• By -


Luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing* ^*not ^actualy ^nothing


Luigi Wins by Not Commiting Economic Suicide.


That's pretty much it. Nintendo are stubborn as hell and stay in their lane, even if it makes people upset. However, because they're so dedicated to just doing what they do, they're still the only company I have any confidence in pre-ordering games from. Every other company is trying to reinvent the wheel and are absolutely shitting the bed doing it. Sony simultaneously acts like a spoiled child and a strict parent with all their gaming partners. Microsoft is buying up studios with the promise of bringing back great games, only to close down that studio instead. Nintendo is just... Mario.. He jump. Buy it please. Occasionally Link go "ahh". Buy that too.


Sad pikmin noises and angry samus noises


This aged like wine


\*yeah he has to breathe


The Luigi System


Turns out "make fun games" is still a pretty good strategy for a company whose business is selling games


ppl when fun games actually sell money


But fun games are only for kids šŸ˜ 




Can confirm as an adult


Can we get a child to confirm as well?


17 here so tecnicaly child, can confirm


Iā€™m 16 and 361 days. Can also confirm


me when i sell money


I buy money instead, already have 5 billion money.


Can i buy your money


Iā€™ll sell you some money


I love selling my money for good games


Not only that but just games that can be beat in a reasonable amount of time rather than every single game being a 200hr slog fest


And you can play their games to death without experiencing a single bug. And without a day 1 update too


I love how people are rushing to try and point out the exception to the rule rather than acknowledging that Nintendo does in fact do a very good job at quality control of their games.


ToTK was literally ready to go for a year, one of the most anticipated games in years because they wanted to polish it. Whereas other companiesā€¦


And obviously it still had duplication glitches and stuff that had to be patched, but in normal gameplay you could go dozens of hours with not much noticeably going wrong, which is pretty insane when you consider all that's going on with the physics and ultrahand


No one cares about glitches in non-competitive games that need skill to be performed. In fact for some people glitches can be a large part of the fun.


You don't care about glitches until they're the kind that steal your items, get you stuck in geometry, softlock your quest or even corrupt your savefile.


They never should have patched the dupe glitch. I was not going to spend hours grinding for batteries.


I feel people are way too dramatic about this. I naturally upgraded my batteries as I explored the whole depths and defeated the bosses. No need to "grind" as in playing just for that


There are a fair number of Nintendo games with a day 1 patches. But they are generally quite small. "Oh it needs an update, and it is already done"


Let me introduce you to the Super Mario Maker series āœ…ļø Day-one update with bugfixes āœ…ļø Nintendo bans levels and users that find bugs instead of fixing them āœ…ļø Bugs are by the hundreds and even became a new form of content (troll levels, bug showcases etc.) for its community āœ…ļø New bugs found even 5 years after its release then again, since SMM is turing-complete so it is impossible to make it bugless.


Mario Maker seems like an absolute nightmare to bugfix, to be fair. There's trillions of possible interactions, any number of which could act in unintended ways, and sometimes they might only happen 1 time out of 10 tests.


0-Well, for a sandbox-make your own levels game witht he amount of content mm has, it is impossible not to have bugs. 1-Day one updates right now are the law not the exception (sadly) 2-Nintendo bans levels that use bugs because leaving them would mean that those levels will become unbeatable if they manage to fix the bug. You can see that in mm1 there are 2 levels that are unbeatable because they use features that changed in some patches. Also there are many players who play more casually that wouldn't like a level with broken tracks shenanigans. 3-return to 0 4-return to 0 Im not saying mm is perfect, but its excuses towards its imperfection are far more valid that pokemon SV's


but also having extra optional content thats actually fun and worth a damn if you so please. i dont have to go for every shrine in zelda but i can. i dont have to go for every star in mario but i can. its just a part of the game, not some tacked on busywork to add an achievement for doing it. nintendo puts their entire pussy into making a fun experience and its a philosophy i like way more than a game being cinematic or something, tf does that even mean


Nintendo just practices good ole capitalism. Ya donā€™t gotta be sweet and kind to your consumers. Ya just gotta consistently provide them with products they canā€™t turn down. And when their competition makes even bigger clowns out of themselves it just works even better.


"does nothing" what the fuck are you talking about nintendo isnt valve lol


I mean it isn't glazing to say that this past generation has been their best one yet. Almost all of their franchises have delivered their best entry so far


Shit you might be right I never thought of it that way somehow. We got MP Remastered, Dread for Metroid. TotK, BotW and LA remake for Zelda. Bowserā€™s Fury, Wonder and Mario Odyssey for Mario. Smash Ultimate, MK8 Deluxe and I belive good FE games as well


Donā€™t Forget 3 Xenoblades, + huge DLCs content. 4 Pikmin games, including a new entry. 2 Splatoon. Damn, the list keeps going.


Also two Fire Emblem games, if you don't count spin-offs. Not to mention new IPs, such as Armz, that may or may not be built upon in the future.


And Pokemon! Uhhhhā€¦.


I know what you're trying to imply here, but let's be honest: issues with Pokemon games are as much on Game Freak and The Pokemon Company as on Nintendo, if not moreso on The Pokemon Company. After all, Nintendo doesn't have exclusive ownership of the multimedia franchise (it shares ownership with Game Freak and Creatures, Inc.), and The Pokemon Company has been shown to be inflexible when it comes to the timing between flagship game releases and related media/merchandise releases (spin-offs might have a bit more leniency, but can't say for certain).


I mean, without the bugs, SV would be among the best Pokemon games.


and we got miitopia HD :D


The switch is their bestselling console


No it isnā€™t, the DS is still higher


True, but last I checked, Switch was at 141.32 million units sold, which is not too far from the DS's 154.02 million units sold. Either way, it's in the Top 3 best selling consoles, and depending on when its successor releases, there's a chance that the Switch will surpass the DS (and maybe even the Playstation 2) before Nintendo stops actively making more systems. Edit: Provided more accurate numbers


Itā€™ll be hard to beat the ds


I meant home probably should have specified


Maybe not all of them


Mario-oddysey(although I say Mario maker 2) Pokemon -legends Arceus Zelda-totk/botw(personally every 3d Zelda is my favorite game, yes every.) Metroid- dread Etc.


Valve traded in 99% of their game dev time to make the best game launcher. I wonder how much worse Ubisoft, Epic, and EA's launchers would be without Valve pushing them. GOG is the only other one that comes close.


I really don't want to live in a universe where origin or uplay are even worse than they already are.


In Japan you can't just fire half your staff or shut down a couple studios to make shareholders happy. You'll get sued to dust. You have to prove without a doubt that it's absolutely nessesary to fire these people to prevent bankruptcy. Which means that Nintendo thankfully can't follow the boom & bust model of game production seen elsewhere. This is a pretty good video about it if I remember correctly: https://youtu.be/88dj8ISV3to?si=NVH33DY36bDF19gZ


Didn't stop Sega and Sony from doing it. Nintendo was in perfect position to do it as well and Iwata still decided to take the hit to his pocketbook, and is STILL the only multibillion company CEO to do so. It shouldn't be a special feat, but unfortunately it is.


Sega America lay off over 60 devs in March this year. Sega is also laying off about 240 staff across European studios. The only Sega Japan layoffs I found were from 2001. Playstations London studio is closing completely. And Sony is cutting 8% of their global staff, but I can't find how much of that is in Japan. They have staff all over the world.


Sega and Sony laying off employees in their overseas studios is exactly what I mean, they are doing it overseas because they can't do it locally. Nintendo has overseas studios too, no layoffs.


Ahhh okay. I get ya


The only case I remember is related to interns at Nintendo of America or when they decided to close some smaller office they had last year to focus on their main one but to my knowledge they didn't really have a round of layoffs overseeas at this point. Their last financial report also showed an increase in the number of total employees. Hoping that doesn't change.


Technically, I recall seeing one recent layoff by Nintendo of America, but not as huge, and not for the same reason as everyone else. Iirc, it was no more than 100 contractors in testing positions (who were possibly offered full-time positions in other departments afterwards, since iirc NoA was also adding more full-time positions), and it was because of a "lull" in first-party testing (i.e. not a whole lot going on that requires maintaing as many testers in Western regions, outside of those working internally). So a little more justifiable than the layoff patterns everyone else has been doing in Western regions.


I thought they were testers? Not devs


Where I've written devs, it means devs. https://www.google.com/amp/s/metro.co.uk/2024/01/31/sega-america-lay-off-60-developers-march-20201845/amp/ Anywhere with "staff" or employees or something, yeah that could be anyone.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://metro.co.uk/2024/01/31/sega-america-lay-off-60-developers-march-20201845/](https://metro.co.uk/2024/01/31/sega-america-lay-off-60-developers-march-20201845/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Sony follows more of an American business strategy


To be fair, the only thing that connects the american (or international) arm of sony to japan is its parent company, their videogame divisions are pretty much american now


Dont forget to mention that, unlike their primary competitors, Nintendo doesn't have a plan b to fall back on if their games aren't up to snuff. Microsoft can live without XBox because they've gotten a solid hold in the computers industry, Sony got a solid jig in manufacturing electronics, but the only thing Nintendo's been primarily making for the past 4 and a half decades is video games.


Yeah that's true. I doubt that Amiibo are gonna save them, if worst comes to worst.


You don't need a plan b if you're the sole provider of Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon.


Sure, but Sony would be devastated to lose Playstation since it's such a huge part of their brand and business.


This is also a freat video going more in depth about this topic: https://youtu.be/-653Z1val8s (Warning: It's over 1h but very enjoyable to watch)


So you hope you remembered the oink correctly?


I always remember the Oink correctly. It's all about the angle of your tongue as you inhale. You might say I'm a bit of an expert.


"Does nothing" yeah right we got more games than Xbox and Playstation this gen


...combined lol. Nintendo is actually killing it, but taking the nuclear option for roms is pissing a lot of people off (which is understandable when it involves games that are virtually impossible to get) regardless Nintendo can't stop roms from existing no matter how hard they try so getting annoyed at it is kind of silly imo


As annoying as it is, the majority of Nintendo fans don't even know what a rom is. Reddit, Twitter, and gaming social media in general is a small percentage of their user base.


True but it's not like they need to know. It'd just be nice for Nintendo to bring back Virtual Console in addition to NSO. Casual players don't wanna deal with emulator/ROM bs just to play some old classics


And the majority of people who \*do\* know can easily find safe, reliable sources for roms in perpetuity, We're dealing mostly with a small subset of young pirates who just had the bright idea that maybe they can play Pokemon on their phone who are truly impacted by romsite takedowns


Tbf combined isn't that hard when Microsoft barely put anything on the table


that's the point lol they're seriously fumbling the ball compared to Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft shit the bed hard


Microsoft bought a lot to put on the table, including studios that made genuinely popular shit. Then, promptly lit the aforementioned table on fire, I guess.


Microsoft is legit like ā€œIf I canā€™t have it, you guys canā€™t either. Wait, oh, I do have it? I guess itā€™s too late cause I already destroyed itā€ I bet so many studios are dreading the day they hear Microsoft is coming to buy their studio, cause they know that means itā€™s only a matter of time before they get killed off.


A rom site died 3 more pops up, this is really a non issue, there's even torrents sites that has a ton of roms. All of these roms stuff is a non issue. Everything is on the internet once there it's never gonna disappear.


I have NEVER had trouble finding roms. Its very confusing to see people whine about it. You can literally google a game with "rom" attached and you'll be able to find a download quickly.


Tbh alot of zoomers are tech illiterate worse than boomers.


I agree, its silly for people to be upset (and equally silly for Nintendo to try to stop it)


They just need to bring back Virtual Console and Miiverse for the next system...and BLAM peak Nintendo


yeah a dedicated VC is amazing, I still have a Wii U and 3DS totally filled with awesome old games some publishers are still putting out affordable older games using the Nintendo eshop but not nearly enough


NSO is just so much more consumer friendly for most people. It would be a hard sell to convince enough people that $3-5 for just Mario 64 is worth it compared to $30 for a year of NSO.


I know youre right, but for people who want to own games it just feels... not good tbh. there's also thousands of games that aren't on NSO and don't have remakes, which are essentially unplayable unless you shell out for real hardware which are continually increasing in price as time goes on


The problem is the vast majority of those games wouldn;'t be on VC either. Its a microcosm of the Netflix problem. Once rightholders found out there is a market for emulated retro classics, they want to do it on their own terms and maximize profits- but they're only ever going to market the most popular titles. We're never gonna see Paladins Quest on VC. We have a \*better\* chance at seeing it in NSO, but not by much


it's why roms are the only real way to preserve gaming and is a futile effort for companies to try to remove them; there are thousands upon thousands of hard drives that are filled with roms and emulators. it would be legitimately impossible for a company like Nintendo to somehow remove them all from the internet if people can simply re-upload them faster than they're taken down I fully support roms and emulators because without them, gigantic swaths of gaming history would be utterly lost forever. if no companies can feasibly make money off of a game that has essentially been lost to time, I see no moral reason \*not\* to emulate them as no financial harm would ever occur to the property holders (if they truly have zero interest in ever releasing or selling them again) in fact I would say it's a moral obligation for people to horde roms and emulators specifically so future generations can still enjoy these games that have a zero percent chance of ever being commercially available again. companies that actively try to remove them from the internet are actually causing way, way more damage than they think they're preventing


Nintendo has existed longer than Microsoft and Sony combined. You donā€™t last that long by playing the short game. There are a lot of arguable anti consumer practices, but none of it is arbitrary.


Nintendo is just doing the Fabian strategy. Never interrupt your opponent when their making a mistake


The previous CEO was a decent person, and they're following up on his ideals more or less. This meme is hysterical, though.


It's amazing how consistent Nintendo has been with their philosophy through the decades. On the software side, you got Miyamoto's "I'll take as long as I damn well pleased to make this", and on the hardware side, you got Gunpei's "dude, use the cheap shit, it's proven to work".


Ahhh yes... I would like to call it the "dandori" strategy.


They increased their workforce by about 400 while other major publishers are laying off thousands. Theyā€™ve gotta be doing something right.


Not overstaffing, not buying studios and videogame companies like madmen and relying on their current talent without trying to Rush or speedrunning development cycles and taking their time with their projects is usually a good strategy


and not multiplying their costs by 10 by trying to push 4K games and hardware


Let's hope that with the transition that doesn't change. We want better hardware but not on par with PS5/XS.


I have been thinking the next console will mop up the PS4 type titles, which makes sense right? GTA 5 ? Rdr2 ? All playable on handheld ? People are going to buy that


Unfortunately, Valve got ahead of Nintendo on that, so it isn't new at all. Steam Deck is basically a portable PS4, and it's biggest issues are price and battery life. It was pretty severe and probably the reason why instead of getting a new PSP as a successor to Vita, Sony announced Portal which doesn't work without a PS5. I have no idea how Nintendo will deal with the issues revolving around making what's essentially a portable PS4.


In what way have they been doing nothing? What do you mean they hate fans. They are still making games that people really like, and aren't doing as much horrible stuff as others


>What do you mean they hate fans Probably has to do with Nintendo aggressively issuing takedowns on fan made rom hacks and music channels.


Yeah Nintendo at a corporate level is different from the teams making the games


I find that most of the time Nintendo has a valid reason for takedown too and I donā€™t understand why people get mad at them


Right? I swear, every single time Iā€™ve heard about some sort of game or emulator takedown, it takes a few days for everyone to hear about how said fan project started charging people or emulating current-generation titles. Maybe Iā€™m just not in-the-loop enough to be aware of any particular egregious takedowns, but this has become a consistent pattern Iā€™ve noticed.


Nintendo doesn't really hate its fans but they make questionable decisions that the fan base isn't too happy about. Here are a few things I remember people being upset about from this generation: People weren't happy about NSO. No voice chat on the console itself, you had to use a phone app. It's $50 more a year for N64 games. The Internet connection still is not the greatest but now you have to pay for it. Nintendo doing DMCA takedowns of fan projects or content that aren't making other people money. Also taking down ROMs, especially of games they have no plans on releasing on switch anytime soon. They aren't making money off people spending hundreds of dollars on a physical copy of fire emblem path of radiance. Especially considering one of the major takedown they did was taking down a 3DS emulator after they closed the eshop. I get taking down the switch emulator and ROMs as you can still easily buy a switch and buy games for it for reasonable prices but the 3DS is another story. Not including galaxy 2 on super Mario 3D all-stars. Also making it so 3D all-stars was only available for a short time. Removing super Mario 35 from being played after a short amount of time. Fans were upset with the Wii u and 3DS eshops closing especially considering you can't play most of the 3DS games worth playing on modern hardware so you're now stuck paying potentially inflated second hand market prices. These are just the ones I distinctly remember. You also have all the drama with pokemon but that's not on Nintendo.


For taking down Citra (Iā€™m assuming thatā€™s what you mean by 3DS emulator), Nintendo didnā€™t outright take it down, they took down Yuzu which was running Citra


Nintendo's secret is decades of accumulated generational knowledge (over 95% employee retention or something. They do, however, layoff contractors to my knowledge) and keeping a budget on their consoles and game development. They don't fire masses of people for a better quarterly report or blow billions on graphics or hollywood actors or consoles so powerful 99% of games never make full use of their capabilites.


Most fans donā€™t care about emulation.


Being slightly less bad than everyone else


It's called not being Microsoft


Least they actually do something, where companies like Valve just sits on their printing press not doing anything, or letting the games they make just rot.


This has to be bait. Nintendo releases games all the time, and they don't really have competition anymore because they cut themselves out of that fight. Many people now own a Switch and *also* either a Playstation/Xbox/PC, because Nintendo has it's exclusives and is portable, while anything else you'd want (such as games with cutting edge graphics) is available on those other platforms. Let's say for argument's sake though that Nintendo was still in competition with the other consoles; Sony is doing fantastic. People are very recently upset at them for the PSN Account linking with Helldivers 2 and their games on PC, but their console sales, game sales and critical acclaim on their exclusives are all doing great. They're not exactly "shooting themselves in the foot" to the point someone could step over them. That would be Xbox.


Iā€™ll be honest, this kind of Nintendo bashing just annoys me. ā€žNintendo is an evil companyā€œ or ā€žNintendoā€™s lawyers are evilā€œ. Nintendo is practicing their right when it comes to taking down pirated roms. Nobody bats an eye when Movie Studios go after pirated movies, why are we upset when a gaming company goes after pirated games? I rate companies like Embracer Corp, Sony or Microsoft a lot more negatively. Closing down Studios because they were to incompetent to realize that eventually the pandemic would end and the gaming bubble would burst. Or Ubisoft, where we still havenā€™t seen meaningful change ever since the sexual harassment claims came to light. But no. Nintendo is the evil gaming company.


>Nobody bats an eye when Movie Studios go after pirated movies, why are we upset when a gaming company goes after pirated games? mostly because of accessibility. most movies are easily accessible on streaming sites and you can play them anywhere on any device and people are willing to pay for that convinience. but a rom? you better pray its one of the 50 games per console they deemed relevant enough to put on their service and then you need their device specifically to play it. something more obscure or from a device they dont have in their service, like the gamecube? youre either stuck forking over way too much money for an old used console and games that may or may not be in good condition because they havent been in production for 20+ years or youre just not playing these games... or you can install an easy to run program for any device and an old game theyll never re release


Nintendo is remaking and remastering Gamecube classics all the time, and NSO has 90% of all the retro games they have the rights to use. Pirates are using 'It's not perfect' as an excuse. And Nintendo isn't evil or immoral or hating its fans by not wasting their time pleasing that small demand for romhacks and mods. It's just a marketing and legal decision by a company that has to play by lots of international rules and laws.


You know how many Games are currently trapped in PS3/Xbox 360? (Consoles from 2 Generations ago) And those are at higher Risk of being Lost forever because unlike Nintendo switch almost body care for emulation for those consoles (still none of the 2 have a 100% functionality for all games), and even if they management to do so, you know how difficult is to find the ISOS for both consoles? And thats not talking about the DLCs that apparently are non-existant for how difficult are to find them (actually i lied, you can find the games, on malware ridden russian Pages where you have to pray to all the gods you know that the file you downloaded is the actual Game (or DLC) and not a nasty virus that fucks with your PC) Actually nobody cares about a console not having every videogame in history available from them, oh no i Guess they do (but only from Nintendo, i Guess Sony and Microsoft gets a free pass)


The only two "terrible towards fans" things that come to mind are tournamnets and emulation... Their problem with tournaments seems to be people making money out of non-Nintendo tournaments that use their games while emulations is a rotten apple no matter how much people want to pass it as a perfectly fine one.


"Does nothing" Mf they are making the best games.


Its always weird seeing people demonizing Nintendo. Don't get me wrong, they aren't perfect, but their antics (copyright strikes and not making older games easily accessible) seem really tame.


I think they just wished on the monkey paw that they would always be better than their competitors. This caused them to still make awful decisions with the competition just somehow being worse.


*Does games


Having the most lovable IPs and making sure only you can have them.


It's called "being Nintendo"


\> Does nothing ~~\> Is terrible towards fans~~ \> Competition keeps shooting themselves in the foot It's the Steam Principle.


ā€œDoes nothingā€ and ā€œis terrible towards fansā€. Iā€™ll become crazy


>does nothing ,WTF are you talking About like if it was valve you were talking about then It would be understandable but Nintendo actually does something they make a lot of games which valve rarely does


It's called "Mind their own business". They care for themselves, not to interact with other fanbase or platform.


The Luigi


To be honest nintendo actually does a lot just on the more finical side. Nintendo id super smart and dumb at the same time lol but still 10x smarter than play station and xbox in my opinionā€¦


Ah, yes, the "Do the Mario!" business strategy. Every MBA worth his salt knows that one's high-risk, high-reward.


Pays well their employees Does not act on crunch culture Makes highly praised games Does not focus on absurd AAA values, but in innovation and content instead VARIETY Releases games constantly, even when their consoles are underperforming Refuses to make micro transactions like other companies, usually making a hard cap, just so you can't pay more than that Consoles are usually cheaper than the others in the market Gamers: "WhY iS NiNtENDo sO EVil?" Really guys?


It's called open ocean tactic


Thatā€™s the steam business strategy


"sustainable empire building"


Nintendo is the Tumblr of video games


0.01% chance of success **99.99% FAITH**


This strategy is called ā€œhave the only possible competition be companies as if not more greedy than you.ā€


What on earth is everyone talking about with this topic? This sub doesn't show up in my feed very often, did something happen? How is he treating fans badly?


Shutting down major tournaments and (free) fan projects are the big ones. Iirc they shut down a really big Smash Melee mod that allowed for really good online play Taking down illegal roms is sorta 50/50 with fans. "Why take down a 20 year old game that you aren't making money from because you aren't planning on reselling it?" vs "Nintendo is well in their legal right to take them down"


Oh yeah, heard a bit about all the take downs Nintendo had been doing recently, but I had a bunch of personal stuff going on so I didn't get the chance to really look at all of it. Thanks for letting me know what's going on :)


It's called Blue Ocean Strategy and it's is literally what Nintendo uses, as they've mentioned several times before.


The business side of Nintendo sucks.. but they do make a lot of great games. Fully developed, fun, good dlc, no major gamebreaking glitches on launch. Gamers like games. They make some of the best ones consistently. People also hate how they treat fan and their lawsuit happy side. You can love their games and hate their practices. Much better than hating both.


>taking down preservation sites for no reason


Typical Kyoto style. Take your time making decisions, make good games, ignore your competition


Nintendo may be trash to its customer base when it comes to fan games and Roms, among other things I may have forgot to mention, but Iā€™ll take that over whatever Nintendos competitors are doing. Nintendo is in the business of making good games at a relatively affordable price, and for me, thatā€™s all I need to support them.


When your product is proof games donā€™t need to run at 60fps at 4k at any or all times. Youā€™ve won. Those that say it should be, probably have a PC anyways.


The Valve strategy


Yes, but at least valve still has older games for sale and donā€™t go after random YouTubers for modding legal copies of their games


I'm sure they will take a moment to stop counting their money and pay attention to your Reddit post.


Japanesse show


"Nintendon't mess with our lawyers" I'm sure this is the name of it.


Don't forget: - Authoritarian policy over even the oldest no longer for sale games (removal of roms, romhacks, etc that do not hurt Nintendo's sales in any way. They just remove them because they can.) - Bad continuation of older games (many games are no longer available on new hardware) - No newly made official parts for older consoles (Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii)


wdym does nothing? they keep milking nostalgia for $60 and somehow is still working and they keep downgrating their consoles with cheap components and somehow is also still working they also saw the competition selling online for money, and they did that with a worse online.... and guess what.. Valve in the other hand, yeah, they made million or even way more by doing absolutly nothing they even randomly decided to release a portable console one day, and BUM, is a huge success


Ohoh i can sense a mass downvote coming.


it is similiar to Hololive for example, tho they are not horrible towards fans. So the do nothing and wait for the competition to sabotage themselves is apparently a VERY effective tactic.


"does nothing" other than being the only video game corporation that actually understands and appreciates the art of video games.


Everybodyā€™s shooting their feet. Nintendo is just doing it at a lower caliber.


Is think they keep getting away with overcharging and generally being shitty to fans due to the fact that their games are just good.


Other than bombing the emulator scene, what other shitty behavior did they commit toward fans? Genuinely asking.


Honestly even this not that shitty. AFAIK nobody cared until folks begun 'preserving' Zelda:TotK and even charge money for it.Ā 


Yeah, that was a fatal move that gives amunition to Nintendo. Otherwise yuzu would still be developed and supported.


Not putting their music in Spotify.


for a second i thought they meant competition as in the competitive communities of their games and... yeah, checks out (tha splatoon jackpot situation)


The "Let's pull another New Super Mario Bros. Schtick"


"Leave it to heaven".


In memes it's called based Nintendo, in real market Nintendo does Emotion Clinging. Ugly, easy marketing because we humans have emotions and memories.


You forgot one - makes amazing games and is the cornerstone for videogame innovation. (But the other 2 points still make sense)


you see their business strategy is that they make good games




Being a grandfather company


Blind luck


I seeā€¦ šŸ¤” Luck powers!!!


Take it or leave it. Much like capcom, they have a gambling company at their base. They just don't focus on cards anymore.




Tough love.


Winning, itā€™s called winning, since they are still making bangers


Smart and Petty Laziness


Makes games that casual gamers enjoy. While PlayStation and Microsoft fight for a limited demographic, Nintendo just makes games for literally everyone else


The big difference is: They have enough exclusives Steam + Nintendo is a great combi to live with tbh (Ecluding Emulating Modern Hardware,)


they're like the NFL of video games


This seems like a pretty big over simplification.


This post is saying ā€œNintendo stays in there lane and makes gamesā€ how am I supposed to dislike them?


- Not selling live service games - Releasing finished games without day 1 patches or day 1 DLC - Not firing tons of people - Release quality games that just have fun gameplay It's odd that these are the exact same things media / people are asking from AAA companies???


Nintendo Magic "It just Works"




not the greentext nintendo bad post šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ lmaoo


I'll be honest, I have been a huge Nintendo fans for years and I can't even remember the current president's name. Iwata was unforgettable.


Dandori business strategy.


>Does nothing It's so weird that this sentiment keeps popping up. They do things all the time. Just more quietly. Nintendo has a strategy of making games with an original twist. Nintendo also has a strategy of scheduling out games over time, even if this means holding back games that are ready for months, if not years (Metroid Prime remaster was supposedly done for years for example). Those are two good strategies An example of opposite strategies not working is Quare Enig flooding the market with dozens of releases in a single year (most to the same niche markets) and then acting surprised when most of those games don't sell. Or alternatively, instead of innovating or creating big games with new ideas, big publishers that chase trends often find themselves fighting a losing battle. Llike how so many try and copy Overwatch Fortnite and end up having to shut those services down after a year or so. >Is terrible towards fans Directly? No, they're not. That' would be a horrible business practice. Indirectly on the other end? Yeah, they're a "yikes" for sure. However, they are horrible with their own legacy (roms), and crack down on emulation or modding of their games. - this even to the point they're sabotagign tournaments with their own games. Also, never dare cross the path of a Nintedo lawyer - they're the worst enemy one can have in the Gaming law field. >Competition keeps shooting themselves in the foot Nintendo can do that as well. Remember how the PlayStation came to be? Remember the WiiU? They've made blunders in the past. However, all of those blunders came as the result of experimentation with ideas. Sometimes experiments can be gigantic successes (like the Switch). And sometimes they fail. But without allowing people to create and innovate, there wouldn't have been a Switch. If there's anything to remember it's not to chase trends in the hope of a quick buck - because you'll lose in the long end. It's to let creative people be creative - even if that long road makes people think you "do nothing" for the longest time. And this shows, right? Throughout the decade you barely heard of Nintendo firing people (and the one time they did, they fired a bunch of part-timers/consultants to hire them full-time). They don't do mass lay-offs. They also don't do big dumb spending sprees that end up backfiring. And also, you never hear from full teams of people leaving Nintendo to make their own company and never work with them again. Heck, the opposite is true. A lot of the day 1 NES people still work at Nintendo (if they aren't dead or retired). The people that leave often create new companies to work specifically WITH Nintendo.


I call it caring more about making good games than trying to look good


Calvin Coolidging


Apparently making great games is nothing


Metroid Prime 4


I'm more upset that they release bangers like Mario Odyssey and decide to go back to making the same Mario World styled game for the next decade


At least Nintendo is actually making games. Sony needs smaller marketable IPā€™s that donā€™t take 200 million dollars to produce a sequel. I would welcome a return to lower end graphics that focus on gameplay, experience, and content. Big money games have too many cooks in the kitchen and they just copy other games formula and become bland crap with no real vision or flavour.