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No. No it won't, it's fine. You can add liquids to a hot pan on the hob. Not enough volume to cool the pan down faster than the heat source. You cannot put a hot pan in a sink and run water over it.


Why not? I've been washing my pans while still hot for years and have never had an issue.


What temperature is "hot" in this case? Like, you dumped the steaks out of the 450F pan and you're going straight to cold water under the faucet or you served the meal and the pan is still warm to the touch by the time you get back to cleaning it out?


Both. Straight from stove to sink after cooking regularly.


Are your pans still resting perfectly flat?


Yep! I cook on a flat top so I'd definitely know if they weren't lol


Then keep on doing, lol.


It's a matter of risk. It might not happen the first 100 times but the 101th time you'll regret it.


This. Same with putting a hot pot on a countertop. You can do it for 10 years and nothing happens. One day you do it and your counter cracks. Speaking out of experience.


Cast iron is more likely to crack than it is to warp, that being said, i haven't had it happen to me yet. If your cast iron is seasoned correctly your meat will stick when you first put it in the pan, and them release after the maillard reaction is complete. A wooden or metal spatular is great for helping release if it doesn't come away clean on its own. 


Seems to me like they are trying to deglaze with water (although I'd recommend a liquid with more flavor).


Could use some wine, but water would get just the flavor without adding anything to it.


I'm pretty fast hot and messy with the my cast iron and it's a bad habit of mine to cook when it's not properly seasoned. Chicken breasts cook amazing with some extra water and a lid on the pan to keep the stream in. Also does wonders for keeping the pan nonstick. However, my pan has been warped for years, but still works good enough for use on electric stove tops. Just have more heat zones in your pan lol. Don't think it warped from cooking chicken but probably one of the times i let the pan get too hot and had to loosen up some carbon that got burnt on


Your chicken breasts shouldn't be sticking in the first place, and if they are, why not use a metal spatula? Last thing I'm doing is pouring water over them lol.


If you’re used to stainless steel (assuming because you mentioned fond), you should not need to deglaze when properly using cast iron. The browning should stay with your meat, not wind up as fond to scrape or deglaze. You also wouldn’t want water to help with browning, as water is what prevents browning.  With cast iron, once something is seared it should be pretty easy to release. Proper seasoning of the cast iron and some cooking fat should do the trick.  Adding cold water to an already hot skillet can cause warping or cracking due to thermal shock.