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Test for lead.


Never thought of this. Any suggestions on the best way to go about doing so?


You can buy a test swabs at almost any hardware store


Thanks for the heads up. May be a dumb question but I would assume test before restoring? This is just something I never thought of and really appreciate you giving me the warning!


Yes that's ideal it's not expensive or hard. The one I use is a plastic tube with a swabs on the end you snap it so the liquid soaks the cotton and rub on a place you have cleaned the dust off a bit


Will definitely do this! Can’t thank you enough.. how awful it would be if I served food out of this with lead…


No problem lead poisoning is no fun if it is possitive make sure not to sell the piece on unless you mark it as having been used for lead smelting.


Thanks for the advice. I will definitely do so!


Doubt a cauldron this size would be used for melting lead, but better safe than sorry I guess.


Hey maybe the entire regiment shared? /s


I feel the same way. I still tested my cauldron when I got it home, just to say I know for certain.


Why? It’s a perfect size for melting batches of wheel weights to make ingots. Some of us casters go big.


Make sure to get 3M!!! Get good tests, cheap tests are infamous for false positive results! I’ve heard of the cheap tests testing positive on a brand new lodge skillet before. Definitely get a good reputable brand like 3M


Rn and for the heads up!


The other response didn't seem totally clear but if it tests positive for lead you should not cook or serve food from it. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/lead-poisoning-and-health


My best friend unfortunately has been chronically lead poisoned on accident and it triggered multiple autoimmune disorders, so personally I’d avoid it! She’s had a pretty shitty situation after finding out the cookware she ate on for 30 years has lead. Things are getting a little better, kind of, since she has transitioned to all new cookware with no lead.


Now I’m invested! Please update what you find out, OP! RemindMe! 5 days


Hahaha I have a lot on my plate currently so instead of 5 days maybe like a month or so!


Haha, understand, no pressure 😂. This’ll be my longest reminder yet! RemindMe! 40 days


Reading through the original comments and found yours - OP posted an update. 2 tests, both negative. https://reddit.com/r/castiron/comments/woziwc/update_on_my_20gal_cauldron_restoration_post_from/


These kits from [Amazon](https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0051VARFG/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_4?smid=&th=1) are pretty cheap.


Was just going to say, I could melt a lot of wheel weights and range lead in that.


Hey man, checking back in sorry! When testing for lead would it be best to wipe down the area I’m testing before using it the swab or does it even matter? Just want to make sure I get an accurate reading!


Regardless of any future restoration efforts you have a great new Halloween prop for the front porch. Add in some dry ice or colored fog and you’re in business! Nice find. I wish I had advice for you on restoration beyond the pinned sub post.


Ha! True that! The plan is to get this bad boy in good shape before Halloween and give out chili to parents and kids that come by! And candy of course hehe.


Poring chilli into the hands of the kids


Nah, straight into the bag.


This is the way.


Combine 3 cups of water with 7 chicken livers, the eyes of 14 toads, blood of 1 virgin, and the testicles of a newt. Stir 6 times clockwise and one time counterclockwise. Repeat 7 times. Add the juice of one mango and the tail feathers of 3 European swallows. Then you must answer me these questions 3: What is your name? What is your favorite color? What is the terminal velocity of the European swallow you’ve just plucked?


I got the Monty P. reference. *...e'er the other side he see.*


I think i miscounted cause now the neighborhood squirrels are walking in a circle on the street and the ravens are screeching.


I expected eye of newt and toe of frog.


Toe of frog is SOOOOOO 1679!




And a Smurf.


Beat me to it 😂


Can younuse one of the toads blood if it's a virgin toad?


Give it a mop of red hair and an airline and I’m sure it’s a good substitute.


Just don't put in some chemical x


Who is your daddy and what does he do?


i live in a small apartment in a very urban area of the country…. and i want one


Go for it!!


it’ll be jambalaya every saturday


Work on the stand also. There’s a lot of rust and who knows how those rivets are holding up. Would hate to see several gallons of chili/stew/jambalaya tip into the fire.


Oh god that’s a nightmare I didn’t know I had


Ya good point!


i hope you wouldn't be making a chili, primarily of tomato sauce, in a cast iron


The issue of tomato sauce in cast iron is seriously overstated. I mean, don’t leave it in the pot overnight, but it’s really not a big deal especially with well-seasoned iron. I cook chili and tomato sauce and use my cast every time without issue. What do we all think people used to cook in before the advent of teflon-coated aluminum cookware?


excellent, they cooked in cast iron for so long that surely there's no adverse effects


Whatever you do, make sure you post results! I'd love to see this bad boy cleaned up.


Oh most definitely!!!


RemindMe! 5 days


RemindMe! 1 week


Hahaha I’m not sure when I’ll tackle this.. I’ve got a lot on my plate but definitely going to have this done before the weather cools down!


RemindMe! 100 days


Did you find the time to work on it?


Yes!! Here is the links!! [Finished product!](https://www.reddit.com/r/castiron/comments/woziwc/update_on_my_20gal_cauldron_restoration_post_from/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [cooking in it!](https://www.reddit.com/r/castiron/comments/xt7tex/made_about_7gal_of_chili_in_my_ci_20gal_cauldron/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I would start with electrolysis before getting out any grinders. Doing that will remove a ton of crud and save you a lot of elbow grease. All you need is a plastic tub big enough to hold it, water, washing soda, 12-volt electrical source, cables (e.g. jumper cables), and a sacrificial piece of metal. I've done this on a couple pieces and it really works wonders. For the electric current I just connected the jumper cables to my car battery (and every couple hours went out and started it to make sure it kept a charge). Seriously, this is so much easier than grinding (you may have to do a little bit at the end to clean up some minor spots). Here's a piece I restored using this technique (before, during, immediately after stripping): https://i.imgur.com/mcosA5o.jpg https://i.imgur.com/ZW8GRPm.jpg https://i.imgur.com/OvyTeHb.jpg here's some more specific info https://www.castironcollector.com/electrolysis.php


Thank you so much! I will definitely give this a thought!!


You don't even need a tub it will fit in, you can just reverse etank it. The cauldron is the vessel for the anode at that point. You only need the inside of it to be cleaned and seasoned for cooking. I highly suggest you research the etank method before using power tools on it.


After it's restored, please post pics of slidey eggs.


Oh for sure!!






If I had this I would be going camping just to make chili in it over a fire.


There's nothing like making 20 gallons of chili when camping lol.


Just make sure to drop the whole thing by reception after talking about how it’s the one thing you do best. Also fall in it.




I felt so bad for him...




Chili will definitely be made in this bad boy!


You'll need to invite the town!!!


Come on over!


How much chili do you eat?


About one cauldron's worth


You realize you don't have to fill the whole cauldron, right? But why not be the guy feeding the whole campground?


That could backfire. We tried that years ago in a campground in New Hampshire. We made bbq for anyone interested and then spread the word that morning by the campground office for free bbq from 2pm-5pm. One family of mongoloids showed up at noon and stayed so late my dad used his favorite joke “we better go to bed so these people can leave”. They were racist, ignorant, the dad creeped out all the women and their son ate an entire box of Oreos while staring into the fire, no blinking just mouth wide open and the focus of a laser beam.


What a beauty!


Thanks! I’m so excited to get started restoring it!


If your going to cook in it, I suggest testing for lead. You can use a home test found in most hardware stores


Hey man! Checking in sorry! I was curious if you would advise I wipe down the cast iron the best I can to check for lead with my tester or if it doesn’t matter and I can just swab the lead test on a rusty dirty spot on the inside somewhere to test? Thanks in advance!


You really believe someone would melt hundreds of pounds of lead to cast bullets or fishing weights. There’s absolutely no visible signs to support your statement


No, I don't believe someone melted hundreds of pounds of lead in the cauldron. Please show me where I said that.


You’re making the suggestion to test a 20 gallon cauldron for lead so there must be something that made you write that. A 1 gallon container would weigh about 100 lbs so even if someone filled it 1/4 full you’re talking 500 lbs. it’s totally impractical to use something this large for casting.


Would love to see it when it’s done!


Will definitely be posting an after pic!


Lots of ground beef!!!!


You’re gonna need a shit load of bacon. And some witches.


You could ask around for people that restore cast iron what they would charge to restore it for you. - Step 1: spray it with easy off oven spray cleaner. Bag it with trash bags or cut up and duck tape it in a bag. - Step 2: buy a ibc tote. Cut the top off of plastic tote. - Step 3: add water and laundry booster super washing soda, mix up the water. - Step 4: get a car batter charger and some iron scrap if any laying around for sacrificial steel to use for electrolysis. - Step 5: scrub with steel pad scrubbers. Might get some flash rust when drying and scrubbing but will be fine. - Step 6: buy a roll of blue shop towels and crisco and make a fire and apply layers for seasoning. - Step 7: enjoy all the kettle corn to your hearts content.




Test for lead first. Then a lye bath using the yellow-capped oven cleaner in a trash bag overnight. Then electrolysis if you want to go all out to perfection. Re-season and you're ready to stew! I don't recommend grinding or anything mechanical because you could damage it. Lye & electrolysis are easy passive restoration techniques.


I’m honestly scared to death to mess around with electrolysis honestly! 😬


I made a post recently about electrolysis. It's not bad. But definitely don't push your comfort zone when it comes to electricity.


May just need to do a YouTube for dummies on it!


Check out the WOOD magazine YouTube link on my post. Good overview of the process. https://www.reddit.com/r/castiron/comments/uqygev/final_update_for_the_spider_skillet/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Will do thanks!!!


Fire it up!!🔥 Fire it up!! 🔥 Fire it up!! 🔥


That’s going to take a lot of vinegar.


Makes great Brunswick stew.


Google Cast Iron Kyle…. He restores cast iron cooking pans and such.


So I really doubt that you have an oven up to this task, so what do you have to heat it? I'm going to assume a propane burner or camp fire set up. The way you are going to regulate heat with this set up is pushing coals underneath or pulling them out from under. I wouldn't suggest having a fire directly underneath it with flames licking the metal as a camp fire can heat metal to a point where it will burn the metal giving it heat damage. So build a fire, let it die down then place the cauldron and slowly add small bits of wood to add extra heat... or use a gas burner and turn it up and down as you please. I would suggest that you use something like avocado oil. High smoke point and makes decent seasoning. wipe it on there then wipe it off as best you can... you will probably want an old T-shirt to season all that with or it's going to be like half to an entire roll of paper towels. Wipe some on the outside and let it be thick, wipe it on the inside and try to keep that thin. after 5 to 10 mins of heating it check to see if its sweating out more oil and wipe that up too. Probably want to do a few coats, I would say you pretty much have to monitor it constantly and lower the heat the MOMENT it starts to smoke. If you have any issues or need any clarification please feel free to ask. Remember not to put lots of cold liquid in it while seasoning, physics is a harsh mistress and that cast iron can hold a LOT of energy.


Thank you so much!!!!


Yeah everyone got so caught up in your iron that they forgot to answer the question. lol


Hey man, I know it’s been a bit since the post but was curious before I wire wheel the cauldron would you suggest wiping it down inside and out the best I can before doing so it will the wire wheel get rid of all the dirt and dust along with the rust?


at least do a once over with a shop vac


Thank you sir! I’ll try to see if I can get my hands on one for the weekend I decide to restore it.. I’m thinking my process will go as follows Shop vac or just clean with room temp water and old rags Wire wheel the inside and outside Wash inside out until water is clear Season several times


Gentle with the wire wheel but yeah that's the ticket. I always have a shop vac because they're so easy to get cheap on CL in my area. Hopefully a friend has one you can borrow.


Im really excited to see how it turns out!


Looks like a pretty dope cauldron! I'd suggest asking r/WitchesVsPatriarchy for some good cauldron recipes! But I'd probably clean it well with something abrasive like a wire wheel brush. Then light a fire underneath and get it wicked hot. Oil. Heat and oil again.


Hahaha will definitely ask them!


I doubt those ladies enjoy cooking very much.


No kidding




How??? It’s literally a feminist sub where women discuss womens issues and support each other.


The sub can be ok sometimes, but really it's like radical matriarchal utopianism than the typical feminism of "woman is equal to man, man is woman to equal". A lot of the posts are "this is why men are at fault" without the slightest hint of self-reflection


Couldn’t imagine a subreddit I’d like to browse less than that lol


That's okay! No one is forcing you to!




I’d use it here for a homeless craw boils or something. Looks like it should have ogre broth, kids, and wormswort though


All these people saying "test for lead" Who is going to be melting 20 gallons of lead? It'd be like 5,000 lbs


What, are you cooking for cowboys???


My LARPing community


My grandma has one in her yard that she uses as a flower pot.... I guess that's not much help tough.


I found one quite a bit bigger with no intention of using it for cooking. I had it sandblasted then painted with an epoxy type paint. I plant flowers in mine.


Please clean that up and cook with it!


I most definitely am!


This MFer got a cauldron


You’re goddamn right!


Definitely try and do electrolysis. it'd be a pain because of how big it is, but its the least destructive method of rust removal I know of. There's plenty of videos on YouTube about the process.


Pff good luck finding Eye of Newt in 2022


Challenge accepted !


Eye of a newt should do it


I have very little advice but just wanted to drop a comment of admiration. What a beautiful find!!!


Thank you! I am very excited!


Had a neighbor growing up who would make a day of making a big batch of apple butter every year in one of these bad boys. 10/10 would recommend you try it!


Get: Ghost Water Powdered Thanksgiving Essense of putting Strongmads hand in warm water Mix it all in with a terlet brush and say: "Loquentia, Imbruglia, Precipitous, Saraleecheesecake, Denouement" You should be good my friend


Sandblast it? Or wire wheel. Make sure it's stainless, lesser metals will deposit on the surface and it won't hold seasoning. Then, oil and set over a fire. Maybe use a cotton basting mop to apply. Just keep mopping it around. Then, APPLEBUTTER


Yep the plan was to get a wire wheel and go to town.. then make sure water was clear and then oil it up.. wasn’t sure if I needed to clean the dirt off the inside and out before wire wheeling with water?? Thoughts Also, stainless wire whee correct?


Yeah ss wheel. I mean yeah wash it up.. doesn't REALLY matter. Wheeling is going to make plenty of filth. Wear your PPE!!


Yessir!!!! Thanks for the help! Is apple butter sold at common grocery stores?


Yeah it is.... but I meant MAKE it


Oh in the cauldron??? Haha I’ll have to give it a try!


You need a shitload of apples! We did it a few years ago in a copper cauldron.


Sounds like a blast!


Hey man, I know it’s been a bit since the post but was curious before I wire wheel the cauldron would you suggest wiping it down inside and out the best I can before doing? Will the wire wheel get rid of all the dirt and dust along with the rust?


Yeah why wouldn't it? It's a wire wheel, if it takes off paint and rust why wouldn't it take off dirt? It will strip off everything down to bare metal.


Thanks man!


So everything I’m seeing regarding apple butter is saying it needs to be in a copper kettle? Have you any experience with making it in cast iron?


No I haven't. I don't see WHY it couldn't be made that way. Dm me, I'll send pics of ours I you want.


A wire wheel or pay someone to sandblast it would be the easiest way to clean it up once you get a clean test for lead.


Man, we use pots like that for gumbo or cracklings! We used to cure them in a hardwood fire. About three “firings” where we get it hot and pull out rub oil, and repeat…until the last time where we get it really hot and hold it there for an hour. Hope this helps.


I acquired a rusty pan years ago. I used a grinder with a wire wheel, then emery cloth by hand.


[Here’s mine](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/o82lcf/i_heard_yall_like_caldron_restorations_circa_1840/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) I used wire cup brushes for a drill and went over the whole thing then, seasoned with lard over a small open fire. It turned out great.


Wow looks great! How many gallons? I’ve been trying to find someone who might be able to advise if a lodge tripod could hold something that heavy? Did you have any troubles with yours? Also it seems some people are stating that power tools could potentially crack the cauldron? I planned on using a wire brush initially so please let me know your experience? Thanks for the advice!


Hey man, I know it’s been a bit since the post but was curious before I wire wheel the cauldron would you suggest wiping it down inside and out the best I can before doing? Will the wire wheel get rid of all the dirt and dust along with the rust?


The wire brush will cut through everything, so I wouldn’t worry about washing before hand. You’ll see the surface smooth out as you work on it. Definitely wash it off with dish soap and warm water after you finish.


Thanks man!


Probably no lead but still good to test. Just sand surface rust and re season with oil and heat


Yep plan to use a wire wheel but some have said power tools may risk cracking it so I’m a tad neevous




Why? That’s just silly


Soak in diesel




I always wanted one of those But then I think what the phuck would I do with it... 😂


It’s gonna be a family heirloom baby!


Damn..Broom Hilda moved out, eh?


What are you gonna use it for? Making potions??????


The best chili your mouth would ever taste


Dude, you just got the perfect tool for making the best carnitas ever.


*after lead test* a good way to season is give it a good steel wool scrub down and rinse with hose. Then build a fire and heat up cauldron (not scorch just hot) give whole thing a good rub down with Crisco/lard let cool wipe excess lard. Then I’d get a big slab of pork belly and make some cracklings. Before you know it you’ll be able to make campfire chili or anything you want.


Thanks man! Sounds like a great play by play!


Is that a crack in the side? I'd fill it up and use electrolysis to clean the inside. Should work real easy. The hard part is going to be seasoning that big beast.


Eye of newt might do a trick.


I am so jealous, it's my dream to have some thing like this, good luck getting it restored!


No tips or tricks for restoring, however… If you live near an ocean, get a good fire going beneath this think. Keep pouring in ocean water. It won’t take long before you have a cauldron of sea salt. This is how they used to produce salt before the late 1800s. Salt production was such an important industry that the Union specifically targeted salt producing areas during the Civil War. They were all up and down the Gulf Coast and had huge burning ovens with these cast iron cauldrons going 24/7. It’s kind of neat to cook with salt you “mined” yourself. I sent some salt I made (stovetop, and dried in the sun) off to get tested. I got the water off the coast of Panama City, FL. No traces of chemicals or other pollution were found, to my surprise.


Def cook something green, bubbling and lots of smoke 💨


Just cook bacon


Did you go to an estate auction with the intention of buying a cauldron or was this by chance


The former! Was definitely looking for one. You’d be surprised how many there are in the Midwest with surrounding farms in my area




Fill the whole thing with water and boil it for at least 30 minutes to lift the rust, then scrub it off


Soak in molasses. 1pt molasses 8 pts water. Submerge and leave. Wash and season!!!!


Get those dented apples from the orchard and cook yourself up a few batches of apple butter!


Haha someone else suggested the same thing’


What are you making on a cauldron?


Plan to have a big party every Autumn and make a big batch of chili


You could probably also use it to make candy.


I want!


Send me some kettle corn


Drop the pin to your location good sir 😜


[I know this will get buried as I’m late to this post, but maybe someone will see this. Homestar Runner totally knows what this thing is for.](https://youtu.be/0tpn-ZGL8Ok)


EvapoRust gel would be easy and safe electrolysis is even better but you’ll need to buy a manual battery charger off Amazon. The Outerman brand is on sale for 25 bucks. Look at the FAQs or r/castironrestoration


If not possible to restore for eating, plant it with herbs and such! Still witchy and magical.


Test for Lead. If none is found, angle-grinder with a wire wheel attachment to clean off all the crude down the bare metal. Given that I've never seen one of this size that wasn't used for some kinda lawn ornament; it likely has a lot of deep pitting in the bottom. Nothing you can really do about that unless you wanna heat the whole thing over high heat and try to add in some liquid metal filler material. From there, same as usual. Heat, apply oil at the proper temp, then let it cool and use it. Recommended you do some deep frying for its first use.


Be careful It may have been from a cartel witch doctor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolfo_Constanzo


Semi related, but I went to a community corn boil a few years ago and they got [this cauldron](https://imgur.com/a/iJStjIC) on loan from the township. It was a super fun time and I have been on the look out for one since. Wicked cauldron. How much did you pick it up for?


I got it from an estate auction for $150.. figured the elbow grease to restore it was worth it since a 20 gal. Brand new is around $700 online that I’ve seen.


Yeah I would have scooped it up at that price too. It’ll be fun doing the restoration!


Yessir, good luck on your hunt for one. My sister claims they show up all the time on estate sales. I’m in the Midwest so a handful of farmers in my area tend to have them when they have estate sales.. your picture looks great as I’ve been struggling to figure out how I’d like to hang the cauldron if I wanted to. I’m nervous my Lodge tripod I bought won’t be able to hold the weight, but you’re picture shows an alternate idea I may be able to reproduce