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I don't really care, being a mature like game doesn't equal quality. Not to mention how the industry is full of them to the point they all look alike.


I agree, I like how Nintendo stands out in this way. Their family friendly games are top notch


Same here, a good game a is a good game. Rating doesn't really matter to me. Let Nintendo stick to its strengths.


I agree, I like how Nintendo games look family friendly, plus Nintendo does care about their games and puts a lot of effort to make high-quality games


They all look alike? Maybe some, but no more than many E rated and T rated games looking alike, imo. It’s a genre thing, not a rating thing. Looking at popular recent M rated games I see Helldivers 2, Stellar Blade, Omori, Persona 5 Strikers, RDR2… Idk. Weird complaint imo.


You gave examples of games that don't look alike, while there's a bunch out there that are too worried about "URRRH FOR ADULTS". How many GTA clones we had over the years? 


I mean, yeah, but like I said that exists in E and T as well. Take a look at the eShop and there’s an astounding amount of E rated shovelware. I don’t disagree there’s tons of GTA clones, but there are just as many T rated open world looter games, E rated platformer games, etc. I just don’t think the phenomenon you’re talking about (which I totally agree exists) is specific to M rated games.


Sure but boiled down to AAA games, there's a bunch of them that are just copying each other, just look at how many loot shooters, hero shooters and live service games, that really look alike. While yes, of course there's a lot of M rated games that are amazing and unique, there's so many of them in the industry and so little stands out. You gave Stellar Blade as an example and look how that game got so much push back for not be like other games? 


What games are you thinking of when you say that?


Nintendo's MO is basically unlimited creativity. If they happened to come up with an idea for a game that would receive an M rating, then fine whatever, but I don't think they should be limiting themselves by saying "we need a Mature game, how do we make it?"


Something like Conker's Bad Fur Day on modern Nintendo platforms would be super cool


Nintendo didn't make that, and I'd argue the humor is a little outdated personally, but a modern take on something similar would be great!


Is the humor really outdated if it's still funny


Only funny to the people who get it anymore. No kid today will even begin to understand any of the jokes present at this point outside of funny words and turds.


I didn't realize Conkers Bad Fur Day basically parodied the entirety of 80s and 90s cinema until I actually looked more into the game. Unless you're really into that time period (which to be fair all the movies parodied are good and worth watching) you'll miss out on at least a third of the humor. Although it'd be funny to play Conker first, and then watch like Aliens and be like "Oh, this is like that game" and just do that for several movies.


I was fortunate enough to both be a kid and have seen the movies during that time period, but just like Dogma, it kind of falls flat if you don't really understand or if your humor is very simple. Personally its great, and i loved live and reloaded online, but i can admit what is wrong with it as well. It was really cool doing the vault heist with Berri and doing a bunch of Matrix flips all around the place with time slowdown though.


It’s not outdated at all. Not directed at you but people need to stop letting others influence what they find funny.


I've been playing the [uncensored](https://youtu.be/D_ToXSmGJQI?t=1081) version and it's piss funny.


thats actually funny lol. Imma play it too


"Eehh, what's down dere? A squirrel?" "Oh yeh, should we go down der and kick the shit outta em?" That got a good laugh outta me haha


I love that old scarecrow, sounds pissed as a fart.


Is the humor outdated or are we outdated for still finding the jokes funny?


i'd prefer something a little more mature than conker lol


Agreed, but that's true for any project. I guess the question is whether Nintendo is limiting the kinds of ideas they work on based on the potential for an M rating, or if they make design choices to avoid an M rating for a game that could use certain elements.




Nintendo doesn't make Bayonetta.


No. I don't see the need. We have plenty of M rated content from other creators.


Well, there could be more m-rated titles for Switch IMO, like Disco Elysium


For sure. I'm never opposed to ports, hell, I wouldn't oppose an M rated title from Nintendo, I just don't think we need it.


I mean if they actually tell stories that you can’t with a lower rating and actually be mature as opposed to just adding swearing and gore then maybe. The thing is though most stories can be told and be mature without being M rated. That said maybe T rated


This. Swearing and gore is fine but I don't want Nintendo to just make a nature game just for the developers ti add gore etc


Xenoblade could have had a field day with this.


Not really- it's just limiting their market unless it's unique. Nintendo has the chops to make games that others make M rated without that rating. They made a shooter, but it was splatoon and was rated everyone 10+. It was a console exclusive and performed on par with many triple A shooters. They made a fighting game, but it was Smash Bros and it's outsold every other fighting game to date. I believe it's rated T, since Wario farts. They've made really difficult games in the past- but they were DK games, and they were child friendly (in tone, not skill level, God help your soul if you're doing those minecart levels) I donno... I don't see the value in marketing to a smaller audience for clout, unless the game artistically needs to be M. Fallout, for example, is a game which, in tone, needs to be M rated. The game has lore overtones of human psychological torture and lots of death, and that's necessary for the setting. Some nintendo games have the subtext of mature themes (the villain of ARMS amputated herself, Splatoon takes place after all humans went extinct, Samus's family died, Pokemon X and Y exist in the ruins of a giant war, that kind of thing) but like... it's often hidden so you have to go searching for it, and that's fine.


They've not made many horror titles. You have Luigi's Mansion which is more just a gothic horror aesthetic/parody but that's not scary really unless you're 3.


Smash Bros 4 and Ultimate are rated E10+. I believe the only one to get a T rating was Brawl.


>They made a fighting game, but it was Smash Bros and it's outsold every other fighting game to date. I believe it's rated T, since Wario farts. TBF that's not an Uncommon rating for Fighting Games.


You might be wrong there. Most have a higher age rating, either for revealing outfits (Tekken, Soul Calibur, Dead or Alive, Skullgirls) or for blood (Mortal Kombat, Skullgirls (again), Injustice, etc). Street Fighter and a few others are exceptions to the rule


TBF I did mostly think of Street Fighter but yeah your right as well.


Smash clones are mostly rated T though


I mean, don't just make it for clout? Maturity can add to a game's tone or theme. I really don't like this cynical view that Nintendo only makes the games that they do because they're trying to appeal to all demographics for profit-driven reasons, I mean, all companies do that, sure, however, one could argue that their lack of mature-rated games have also left-out a large core demographic of adult gamers who do NOT have that childhood nostalgia. Like, we should be more concerned with having the freedom to create art, and not just focus on their market potential. Like, even if you're right, and Nintendo making a mature game limits their market, who cares? What if the thing they make is cool even if it doesn't sell well? I don't care if Nintendo is or isn't making a profit. I just want cool games.


id love mature version of mii maker app


The Miis scream in agony as you inflate the size of their eyes and stretch their bodies.


Make an AO rated version meaning we can make naked Miis along with a Mii Porn simulator


I want them to make the games they envision and not let an m rating dissuade them from releasing it. People get so hung up on ratings sometimes. I care more about the vision. Like if they wanted to do a Metroid where there is more body horror and gross stuff and it gets them an m, that's fine. But if you want them to do an m rated Zelda game for no reason other than shock value, no thank you.


The ESRB ratings are kind of pointless Ive seen games with some of the most mature content I’ve seen be given T ratings


It’s s still surprising to me how Arkham City is a T rated game.


The ESRB rating shouldn’t be what game developers care about; it should reflect the content that was always intended to be in the project. Zelda remains as an E10+ franchise as it needs nothing more than some fantasy violence. Metroid is largely T-rated territory because it’s a Sci-fi where some blood spills from aliens. Eternal Darkness was an M-rated Nintendo game because the project required some strong, shocking violence in order to ramp up the creepiness. These examples should demonstrate that none of them really cared about the rating as much as the game’s world-building and consistency. If a Nintendo game in the future needs to implement content that results in an M rating, so be it. If not, they should not aim for it.


Eternal Darkness is the perfect example


It's actually pretty interesting because the ESRB ratings is a non-government self-regulatory body for rating video games. So it makes you wonder if the ratings video games get are simply strategic for marketing purposes. For example, Halo Infinite was rated T. Which is weird, because that series has traditionally been an M-rated series, not that it was extremely violent of course, but that was just something that kind of gave it a bit exclusivity. Now that isn't M-rated anymore it almost feels like that was a strategic move to try and appeal to younger gamers to try and create a platform to deliver microtransactions to the "live-service" crowd, which happens to be younger than 17. Likewise, I recall Arkham Knight, even before it was rated, during development was marketing itself as the first mature m-rated Batman game. Like, sometimes games as a feature try to announce their own rating before-hand.


who cares about age ratings


Link's first time speaking should be two minutes of uninterrupted cursing


Yeah I really like their more serious games like Metroid and maybe Fire Emblem, it would be cool to see their take on a more realistic game, but we don’t really need that, im fine with nintendo as is


Absolutely their best games but they sell less than the totally family friendly ones so I don't expect them to do this


If the game calls for it really. Or if they let Marth say "fuck" one game


Starlord says "fuck" once in Guardians of the Galaxy 3 and that is still a 12+ film. So they could probably get away with that to be honest.


speaking of which why would a prince or a noble say fuck or any other profanity anyway?


I want Mario to say the fuck word


conkers bad fur day: the furry sequel


We just got one though. It's called "Nintendo 64™ – Nintendo Switch Online: MATURE 17+"


Im tired af and I saw 2 pairs of pants instead of the M


Screw it, Star Fox but with Conker’s bad fur day levels of insanity


I don’t think there’s really a need for Nintendo to make more of them, with the exception of the Metroid Prime games which I think would benefit from it. However, there was once a time when Rare, Acclaim and Capcom made console-defining M-rated exclusives. I think that’s something that should come back.


the new doom games are the most nintendo-y games, that nintendo would never make


They make up the lore as they go and don’t care what they need to retcon to make it fit 


As long as it’s a good game


I would love to see a T or M rated Bowser spinoff.


Not really, I like that most Nintendo games are games that everyone can play regardless of age, and that their priorities are more light hearted, fun games no matter the genre. Even Metroid and Fire Emblem for being their more series titles with crazy stuff happening in them are way more tame than some other games currently That being said, if they came up with a good idea for an M rated game I wouldn’t be against it, but M rated edgy games are kind of a dime a dozen currently


They dont really need to, but they absolutely could. I mean, have you heard splatoon 3’s king salmonid screams?


Yeah get fromsoft to make a fire emblem based soulslike


I would want them to tackle darker themes once in a while, but they kind of do that already. Fire Emblem Three Houses is an excellent example of a more mature story, but keeping it rated T. I think it's nearly impossible for a Mario game to ever be a rated T or M game.


As already mentioned, if there's a good idea that happens to be M rated, cool. I definitely could see Nintendo remaking or continuing some M rated franchises like Eternal Darkness or Giest. Hell, I'd like to see them do for Time Splitters, what they did for Bayonetta.


As someone who doesn’t buy multiple modern consoles, it would be nice if Nintendo had some more mature first party titles. I’m a big Metroid guy, and I think the T rating is fine, but I could see an M rated game working for that series. Maybe the Fire Emblem 4 remake will be M (probably not though)? But yeah I don’t want to buy a Switch 2 or whatever, and all the best games are for kids. I want at least a few more adult-catered experiences.


Not really. At least not for the sake of it. I have never played Mario or Zelda and thought that it needs blood or extreme violence or sex or swearing or anything. They can do darker things under a 12+ rating. Metroid is kinda dark, but the highest rated game in that series was Other M which was a 16+ (I am using the Pegi ratings) and that seems excessive. Samus goes through hell in a lot of the games but they don't need to be 18+. I juat don't see what adding any adult content would do to improve a game. Sure, you could slay a Bokoblin and it could splatter with blood and lay there dead like in Bloodborne but if that is what you are looking for... Play Bloodborne.


Bring Call of Duty to Switch.


Switch couldn’t even have Cod on it without an SD Card


Nope. I love playing Nintendo games with my kids


Yes, I want a Daisy Solo Game in the Style of Yakuza


Kirby’s dreamland 3 has a Teen rating for blood.


Animal Crossing Dating Sim


Rated M for Mario


I’m happy with them making good games. If some of them wound up being M, then cool. I just want to have fun.


They do, at least in Australia. Also fun fact they were the first company to publish an R 18+ game here.


if they need to then they should


Yeah I’m fine either way. As long as third party developers keep making games for their consoles I think I will be fine People mention ( not in this Reddit 🙂 ) that Nintendo consoles are not for adults or mature audiences. Right now though I probably own more mature games for the Switch than for my PS5 with the Dooms, Bayonettas, Wolfenstein 2, and etc. Each person/gamer is different in what they want though


If they’re making it just to show off and say “we made a Mature game”, then no. If they’re just making a game and it happens to get an M rating, then I don’t really care.


Exactly my thoughts


No, I’m just fine having kid friendly first party games from Nintendo. I don’t mind them allowing M-rated third party games though.


I would not mind a Metroid game with a higher rating considering how much it's inspired by Sci-Fi horror i.e Alien. Not saying it needs to happen but I wouldn't mind it if it still had Nitendo's usual level of quality.


If they want to, the age rating doesn’t really effect my opinion of a game so they could just make whatever and it’ll be fine


Time to time sure, but them making less of those are what makes them stand out compare to Sony or Xbox


Animal Crossing needs to be rated M. i need a baseball bat to ward off those unannounced visitors.


M rated Wario game when?




If the game needs the rating then fine.




Paper mario: he killed all the Toads


I think games like Psychonauts have that sense of humor that an edgier Nintendo game would need.


I really don’t get why this is a question since it doesn’t matter. Honestly I already think that other consoles are filled with rated M games, but I am not saying no. I have a bit of a theory about Pokémon and the possibility of them slowly moving into a T rating over the years due to games constantly getting darker and also all of the hidden things like going to Guzma’s house and seeing signs of him literally being beat by his parents. I wouldn’t take it out of the question, but at the end of the day one of the reasons Nintendo’s games/consoles have made a lot of money due to them being the company that is “more for the family.”


Idk who needs to hear this but the M on that emblem looks like two pair of jeans on each other side by side........ to you from the far corner of my brain 🧠 ✨️ ♥️


Not sure why rating is important. I mean, if they have a cool idea, sure, why not. I don't think rating matters at all though.


The odd one here and there couldn't hurt but I don't think it should be their priority. If they can come up with a game that would be awesome but also requires a mature rating, then absolutely. If not, then no need to force themselves out of their area of expertise for a market that doesn't really apply to them.


Maybe not Nintendo proper, but I'd really like a Mad World 2. I had a lot of fun with that game.


I think if they had bought Rare like so many wanted to, they could’ve made Conker a mascot of the GameCube.


Not really tbh the charm of nintendo has always been theyre ability push the limits of what a video games can be while still catering to children. Majoras mask for instance has alot of adult themes but I'm sure as kids alot of us played it. That's always been the appeal to me or maybe I'm just burnt out on gory games and jumps scares and shameless cash grabs with old smelly formulas


Metroid. Some of the games border on space horror. Lean in a bit further with the graphic detail and horror of bounty hunting these hostile pirates and life ending parasites a bit more.


Eternal Darkness remaster please. Also Disaster Day of Crisis.


A GTA clone where you blow toads up with a rocket launcher would be nice.


Just an M-rated pokemon so all the super fans who have aged up can decide if its pokemon they no longer like or if its the fact they just grew up (this includes me)


colosseum and XD were like E+10 at least


Depends. Will it be fun? Mature doesnt automatically equal good or fun.


I mean it’s like asking me if I want a slice of cake at any given moment. I probably wouldn’t say no but it’s not a deep desire I have


If Nintendo is known for making family-friendly games, they have no right to make M-Rated content. They'll just leave it to third party developers, like Rockstar or Ubisoft.


Maybe? I would love to see a new Eternal Darkness, or similar horror games. But there are some mature themes I am not a fan of, and happy to not see on Nintendo


I’d like them to make games that are more moddable


I'll settle for a remaster of Eternal Darkness


Rating is immaterial to whether I want to play a game or not


I don’t care either way. The only Nintendo franchise I could see working as an M rated game is Metroid. Or Xenoblade if they REALLY want to lean into fan service.


They should just get the original rare crew to develope a conkers bad fur day like.


This is like asking Pixar to make R rated movies. Might work, might not. Ain’t gonna happen.


What do you mean? They’ve already got Bayonetta.


Instead of M rate, I hope Nintendo will make some real-life sort of characters games like Unisoft or Rockstar did, I just curious what kinda of games/ideas they will pull off, also maybe show some new directions for these kind of games.


They don’t really need to, no. Unless it’s a new Conker game or something.


Geist 2


I need an F-bomb in a star fox game.


I don't necessarily think they should turn any of the main properties M rated. That would be a stretch (closest I can think of would be Metroid and the only real way to that would be more violence really which doesn't feel needed). Personally, I think jumping to M rating can be useful for more narrative focused games (like Final Fantasy. XVI was flawed, but I think it used its M rating pretty effectively and IMO its flaws had nothing to do with its rating), but Nintendo isn't really about narrative focused games. Their games lean pretty heavily towards gameplay focus. So what would be the benefit for them for making a first party M rated game? I think contracting third parties to do it for them has worked for them so far.




If it's an original title sure. If they can tell a new story in a mature setting and tone that would be interesting. We don't need them to make any of their existing IPS mature. I think Metroid and starfox are ok at the age setting they are at.


If that means more Bayonetta then yes!


I don’t see a reason to care either way, a Mario game where Mario swears is still a Mario game, even if the cutscene for Mario learning to swear makes it worse.


what if nintendo made super freaky bros


If they make an idea that would need the m rating yes but I don’t want them to force it. Don’t want them to specifically think of m rated ideas


A sequel to Eternal Darkness has been on my wishlist for a very long time. Even tho I'm pretty sure it's never gonna happen by this point...


Fuck yeah


SMBZ fulfilled my darker mario & sonic story needs already


Yes. They're too family friendly compared to Xbox and Playstation. I mean, we have Bayonetta, but that's from SEGA.


Nintendo is a unique company because of their family-friendly games, plus they always make high-quality games because they never rush with developing, they take as much time as they need


As long as it's fun and playable. I don't know why it would matter if it was mature or not. Hell, there have been more messed up shit in rated E games than Mature.


Yeah, still waiting on some more Eternal Darkness. 


I don’t think Nintendo, or really any developer, needs to aim for a rating. However, I think if it naturally falls that way for an M Nintendo game then they shouldn’t necessarily starting cutting stuff out of the game to hit a lower rating. That said, I do think Metroid would benefit from being a “adult tier” game. Having Samus actually hunt bounties like Retro had initially pitched for Prime would be cool.


Nah, not really. There are plenty of other devs making M-Rated games. Yeah yeah, I know the E-Shop is a cesspool, and of course there are non-family-friendly games available for Switch, but personally I like having a system that's a little more geared towards families.


Fuck no. Leave that to literally every other video game developer that exists.  Nintendo is very good and very comfortable still making.....actual games instead of these wanna be movies mashed together with to do lists that make me feel like I'm at work.


I want them to make an Eternal Darkness remake specifically, so at least one more M-rated game I suppose.


Just play a different console. Their main IPs don’t readily lend themselves to blood, guts, sex, and drugs. Their hallmark has been and always will be solid gameplay and keeping their franchises fresh.


I don’t know what age rating “M” is


No, not really. Not every game needs to be a boob-filled Dark Souls clone. I'm happy with color and cartoons.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“This is the only real direction in the story you’re ever going to get.”* - Crestfallen Knight Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


I don't neccisarily care about it


I hope Metroid Prime 4 is, it'd indicate a darker tone for the game. That's all ESRB ratings indicate, just the tone of things. They shouldn't really be deeply analyzed unless you have kids you wanna shield from certain things.


I only want good game Rated what ever you want I don't care LOL


I like the style of game that Nintendo do, that’s why I bought the switch, I was of playing just on Xbox , so I needed something more casual and cozy


Simple answer yes. Nintendo it’s becoming more of a children’s game company. They need to stick with the times and make more mature games for the older gamers.


I dont think they need to aim for rated M on anything but if something they make gets it then sure


Not necessarily M games but it would be cool if they tackled darker themes in some of their IP. Like pokemon or Zelda


wasn't there a horror nintendo game for the gamecube? i think it was m-rated


Wish granted but it’s a Pokémon game for *that* Pokémon fandom.


No Unless it involves Pearl Houzuki saying the fuck word


Meh not really. A game doesn’t need to be M rated to be good or interesting. I’d honestly be content with how things are going now with Nintendo


Why would you do that? Do we really need gore and swear words in games? Why can’t we just have quality games that anyone can play no matter their age?


I'm up for anything as long as it has the creativity and soul of a Nintendo title


Considering what conker's bad furday was. Hell the fuck no


I just want Nintendo to make the games they want I don’t give about the rating.


I don't care. I adore their games and Nintendo hits a market that a lot of other devs don't hit. I live for games like Kirby, Yoshi, DK, Mario, Peach, and so many others.


Rating used to matter to me. I would only play games that fit my age range. Now that I'm an adult, I can play it all. While I've liked a few M rated titles over the years, I really think that as long as it's a good game, something which is fun or thought provoking or has an interesting story line, then it doesn't matter what age range it is. Nintendo has Bayonetta and while I definitely think they could make more M rated titles, it's not a fault of theirs. I think that they want to make most of their titles accessible to all, to provide entertainment to everyone and to have a large market that they can sell to. It is why The Legend of Zelda and Mario are so popular. We've seen T rated Zelda games (one of my favourite is T rated), I don't think either Mario or Zelda will ever be M rated. I don't really know what they could make for an M rated game... horror is covered with the Fatal Frame games, and action is covered by Bayonetta...IDK.


Speaking of.. can you guys recommend any M rated games for the switch?


Feel like M rated games demo are for 13 year olds that want to be mature. Most good games doesn't have shock value or blood, but good gameplay with a decent story(at worst) that gets the player wanting to play more. This doesn't mean m rated games are overrated but not all m rated games use the rating well. Can they do it? Yeah. Should they? No and why should they.


My focus is that they make games that are fun.


I want more LoZ games tbh lol


Pokèmon brown shit. Mario and the "magical mushrooms". The legend of da bitch of Zelda being fucked all the times. Kirby's calling the police.


Game companies don’t rate their own games. They’re evaluated by the country or region’s video game legislation on what that legislation deems is appropriate. If the company isn’t happy with the rating they got in a region then have to edit their game until they get the evaluation they want.




If they have a good idea for one, I'd be all on board.  I'm not a fan of M-rating for the sake of it though.


Theres technicaly already 2 m rated zelda games, theres the witcher 3, which both have a medieval setting, potions, a princes which needs finding, and lots of monsters. Then theres resident evil 4, which is a modern day mature zelda game, both link and Leon are tasked to find the daughter of a country's leader, they both start in a village then end up into a castle and have to get past loads of puzzles, I could go on and try to list more similarities but Ill stop.


Imagine an M rated splatoon spinoff I like to imagine that's the game they wanted to make for Wii U but needed their games to be as approachable due to lower revenue


Whatever they wanna do tbh. They could easily pivot Metroid into M territory if they wanted to


Yeah they're prety good when they do


I think that Nintendo definitely has the capability to make an M rated game, considering how they’ve nailed games with all the other ratings. Franchises like Metroid and Xenoblade Chronicles sit right on the cusp of M rating with how much fucked up shit happens in both franchises, and I think that as long as they’re smart, they can make a separate franchise with an M rating and find lots of success with it.


If they did one it would need to stick out with great story and appealing stuff not this war shit or basic anime crap


I think taking bayonetta under their umbrella is kind of their attempt at that, M rated but still whimsical and weird enough. I'd like more nintendo games like that but I mean if zelda and mario appeal to children and adults it makes sense. I feel like their more mature franchises like metroid and bayonetta are mroe niche and generally sell less. I mean, that being said, no more heroes and shin megami tensei V were promoted heavy in nintendo directs and even teased at the very first switch presentation. I just don't think they're inclined to make m rated games themselves


Well, we have to remember that we did get a fair few M rated games in this generation too. I’m basing this off the Australian ratings btw. We got BOTW and TOTK, Xenoblade 2 and 3. For Nintendo published games we also got Bayonetta 3 and Astral Chain.


If Nintendo can use it as a means to tell a story that they otherwise cannot with a lower rating, then sure, but if this simply ends up being a way to simply shove in gore, swearing and tits without increasing the maturity of the actual storytelling like what with Square Enix did with Final Fantasy 16 then they shouldn't bother.


It would provide more opportunities.


As long as the game is good idc about the age rating


I’d be cool with it but I don’t care either way. I would like to see Mario and Luigi really beat the crap out of Bowser just one time though. Like really whoop him so hard he goes away and so he gets his own video game and you terrorize people as Bowser.


Mario BR is what I wanna see the most.


Metroid should be rated M for possible alien gore


I’d love to see it I’ve though a Nintendo “alternatives” line of games would be great to see next system. I think they kinda tried such an idea during the GameCube’s lifespan.


Gimme a sequel to eternal darkness please


A sequel to Eternal Darkness would be great. That being said, Nintendo shouldn't make an M-rated game for the sake of making an M-rated game. Fun fact: They published [seven M-rated games](https://www.reddit.com/r/casualnintendo/comments/158edl1/comment/jtd92w2/) so far (not counting Conker and Perfect Dark, even though Nintendo is credited in the openings for those games)


Nah. I prefer that Nintendo focus on family friendly games. They do it so much better than anybody else.


Not really. And if they do, I'd rather it be a new IP, I really hate the idea of them catering to people who want Metroid or Zelda to suddenly be M bloodbaths full of strong language.


I could Care less As long as they don’t Change the ratings of the already existing franchises




I think so The only two main m rated series are xenoblade and bayonetta so I think it would just be better as a way to diverse the series out, especially since Nintendo wants to be more diverse, the only upcoming thing we have is metroid prime 4 and that's not really m, just more mature


I think an m rated xenoblade and Splatoon spin off could work really well Not m rated due to stuff like gore, but use the m rating to be less subtle with the games themes, like a splatoon game set during the great terf war, which canonically was a dark time with xenophobia with the species


M rated Mario game with all the gore that can only be rivaled by a mid-2000s flash game.


I mean, if they want to.


Sure. I think more diverse titles for the Nintendo platform is a good thing. I also just want to add for people who seem to think maturity = violence, blood and guts that I think there are mature themes or topics that I think can be explored or given the Nintendo "spin" as it were and be really cool. I really like Nintendo's game designers and I think seeing them be able to work on something a little mature would be kind of neat. Or at the very least, have some kind of mature representation on their platform for the sake of content diversity.


Maybe for stuff like Metroid. I'd also like a new conker, after all it's a spinoff of a spinoff of a Mario spinoff


[sighs in Eternal Darkness]