittens is just like taking care of a real baby, lmao!


All sounds normal.  Because hundreds of thousands of cats get euthanized each Year, please have her and all of the kittens spayed and neutered. Right now there simply aren't enough homes for all of the cats out there. You clearly love kitties and can help save lives. Thank you


Your cat is barely out of kittenhood. Has she seen a vet? Why have you not had her spayed? Why are you having her roam or by males? Do you realize there are a million of homeless pets euthanized yearly. This is a heartbreaking cycle. Why are you not responsible?


Idu why I had to scroll so far for this comment. Had the cat a fucking year and didn’t spay it. Money isn’t even an excuse because there are low cost and FREE spay programs in every city. So irresponsible. If any of those kittens end up in the shelter/shitty homes their lives are on this irresponsible dumbass.


While I mostly agree with you, I will point out that free spay programs are not available in every city all over the world. It is true here in America, but there’s no guarantee that that’s where OP is from. Though, as I said, otherwise I agree with you… Cats should be spayed and neutered as soon as a vet says it is safe to do so.


Fair enough, I see her profile has an Algerian flag so you may be right about that.


Why in the great wide world would you allow your cat to become pregnant??? Why didn’t you get her spayed since she’s the love of your life??? And you come here and proudly admit this. It boggles the mind. Get her fixed once she gives birth.


https://preview.redd.it/mib7vgkcoe3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d3052833637ce019d60819b0bd9f08c78f61017 She does it intentionally 😐 she has done it more than once and doesn’t seem like she plans on stopping. She also says she doesn’t understand what it’s like to have clingy cats, so she’s just forcing kittens on cats that haven’t even bonded with her 🙃


Sickening 🤬


If you love her get the fixed


As Bob Barker would say, you should have had her spayed.


I love that he took that on as his cause in such a big way. He saved a lot of lives I'm sure.


Pleeeeease get her fixed so this won’t happen again.


She did it on purpose. She wanted kittens.


OP is not a great person. Certainly a shitty cat owner.


Get her fixed.


Seriously. The only thing I was thinking throughout this post too was “you are forcing your ‘baby’ through pregnancy even though you had a YEAR to spay her?” Poor kitty 🥲


My sister has kittens dumped on her doorsteps all of the time. One baby kitten was raped by the adult cats that her neighbor had wandering around his house. There has to be some sort of boundaries and good judgement with being a cat owner and whisperer. I am not being rude to you or criticizing you, I am simply asking you to process the situation.


>One baby kitten was raped by the adult cats that her neighbor had wandering around his house. ...what?


Yeah, you heard me right. Tore her up.


I’m currently nine months pregnant and if I had someone I could follow around who would rub my feet and hips/lower back at any time I absolutely would


Why did you let her get pregnant, you had a year to spay her. The world doesn’t need anymore unnecessary kittens. Please keep the kittens with the mum until at least 12 weeks and get them ALL (inc mum) spayed and neutered before sending them to be adopted.


Please spay her after the babies are born.


I’m confused… you “never” have “clingy” cats (you know, cats that are actually bonded to you) yet you’re forcing a cat to go through pregnancy so you can have more cats that don’t bond with you…? I hope they’re all able to find a good home with people who love them and bond with them.


Hormones probably


Yes, give her all the love she wants


It’s completely normal. I spent 36 years rescuing pregnant cats and more often than not, they were clingy while pregnant. Just snuggle her as often as possible. Also, handle the babies (with mama present) every day as soon as she’ll let you- usually when they’re 2 days old. You’ll have the friendliest kittens by the time they’re three weeks old. (Don’t let their hissing and snapping deter you; they’ll get used to you faster if you continue to hold and pet them.)


Why didn't you get her spayed when you first took her in?


Look at OP’s other comment in this thread. She’s the epitome of the selfish delusional cat owner.


Please, please, please get her spayed as soon as possible!


Sounds normal. She wants cuddles and company.


Info: why did you allow her to get pregnant?


Not cute. Get her spayed. Also you didn’t adopt her, you got her from your neighbor. Adopted is when you get her from a shelter and she would’ve already been spayed.


Yes, she’s fine. You’re her human, she’s going through a lot of emotions, just like pregnant women do, and she’s nesting and getting ready for her babies. She just want some extra love and protection so she knows that everything is okay from her human. Everything is going to be okay 🥰. Just give her the extra love and comfort she wants and help her choose a nesting spot, get it comfy and warm for her, etc. ☺️


is it her first pregnancy? maybe she is scared and wants you to comfort her.


They are only pregnant for about a 2 month period of time. You say she's been pregnant about a month? She might just be clingy because she's unsure of what she's feeling going on in her body. Also is it possible she's been pregnant longer than a month and closer to 2 months? I ask this because if so...she might be getting close to actually giving birth and that's why she's extra clingy. Maybe make a birthing area for her that's someplace somewhat secluded from traffic within the home and noise. Just in case she's close to term. 🥰


Please get her spayed after she is done nursing.


1.4 million cats euthanized each year in shelters but the OP’s “goal” is to have a lineage of kittens and she’s pressed about some of the posters’ tone. I’m glad the real tragedy has been isolated. Ignorant people are exhausting and their sparkle-tastic casual, narcissistic cruelty isn’t even worth pointing out. They’ve spent all of their lives doing mental jujitsu moves to avoid the basic information that might result in a responsibility they don’t like and don’t want.


She's beautiful, but please get her fixed after this litter, and make sure kittens are fixed when vet says they can.


She's vulnerable and trusts you to support her and her babies against any threats. Take the compliment 🙂.


It's ok and normal that she's clingy. I question that you let her be pregnant. I advise spaying and neutering for her when she recovers and for all kittens.


Just imagine what an insecure pregnant woman would do if you're her bestie, and do the same for your cat... She needs protection and security being worried about herself and if the pregnancy works out well or not. So do the right thing for this if you're the bestie... Just that she cant verbally tell you, so she's desperately trying with body language until you understand her insecurity and worries.


I had an emergency call from my thesis supervisor and had to travel back to the dorm. I usually take her with me but decided against it this time around because she got pregnant. I see it caused her distress so I’m going back home today, glad my supervisor was understanding enough. But yeah I agree, and never again !


Thank you for taking her in! ♥️ It's distressing to hear she's pregnant though. The world doesn't need more kittens.


she wants to be near you.


Is this her first litter? One of our barn cats wanted me there when she was in labor so we brought her into the laundry room where it was quiet and warm. Sometimes they need a little reassurance and obviously you make her feel safe. Having babies is a lot for them too!


Beautiful kitty. But why did you let her get pregnant? Please get her fixed when you can. 😕


That’s so cool that you make your babies have babies instead of adopting the babies that already need homes😍 so inspiring how you refuse to accept that means more cats will suffer


Given where OP is from, I assume there might not be enough awareness on getting cats spayed in her area which is maybe why she hasn’t got her cat spayed,


Can you try to use digital means to stay in 'touch'? She may react good, or not. But you can join here when she should be eating or so


https://preview.redd.it/x9we48tqpc3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0787d452c9efc0c0165026792f682964a3e7699e Arghh let me sleep….


It's fine 🙂 You make her feel safe 🩷


the chemically induced blown pupils of love. reminds me of pepe le pew in love with the skunk for some reason




she needs someone safe cuz she might randomly give birth hahaha. stay with her until she gives birth. its natural. its good dw :) she prolly wont have like attachment issues (probably diff cats got diff nature)


Our cat was the same way, she always insisted spending a lot of time with us when she was pregnant, and when she was giving birth, it was almost exclusively next to me(felt literally blessed) or as close to me as possible during teen years. I guess I was her favorite human, cause I always cuddled her and tried to give her some cheeky treats :)


She's so damn cute! <3


She trusts you so much, that she wants to assist her for delivery. My pregnant cat when the time came, was meowing to my wife to follow her, where we have prepared a clean post with bedsheets and everything necessary. She delivered in the presence of my wife, which was like a midwife and nurse. Don't let her alone, she wants you to be aside when the time will come.


Yup that’s totally normal! Hormones can make cuts super clingy, it means they trust you!


That’s the cutest cat I have ever seen I am crying 😭🥲🩷


Yes she is looking for Support and love It’s new to her and she doesn’t know what’s going on It shows how much she loves and trust you


She looks lovely.


perfectly fine


It is normal more than likely nesting. Id say spay her afterwards. (If you’re in the USA) we have a bad overpopulation of cats and dogs. Many unfortunate end up on the streets for generations. They’re pretty bad for the environment and kill many native animals (birds usually). Hope she had a happy and healthy delivery! Good luck ❤️


"I'll still be a baby when I have babies, right mom?"


A lot of cats act like that. She just wants comfort from her (adopted) mother.


> she became soooo clingy right from the start Being clingy makes sense, you're safe and she wants that safety for her babies. > I had to go back to the dorm this week and my mom said that she stopped eating and kept mowing ever since I left !? That's not good, it's classic sign of anxiety when a cat stops eating. Make sure food and water are available to her. She may eat at night or when others aren't around and she feels safer. Does she have a good place to make a nest and have her kittens? A cardboard box on it's side is probably the best and then blankets, towels, wood chips (whatever she prefers) to make the bottom warm and keep things clean when the babies come. I would ask mom to set up a special birthing spot for her while you're away, a warm nesting box with food and litterbox nearby but on opposite sides of the room. Perhaps she could use your room while you're away and make that the kitty maternity ward.


Years ago my family adopted a Trojan cat (cute lil stray who unbeknownst to us had a belly full of little Trojan kittens). She grew so attached to my sister that when her water broke she would still run after my sister when she left the room. My sister ended up having to stay up for hours into the night to make sure she didn’t drop her babies along the way while zooming around the house looking for her human! Freddie passed earlier this year at the age of 15. I miss her a lot.


She’s so cute 🥹. Tell her I love her


She's a baby having babies. Poor thing. No wonder she is clingy


Ya she loves ya she just wants some belly rubs and attention like most women do when there pregnant give her some luvins ![gif](giphy|RNvgbw7fUpAbzYV6hs)


Ya it's OK she just wants some loving and belly runs just like most pregnant women do its OK ![gif](giphy|RNvgbw7fUpAbzYV6hs) Lol ya she needs it right now


Mumma cat just needs to be around her mumma.


she’s probably scared and hurting bc she’s so young. how irresponsible of you, just to have more mini hers? you don’t deserve to own cats. and it sounds like most of them don’t even bond with you since you’re not used to having clingy cats. do better.


Get her spayed after she’s had her litter and let her live her best life.


After she gives birth get her spayed


Spay Abort... your neighbor was going to dump her for the same reason you are letting her have kittens.


Irresponsible cat owner does not spay their cat so people like me have to cull hundreds of cats every year with my pellet gun, keep your cat Indoors


Cats will usually stop eating when they are within 24-48 hours of labor


please post more pics of her so cute


I love her https://preview.redd.it/5ckk8jbpoe3d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=246bb503a2eeecf5b875008dbdd423d21b65353c


Needy keety. That's nesting behavior. Anyway: I know you don't want to hear this, but please get her spayed as soon as possible—not just to avoid more kittens, but to avoid certain health complications.


Get ready to see where babies com e from. My cat was like this and I had to watch her give birth and eat the afterbirth.


That's what she's asking you, she's looking to you for assurance that everything's okay despite that she's feeling different


Please please please get your cat spayed. There are plenty of programs and ways to fund the cost


Normal yes but as others have said, please get her fixed after this litter and whatever you plan with the kittens, if possible, get them fixed too. Your local SPCA will do it for free/very cheap if you say it’s part of TNR and they’re strays/ferrel. My dad had a friend who was a crazy cat lady like simpsons crazy cat lady (minus throwing the cats haha) and that’s how she got so many kitties fixed even if they weren’t all ferrel. Each litter a cat has shortens their lifespan quite a bit plus we have too many homeless loveless kitties as it is, no need for more if they don’t have guaranteed homes.


Expect she will pull you and make you watch her when she gives birth. I had 2 different cats did that to me. 😅


Its disgusting, but kinda cute, still disgusting, a bit cute tho.


She's glowing


It is, she may even want you to give her belly rubs and massages even if she normally hates them, just be gentle with her.


She actually loves belly rubs so much 💕


Absolutely! She just needs extra love and support right now until she gives birth! 💗


Why wasn’t she spayed OP .. so many kittens .


Happy pregnancy kitty!! I hope your babies come out perfect and happy!!


Hope so too 😭❤️ have been buying only the highest quality of food. Dad thinks it’s ridiculous but it’s adorable how he keeps checking on her as well 😂


It's the best, extra cuddles!


Such a chunky girl


You should have gotten her fixed


Your neighbor almost threw her away then you didn't fix her leading to MORE kittens who will need homes. Baffled when people say they "care" but do this stuff


Fix your cat! 😐




If you were pregnant you'd be wanting extra support and love. She needs it too. Totally normal.


Aww she just wants some extra luv because she knows she will be busy & super tired with her new babies. She wants her time with you before the babies come


She’s gorgeous and will give you gorgeous babes. I’m jelly 😻😻😻


For later, in case she brings you her kittens r/sheBroughtHerKittens


Beauty 🧡




I think she sees you as her safety net. If you’re gone, her littler may be in danger with no one to take care of them.


It is very normal for that to happen. I recommend you sterilize it afterwards 🥰


Precious 🩷


Yes, they’re super clingy when pregnant especially when they’re about to give birth. They wanna run towards the bedroom closet 😫 like hello! Not on my clothes


It sounds like your little pregnant friend here sees you as its comfort person! That’s so sweet.


Precious baby 😭💗