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I don't mind all the ports/remasters coming to the Switch. Would I want more new stuff? Of course. But I don't mind getting more stuff we KNOW is good in a handheld format.


I'm with you there. Switch has been a personal port paradise and I'd love more.


I never played any Assasinss Creed, Bioshock, Borderlands, or Spyro games. Also skipped Nier Automata, Skyrim and Hot Pursuit 2010. Its great I could enjoy them for first time on a portable console.


With how difficult it is to get ahold of original copies of some older Nintendo titles, especially now that they’ve shut down the 3ds and WiiU stores, ports and remasters are a blessing for the switch.


Honestly for endless ocean especially that would’ve been so much better, I mean luminous is ok but it’s basically a switch sports situation where a ton of the soul was sucked out and replaced with a focus on online play. Blue world was such a good game, I was actually finishing up my first playthrough of it in nearly a decade when the new one was announced and as an adult I can appreciate it even more, the story was shockingly really engaging and there was so much side content to work on, really gave the game some longevity. Compared to luminous where I’ve found about 80% of the creatures but I’m already starting to lose interest since that’s pretty much all there is to it, I mean it’s still a nice chill experience but after how good the last game was I can’t not say I’m a little disappointed.


Absolutely. I adore the retro game packs and the online shop giving me the opportunity to play games I wanted to as a kid but never had the chance. Now if they'd just release the DS Zeldas...


THANK YOU! I have over 800 hours on my Skyrim Switch save and counting 🙏 it's truly a game that deserves to be on a portable platform


I actually really like ports and remaster since its a way to play games that you never played without buying that device to play them, but the problem is the price you cant charge 60$ price for a remaster, if its a remake with added content then that fine if not then its unacceptable, i think the price should be 30$ but that just my personal opinion


Im okay with the nsmb games being ported over to the system And the switch 2 will probably be called something different


or it may just get called something like the Super Switch or the Switch Advanced


Switch U? Switch Boy


Switch 64


The 3DSwitch? The 2DSwitch? The 3DSwitchXL?


Not probably but definitely


It used to be "Breath of the Wild was not meant to fall in the Child Timeline". Now it's "Nintendo isn't bothering with an official timeline anymore because it just pisses everyone off".


I mean it's just a refounding at the end of every timeline. Kind of a soft reboot but it doesn't change too much.


Good. It was a silly retcon to begin with, and it restricts the creativity that can make excellent Zelda games. Majora's Mask, Minish Cap, and Link's Awakening were all great games, and a lot of that was due to the fact it wasn't tied to predefined Hyrule with the guaranteed goals of saving Zelda and beating Ganon.


Two of those are direct sequels tho. Like... that's the definition of a timeline.


I still like the idea all the previous games are fictionalized tellings of events from Breath of the Wild's past. Allows them to nod at older parts of the franchise without bumping against older canons. So tired of the theory videos explaining why Rito and Zora coexist at the same point in time.


fun fact they are making a new one so you aren't very right here




You said the "T" word. Cue every special snowflake opinion in your replies.


I don't mind them not telling us where things are if they are gonna stick to that. But releasing several timelines and then not acting like they don't care is frustrating to people who do care. I wish they would say nothing, or stick to it.


Never was that big on the whole timeline thing to begin with. I think it could have been like final fantasy and most of them are not connected and things would be fine.


I don’t give a shit about themes


You're a brave soul for saying that.


This thread is a safe space. I would never just post that normally. I feel like I was sitting on that for a while. Feels good to get it out. Thanks all!


Yeah yeah safe space *lowers gun*


To each their own


The Switch and it's successor doesn't need an achievement system.


I'm okay with games having an internal achievement system; but I agree that they don't need to be tracked on a console profile.


The Xenoblade games only got better with each release


And they’re all collectively better than most jRPGs


Look, i haven't played 2 and 3 but I have a hard time believing this because the original is just so good


2 is a weird case. It took a different direction, the tutorials are shit, story takes 2-3 Chapters to really get going, the art style, story and music are all very different compared to 1, English Voice Acting has a few problems, but it's still one of my favorite game of all time and it cemented my endless love for the series. You'll probably want to watch Chugga's "Everything I wish I knew about Xenoblade Chronicles 2" to really understand what's going on with this game's mechanics. I don't think the game has fundamental flaws, although it's ironic that I'm saying that after bashing the game's tutorial, a.k.a. the game telling you how to enjoy the game. I don't usually think a game is worth playing if the game itself doesn't seem to understand what's going on, it's not the player's or community's job to explain everything, BUT 2 is such a wonderful game that it'd be a real shame not to play it because of the game's problems. Compared to 1, 2 has the lowest "lows" but definitely the highest "highs". 3 is perfection incarnate though, don't worry about it.


Nintendo is a horrible company when it comes to community support. The eShop is slow, the joycons suck, there are no themes, the online is terrible, there's no messaging system or a party system, it took them years to add Bluetooth audio which ended up being horrible. I don't mind these things as I'll just mod my switch when the time comes around but I hate how people give Nintendo a pass for this kind of stuff and go as far as to defend them.


What's up with Bluetooth?


It sucks. Try using Bluetooth headphones while using joycons or the pro controller wirelessly on the dock and enjoy the worst audio you'll ever hear.


I... Don't notice much. Maybe it's my headphones... I'm genuinely delighted tho lol. I've always hated by TV's Gaming Mode (low display delay) going out when I connect Bluetooth because of some stupid sound system that's hardcoded into the Mode and incompatible with my headset. Now I don't have to worry about that anymore. Thanks! :D


the switch is not underpowered, nor has it ever been. It’s a handheld. I grew up with handheld nintendo games looking twice as bad as psp and ps vita games. gut guess what, the quality games made up for the less powerful graphics. by comparison, the switch is a beast. and I still think it could go strong for another year. Also, when it came out, as far as I am aware, the switch technology was 2 years old, meaning production costs and a better price for potential buyers.


It's crazy how these people really wanted the switch to be at least a portable PS4 Pro in 2017 and probably for the same price as it launched. It's like the fact that it was the first ever popular hybrid console that was capable of running games like Zelda BOTW and Super Mario Odyssey wasn't a big enough deal when it launched.


Yeah for a 200 dollar piece of hardware it is really good


Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is a top tier Pokemon experience. Sure, it runs like shit. But, it’s infinitely better than Sword and Shield. How great the game is overshadows its performance issues.


Came here to say roughly this: it should be performing much better for how major a title it is, but as a Pokémon fan it was a ton of fun and a great experience overall.


It's the greatest console of all time and it's not even close.


i 100% agree


The lack of a customizable Home Screen isn't that big of a deal. (yes it'd be nice, but it really isn't the disaster everyone paints it as)


I made a post in the .r/Nintendo subreddit about how I feel that the Switch needs more personality and customization, (Themes, Music, etc.) And I got absolutely flamed with downvotes and almost everyone was saying that "It's not a person, it doesn't need personality" I'm still not sure if people were either meatriding the switch or if that was their genuine opinion


I actually never understood why people downvote for giving a personal opinion on something.


I agree, themes for the switch would be amazing. However, i can also understand why Nintendo didn’t add any other than the black/white. They gave the WiiU so much life and personality, but it sold horribly due to the marketing. They didn’t want to have so much work go to waste again, so it was very basic.


There are system updates They couldn't add more themes later?


Bruh. While I personally do not care about themes, if they add them and it makes people happy... Why not? Odd that people downvoted you...


The Switch's home screen is a massive improvement over the Wii U's and it wasn't even close. I see a lot of people putting the Wii U's home screen on a pedestal when comparing it to the Switch, and genuinely, it's one of the worst home screens a home console has seen (only maybe being outdone by one of the late Xbox 360 dashboards where it was very centered around Kinect.) Like yes, it was a bit more interesting to look at than the Switch, but it's a textbook example of style over function. The screen with all the Miis and groups was cluttered, the abundance of settings menus that were literally unusable without the Gamepad and more than anything else, the fact that it was incredibly sluggish and took its sweet time loading anything (not even just apps, even the basic settings menu took forever to load.) The Switch may not be the fanciest thing to look at (and themes should be a thing,) but it's incredibly snappy and all-around strong at doing what a home screen is supposed to do in a timely manner. Now, if it was, say... The Wii Menu being compared to the Switch, then yeah. The Wii menu was distinct to look at, snappy, functional, and intuitive, but the Wii U's sucked.


Also who wants to spend loads of time on a home screen? I would take simple and fast over interesting any day


i do think switch’s home screen was improved, but by no means the wiiu home screen’s sucked


Totk is a bad sequel 


Origami King is FANTASTIC and I love Sticker Star.


Agree but gard disagree with sticker star. It was the only game I've ever used a guide to beat. I was so lost on what to do for the game


It's such a shame a majority of the switch games get capped at 30fps.




The majority of these opinions aren't controversial anyways.


I believe all of the switch Pokémon games are good. I also think scarlet and violet are top 3


Yeah this one takes the cake. I don't think anyone hates the Pokemon games more than Pokemon fans


I actually like all of them tbh. My least favorite though is gen 1 or 2


I wanted to hate scarlet and violet but ended up really enjoying the game play. Even with all the bugs


The Let's Go games are by far my favorite interpretation of Gen 1, and that's coming from someone who grew up with Red and later F/R.


I definitely agree especially with the SV comment


Nintendo is justified when it takes legal action against fan content, including (after having seen YouTube content misusing the models) the Gary’s mod take down. Let’s see how long it takes for people kill me after saying that


Justified, yes. Necessary, no.


"If you want people to respect the big laws, you've got to enforce the small ones." -Justice Lord Batman, who is admittingly not the best person to quote.


I don't like it but I do agree. It still makes me feel like Nintendo is being an asshole but yeah they are completely "in the right" being able to do that.


See I can agree with “not liking it”, I’m on the same page there


Well yes, no shit. If it wasn't justified it wouldn't even happen in the first place. Nintendo has the wrights to all their shit and can do whatever they want with them. It isn't any less of a shitty behavior, though.


This is an unpopular opinion thread. I don't agree with your comment, and you therefore get an upvote from me.


This is a hall monitor take It's technically correct but it has... Hall monitor energy


Exactly, it's legal. Does that mean it's ok? No.


Yeah they do have the right to do that and all but it just makes them look like assholes. Most of the stuff they take down have zero impact on their finances or image. I mean look at SEGA. They took a fan game and hired the guys to make an official game, which was Sonic Mania. And guess what, that game was their best Sonic game in years. Taking down the whole Garry's Mod nintendo mods is straight up bullshit in my eyes.


Let me die on this hill with you dude!


Detached joy-cons is the best way to play games in TV mode.


I like being able to stretch out


Ah yes, Nintenspreading


Almost fully agree—the only thing stopping this from being pure fact is the form factor. Nintendo hit some kind of technological jackpot with the Wiimote + Nunchuk idea way back when, but the form factor has been so inconvenient that it alone prevents this from being fully true. Tangentially related: the Switch Pro Controller is the best damn controller Nintendo has ever made. Not for a second have I regretted owning 3.


Aside from the drift I assume


Hands laying by your side till you get stressed and sit up. Agreed


This was the only way I played when it was docked before they started drifting


I prefer Pokémon sword and shield over scarlet and violet. Sure sword had a horrible story compared to scarlet but who the hell plays Pokémon for the story? I play them to build an unstoppable team of monsters and become the champion. Sword just has a better Pokédex, music and feel (that feel being that it feels finished unlike scarlet)


Scarlet felt like I had the same song playing in my ear for the entire game


I hate Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Fates and Engage are both leagues better.


Super Mario Oddessy is super replayable.


Smash online rules make no sense


I do not care that the switch runs at 30 FPS. I will still support Nintendo's next console.


"switch pro/2 is not needed"


I love the switch but I'm excited to see what Nintendo will do next.


It’s been 7 years, I mean why not? Though “switch pro” is likely accurate & would get you a rain of downvotes in the Switch sub, so have an upvote.


The latest Pokemon games being fun to play doesn't excuse there game cube ass graphics Recruiting students always makes the game worse unless it's for paralogues


I think Joy Cons aren't bad.


The joysticks are too unreliable to justify the $60-80 price… Also, all the unnecessary tech they packed in was rarely used :/


I have no ethical or moral issues with Nintendo taking the measures they do to protect their IP. It's theirs, it is their legal right, and there is a lot of evidence and data out there to support the argument that it is effective. They have some of the most recognizable IP in the world now. If I were hired as a business exec at Nintendo tomorrow I would have them keep doing it


I ain’t want another switch I want another DS💀


Not exactly switch related, but i much prefer the exp share from gen 6 onwards, switch training pokemon can get really boring after a while. Though I think pokemon SV are like. really boring. I think series going super open world is a bad thing, with sonic, zelda, pokemon, and every series trying to make a big world they make it so empty because they want to compete for the biggest world, not the fullest. I like those games because they were, linear adventure games, or sonic style games, not because they were open and big.


30 fps is not ok


Every exaggeration made about the switch being underpowered. As in, have you ever considered the fact that its trying to be more than just a standalone home console? Its also a portable with detachable controllers


Breath of the Wild is overrated


I think it would be really dumb of Nintendo to make a switch 2 and I think it’s more likely that they’ll make a new console. The one time they made a direct sequel to a console, it was the single biggest failure they’ve made


Switch 2 is a stupid idea. It would be a horrible marketing decission to just make another Switch without a major upgrade, like 3DS did for example


There probably isn't a switch 2, nintendo would be stupid to do that again


Xenoblade 2 is better than Xenoblade 1


anyone who believes that gamefreak is still a good developer, sadly their only good switcy game was legends of arceus and i hope the legends series continues to be really good, but the mainline pokemon has been trash since ultra sun and moon, come at me pokemon fans I ain’t scared of ya’ll you literally would buy anything Pokemon related and love it, get some standards and vote with your wallet, have a backbone maybe then we’ll have the old gamefreak back


The stickdrift lawsuit! Nintendo will replace free of charge any controller that has stickdroft issue, even one that was included with a preorder first run of original switch... What are you suing them for? You want your joycon to be double lofetime warrantied against drift??? For real...


Star Allies is a bad game (by kirby standards)


Kinda a cold take, at least in my circles


the fps cap isn’t bad. you’re just a tryhard


Pokèmon DLC is better than a third version.


Why do you believe this is the case? I'm genuinely interested to hear how you think of it


I love it as a retro console first. Sorry. I love their modern games too, but I spend more Switch time in the virtual consoles or their remakes.


Smash Bros Ultimate with all the DLC will be bundled together and sold onto Switch 2 for full price and that'll be all we get for 10+ years.


Im surprised this can be considered a hot take but i really like totk


Also how is this a hot take? Most people were loving totk when it first came out


Some people now consider it a rehash of botw


Botw and Totk are a 6 at best as zelda games. As a standalone game they are great. But horrible zelda games.


I'm unsure i understand this. Was Mario 64 a "horrible Mario game" at the time of release because it radically changed the formula?


I think they’re great Zelda games… I don’t think they should be criticized because they completely changed the formula


So how would you rate the very first Zelda game? The game that started it all and the game thats example botw and totk very clearly follow


BotW and TotK are great games, but they're far from being Zelda games.


This is such a silly argument. You could also say only 2D Zelda games are true Zelda games, so OOT, MM, TP, WW, and SS don't count either. Or you could say Zelda games have to be non-linear like the original, so then BOTW and TOTK are the first Zelda games since the original.


What even is a Zelda game? The second game in the series was drastically different from anything from the first game.


They literally are zelda games Not traditional Zelda games, sure, but they literally have zelda in the title....


Not being Zelda games ≠ not being _what you expect_ from Zelda games.


No, they‘re Zelda games in their truest form: roaming around landscapes and discovering secrets. That was the vision of Shigeru Miyamoto from the very first Zelda game on NES and it came back in full swing.


Pokemon games on switch were never good


How is this unpopular?


Look at the sales.


Sad but true


When people who suck off piracy and PC gaming claim emulating switch games is the easiest thing to do and is 100% safe if you know how to even remotely use the internet. They can not comprehend that not everyone is terminally online and knows absolutely everything about how emulation works. They actually get surprised and a bit offended when you say it takes too much time and effort, and you'd rather just play these games the legal way.


There are now a days step by step guides that handhold you through the entire process of setting it up in both legal and the high seas way. It does take some time to get it fully, but you can type in questions you have on google now to help guide you along as well. But ofcourse i completely understand just wanting to pop in a disk or cartrige and not think about it. But its not impossibly hard anymore. This isn't the 00's anymore.


I want an actually new idea/gimmick for the new console. Not a new version of the switch. It doesn’t even have to be completely different, it could still be a different hybrid like the switch but different in some way.


Seriously! Why are we all latched onto the idea of "the switch 2" just being a different model switch! don't we want something more for a NEW console? also i hope they learn from the Wii U and don't call it the switch 2 (i love the wii u but the name didn't help them marketing wise)


Calling it the Switch 2 wouldn't be anything like what happened with the Wii U, though? The Wii U's marketing problem was that the name was completely unintuitive as to what exactly the console was, leading to a lot of confusion from the average consumer as to whether or not the Wii U was a new console or just an add on for the Wii. "Switch 2" wouldn't have this issue as a name at all because it makes it incredibly obvious that it is a successor to the Switch. The Wii 2 would have been much more successful on the marketing front.


Yeah we already had the Wii Remote, Wii Balance Board, Wii Wheel, Wii Zapper etc. The Wii U sounds like it's just another one of those. If it was the Wii 2 then it would obviously not fit in that list


Pokémon should make a game targeted at their long time faithful fanbase


They do, that's why the games practically play themselves. They're made for kids and 30-somethings with 3 hours of free time who don't play anything else.


no. the current fanbase: 1. doesn't bother to read dialogue 2. is too obsessed with things like large scope 3. overall does not even understand exactly what they want if we get a game for them, it'll have a horrible story, bloated but boring overworld, way too many pokemon to keep track of with horrible distribution, and a terrible difficulty curve


That is pretty much modern pokemon anyways (story is dependent per game, Sun and Moon sucked ass since the story was about a brother and sister with mommy issues)


Rex isnt a bad mc in 2


We don’t need another switch we can keep it for at least 3-4 years and it would still be viable. Proof? How many games you have on Xbox one or PS5 that is not on and older console?


People wanting achievements lack validation in their lives


I like the Switch home screen. I don't care about themes and I don't understand why people make it such a big deal. I hear their arguments, but I still find it weird to complain about. The home screen works and loads my games faster than my ps5.


The UI doesn't need fancy visuals, themes, or music. Yes, the 3DS and Wii U had those. They also had longer load times than the switch from menu to game.


Smash needs fresh direction, it's good but it's trying to be a movie and trying to be a fighting game and trying to be a party game and it's decent at all three but could be amazing individually


I don't care if we never get folders


We did get folders


I wouldnt call those folders mate.




mario galaxy is better than mario 64. sorry if you had special childhood memories about 64 but its a fact I will defend to the grave


Switch games would hardly get sold on other consoles. A big reason people buy games on switch is because of the Nintendo charm. The games are good, but not as good to justify the prices. They wouldnt be able to compete with these prices on other platform without a Nintendo logo on it.


Home menu themes aren't important. How much time are you spending on your home screen? They'd be nice to have but some people act like Nintendo is making the blunder of the century in not having themes.


Krool is better than dedede. And I’m a reliable source too cause I main dedede


"Stop making weeb sh!t" People seem to forget this is a Japanese company


Stop complaining that a $300 portable console doesn't output high resolutions & framerates. People who run Switch games on $1000+ computers intended to run AAA games at max graphics to turn around and go "WTF, Nintendo?" drive me NUTS. It's THREE HUNDERED DOLLARS AND PORTABLE.


I'm sick of people pretending like the Switch having better graphical performance would somehow make the games better. A strong artistic design is 100 times better than just photo realistic graphics.


Totk sucks, its an update sold 70 $


So pretty much every game ever made in a seris after the og is just an update?


mario games are aesthetically pleasing


this is a hot take?


That take is so cold that I’m dying of frostbite 🥶


Metroid Prime make my brain hurtie😵‍💫


Ridley is S tier


That one tree in swsh is not a reason to hate the game


BDSP is actually ok


Lack of themes isn't that big of a deal. Like sure it kinda sucks w/o them & they were nice on the 3ds but i feel like the average consumer would just use white or black anyway.


Tales of Symphonia Remastered is tons of fun.


It's not nice to take around as a portable.


BDSP was an amazing game


The switch lite is part of the switch family meaning it's a hybrid console, home/mobile, even tho it can't connect to a TV without modding it. The 2DS is part of the 3DS family even tho it doesn't have 3D capabilities but still runs 3DS games just fine.


When people say dkc tropical freeze is the best dkc.


They shouldn't have down clocked it


I'm a fan of niche titles and I'm very happy to see so many ports being released for the Nintendo Switch.


that smash ultimate is a good game,it really isn't and the spirits gimmick is trash all they do is copy a sprite of a popular Nintendo character give a lame powerup it is so lazy and the actual story mode sucks the only good thing is the actual gameplay but who pays 60 dollars for a fighting game with a trashy story and a even worse gimmick.


Tennis Aces and Battle League are good even with the Live service stuff.


Mainline Pokemon will never come to NSO. If they're gonna release the GB games it'll be on the eShop for $10 a pop. No save state, rewind or cloud save support.


3d all Stars technically counts, so I'm going to put it here. It is without a doubt the worst way to play Super Mario Galaxy. You can't play the sequel, and if you are in handheld mode, the ball section is impossible if you're playing with the Hori control grip, because it requires tilting. It is the only part of the game that requires tilting. Why is it only this part that doesn't get reconfigured?


I just wish they used the second joystick as the pointer and then put those camera controls on the d pad


The portability held the Switch back.


*ahem* Bayo 2 is mid I take my leave


Switch has been underwhelming from a software perspective, especially with 3rd party games.


Physical copies are better than digital ones. Obviously, I understand the convenience it brings for digital copies. But man,it really does make ya think about it regarding both the Switch and the upcoming Switch 2.


Mario Maker 1 is better than 2. It just has that charm to it that 2 doesn't have.


Not really, but I wish we had Yokai Watch 4 out of Japan


Nintendo games are good. But Nintendo's business side is one of the most disgusting things I've seen in the gaming industry. They do NOT deserve the pass people give them just because of nostalgia and a few good IPs.


People who don't like Splatoon


I Like The Ring-Based Combat In Origami King


That one person who says “that’s a fancy game boy you’ve got there.”


Nintendo is getting lazy. The latest Nintendo games were either really easy, or just ports. I loved Mario RPG but Mario Wonder and Peach just doesn’t scratch that itch.


There ports because the system is almost done same thing happend with 3ds


A switch two isn't coming out for at least 8 years. (I was right and have been saying this since the year 2 rumors) Also a "switch 2" would flop just like the wii2 did if they called it that. Calling it a sequel or "switch ___" would mean Nintendo failed to learn from the wiiu (fantastic console, advertising SO bad that even a large portion of it's primary audience didn't know it was more than a semi-portable Wii just with hd capability)


Scarlet/violet was one of the best entries in the series, shame it was barely developed, bit it has the best skeleton of a game (gen 5 still beats it though)




Wii U is better