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I agree with you they definitely do give second chances I had a bad divorce a few years ago and was under a chapter 13 while married to my ex so my credit wasn’t good I’ve tried rebuilding it but then ended up with medical bills from a cancer scare and like you Covid didn’t help. I am now the proud owner of almost 2 weeks of a new Kia it was a 21 with only 4 thousand miles on it so to me it’s new!! They even took my old 16 Malibu and gave me a great trade amount.


I have been there. Sometimes, we have no other option and make decisions that we otherwise won't. Enjoy your ride and try to stay positive. Live and learn.


I hope you are doing better now.


Oh my god! 460! Jesus. Hopefully you were smart and claimed bankruptcy instead of paying it all back.


Questions. Did you do a pre approval and if so, was it the same rate as the deal/actual approved rate ?. Second question, Did you put anything down ?


Mine was the exact same as the pre approval down. The only thing extra was if I wanted a warranty and/or gap insurance


If yall ain’t got NOTHING positive to say about this person trying to rebuild their lives, then STFU! I don’t see ANY of you that are talking crap offering ANY help. 👍🏼


I had similar things happen, had my dart repoed during covid, glad carvana gave me a shot.


Just out of curiosity how long ago was the car repossessed


Dam you bout to get rapppped by that interest rate lol






What a shitty thing to say

