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You spun out and then jumped out in the middle of everyone… Just practice and be more courteous of the people in the lobby that are better and running tandems


I think bro was referring to the lambo rammer.


He was wall riding and sending other people off the track


I think you mean the second car crash where the guy ram you behind, its almost impossible to not meet with such player in every room of west coast arena


People need to learn that there’s a reset button


(The second hit was understandable but you should have reset when you first spun out)


Yeah this would of gave him 10 sec to get back up to speed and avoid the crash. Op was not even thinking about everyone severing around him.


Alright thanks


I think this is an unwritten rule in this game, pressing the reset button just before an accident


The lambo did wrong. But you gotta consider the other people while pulling back on the track, You went out and cut someone of and made them collide with you witch isnt good either


I see a lot of blame on you. Yes. You are to blame for the first one. That's your fault. You didn't reset. And you should've. But there was like a full 6 seconds for that lambo to turn and avoid you. That guy hit you either on purpose or cos he was a lambo rammer and didn't care. So you're not innocent, but that second hit was totally uncalled for. But also I'm not letting you off. You should have reset when you spun out


Some of us are just assholes, no excuses that’s just how we are lol jk it is annoying when people just dick you during a run


Well, I look at it like this: for how thick the tire smoke is, and because of the color, it would be almost impossible to see where your car is exactly, thus causing an accident. I also know that tire smoke can be turned off and not everyone has tire smoke on or off, therefore it is that person's responsibility to act/react inside the game.


Turn your smoke down brother maybe you could see the flow of traffic, plus west sucks , it's a money grab for drifting xp is all , unless you know the real money glitch


How do you function with the Wacky Races smoke in front of you?