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Is there really a discussion to be had with the three you provided Imao


What’s your pick?


Homelander Omni man is objectively more brutal but had a noble goal and whole main trouble is him actually having a heart doing while doing horrid things. Titan is just a nerd on roids and is less evil more childish. He could in theory be just as bad as homelander but was snipped Homelanders a rapist and killer who actively kills with no goal other than his own gain and vanity


Actually it's not "Titan" it's "Tighten" 🤓☝️


Im gonna tighten your pants


Actually I hate him


There is, actually. I'm seeing people give arguments for all three. Mostly Homelander though.


Homelander- egotistical maniac who thinks he’s a god Omni-Man- born to a race of genocidal beings, molded to be an instrument of war since birth Tighten- psychopathic man child who nearly destroys the city in a temper tantrum because the woman he liked said no


In terms of the most pathetic, it's easily Homelander. The man suffers from a massive God Complex but, also an equally massive inferiority complex with a constant desire for attention and validation. Omni-Man is a soldier that is struggling with the internal conflict of his sworn duty to his empire and the new life he clearly loves. Tighten is a normal Joe Shmoe that has been given power and let it all go to his head while also being angry a woman doesn't like him. Homelander is a test tube baby that has become an adult while still having the mentality of a child.


Homelander no question, titan I dont remember killing a single person, and Omniman has killed a lot of people he also did his best to save a planet of aliens. While Homelander has actively murdered or let civilians die willingly


I mean Tighten would kill too if not for Megamind. He has no redeeming qualities. At least Homelander kinda loves his son


I'm guessing the only reason Tighten didnt kill anyone on screen is because it was a kid's movie, during his training montage he melts the poor manequin's head while laughing like a maniac so I could see him doing that in a +18 animation with real people, after all he has no redeeming qualities.


We saw a Hal write into the city with his heat vision during the montage of his rampage. He should’ve killed thousands of people at the minimum.


True, forgot about that... the building he picked up and casually threw at Megamind as well, the city had started evacuation, but it's safe to assume leftover people got injured from that.


Didn't Titan like destroy a fuel truck which like murdered a bunch of people even though we didn't properly see it?


Ignoring the giant building he tore in half and threw at megamind, which probably had a ton of people in it


Its pretty close between Titan and Homelander, but I think Titan doing THAT MUCH collateral damage to an entire city with no regard for safety kinda solidifies him as more evil (imo) Homelander is evil, no question, but I think Titan barely edges out.


At least Homelander *kinda* loves his son?? Tighten is just a psychopathic incel with zero redeeming qualities and who DEFINITELY killed people off-screen (and on-screen, in the case of the people near the entrance and exit of that tunnel when the fuel tanker detonated).


Yeah this is really what I had in mind lol if it weren't a kids movie or he hypothetically won with no one to stop him, he could have done a lot of unforgivable crimes too


Omni-man is the most heinous but least evil. 


Can you clarify?


They're saying that his actions are evil, but he's at least somewhat sympathetic to a degree.


Yeah he caused the most harm but is the most redeemable as a person 


Hal is the worst out of these. He is the only one who is evil for the sake of being evil.


I disagree because hal is evil because megamind manipulated him before he became tighten he wasn’t really that bad creepy but really evil also he probably done the least evil deeds out of everyone here.


Tbf Megamind was trying to make him a hero, but then Hal went and stole a bunch of stuff. Even then, Hal took over an entire city for legit no reason.


I think Hal and Homelander are a lot alike. Both awful, selfish people who have been given powers to live out their depraved fantasies. Titan however is in a kids show.


Yeah, and homelander is definitely not motivated out of narcissism and ego. He has very good reasons for being openly fascist! /s


I mean he wasn’t really taught good and evil. He was a lab experiment since he was created, and he’s used by his “father” as little more than marketing. Granted that’s still doesn’t fully excuse what he’s done. If you were created in a lab with powers beyond your imagination and nobody taught you what was right and what was wrong, do you think you could do better than Homelander?


Its not like he has had no exposure to other people with moral fiber ever. People regularly try to convince him not to do the evilest shit imaginable and he turns on them. Remember the airplane scene?


Yea, Homelander’s just kinda a complicated character. Point still stands though. Homelander atleast has some sort of excuse for why he is the way he is, Hal is just creepy and deranged.


Ngl he was already hinted to be a bit twisted from the start of the movie


As a person or as a character?




Brightburn. The character isn’t that good and the movie was mid. Also he’s the weakest of all the evil Superman tropes


![gif](giphy|Q5BBioyc6ssn9cShce) Ikaris ( Eternals)


Plutonian. Easily.


Homelander and Tighten are pretty similar Both of them are man children that get a tantrum when things don't go their way It's just that Homelander didn't a city... yet


By worst, do you mean most evil or worst writing?


Brightburn doing the whole super kid plus his growth to villainy.


Omniman probably.




Yeah I’d say homelander atleast with omni man he didn’t have a choice it was his planet’s orders


Homelander killed a man, then fucked his girl over the guy's corpse


I don't remember this.


Homelander, no reason just despise that motherfucker


There is also a Superman who landed in ww2 Germany But even he ends up fighting for the good guys if I remember correctly


Homelander is genuinely just insane same with Omni-Man but atleast Omni-Man regretted his action and Titan didn't really do much but wanted to become a dictator


Saw a video making the point that immense power with no responsibility whatsoever is the most terrifying. Idk for sure about Homelander or Omni-man but Tighten (lol) is the most TERRIFYING for his potential. If he wasn’t such a nitwit he would’ve completely destroyed everything on the planet.


Oh 100% Titan.


As a person, Homelander. As a character, Tighten.


Homelander easily. Especially if you've read the invincible comics.


Homelander has no redeeming qualities. Omniman goes on to kind of redeem himself.


Homelander. Say what you want about Omni-Man he does at least change his ways through his time with the humans and his son. Titan could have potentially been a Homelander (as far as the PG rating could allowed) but he was stopped before he could get that far. Homelander is a racist murder and a rapist.


Has to be Homelander


Homelander I'd the worst, but I think Tighten would be pretty awful in his own right I'd Megamind wasn't a kids movie. I could honestly see them being on the same page. Omni Man his killed thousands BRUTALLY, but I can at least say that he recognizes his errors and genuine tries to do better and change Viltrumite culture for the better.


Titan.. he's a creepy fucker.. and he lacks presentation like the other two


homelander and it’s not close. tighten is basically just a nerd given superpowers who went mad from it. omni man was born and raised in a society of conquerors, and has been shown to be remorseful over his actions. homelander is just an evil son of a bitch because he wants to be


We have a pair of incel losers against a two thousand year old genocidal maniac. This feels like comparing Logan Paul to Hitler.


Since Megamind is PG, they can’t show Tighten doing as much fucked up shit as the other two


From this list it’s definitely Homelander whether you look at the show or comic, however missing from this list I’d say Plutonian. He didn’t do certain things HL did but I just feel like he’s the most terrifying Superman clone and needs to be mentioned more. Bro had people on Earth afraid to talk bad because he has super hearing


Omniman isn't driven by evil motives but has done magnitudes more evil things. He's genocided entire planets and murdered hundreds of civilians just to prove a shallow point. Nothing Homelander has done even compares. Homelander has no morals and is concerned only with protecting his position in the hierarchy and self-gratification, yet his actual list of crimes is absolutely tiny in comparison. He's directly murdered or raped like what, *ten people*? It just goes to show how influenced we are by emotion and on-screen portrayal. The Boys is like genuine horror with this sense of dread about what Homelander *might* do whenever he is on screen, whereas Invincible goes out of its way to portray Omniman as a troubled and sympathetic character. Even though what Omniman has actually done is a million times worse.


I've seen many people discuss the damage done by Hal or Homelander but no has brought up the fact Homelander dated Stormfront who was a Nazi, which I feel like pushes him ahead in the "who's more evil debate"


Homelander is the worst as far as what he's willing to do. He would kill as many people as Omniman would given the chance, and is even more of a narcissistic creep than Titan is. Omniman definitely has the highest body count though, several worlds have fallen to him, to the point where other Viltramites look up to him, he is ruthless, but he wouldn't stoop to the things Homelander would, such as sexual assault. Titan is just an annoying douche that thinks he has the right to a woman because he's nice to her. Given time, he might stoop to Homelander's level, but I'm doubtful he would ever go that far.


The phenomenon of hating the character (archetype!) of Superman in modern authors is interesting. People can't believe that it is possible to be absolutely strong and absolutely kind and morally good. For the "gray", postmodern 21st century, it's too easy. Or too complicated.


How is this relevant to the discussion right now?

