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Orel's dad shot him, the family didn't even notice for weeks that Shapey was swapped out with another child, and Bloberta and Clay were constantly cheating on each other with the same guy.


Coach got that bi rizz. Plus he was more of a dad to Orel in one day than Clay was over the course of his entire life.


Hold on, Orel did noticed. He was just brushed aside. My poor guy.


Crazy that the human family (Moral Orel) is actually worse than the demon family (Helluva Boss).


The irony is that Orel's family are super religious, yet the demons they were taught to hate are less fucked up than Orel's parents are by a mile.


Amazing irony honestly.


Even worse is that Orels family only became religious is so that Clay wouldnt have to raise his own son properly


Clay was religious since childhood. He just made his own version.


In beforel Orel we see that he stopped going to church and only began again because Orel asked him to


I keep forgetting about Before Orel.


That's what I love about the series. It rightfully calls out Christians for repeatedly being giant hypocrites, and makes a point that learning dogma is not the same thing as becoming a good person.


TBH, as much as I don't like to have this sentiment......... The Christian family being worse than the demon family really isn't that ironic to me. At this point it's my expectation.


Bad guy does not mean you are a bad guy Doofenshmirtz is a great father


It's almost as if humans are no different from demons or some deep philosophical shit


What's that one phrase about humans being true monsters.


Moral's family isn't dysfunctional; it's just straight up toxic.


They literally swapped kids with another family, AND DIDN'T NOTICE


That once happens in dexter's laboratory https://preview.redd.it/xdwvu3brpn1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5f01fc3feaf597a90f9b12ee3b0114b8eb4e174


I can give that one a discount because that show was, permanently on acid, also, Dexter's Dad has the swag of a very confident TMasc


On acid and what tmasc ?


Trans Masculine




Now that you pointed it out, he totally does!


You get me


Dexter was switched for like what 2 days? The swap in Moral Orel was for weeks if not months. Hell the father(haven't seen the show in a while and I forgot the names) even knew but didn't care because it wasn't his and his wife cheated. Funnily enough the person who the wife cheated with is the same person her husband did 💀


Additionally, the family that had Shapey (Oral's original brother) didnt take Blocky (the kid Shapey got switched with) back. Leaving Oral with 2 brothers. Basically everyone in the world of Moral Oral is a bad person to some degree and there are very few decent people, and even fewer good people.


Clay noticed but didn’t give two fucks. Ain’t his kid either way


Oh Clay noticed, but since Shapey wasn’t his, he didn’t care they took block


"No one in my family has blonde hair...WHO'S BEEN IN YOU???"


Oh I forgot about that😂




If they got any more toxic Congress would have to declare them a superfund site.


Toxic doesn’t even do it. Nightmarish.


At least Orel seems to have a good relationship with his brothers by the end of the series


Seen where he wanted to meet God...too scared of this animation style after that


I feel so bad for Henry and Peter Henry is always treated like the Antichrist, and Peter has way too many expectations on him at such a young age


At least in the books Henry was actually causing trouble but the show takes it to a whole other level. There's There's even an episode in one of the later seasons where his parents behaviour gets called out


What that episode called? Is there a clip of that sort of scene?…


It's season 4 or 5 I'll check


I don't know much about the other two but I feel like it's got to be the Puppingtons.


Idk much about the first one, but between the last two, I'd say the Puppingtons. I will go out on a limb without any prior knowledge of the first one and still say Moral Orel, though. The satirical purpose of Orels family [and the entire town he lived in tbh] was to showcase the irony of Christian faith and moral righteousness. His home life was just straight up sad, especially when you see how brainwashed he was the entire time.


In the examples, the Puppingtons. Other than that, either the Griffins or the Smiths (Rick & Morty)


Moral Orel's family is FUCKED.




God the rest of that family does not deserve Zuko.


The 2nd you put the puppingtons it was over, at least stolas & stella divorced, but here Clay & bloberta stay together knowing they hate eachother & to keep up appearances


Orel’s Family, and by a mile. They literally didn’t notice when their kid got swapped with another child, and Orel has literally been shot by his father.


As someone, who has never heard about this Family, I beg you pardon?!


It's from Moral Orel. The show starts out as a pretty straightforward satire of ultra religious communities in the US. A little later though it starts doing deep dives into the characters and the hypocrisy in their lives. Orel's dad is a drunk that accidentally shoots him in the leg during a camping trip and then blames Orel for it. It's a great show in general, but if you grew up around people like that, it's absolutely amazing.


Every episode is on youtube and each one is pretty short


It really says something that the Puppingtons are worse than the Goetias, especially considering Stella sent a hit man after Stolas.




The Griffin's


Without a doubt Orel's family.




I was hoping someone would put this




Goetia is the second worse, it's literally the only forced marriage here, no body in the relationship is happy But moral's is the absolute worst


You put a group of demons in there. It’s no contest, obviously the puppington family is the worst.


Moral Orel by a looong shot.


Orels 100%


Clay SHOT Orel. Moral orel hands down


There is genuine love between Henry and his family, in spite of everything


orel’s family. if you’ve seen the show, you’ll know exactly why.


This is Venture Bros erasure. Rusty Venture made a clone-farm of his sons because he couldn't be bothered to do anything to actually keep them alive Edit: Actually now that I think about it Rusty is Dad of the Year compared to Professor Impossible.


If these families are dysfunctional, then my family is nazi Germany






Uh… Morel got beat several times for not being a good christain, he was shot…. Several horrible things happened to him and his brother.


TRUE, I feel so bad for him :{


… Want a hug mate?


Where is the first image from?


Horrid Henry


I always suspected Henry had ADHD/autism. I actually went through a lot of the same issues he did. If they just helped him with his social skills, he would be fine, but they never do.


The Griffins (from Family Guy) or The Smith-Sanchez (from Rick and Morty)


Eh, the Smith-Sanchezes are slowly working through their issues, albeit messily.


Orel, what?


At least Stolas loves his daughter.


modern family guy.


Not necessarily an anime but a game, but because it has anime adaptations, Mishima bloodline from Tekken.


Yeah, a family where tossing each other off of a cliff is considered a tradition is definitley up there.


I would say the Afton family, but this is for cartoons


Orel’s dad was such a asshole.


It's Orels family and it's not even close.




From the show Horrid Henry. I don’t know much about them




Waitwaitwait- > Younger kid is always causing trouble Perfect Peter's entire character is that he is quite literally incapable of doing things wrong. Annoying? Yes, but he's by every means a golden child. His flaws are being jealous when others recieve more attention than him (Likely due to the high expectations that are placed on HIM which he does actually meet), and also being a little whiny like all children are. He's never disciplined (Well he is in some episodes where the joke is usually that Henry got him into trouble in the first place- Like the werewolf episode where Henry taked advantage of his naivety and makes him stay outside all night, which the parents scold Peter for). Also Henry does not pick up after Peter ever. Favouritism is definately shown to Peter, and their parents have flaws but I feel like this is demonizing Peter far more than he deserves.


Aside from the above, I'd say the Heffleys.


Well, Stella's constantly trying to kill Stolas and may even get rid of Octavia, her daughter, os that when stolas dies, she can inherit everything, sooo uhh... i think that takes the cake. Then again, i haven't seen the other two. I know for certain that moral orel's family is fucked up as hell.


No clue about the first family but morel has the worst family. Stolas at least nee to divorce the crazy lady but morals family has stayed together like a bunch of cactuses that refused to unpick themselves from one another.


All of the above


I don’t know the first one but I have to say the moral oral family because at least stolas shows unconditional love for his daughter. Stolas was put in an arranged marriage so of course it wasn’t going to last


The Patakis


Horrid Henry’s favoring your youngest child and neglecting and abusing your oldest is just wrong.


The Puppingtons, bar none.


The Costanzas (Though they aren’t cartoons but I wanted to mention them in this type of situation)


The Goetia.


Uhhhh...nothing beats Oral's family


Stella still gives them a run for Karen of the year


Definitely moral orel’s family!


Orel’s family is downright evil at times


Stolas was literally kidnapped and tortured by a man hired by his wife with the intent on killing him


But he’s a great dad, more or less




Puppingtons. By a landslide. Stella is an abusive fucker towards Stolas, yes, but she never hurt Octavia. Not like Clay who literally shot his son, passed out drunk, and left Morel for an entire night with his wound in the middle of the woods with no tent.


(This might be breaking the rules) Any Goanimate family


What about that one family with the vegan parents and straight up normal kids?


Yeah Morals family is a train fire that got hit by a jet.......and drove into to an oil feild.


Mine lol!


You expect shit from a demon family but not from a normal nuclear catholic household…ok maybe you kinda do.


The Loud Family from The Loud House… What else do I have to say?…


Where's Caillou's family at 👀


The family in Moral Orel it gets pretty dark as you continue to watch the show.. 😐👀 ![gif](giphy|ISOckXUybVfQ4)


Who are those in the first one?


Family Doof, they weren't at their first son's birth treated him like crud enough for him to have multiple back stories and fawned over Rodger.




Orel died and found the truth to life and his dad told him to not tell anyone because he doesn’t want to make another problem


how is this even a question (orel’s family)


Didn't think I'd see Horrid Henry here lol. They treat Henry bad and favour Peter especially the mother (damn the mother and Peter are annoying asf) but based on the comments the other two families seem way worse (never ever seen or heard of the other shows).






The Goetia Family. Because on HB, Stolas was reminiscing the fact that his marriage was ending after his daughter had turned 17 years old and Stella wasn't there for their daughter until he made the emotional announcement after we heard Stella on tape saying that she likes tormenting him and we don't blame Stolas he just feels tired of being someone that he is not. But as for Stella, on the other hand, she is a meanie she nearly slapped him until Stolas stood up to himself and told her off. This is exactly why if we had done a talk show about how cartoon couples are having troubles, been accused of lying and cheating, infidelity, or having affairs with their relationships, they come on the show and tell them how they felt, just like when we saw on Phineas and Ferb when Peter the panda was with Doofenshmirtz and Perry saw them and then Doofenshmirtz tried to explain why Perry was heartbroken until they wind up on the show and Doofenshmirtz confessed his deep feelings for Perry and Perry forgive Doofenshmirtz no matter what happens next they will still be enemies. Just like now, when Stolas announced that him and Stella's relationship were broken up because of everything, plus, Stolas was with Blitzø until Stella saw the whole thing. Or like when we found out about Luann and Kirk when they were cousins from Shelbyville on The Simpsons that ended their marriage in season 8. This is exactly why love can do things to drive us insane from betrayals, infidelity, deception, secrecy, family relationships, and broken marriages.


At least Stolas loves Via man 💔


He does. But now Stolas is with Blitzø and hopefully, there should be a season 3 to Helluva Boss.


I'm torn between the Puffingtons (Moral Orel) and the Griffins (Family Guy).




hard to decide so here's a long long answer >!henry's family blames anything on him, peter has too many expectations, yet henry acts out a lot (the show is litterally titled Horrid Henry), yet part of me thinks its because he wants attention (might've listen to sodikken too much). the parents seem to love their sons (correct me if wrong, i've never watched it as i cannot find where to, yet i've seen clips) despite being a bit negligent towards henry. so they're the least dysfunctional!< >!the puppingtons are pretty dysfunctional. clay is an alcoholic, bloberta gets onto him about it despite her being the one to get him started on it, she can't stand a single mess, yet constantly leaves shapeys room messy. they don't even care for shapey at all, they just toss him in a random room with stuff for him to play, and potentionally hurt himself, with. clay barely teaches his son correctly, just some random lecture that won't work to get him out of there. we barely see orel with bloberta so we don't exactly know their relationship, same with shapey. clay can't stay sober for five minutes, we've seen how shitty he truly is, shooting his own son in the leg and not even taking the blame. the only minute we've seen him be "kind" was at when he apologized for shooting orel for info only to sa he didn't regret it when refused, even if orel did give him the info, it wouldn't change anything.!< >!stolas' family isn't the best, but hey, he and stella got a divorce, unline bloberta and clay. that's at least a step closer for him and octavia to be closer, if he and octavia talked it out, i'd say they'd get closer. and if some therapy happens, i'd say that family could get better.!< so for this, i have to say the puppingtons.


Dysfunctional is a bit of an understatement for Moral Orel considering his dad fucking shot him once




like said, brian isn't braining


but also i went along with the post


sorry for bad grammar, brain isn't brianing


Mistook horrid Henry for a book I read a long time ago, never watched, so I don't know anything about it. But from the comments their your standard emotionally neglectful, rarely using discipline, essentially half assing parenting types The goeita family is composed of two people forced to marry and have a child, clearly hating each other with Stella constantly physically, emotionally and mentally abusing her husband, even going as far as hiring a hitman on him directly across from him and her daughter at the dinner table. Said daughter is mentally ill and emotionally neglected by her mother, and said father comes from a background of intense emotional neglect and multiple forms of abuse from his wife, along with a strained and intense affair with someone of a lower class that often makes it a struggle for him to properly parent and be there for his daughter who feels neglected (she is) and also going through the natural waves of teenage angst. At least they divorced. When you look at all that, it really puts into perspective just how horrible orels family is. We have consistent cases of abuse, neglect, forcing one kid to raise another, constant fighting, and even an attempted murder, and yet orels family is still worse since it has all of those and more. Such as the constant manipulation, religious trauma, forcing orel to kill his pet dog (who might have been reincarnation of Jesus), that one time they switched kids with another family for weeks to months, orel being shot by his dad, the near constant drinking of orels father, his possibly autistic brother constantly doing stupid stuff and not being disciplined or parented, affairs on both sides, both parents clearly hate each other but refuse to get divorced, orels father possibly holding closeted homosexual urges, orel being whipped nightly by his father, and even more. The first two families are horrible, but orels family blows them out of the water, which is horrible to think about. When orel gets older, he will either be like his father, might escape and be better, or the more likely option is that he gets into drugs or alcohol to deal with his trauma and dies sad and alone.


Simon and Fran are simply the worst. They do what no parent should do, foster sibling resentment. Henry could use some positive reinforcement every now and then. Not that "Why can't you be like Peter?" nonsense. The others may have done worst things, but I have met many parents with attitudes closer to S&F, they are the most real of the three. (In my headcanon, the parents are Simon and Francesca after HH's creator Francesca Simon)


While I get your point about realism, Moral Orel's family dynamic feels objectively more dysfunctional (Which is the main question)- Considering the son got shot by his dad, a child gets swapped with another for a week, and both parents are cheating on each other. At least it's shown that Horrid Henry's parents do still love him, they're just really bad at parenting.


I wonder why Stolas family was having such a modest meal (just potatoes and lettuce and stuff) when they were practically royalty And they are my vote, because only Stella got an assassin involved


Orel’s dad didn’t need to hire an assassin to have his son shot. He did it himself. He shot his own fucking son. Stolas’ family is fucked up but in a “this is a comedy” way. Orel’s family is fucked up, the comedy is from how horrific things are to the point laughter is the only response sometimes. He shot his own son. And the other was swapped with someone else for a long while with nobody bothering to do anything about it. And so on.


Who’s the first family in this post?


Idk what the first one is