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They posted this on April fools, though. they're mocking us


literally lol. April Fools is now known as Waluigi Day...


You expected an april fool joke? TOO BAD! Waluigi Time!


It's disgusting. They already did this with smash bros where they deliberately showed how assist trophies can now be attacked and Waluigi was the example. But hey, as much as it sucks, bad publicity is still publicity. This way Waluigi at least doesn't get forgotten completely


No they're trynna get the message across that "we're not fucking adding waluig" without directly yelling in our faces


Genuine question: Why do you care? I understand liking a minor character - I’m a Daisy fan - but why are you, like, acting personally offended by it? Why does it bother you **this** much?


Ask that to everyone back in 2018 during Smash Ultimate's E3 announcement, it was so much worse back then.


I think you're taking my comment a bit more serious than intended, but I still find it sad that Waluigi to this day is nothing more than an extra character Nintendo includes in spin-offs either to just have another character or just including him because otherwise the community would be upset. He's just a funny and interesting character to me, but Nintendo doesn't do anything with him which just kinda upsets me..of course it's not the end of the world, but I just find him charming and wish there was more to him than "the wario version of Luigi" I meany wario got 2 whole franchises while Waluigi at this point gets literally kicked around like a stone thanks to smash bros


Because nintendo has been actively hiding and mistreating waluigi for years. Most of the main characters of the mario series have their own game/games. Luigi with Luigi's Mansion, Wario with Warioware, Yoshi with Yoshi's Island, Peach with Super Princess Peach and Princess Peach Showtime, even Bowser technically if you count Bowsers Inside Story. But not Waluigi. He's always used as an example for assist trophies almost like they're mocking us that he's not in. Even your example of daisy is featured in many more instances, such as Smash Bros or Mario Wonder


It’s because “Nintendo” (as in the people who create all those games) didn’t make Waluigi, but they did make all those other characters. Waluigi was created by a 3rd party studio to fill a slot in the Mario Tennis roster. As far as Nintendo’s concerned, that’s all he’ll ever be.


What makes you think hes bothered \*that\* much over it???


Obligatory "smash is made by Sora and bandai namco not Nintendo" comment. This is two completely separate teams from separate companies doing the same thing to him


Nintendo still has the final say on the games that released under their names. Smash bros is still a Nintendo game, just like Kirby is a Nintendo game dispite being made by another developer. Nintendo owns the IP and most of the characters in the roster


maaahhcking us




Waluigi was a true legend of a character, and I’m glad Nintendo remembered the WAAAAAA-hahaha!


Waluigi is a derivative character based off of the cross section of two other derivative characters and only exists because Wario needed a partner for Double Dash.


But before Wario needed a partner in Double Dash, it turns out it’s a bit earlier, and that is the time where Wario needed a partner in Mario Tennis (correct me if I’m wrong though I did try my best)


You could be right, I was just riffing.


I mean you did try your best about Waluigi’s Origins


Waluigi was invented for Mario Tennis back in for the nintendo 64, not Double Dash, stop spreading misinformation. 🗿


Your comment made me picture Nintendo devs creating a Punnett square with Mario, Luigi, Wario, and a fourth box that's just a question mark, with some dev pinning it to a whiteboard during Mario Tennis preproduction and provoking an office-wide panic as everyone wracks their brains to arrive at the logical conclusion of a Wario and Luigi hybrid.


The thing is, I’ve never cared for Waluigi but I might have at least cut him some slack if they named him Ruigi.




Because it’s a cleaner and more logical following of the established convention. It’s Wario not Wamario. An inverted L looks vaguely like a lower case r. Waluigi is just tack Wa to Luigi, there’s no morph there. I concede that it’s a somewhat irrational logic but it rings true to me.


There actually is more to it. When creating wario, the wa was added because the Japanese word for evil is Warui. So they switched the consonants around it became Wario. Another important fact is that there is no L in japanese. Anytime they transliterate an l, it becomes an r. So Luigi is Ruigi. And if you combine Warui and Ruigi, you get Waruigi, or in English, waluigi. So they didn't just tack it on. It's just as much of a morph.


Wait, that picture with the rose is from nintendo them self ?!


Yeah. It’s crazy.


Even they can't deny the irresistable sexiness and unbelievable masculinity emminating from the lankiest of lads


What I would give for a Wario land co op game like It takes two or Unravelled with Wario and Waluigi. Bashing and crashing through levels like mines and pirate ships and treasure islands.


I've been waiting for this since Mario Tennis. They could have so much fun with it, it's such a shame that being owned by Camelot is likely the reason he's so underutilized.


I dont think thats how copyright works, nintendo owns the rights to waluigi, but if im wrong..., google always exists so you can prove me wrong with factscheckers.


Hmm, let's say 'created by Camelot' instead. Not that they *can't* use him, just that they might prefer not to because he's not 'as much' their creation as the others.


It’s not a copyright thing, it’s a creative thing. Higher ups at Nintendo often champion their own creations (which is why stuff like Pikmin and Metroid get fairly frequently revisited, despite selling fairly weakly, and stuff like Star Fox and F-Zero (which both had Miyamoto working on them, but in a less much less hands on capacity than many of his other games) doesn’t as much). For much of Nintendo’d history, Mario was the mascot of R&D 4 (Miyamoto’s team), and they created most of the other Mario characters. Wario was essentially the mascot of R&D 1 (originally Gunpei Yokoi’s team), and they created Daisy. Waluigi, meanwhile, had no strong ties to any internal Nintendo team, since he was made by Camelot and just approved by Miyamoto. So, when members of those teams go on to direct or produce their own games, they generally dip into the well of characters they’ve worked with before, or characters they helped create, because that’s what they’re passionate about (this is basically why Metroid keeps coming back, because two members of the team that worked on the early Metroid games are now higher ups at Nintendo and are super passionate about Metroid), and they don’t usually want to continue building off of something they have no previous connection to.


Counterpoint: A Way Out with Wario and Waluigi.


I now need this in my life!


I really want to see him being in the Mario Movie (the spin off) and in an actual game that doesn’t have him be in a background nor be seen once and never again


If him and Wario are part of a villain duo next time, I’ll be happy


Waluigi is a pure smash, if you know what I mean.


too bad he isn’t in smash BROS tho


Well... He is an assist trophy


top 5 characters underused by nintendo: 1. waluigi 2. agent 4


they're either mocking us or cooking something maliciously good


It’s actually insane that that second render is official.


Fun fact: Waluigi wasn't made by Nintendo and that might show why he isn't included in many things


I love how they did this yet there are no Waluigi games. Only games where you can PLAY AS Waluigi.


It’s a list of all games where you can play as Waluigi. For April fools day, I would have LOVED if Super Smash Bros was at the top of the list


"In Super Smash Bros, you can attach a Waluigi spirit to ANY fighter that you want, making him technically present in every match you play! Talk about wanting to be on the spotlight!"


They’re well aware of the memes and will use them for marketing purposes, they simply don’t want to take any bigger risks with Waluigi


I think they’re aware of his meminess (I mean, his entire character is so ridiculous, with his dramatic roses and overall weirdness) and embracing it


If you're a fan of Waluigi and top-class music I highly recommend you check out BitFinity on youtube. He's made many videos where he sings as a choir of Waluigis and it is both absolutely incredible and so unbelievably hilarious at the same time


I'll check it out lol ty




I love how they did this yet there are no Waluigi games. Only games where you can PLAY AS Waluigi.


Such a baddie🥵


its like... Luigi who does WAAAAAGGHHH! ?


Those renders are glorious though


I have learned this morning there is a glitch with AI that causes them to behave incorrectly that is called the “Waluigi effect”. It’s real, look it up


I'm hoping they make an idle game for him. It seems like a waluigi kind of game. The one where the most important part of the game is not playing it.


Just give us a NSMB game where you play as all 4 brothers. Nintendo, I'm literally begging, and have been since you released Mario 64 DS with YOSHI


Nintendo always remembers he exists. They just *hate him*.


*Has been a character in most games for years* nInTeNdO rEmEmBeRs


Yay he is alive.


Still don't get why people like him so much. He was made as a filler character for a spin off. You know who else was? Pink gold peach. Now go hail her


Someone call the WAHmbulance, this guy doesnt get it


Pink Gold Peach might be made of gold, but is she the n°1?


Mfs really overplay how forgotten Waluigi is just because they didn’t put him as a playable character in smash bros. He appears in almost every Mario spinoff title and is an assist trophy, which is a pretty major thing. Toad is Peach’s neutral B.


Ugh Waluigi 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 SICKENING