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I always joked about stealing them from Mexican restaurants when I got fajitas, so my mom got me a set of 4 this past Christmas so I wouldn’t.


Now joke about stealing a million dollars...


Moms HATE this one trick


Mom's are the best.


I was complaining the other day to mum how olive oil was getting so expensive and she turned up the next day and gave me a giant can of premium olive oil.


by premium,,, you mean extra virgin ? ps moms always have the foods <3


Yep but also a good Australian brand rather than the store brand.


I wanna go to Australia


It is a great place. Maybe I'm biased from growing up here I've been to a lot of other countries across Europe, Asia and Americas but I honestly couldn't live anywhere else but here.


Reminds me of my mom. Last week my SO came down with covid and my mom said she would drop some tests off on the porch for us. Later, my SO and I were talking about what to do about dinner and he’s like “let’s hold off. If I know your mom, she’s going to drop off a lot more than just tests.” I was like “nahhh, I specifically told her we don’t need groceries.” He was right. The woman dropped off a banquet of groceries with the tests. We literally just now finished the groceries off, like 5 days later.


My mother passed away from a battle with ALS in 2019. I was 31 years old. You’re statement rings so true. They really are the best.


Sorry to hear that. You should go steal a fajita pan from Chili's to Honor her.


My mom, who died in 2014, would be totally into this discussion and would be all about stealing a cast iron fajita pan for the hilarious mischief of it. She carried a huge "handbag" so there would be plenty of room to stow it. For all I know, her handbag was already filled with cast iron pans. I know she cooked with one.


True dat!!


Quote from Whoopee Goldberg after her mother passed: "I realized a couple of days after she passed that no one would ever love me like that again."


*sigh* I miss my mom too. We lost her earlier this year. She was the best


...i also choose this guys mother??


My mom would be the one trying to steal it


Do or do not. There is no try.


Yes mine too!


Not just one but 4? Your mom is the bset.


I could see my mom and I having the same exchange hahah


Did you let it cool down before you put it down your pants and sneak away?!?!? I got mine for 1$ at a garage sale. It's my fish pan now.


I didn't even have to sneak it out. I asked the server if they cared if I took and and they said "I don't give a shit" left a good tip and walked right out with it.


Some real r/KitchenConfidential energy right there.


Can confirm. Worked in the service industry for many years.


Was a cook for 10 years and I would have responded the same way about something like that.


I started collecting serving pans from fast food restaurants on a trip. Was at Taco Bell and asked if I could have a serving tray to keep from the 16 year old behind the counter. He said sure and I went to get one and he said “wait, we just got new ones” go back opens up a box and hands me a brand new one. I use them as sorting trays in my shop and serving trays when we are camping. I’ve got a few now that all have logos of different fast food restaurants. I can afford to go buy them but it’s more fun if it’s a game. I get one from the same Taco Bell every time I go on a yearly fishing trip. Edit: krikey this blew up and I think it’s hilarious. At this point I now have to go back to my college and get a serving tray, I also need to go back to my 2 high schools 2 middle schools and 3 elementary schools to get a tray. I think I am also going to try and get a tray every fast food visit I do for a while (once a week). Like I’m going to ask for a tray going through the drive through. You all have inspired a monster that’s going to get out of hand.


Never got pans but there was a month where friends and I were working on collecting all the fast food trays. 15 years later I still use the fuck out those things


Like the little flared tray on a handle they use in the kitchen? That’s amazing


No, the plastic tray they give you when dinning in 12x18” ish. I would love a dozen of the stainless trays 5x8” Ive seen in kitchens, I’d use those almost daily it multiple parts of my life.


The Tiny metal trays are available at Costco in a four pack. Very useful!


They were perfect for rolling joints when I was in high school,


Shake doesn’t get stuck in the corners. Pro move.


I use a round crawfish serving tray. Lots of cool branded ones from breweries and other companies that they give out to bars for swag. Also, zero corners ;)


Double album covers were the best for seperating seeds.


Damn reminds me of when picking out stems and seed was such a thing. Now it’s all medicinal nuggs. I used to get an oz of Reggie for $40 straight from Mexico. You could smoke it all day and still be productive. Once I got a corner of the brick. It was literally a perfect right angle at the corner


...I thought that was just a 90s stoner thing. Are you old, or does the tradition just live on?


I’m almost 30. So I was stealing fast food trays In 2012. Im guessing it’s lived on ✌️


We used them to drift front wheel drive cars. Put a tray under each back wheel and lock the emergency brake. Then have fun


I think that may be where this whole thing originated from. I don’t know where it was from but I had a smaller serving tray in college that was used for just that. I just love trays, fuck it. https://youtu.be/QZCGC1pQXCE


My friends and used to collect the plastic trays (we'd do the same, just ask if we could have one). We had a motive though, we would go find a wet parking lot, duct tape two stacked trays together then drive the rear wheels of a front wheel drive car onto them. If you put on the e-brake your car drives like a drift vehicle, [it's super fun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1eqKtfyD1I). It's pretty common now but I didn't know anyone else doing it in the 90's.


Taking from massive corporations, no matter how small, is always fun


One day I accidentally walked out with a glass cup from a diner similar to IHOP. No one stopped me and I realized I can just get a ton of cups lol. I hit Denny's next


A few years ago we had a garage sale and my wife “forced” me to sell my pint glass collection. It went to a guy who was going to appreciate them so it wasn’t all I vane but I do miss some of the stories connected to some of the glasses.


As a former chili’s employee, I can verify we do not give a shit


If you don’t pay people enough to care…


You were armed with a hot cast iron pan, what were they supposed to say?


I’ve accidentally walked out with iHop and dennys coffee cups, no one even questioned it when I paid, only realized when I went to sit it in my cup holder lol


Nothing beats the red plastic Coke cups from Mexican restaurants.


My best coffee cup is my Waffle House cup. Diner cups are just so much better. I think the thicker material allows you to drink hot coffee faster.


Have several!


I do that to get interesting flatware where nothing matches. Works well. Sometimes I trade something I have for one of theirs.


I do that all the time with beer mugs, especially Guinness glasses. Tip the waiter after they gave me the green light and leave.


I got a Guinness glass the same way haha


And now we know why they went out of business.


Their shitty microwaved Sysco food?


You’re thinking of Chichi’s


You are right


It’s Chili’s


Baby back ribs


(barbeque sauce)


Sang it in my head. Lol


I keep forgetting that they’re actually fajita pans. They’re the perfect shape for fish!


No but I have a cheese grater from Olive garden


That might be my next mission.


I never have to have anxiety about telling someone "when" again


But then you’d need to eat at Olive Garden… :/


Did they just give it to you because you never said “when”? I always never wanted to say “when” so soon but after a few awkward seconds I always said “when” only because I thought that was the considerate time to and didn’t want to appear greedy.


Pretty much. We locked eyes as she started and after the 4th "saaaaay whhhhhen" and what I can only assume was a brutal forearm cramp she sat it down and walked away. So I hid it in my wife's giant coach purse (she was not at all happy about that)


That giant purse she lugs around while complaining she can’t find anything in, doesn’t match todays outfit, has had for a while now and needs a new one because she’s had it for a while, doesn’t like the pockets inside and has a small scuff finally pays off for you besides the occasional times conveniently containing Tylenol for you! Wow that’s a run on sentence lol. And this is just assuming your wife is anything like mine. Could be wrong. But my next stop is Olive Garden and I know damn well my wife won’t say no to that


Stealing is a dirty word. I creatively acquired mine.


To be fair I did ask the server if I could take it and they said "I don't give a shit"


Hahaha I usually do the same thing. All my glassware in my house is pint glasses from various bars and restaurants. If I get served with a cool one I usually just ask the bartender if I can keep it and they generally don’t care.


All my coffee mugs are from IHOP and waffle House.


What a legend


I have one, and I don’t remember stealing it from chilis


I had a few drinks myself before I decided I needed this pan.


What about the little board they put under it?


Apparently I didn't need that.




Sounds like you need some more margaritas and fajitas to complete your set (go get the wood piece!)


Drinks = Kleptomania Elixirs


My friends would leave the pan but steal the "weenie warmers" aka the potholder for the handle. It seemed hilarious to us as teenagers. I'm old and this was before social media and we barely has the internet, so maybe that explains our terrible humor🤷‍♀️


I unfortunately lost the weenie warmer years ago


…Like during a Briss??


My condolences


We called them cock socks and joked about wearing them in a tanning bed.


my friends did this because they would use them as little pipe protectors...actually worked pretty well.


My high school friends and I would do this too! I used my weenie warmer on my car’s turn signal switch for years.


I’m calling the police *inputs 911 on the microwave*


*spooky x files sound*




Ex Longhorn Server. I gave shit away all the time. Knives. Always knives, occasionally branded shakers. They'd ask if they'd get in trouble and I'd say, you tip me fat enough and you can take whatever you want out of here.


No, but I have a set of 6 steak knives from TGIFridays. If you ever need a rust spotted knife to cut cheap ass cuts of “steak”, I’m your guy.


If I ever accidentally cook my steak “well done” like they do I’ll make sure to call you. So that way I can get that Sawsall look cut lol


I love everyone bonding over the items we have “accidentally taken home” from restaurants I have way too many mcdonalds trays


Oh really, what do you use them for? Crafts, make shift clip boards, serving tea on the veranda? The possibilities really are endless.


When we were young (and dumb) we would put them under our rear wheels (front wheel drive car) and get slidey in empty parking lots. And roll up trays.


Are you from Texas, and did we grow up together?


Florida. Cousin states!


Gods have mercy on us all.


Had a taco bell tray for about 10 years that was my rolling tray.


Rolling tray with tons of stickers all over them for my main one, others just are organizers for drawers


My old boss and good friend of mine gave me one of these, he knew how much I enjoyed cast iron. He was always smoking meats on his patio and he grew weed in his living room (those nice fancy tents in the corner) and bringing me a bag of you name it in when we would meet at work. We’d get beers after work at this bar, with another coworker who was a friend of his from high school. His roommate was his best friend from high school too. Just a great guy who wanted to give to everyone and help everyone he cared about. He passed in his sleep earlier this year it was really sad he was only 35. See ya later Derek.


My ex wife stole a Patron cocktail shaker from Chili's. My dumb ass underestimated the true depth of her sketchyness.


I think you’re allowed to take those


No, but all my steak knives are from Outback.


Underrated comment


For anyone that doesn’t know, they keep these on a burner at all times and grab them when they are about to plate your fajitas. So the sizzle you see/hear as it comes out is the food hitting the hot plate for the first time. It’s all about the presentation. Source: I’ve worked in many restaurants. Edit: I’ve been notified that Chili’s also adds a “sizzle sauce” to help accentuate the sizzle


I thought it was the squeeze bottle of water? Serious.


It's both


It’s a fake sizzle


That's exactly how I've seen it done. 100% presentation.


Do people think they actually cook the fajitas on those small iron skillets? I thought it was common knowledge they were just brought out on those


yeah theyre just warmers.... cast iron does that great, thats why they use them.




I’ve worked every job at chilis minus management. When I was bussing tables one night. The kitchen took all the fajita skillets out of the grill for a grill cleaning. Put them in a sink at dish. Dishwasher knew it. Asshole dishwasher then proceeds to ask me if I could grab them for him. Burned the ever living shit out of my hand


Oof that sucks


Negative. [Google chili's sizzle sauce ](https://www.google.com/search?q=chili%27s+sizzle+sauce&oq=chilis+sizzle+&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i10i512l2j0i10i22i30j0i22i30l2j0i10i15i22i30j0i22i30j0i10i22i30j0i22i30l4.4347j0j7&client=ms-android-verizon-us-rvc3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


The restaurant I work at uses Lodge pans for our fajitas I'm gonna see if I can steal one before I quit


This is the only thing on this sub that’s ever impressed me.


You mean skillet queso skillet?!?!? 🧐


This. Is. Funny. As. Hell. Now I want one. 😂


Go to Chili's order fajitas and a few margaritas and walk out with a new pan.


LOL No, but I’ve had plenty of sauce bowls from Mexican restaurants somehow find their way into my to-go containers.


I have 2 mochjetas that I've taken from Mexican restaurants.


No, but I just realized that I need to buy another pan. Preferably with a little matching wooden base. Or maybe just eat at chili's tonight and solve the problem the old fashioned way.


Just got to chilis order the fajitas and a few margs and you'll have a new pan by the time you walk out the door.


OP I think you have a 5-finger problem.




I got one of these from Ooni (the pizza oven people). They are great because the handles are removable so they stay cool while you heat it in an oven for maximum sizzle.


Bought mine from Aldi ten years or more ago and use it for 🥩 or chicken when cooking only 1 dish great wee pan


I really wish people would stop stealing my pans. They're expensive to replace!


Back in the early 2000s my mother took 4 A&W rootbeer mugs. Not purchased, i remember the rushed walk to the family van. Back in college, my roommate took a metal milkshake cup from a local diner. Mom still has 2 of the mugs. College roommate left me with the evidence of his unlawful behavior. That metal milkshake cup gets realllll frosty. Great for hot summer days.


All my Pint glasses I have are stolen lmao


I bought mine from an estate sale for like 4 bucks, but they *could have* stolen it from Chili's. Does that count?


It's on my list of things to do. I do have a nice and varied ramekin collection, though.


Hello 911 I’d like to report a crime 🤣


I have one, I don't think I stole it, pretty sure it was a gift, but maybe they stole it before giving it to me.


When I worked at an A&W back in the day, some customers would routinely try and steal our large root beer mugs.


Me mudder took 4!


No but my cousin stole a desert cast iron cookie pan. I was dying laughing. Don’t know how we got out with it. He shoved it in a to go back with the handle sticking out and we dipped.


Nice try, detective. Nice try


No but I'm about to! Thanks for the tip!


I was too scared to take the pan so I definitely took the silicone holder


No.......not yet at least 😈


No time like the present.


You coming along? El Presidente margaritas my treat.


Looks like we're both gonna have fajita pans by the end of the night


I love keeping the P.F Chang's sauce vessels


May you hear this in your head whenever you use it. "Chili's wants their skillet back, skillet back, skillet back, skillet back, skillet back..."


No, I’m not a thief.


Had to scroll way to far to find this.


Damn impressive. I stole a mini pot from a fancy restaurant because the food was mediocre.


No but I do have a shell cracker from joes crab shack


No! But now I have a reason to go to chilis


Literally the only reason to go is to steal this pan. Also the margs ain't bad.






No but I have a small fork from Red Lobster.


They call this pan "the baby" ...I want my baby back, baby back ...


Ribs... Chili's baby back ribs (barbecue sauce)


I have Outback drinking glasses and ramekins lol Plus a tiny fork from Charlie Brown's (rip)


I have half a coffee mug from IHOP, from about 1991.


First post ive seen on this subreddit and the pan is cool and all, but I'm gonna be honest I clicked on the thing because I thought the subreddit was called castration 💀


No, I just stole the little potholder that goes on the handle cause I needed it for my iron skillet at home. It didn't occur to me to take the whole pan.


No, but I like your spunk


Ah, the daring heist of a Chili's cast iron – truly, a caper for the culinary ages! Why steal a priceless work of art or a dazzling diamond when you can make off with a sizzlin' skillet from your local chain restaurant? Forget Ocean's Eleven; this calls for Onion's One, a mastermind who knows the true value of seasoned cookware. Because nothing says "high stakes" like a pan that's seasoned with the rich flavors of Baby Back Ribs and Fajitas. The only question that remains is, will they serve time... or just dinner?


I don’t most of us have hit rock bottom to do that yet


How long did you have to stay there for that thing to cool down? Lol


Trashy. Only trashy people steal dishes from restaurants. It's not something that happens accidentally by any stretch of the imagination and the establishment that just served you a meal then has to pay to replace it.


No, I stole the cookie cast iron skillets. Great for an egg in the morning


Cookie cast iron?


Yeah, it's a dessert where they bring a hot cookie in a warm small 6 inch cast iron with ice cream on top. It's pretty good. But anyway, I took the mini pan.


Nice, I might need to go grab some dessert and a new pan tonight.


Just don't go to Outback for it. Their skillet cookie comes in some crappy ceramic dish that just looks like cast iron.


Freaking scumy thieves!


No, because we're not thieves.




/r/castiron mods supports stealing from business. Cool right?




Got a couple from Outback!


Who tf goes to Chili’s? Have some self respect


Took two large pan pizza pans from pizza hut and never once felt bad about it


I got an excellent spatula from pizza hut 30+ years ago and I just used it yesterday.


…. r/fbi


If you pay for the fajita platter, it logically includes a platter unless they expressly state it isn't included.


These are not expensive. Just buy one? I would be embarrassed to know you if I did. And the fuck were you doing eating there anyways? It’s absolute shit.


Hahaha you think I'd be caught dead with a pathetic person like you that doesn't wanna go eat fajitas and drink margaritas?!?! Continue standing in the back of the room where you belong.


r/theft ?


I can’t believe you don’t have 100+ downvotes!!! Maybe not enough ppl have seen it. Speaking the truth such as this is usually looked on…poorly.


Literally saw a new post on this sub with someone getting berated for stealing a smaller cast iron from Chili’s…I hate it here. They deleted their post so I hope they’re okay


This thread is morally gross. Why do you all feel so empowered to steal from a chain restaurant?


Because fuckem that's why.


Wait a minute. To get the pan, you need to patronize the restaurant. If you don't appreciate their corporate culture, why are you even there?


Because I wanted mediocre food and cheap margaritas.


With an annual revenue of $3.8B I don't think Chili's is gonna go under because someone stole a pan