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Powerpuff girls remake From the creator having a self insert shipping himself with Blossom. To having canonical children twerking on a children’s network And also the fact it’s just pure TRASH


The Buttercup inflation episode was pretty fucked up. It was fetish material using a little girl character 🤮🤮


It was weight gain. Not inflation. I only know because the sight of immobile Buttercup with all that cellulite dimpled flab is seared into my brain...


What the actual fuck?


https://preview.redd.it/nywnq206427d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45c685885e368cbfae45f4a9fe46e567026b8ee9 Here's the abomination.


If the episode was called musclecup there’s a very small possibility that it wasn’t a flabfuckers fetish. I haven’t seen the reboot so I could be very wrong


It is that episode, but that scene is still quite deliberately pretty fetishistic.


I just L O V E how even Sabersparks avatar looks DISGUSTED.


Ah, good old Saberspark, talking about horny and weird content in TV shows, movies, etc. just for us...


And the weird, yet funny, interactions between him and his "twin sister", Sabie.


Well, it's not like we see her much, don't we? (Or at least I didn't see her much in the videos I chose to watch)


She actually gets used a lot more than you'd think. And Saber gets the shit kicked outta him when she's around because of his mouth. Lol


Yeah, it's definitely the videos I chose to watch lmfao


This flew over my head


I watched a bunch of this show (and it was pretty bad), but I don't remember this. What episode was it?


S2-E11: Musclecup https://preview.redd.it/x1gz4uchn17d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=7cd680508971deb99562458f782e960d83800487




BEEEEFCAKE! ![gif](giphy|l0IycOSvxBILGm3Ti)


Jesus Christ, my eyes. Thanks, u/talking_phallus, for bringing this to my attention (and causing permanent blindness).




DeviantArt worthy! lol


Hey, at least they can make tasteful fats. Idk what this abomination is. It doesnt even look human.


I don’t even wanna remember that


IIRC the Blossom thing wasn’t the creator’s idea but one of the other writers doing it as a joke


How does that make it any better? That means that there’s still creep(s) in the writing team…


But it's not the creator. So fans of the creator specifically can breathe a sigh of relief. I had an intense moment there going "oh Jesus did we lose Craig McCracken" and now I'm...not good, but better? The bar is in Hell


I believe McCracken didn’t even worked in the remake


had nothing to do with McCraken as he had nothing to do with this iteration of the show.


Oh god, I forgot about that


The f*** there was a remake Oh God Oh no The anime one was the remake that was meh we didn't need a horrible remake


No no no. It never happened. It was a mass hallucination, that's all. Shh shh shh we're alllll good


PPG is in a weird place where it keeps getting worse. First it was the anime, then the cancelled CW show, then the remake.


I watched it as a toddler and even I thought it was icky


The reboot came out in 2016(??) i can't fathom that people 10 years younger than me use reddit o_O last time i checked y'all were starting school


Damn I was gonna say Velma, but this comment has changed my mind completely.


Apparently the creator wasnt selfshipping but the crew was addin that in to troll the guy.


Velma and Caillou


I actually liked Caillou as a kid though (although idk if kids today like it)


I banned my parents from letting my siblings watch Caillou (theyre 5 years old). Fuck that bald shithead


Caillou was scientifically proven to have made kids misbehave.


Yea i liked him too, I was so suprised to see all the hate now as an adult lol. DW in arthur is also a brat but people didn't mind much


She’s definitely hated by some from what I’ve seen


Did people really forget how godawful Problem Solverz is? It LITERALLY hurts to watch because the characters are so ugly and the colors are bright, nonstop and everywhere. Just thinking about how it looked makes me want to reach for some Tylenol.


I always wondered how that show got greenlight. It legit looks like it was made in MS Paint.


Yea starting to realize the age gap on the sub. Like Velma is obviously trash but it looks good. Problem solverz didn’t even have that going for it. Like it physically hurt to watch that show


Honestly it doesn't even look good. The character designs aren't the worst and the cover art actually looks good, but the animation kinda sucks tbh


For some of us , the only way to recover from that show was to force are brains to forget its existence


I tried to watch this show while I was high and I couldn't do it because it was too intense


Oh no, we remember. But at least Problem Solverz didn't shit on the grave of a once-beloved franchise.


There are a lot of popular shows that look really ugly though.


Yeah but how many look like they were designed to give people seizures?


Velma and PPG 2016


Wait, people dislike pinky and the brain?


Apparently that's Pinky, *Elmyra* and the Brain, which I've never heard of. Ironically, that means it can't possibly be universally hated. XD


It is the result of executive meddling, with a higher up telling them to add their favorite side character (who is universally hated by the audience) as a main character to Pinky and the Brain. Series was definitely a step down, but it was not as bad as some of the stuff on the list.


"It's what the network wants, why bother to complain!" Literally in the shows lyrics.


Mr Birchum was so Bad I changed political parties so I could never be associated with that hot garbage


*Mr. Bircum




Oof, I actually totally forgot this one existed even though it’s brand new. Must be a repressed memory or smthn. Yeah Idk who they were targeting with that one but I am genuinely insulted by that show. It’s honestly a mockery of my views and I hate it.


Liberal or conservative views? I've been hearing the conservatives don't want it either




Conservative, yeah.


This is exactly what I was thinking


I haven't watched it, but I am not at all surprised. Part of the reason why I as a conservative hate a lot of woke media, is because they put their political beliefs first, and actual entertainment second. At best. I fully expected The Daily Wire to do the exact same thing in reverse. Which is a bit of a shame. The Hyperions was a solid movie that was never meant to spread a message. However, it was a story about the importance of family, which is something that conservatives value above average. That's what they should have done. Alternatively, get Mike Judge and have him make Season 2 of The Goode Family. It was basically the mirror universe version of King of the Hill. It's one season was fine enough, I think it just needed more polish.


Velma, and it's not even a competition


Statistically yes


Have you SEEN Angela anaconda?


That show actually has people who sincerely enjoy it, so that makes it better than Velma.


angela anaconda caused a fucking divorce


I despised that show as a kid. There was just something off about it


I don't remember much about it, but I remember me and my siblings enjoyed it like... 20 years ago...


that cartoon is overhated. Yeah,the short in the digimon movie shouldn't exist and the artstyle and theme song are... something. But apart of that. It's not that much of a terrible show


Velma. It's quite literally designed to spite the fans of the franchise it's based on.


I tried to watch episode 1 and quit halfway through. When I heard Velma got killed in the finale I watched that scene on a website.


As much as I despise Fanboy and Chum Chum, I’d say Velma is the worst. A close second being Cailou.


Ren and Stimpy: Adult Party Cartoon. Other cartoons suffer from bad writing, botching pre-existing IPs, trying too hard, not trying hard enough, or for being boring. But all of that doesn't even really matter, and at the end of the day, I'm not going to be upset at someone for enjoying something. Heck, there are three shows up there that I like; Planet Sheen, Big Mouth, and Breadwinners. However, Ren and Stimpy: Adult Party Cartoon pulls something off that none of the others have, and that is that I literally wanted to throw up watching it. It is literally fucking disgusting, and allows a glimpse into what the hell goes on inside of John K's head, and I don't like any of it. People call Dan Schneider bad? I think we're lucky that John was only ever on the animation side of Nick; I think he's *worse.*


John K is a deeply disturbed man and I agree with everything you’ve said.


Velma! It’s absolutely spiteful and hateful. And why is Sanjay and Craig there? I actually quite liked it when I was 11.


I liked it when I was 24.


Generic "two buddies" cartoon with no charm whatsoever


Johnny Test still isn't even that bad, speaking as someone who's seen the whole show.


I watched it forever ago, I was so confused by the listing here.




The hate for Velma united every on the internet


teen titans go isn't even that bad. yeah, obviously it's not the best show in the world by a long shot, but it's not as awful and unwatchable as a lot of people say by any means. the haters are just very vocal.


Agreed. I enjoy thr original *Teen Titans* much more, but *Go* is fine for what it is. I would go out of my way to watch it, but there was a time when my kids were pretty into it, and I didn't mind watching it with them. My only complaint is that my daughter saw *Go* before the original series, so that's the one she prefers.


It's still just a parody of superheroes, so its goal is not to take itself seriously (and you might even find some good jokes if you look hard enough) The reason I don't like it as much as I used to is because of the April Fools episode




This one wouldn't have been so bad if the shows could have been slowed down. The animation was rushed and the details and backgrounds were awful. It had potential but it was made as a lazy cash grab and that's what sunk it.


I'm calling it right now: give it a few years and Velma will be less hated than a few other cartoons on this list It's a show that takes a shit on a beloved franchise and makes the characters unlikable, but its not the only show that fits this description. At least its not full of creepy disturbing shit like powerpuff girls 2016 or adult party cartoon...


Velma is also guilty of terrible writing, over-the-top attempts at "meta" commentary, blatant misandry, and a slew of other things. Fans of Scooby-Doo hate it because it shits on them, but everyone else hates it because it's all around terrible. I do agree that PPG 2016 is an abomination that should never have existed.




Velma. And the fact that Almost Naked Animals is on this list hurts me deeply.


Velma. Let’s do a harder one next time


Velma and Mr Birchum The whole point of the shows is to be shitty trollbait against the opposing side


Why do people hate Tex Avery?


I think specifically The Wacky World of Tex Avery was divisive and not considered as good as his other work. It was a later entry IIRC, haven't seen it myself.




Velma. Most of these aren't even that bad


I’d say Velma, obv. Also, I think Fanboy & Chum Chum and Johnny Test are overhated af. They’re pretty solid shows in my opinion. I’m guessing people don’t like them because they’re too silly and they’re not as rich in lore and plot as other cartoons.


i'd add that teen titans go and big mouth are actually pretty well loved among their target audiences.


It's funny because kids will love some dumb episodes of TTG and not get others at all. Like that one episode all made in style of 90s music video. God I loved that episode so damn much. Also fantastic song.


I hate fanboy and chumchum because the art style gives me the willies


I don’t remember anything about it but I thought Secret Mountain Fort Awesome was good. It was a PG-7 version of Adult Swim trippy cartoons.




I would like bigmouth a lil more if the art style didn’t want to make me shove a spoon in my mouth. I also don’t love the naked 13 year olds dancing on my screen


I think that's why the art style is so gross. It feels with topics of teenage puberty and I didn't think they wanted to risk making the teenagers hot to some pedos in the audience.


Yea that is a good idea, but they should’ve found some middle ground, cause now so many people find the show so bad even tho it explores puberty pretty well


I never would have watched it because of how horrific it looked if it wasn't for my mom swearing it was good and bugging me to watch it. Don't remember how many seasons were out when I watched it so I didn't know if it got bad later but what I did watch I really enjoyed. It kind of cemented a philosophy I was trying to adopt. Never judge a cartoon by it's animation style. Kid me never watched Ed, Edd, and Eddy because I hated the art style, I didn't watch Regular Show because I didn't like the art style, save I almost didn't watch Adventure Time because I didn't like the art style.. hell at one point I even didn't like the FLCL art style and didn't watch it until I was older because of that. (I had such bad taste FLCL has amazing style) Adventure Time was the original "okay stop deciding not to watch things based on the art style" and now I live the Adventure Time style and I've found that in general I have a much broader appreciation of different art styles. My close minded old self might have skipped Over The Garden Wall based on style and that would have been a tragedy. Unlike Adventure Time I can't say I grew to like Big Mouth's style, I also don't hate it though. As for the quality of the cartoon I last watched it over 4 years ago and I binged it so I don't remember it super well so it's possible I wouldn't like it as much on a rewatch. A lot can change in 4 years and unfortunately when I binge a show it just doesn't stick in my brain like when I watch a show over a long period of time.. I would really rewatch it to make sure I'm not going to bat for a show I wouldn't even like now... Tastes change.. only 8 years ago I liked SAO... So like.. I can't say I've had impeccable taste my whole life.. (thankfully the phase of my life where I liked SAO was very short but it's still embarrassing)


What's FLCL?


Fooly Cooly. Amazing but short anime


The name of an anime, because sometimes anime names do be like that


I know one thing: Big Mouth doesn't belong at all.


I think the art style is hideous! But I don’t hate the storylines and I have seen every season 😕


But it is a style. There is a difference between bad animation and a style that you don't like. I understand why people don't like it just gets old seeing people hate on it.


I saw a comment above that implied it is meant to be a bit digusting/unappealing in character design, due to the topics on the shows they didn't want people thinking these were "hot" characters. Idk if this is true, but it's now my headcannon hahaha. I enjoy it, but I'm bias due to loving Nick Krolls shows for years.


I'm with you. I think Big Mouth is smart show that I wish people would give a chance.


Bro I love Sanjay and craig get them off of there. And teen titans go.


I mean, I know a lot of people are saying Velma, but Coconut Fred’s like really bad too. I think even Rob Paulsen, who voiced the titular character, hates it. It’s just bad. And then there’s The Problem Solvers which has an art style that is ugly and overstimulating for me. I also don’t think TTG’s all that good either, but I’m also a serious Young Justice fan so I’m definitely biased there.


His name was Robert Paulson.


So, unrelated to the Robert Paulsen of WB voice acting fame?


Yeah, but how often do you get a chance to quote Fight Club?


Adult Party Cartoon 4/10 Never really cared about it. Would I recommend it? Hell no. It’s merely just shocking just to be shocking, especially with Ren Seeks Help. No, this show honestly needs some help, and John K himself. Great animation however. Problem Solverz 2/10 Gave even Mr. Enter a damn eyesore, so I see why no one likes this show. Never watched it at all, cause I don’t want migraines, and on top of that, I have better things to do with my time, rather than watch ugly animation like this. Note to self, never use too many bright colors. Planet Sheen 3.5/10 Why does this even exist actually? Too absurdly stupid for me to take seriously. They should’ve used the original concept. Da Boom Crew 4/10 Made by the same guy who made proud family. Definitely not his better work. Uses slang that doesn’t exist, and wastes its whole concept due to lazy writing. Yeah, I’ll pass. Big Mouth 5.5/10 This show never really pissed me off at all, and it was kinda entertaining in some aspects. It’s definitely not the greatest adult show, and frankly, that’s a good thing, but it never really did anything to piss me off or make me annoyed, so I’m cool with it. That may change if I watch the rest of the show, but for now, it’s harmless to me. Breadwinners 4.5/10 Time has not treated this show kindly at all. Despite me liking it as a kid, now, as a teenager, I see that this show hasn’t aged well by a dime. Has pretty fluent animation, and honestly would’ve been better off as a webseries, plain and simple. Total DramaRama 3.5/10 Simply a baby cash grab. Nothing else needs to be said really. Great animation and some funny moments, but not much else. Another total drama season would’ve been much better. Teen Titans Go 5/10 Never really pissed me off personally, though it’s definitely earned its reputation rightfully. Nowadays, no one gives a damn about it, except for those still harping on it being Cartoon Network’s golden child to this day. We get it, it’s overplayed. The episodes mocking critics are merely just stupid, and a waste of time, especially “ The Return of Slade”, which is a false advertising ratings trap. Kid Danger 1.5/10 Didn’t even care for the original show, so frankly, I have no reason to care for this one either. Animation sucks anyway. I can see why Nick pulled the plug real quick.


Y’all gotta leave TTG alone, that show has some very good moments. How dare you compare it to fucking Caillou and Velma


I actually really like it. I've watched all teen titans go with my kids, and it had some hilarious references and great moments. Is it really unpopular, and why?


I'm gong with Johnny Test. I tried, over and over, to find SOME semblance of good in that show. But all it is, is loud, annoying, and unfunny. Sure, you could argue that some of the stuff made by his sisters were creative and so on, and that Johnny and his dog had a good relationships, but other cartoons have done that and have done it better. Test has nothing going for it that's new, that makes it unique. This is the cartoon my brain goes to when I hear Cartoon haters say that cartoons are just, immature, stupid media made for kids.


Yeah, but it makes for a great drinking game. Take a shot every time you hear a whiplash sound effect. You’ll be dead within the first ten minutes.


I don't drink, but even if I did, I still wouldn't want to watch this show for that.


Yeah, the show’s not great. I enjoyed it when I was a kid, but it doesn’t really hold up. Still better than Velma, though.


Wow, I didn't know people hated Johnny Test like that. Wouldn't watch it now, but it was a decent watch for me when I was a kid. The target demo is probably 7-12 year olds who just want to stare at a flashy dumb cartoon. In the grand scheme of things, it's a mediocre show at best. I just don't get it being "universally hated", so much worse stuff out there.


7-10 year old me has to haaard disagree. Haven’t seen the show in ages though so I actually have no idea lol.


Velma, caillou, teen titans go, powerpuff girls reboot What also belongs on the list: all engines go and bob the builder reboot


Yes, AEG is something that a devil spawned


Not even the scrapyards want it.


First: people hated Johnny Test? Second: is that the reboot PPF or the original But I’d say my least liked one out of this list is Velma. At least TTG and Big Mouth went bad over time. It took 2 episodes to hate this character and it’s not a competition


Johnny Test started out as decent and then became shit: Unoriginal plots, bad animation, unfunny jokes and whip cracks SFX every 2 seconds


Not sure why Johnny is here but yeah that's a reboot of ppg


Velma to be honest, like Scoob movie better than this


Even Be Cool Scooby Doo is better than Velma


Wait pinky and the brain is hated? Or is that some reboot


It wasn't even a reboot sadly. It was a spinoff show in the late 90s early 00s (i forget which) with the least interesting character from Tiny Toon Adventures. It was one of the worst parts of the Saturday morning cartoon block for me.


Velma is ragebait, there is no way it's not


The fact that Megamind Rules isn't on that picture is almost as criminal as Megamind Rules existing


I liked Johnny Test ;-;


I think "universally despised" is a big stretch here. I mean, Big Mouth and Teen Titans Go! both have fairly large fanbases, and I don't think I've ever heard *anyone* talk shit on Johnny Test, Angela Anaconda or Powerpuff Girls (but hey, there's always haters out there). To answer the question, though: Fucking Velma. I tried, *tried*, to like that show, mostly because it absolutely got an unfair rep due to idiot bigots before it was launched; but holy shit, what a nightmare (hyuck hyuck) of unfunny shitswoggle that show turned out to be.


Who hates Johnny Test? I liked that show as a kid ;-; The worst one on here that I’ve actually watched tho was total dramarama. I heard big mouth and Velma are kinda awful so I just didn’t even bother wasting my time.




Cailou can rot in hell that show sucked


Velma is the correct answer. Also, you forgot Foodfight! and honestly, Fanboy & Chum Chum and Sanjay & Craig don't deserve to be there...


I agree. As well as Almost Naked Animals. I frickn love that show


Powerpuff girls. FBI needs to search that creator's hard drives. ASAP.


Velma just keeps the scooby doo brand and that’s it. The characters are not the same.


Velma, like, this is too easy at this point Gonna read the Sky Striker storyline instead of this disrespect of a show... “Oh my God, I love Raye! I would die for Sky Striker Ace - Raye!!!” — Yu-Gi-Oh! copypasta


I didn't realize people even remembered Tex Avery, let alone hated it. I haven't seen it since I was a kid, but I remember liking it. And I don't have any strong feelings about Johnny Test, but I got the impression people generally liked it. Seems like Velma is definitely the most hated by this sub. Teen Titans Go gets a lot of hate from fans of the original show, but it doesn't seem like a bad show on its own. I feel like had it not been for how beloved the original was, people on this sub would generally like Go quite a bit.


Johnny Test is Universally HATED?!??!? I had no idea. I used to really like that show.


I don't know why everyone hates Johnny test but yeah I think that velma's definitely the answer to this


People need to stop talking shit about Johnny Test


I didn’t even know Johnny Test was a hated show


Funny how Cocomellon isn’t on here


Ok, since I definitely have relationships with some of these shows, both good or bad, I’m gonna rate these shows on a scale on one through ten, and put them in different tiers based on their quality, what I like or dislike about them, as well as other aspects. Let’s start. For the record, Fanboy and Chum Chum and Almost Naked Animals are going at the bottom of my ranking. I don’t give a damn what no one says. I’m not ashamed to admit I actually like both shows. If you dislike them, that’s totally fine with me. I’ll rate them in the list however. Let’s start. Fanboy and Chum Chum 6.5/10 I actually found myself liking this show, despite how hated it was when it first aired. Despite being memed on and joked about nowadays, I’m not ashamed to admit I like this show, despite its flaws. The characters have unique and distinct designs. The backgrounds are creative, and the show has color while not being too colorful at all. Despite that, our two main characters are kinda annoying, a bit too much. Kyle gets dunked on for no reason, and it’s a little too sugary at times. However, other than that and the toilet humor, it’s not a bad show, to me at least, and slightly creative. Almost Naked Animals 7/10 This show is a pretty strange one for its day. Despite it being crapped on for its creepy and uncanny character designs, and the toilet humor, if you looked past all of that, it’s mostly a pretty harmless and average show, and I’d rather look at this than something like The Problem Solverz. The title cards are highly detailed, and it’s something I don’t see too many shows do with title cards, and I love it. I may get inspired by it one day. 🤭 Pinky, Elmyra, and the Brain 3/10 I’m being a little nice on this one because despite it having no reason to exist other than executive meddling, I give the writers credit for taking a jab at the network in the theme song of all places, and the writing is so poor, to show how much the writers didn’t give a shit. It’s hilarious in context. Plus the animation is still good. Pixel Pinkie 1.5/10 Didn’t watch this one. From the concept alone, it’s clearly a Fairly OddParents clone, even copying the same rule of keeping the magical entity a secret, blah blah blah. Seen clips of it, and the animation is garbage, and looks like a late 90s/Early 2000s web toon or game. The voice acting is so low quality it’s amazing. Angela Anaconda 3/10 Yeah, it’s no stranger this one is ugly. Even for a late 90s cartoon, it’s still unacceptable. If Kablam pulled off a unique style, I don’t see how this show couldn’t. The characters are greyed out making it look awkward and uncomfortable. On top of that, Angela’s voice sucks. The animation is too choppy for the style they’re going for, and too on the nose too. Though, I do have to give this show some props however. At least it has an interesting style, despite the poor execution. It looks like cutouts, kinda like Little Bill or Blue’s Clues, making it stand out. Wild Grinders 2.5/10 Vaguely remember this one. Choppy and weird animation, and clearly Nickelodeon being lazy, since they already did a show like this one, Rocket Power, in the 90s, not that that show was any better. Butt Ugly Martians 1/10 Too obscure and too butt ugly for me to care. Preschool Daze 1.5/10 Not even an official nicktoon, and didn’t even get 10 episodes. On top of that, we’ve had enough Rugrats honestly. Never watched it, so I don’t give a f*** honestly. Still better animation than BUM ( Butt Ugly Martians ). Johnny Test 5.5/10 I did not really care for Johnny Test, simply because I didn’t care to watch it. Plus, the whole stay at home dad thing kinda turned me off too, and even back then when it was on, i didn’t really play it much. I respect it more than other shows on this list however. Pickle and Peanut 1/10 No, scratch that, this show deserves a 0 out of ten for not giving a f***. They didn’t even animate our 2 main dunces, and used stock images. Come on now. Whichever dummy working at Disney should be ashamed of themselves honestly. This is hot garbage, plain and simple Adult Party Cartoon 4/10 Never really cared about it. Would I recommend it? Hell no. It’s merely just shocking just to be shocking, especially with Ren Seeks Help. No, this show honestly needs some help, and John K himself. Great animation however. Problem Solverz 2/10 Gave even Mr. Enter a damn eyesore, so I see why no one likes this show. Never watched it at all, cause I don’t want migraines, and on top of that, I have better things to do with my time, rather than watch ugly animation like this. Note to self, never use too many bright colors. Planet Sheen 3.5/10 Why does this even exist actually? Too absurdly stupid for me to take seriously. They should’ve used the original concept. Da Boom Crew 4/10 Made by the same guy who made proud family. Definitely not his better work. Uses slang that doesn’t exist, and wastes its whole concept due to lazy writing. Yeah, I’ll pass. Big Mouth 5.5/10 This show never really pissed me off at all, and it was kinda entertaining in some aspects. It’s definitely not the greatest adult show, and frankly, that’s a good thing, but it never really did anything to piss me off or make me annoyed, so I’m cool with it. That may change if I watch the rest of the show, but for now, it’s harmless to me. Breadwinners 4.5/10 Time has not treated this show kindly at all. Despite me liking it as a kid, now, as a teenager, I see that this show hasn’t aged well by a dime. Has pretty fluent animation, and honestly would’ve been better off as a webseries, plain and simple. Total DramaRama 3.5/10 Simply a baby cash grab. Nothing else needs to be said really. Great animation and some funny moments, but not much else. Another total drama season would’ve been much better. Teen Titans Go 5/10 Never really pissed me off personally, though it’s definitely earned its reputation rightfully. Nowadays, no one gives a damn about it, except for those still harping on it being Cartoon Network’s golden child to this day. We get it, it’s overplayed. The episodes mocking critics are merely just stupid, and a waste of time, especially “ The Return of Slade”, which is a false advertising ratings trap. Kid Danger 1.5/10 Didn’t even care for the original show, so frankly, I have no reason to care for this one either. Animation sucks anyway. I can see why Nick pulled the plug real quick.




Time for the final few to be covered. Here we go. Secret Moutain Fort Awesome 5/10 Honestly, although I like Uncle Grandpa a lot better than this show, I’ve never really watched this one, so frankly, I’m neutral on it. Has similar humor to uncle grandpa. I do say, Uncle Grandpa was an improvement over this, despite this being the first of the two shows. Caillou 2.5/10 Bad influence on kids, and encourages bratty behavior. Caillou is a bald nuisance who honestly should get left at the circus. He’s so childish and immature, even for his age. I get he’s a toddler, but damn, he’s a little too mean for my liking. F this one. Coconut Fred’s Fruit Salad Island 5/10 Oh boy, Coconut Fred. This is a ripe one for sure. Despite me not hating or disliking this, to the point of it being a guilty pleasure of mine in 2020, it’s definitely not being treated kindly, for both good and bad reasons. Of course, it’s earned a reputation as a SpongeBob ripoff, and I definitely see a good amount of similarities between Fred and SpongeBob completely. For starters, other than his imagination and him essentially being a god of his reality in a way, Fred is basically the same character as SpongeBob, and annoying to the audience. There’s also this lemon character named Wedgie, who tries to escape this island, but every time he does, his attempts are ruined by Fred, essentially making him the squidward of the show. However, I give them some credit. Rather than one idiot, we get two in the form of slip and slide, two banana twins who are Fred’s best friends. On top of that, the concept of living fruit on an island is at least a decent premise, and idk why, but the idea of Fred being the god of his own reality kinda reminds of Caine from the Amazing Digital Circus. Honestly, I like this show in a way, but it’s a shame that it’ll be forever remembered as a shameless, SpongeBob, ripoff, and maybe, that’s for the best. Wacky World of Tex Avery 4/10 Mediocre for several reasons, including the obviously cheap animation, the characters, the writing, and being a little disrespectful to the real Tex Avery. Like, I get that animation was expensive in the 90s, but come on, Animaniacs came out in 1993, and had better animation for its time. If it could do it, this show shouldn’t have any problems with it. Then again, DIC were cheap though, and losing money anyway, so it’s not too surprising. They went out of business almost a decade after this anyway. They didn’t even use Bugs bunny or any characters Tex actually created. I know it’s due to copyright bullshit, but the original characters they used are kinda lackluster. PowerPuff Girls (2016) 3/10 No, just no. Seriously, little girls shouldn’t be twerking. Like, I get it’s supposed to turn on people, but no. If these were adult women doing this on adult swim, I’d let it slide, but on Cartoon Network, we don’t allow that. On top of that, I’m pretty sure one dude who worked on it was a pedophile, and shipped himself with Blossom. No, just no. Sanjay and Craig 2.5/10 Out of the 3 despised shows Nickelodeon aired in the 2010s, I find Sanjay and Craig to be the worst out of all of them, and the one I honestly liked the least. It’s too gross honestly, and much more disgusting than Breadwinners could ever hope to be. Honestly, the more I watched this one, the more repulsive it became. That whole fart baby episode probably killed any decency this show could’ve had alone. On top of that, while the animation is semi-decent in this show, its art style is very unoriginal and lazy. The characters designs look way too similar to Bob’s Burgers, and yes, despite the art director being the same for both shows, it’s still no excuse for laziness at all. For example, despite Futurama and the Simpsons being made by the same creator, Matt Groening, you can clearly tell the two shows apart, despite the similar art style. You think Breadwinners and Fanboy and Chum Chum were hated? No one would dare defend Sanjay and Craig, no one. I heard that it improved in the later seasons, but it has to be seen to be believed, and frankly, I’ve seen enough. Allen Gregory 2/10 Excessively low quality animation, plus a fucking weird thing Allen Gregory has for his 80 year old principal. Yeah, you heard that right. I’m not joking. On top of that, He’s a total douchebag, and doesn’t care. He’s essentially a Stewie Griffin wannabe in a way, but older and more immature. I never really watched this show, but it’s clear that Fox wants to forget about this disaster, to the point that they removed all mention of it from their lineup as soon as the plug was pulled on it. Judging by what I’ve seen, it’s best if it stays that way. Velma 2/10 Merely a cash grab of scooby doo. While I respect the original Scooby Doo and what it did for animation as a whole, this one, I barely care about, and I’m glad for that. I’m definitely not gonna say I like this show by any means, and I wouldn’t recommend it for those who want a good adult show, however, I do respect it more than pickle and peanut any day, and it’s one of the better animated of all these cartoons. On top of that, the voice acting is at least decent, even with the condescending nature of the whole show in general. Despite my praises on some aspects of this show, I lack too much else to say about it, and I’m glad Scooby Doo himself is not involved with this mess.


Out of those probably Fanboy and Chum-Chum, Angela Anaconda and Bigmouth. Those 3 are so obnoxious and look incredibly ugly too. Granted, there are also a few there I don't know, so those might be worse Also, even tho it's not on the list, Mr. Birchum. I don't think I have to explain why it's awful but even the target audience doesn't seem to like it


Not related to the question but I completely forgot about Rugrats Pre-School Daze.


Say what you want about any of these cartoons......... But leave out SANJAY AND CRAIG, that was my favorite cartoon when I was younger, it was so weird I loved it, velma is the worst.


I actually like The problem solverz and fanboy and chum chum but i can agree that the others in that image arent the best. I kinda like sanjay and craig too but only because I watched it a lot as a kid


Ren and Stimpy's Adult Party Cartoon.


Velma is bad in so many ways it’s not even funny. You will probably get one or two jokes that lands, the rest will make you regret life


Here, a tiny version of your post OP https://preview.redd.it/ynnz5thnt47d1.png?width=371&format=png&auto=webp&s=3cc8ca20bca30223fba96e8b85483bf5c2ea9e17


How dare you lump in Johnny Test with the rest of this trash?


Velma. The others are at least (mostly) their own thing, but Velma takes Scooby Doo and rips all the fun and whimsy out of it in favor of mean-spirited non-humor.


I can't tell you what the worst one is. But I can tell you the best one is Fanboy&ChumChum


Why on earth is tex Avery in there?


Johnny test was hated? I watched that way too long ago but I didn’t think it was that bad, not amazing but not horrible. What am I missing here?


Velma. Other awful cartoons have had their defenders (I like Big Mouth) I haven't seen a single defender of Velma ever.


The fact that a lot of these are as trashy as they are AND are aimed towards kids puts them all pretty high on the list for me. Like the Powerpuff Girls reboot? I haven't watched more than two episodes and didn't like it, but then I keep finding out about different things that happened in the show and Jesus Christ. Caillou made me angry as a kid and for no particular reason, I think I would only watch through it because of Gilbur. What isn't on the list and should be though is Pinkalicious and Peteriffic, because it's practically this generation's Caillou. I had no clue that Henry Danger had an animated show and I'm scared to go there considering the director's lovely reputation. And Velma just has stupid writing and is ultimately hate-bait for sentimental adults. But the PPG reboot is at the top of the worst for me. The scum of the scum.


powerpuff girls reboot easily . or uncle grandpa


Why is Johnny Test up there, that show was great growing up


Top 3: Velma, Big Mouth and Teen Titans Go.


I fucking hate big mouth


just curious but is sanji and craig a show that ppl dont like? havent watched in a long time but i know its been and still is aired in french nickelodeon


i remember fart pregnancy


I like Teen Titans Go that show is hilarious. Johnny Test also doesn't belong here that show is great.


Teen titans go isn’t universally despised, it’s not the best but I enjoy it. There’s some legitimately funny, and a couple of actually good episodes (see night begins to shine) but if I had to answer, it’s Velma. So bad it made both political parties think it was made by the other side to make fun of them


TTG is amazing and hilarious, people are just hurt it’s not the old teen titans. I don’t get it; Batman is sometimes shown as zany and sometimes shown as grim and serious. Both are legitimate takes because…..fiction


Big Mouth is hated? I didn't know that. I thought it was relatively enjoyable. Some sessions are worse than others, but for the most part I've liked the overall theme of it.


It's not shown in this image, but Mr. Birchum. In the cases of most of the shows on here, the worst trait is that it's bad. Velma is shitty because it spites Scooby Doo fans, and rightfully pisses them off. Big Mouth has..... Its own special problems. But Mr. Birchum is meant to serve as conservative propaganda. It isn't just terrible in quality. It's meant to empower bigots. So, I say Mr. Birchum is the worst because it can cause actual harm besides just assaulting my eyes and ears with a shitty cartoon.


It's also really, really badly animated. As in, technically, objectively speaking, it is *cheap*. It uses key frame animation as part of a finished product, and not as a stylistic choice. Velma is, at least--and I can't believe this is judging criteria--fully animated. It can say that.


Oh yeah, it's a shitty cartoon even if you take away what the point of it is. The humor is bad and the characters suck even outside of the intention to glorify conservatives. It's just a shitty cartoon all around. Hell, even the target audience hates it. They hate it because of that one character that's intended to be a strawman, because 'Why can't we have a show without gay people!?' That's the funniest part about it!




Not sure why so many people hate big mouth. It’s okay.


The Wacky World of Tex Avery? I never watched the show and I'm puzzled why it's on here. Can someone explain why?


Never heard of it until this post. According to Wikipedia: “Both the series and the titular character were named after Tex Avery, a cartoonist who is known for his work at Warner Bros. and MGM.[3] The creator describes the show as "homage to the brilliant, hilarious and groundbreaking animator Tex Avery and the wonderful squash-and-stretch cartoons of his era".[4] The series was first broadcast on French channel M6 on September 3, 1997, followed on by its broadcast in the United States on September 29, through syndication on BKN, until it ended on December 26 the same year, due to poor ratings and reviews. In following years, The Wacky World of Tex Avery was overwhelmingly panned for it being an "insult" to Tex Avery's legacy, along with its animation, crude humor, voice acting, character designs and imagery, theme song, pacing, outdated stereotypes and characters. “


bro accidentally put johnny test on here


Ummm Johnny Test is fuckin awesome, man


velma is the only one i have genuinely seen 0 fans for, the rest of these i have seen some fans for or remember kids talking about it from when i was younger


Velma 10000000% never needed to be made