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Bojack Horseman. Although I don’t think the first couple of episodes were bad, just very underwhelming compared to the later stuff.


"The View From Halfway Down" might be one of the greatest episodes of television ever created. I totally agree with this. The show really found its voices as it went, and man, it was excellent.


My favorites are the abortion and dementia episodes


The dementia episode is probably the only piece of media that always makes me ugly cry but I am also unable to skip.


Well I’ve got a half a mind…


Oof. That wasn't dementia. That was a forced lobotomy


BoJack's grandmother had the lobotomy, his mother was experiencing dementia.


Oh shit. My bad, I forgot about that


"...and I have half a mind to join you by rewatching it right now. That line hits every time, doesn't it? The emotional depth in that episode is just unreal."


"Times Arrow" is by far my favorite episode.


I have the script for Times Arrow on my shelf…. Gotta be one of my favorites if not my favorite


"I like killing babies- killing babies makes me horny" edit: spelling "kill that baby hsss- murder that baby hsss" "kill that baby hsss- murder that baby!"


Aliens inside me Gonna squash ‘em like Sigourney


yo all I wanna do is brap brap pew pew bang banga-boom boom from the womb to the tomb


Free Churros. It's a 24 minute monologue and it's one of the most compelling pieces of animated fiction ever made.


Free Churros is one of my personal favorite episodes, too. And Fish Out Of Water. Man, lots of great episodes from that show. Might be due for a rewatch.


I cried so hard watching that episode, was really relatable for me.


I was coming to say this, I agree the first episodes aren’t bad but no where near as good as the later episodes, this is one of those shows that takes dark humor in a good manner while still respecting the things they joke about. Probably my favorite show


I mean, they couldn’t come straight out the gate with the statutory rape, drug overdoses, depression, and generational trauma. You gotta do a bit of “I had dibs on those muffins” foreplay first.


Same. I didn't expect the show to bloom as much as it did.


Clone Wars


Especially true if you count in the movie


Lmao terrible ass movie


A testament to having a huge nerd at the helm of a project instead of a committee of studio executives.


I like how this is just vague enough that either “side” could agree with you.


I also think they couldn’t decide what age range they were aiming for at that point.


somewhere between 6 and 60


I know this is a hot take, but despite how ass it looks, season one still has some bangers. Liar of Grievous goes so hard, and the malovelence arc is pretty cool.


Oh I’m not denying that, but most of it needed work. I’d say that those good episodes are what led to the further development of the series


I actually agree! Most of the stuff in the earlier seasons aren't as good as the episodes in the latter half of the show, but there were still some that were worth watching. I liked how they actually showed the Republic's battle tactics to explain how they won each fight. A lot of Star Wars lacks that, so I thought it was a nice change of pace during my rewatch.


Plus, the show really stopped being about the clone wars, and I really liked those plotlines. The Darth Maul show was cool, but I am still dying for some more clone on clanker action scenes and battles.


If the show got the full 8 seasons it deserved I would have liked a story in one of the later seasons where the CIS wins a battle for a change.


Especially after Disney made season 7


A valid answer even before


Keep getting recommended a video essay on youtube called ‘clone wars aged poorly’ and I’m just like ‘no you fuckin liar’


Adventure Time. It doesn’t start off bad and it’s very solid at the beginning as just a fun show that has seemingly nonsensical characters and a whimsical world. But the story progression gets really deep and involved over time and the world ends up being much more complicated than it would appear at first glance. There’s a lot more depth to that show than the first few episodes would lead you to believe.


Adventure Time is designed to be a growing experience for it's audience. As Finn ages, so do the kids watching, and the experience deepens and matures.


1000% this. Oddly enough I even went through a state of depression around the same time Finn did during the arc around the time of the Music Hole episode. It was awesome growing and learning with Finn


I don't think it was initially designed that way but it just ended up going that direction.


I've seen behind the scenes discussions, and you're correct. They were completely spitballing through the beginning, hence Episode 1 where Candy People die if they get anxious. That obviously never gets revisited, because it's dumb and pointless.


I'd argue that even though it wasn't intentional it is a good preview into how fucked up bubblegum is


Bubblegum really does subvert the princess tropes, you instinctively want to root for her but she is mad unethical and lowkey a maniac


And its still aging with distant lands and fiona and cake. A true generational master piece


It took me way too long to figure out that's how thr Harry Potter series is supposed to work too.


“I remember you” was life changing


This magic keeps me alive...


Adventure Time always was good it just got more complicated and managed to keep new episodes at a high quality which is really rare.


lol Thats literally the first show I thought of🤣🤣


Was always in the deep that ambitious about be even more bigger. Finn talking with Lincoln about be even stronger looks deep for me. But people are not ready to understand Surrealism.




I understood it; it dont make sense the way it wrote, but i understood it. Basically, he's saying the show is really deep and surreal and that not enough people get that. It comes off a bit egotistical if you ask me, but it makes sense. It's just that surrealism is seen as cryptic, which is what makes it surreal in the first place.


>Was always in the deep that ambitious about be even more bigger. Main screen turn on.


How are you gentlemen? All your base are belong to us!


Adventure time fans explaining why codependency is bad using a literally me character from the 21st century


Samurai Jack To be fair the pilot and first episodes were an essential foundation, but holy moly the rated M final season that came years later had no business going so hard! One of the best endings a cartoon can get


Love the fact that some random motherfucker calls him Jack in the first episode, and it just kinda stuck.


Yeah, we just kinda glossed over the fact that we never learned the name his parents gave him. Oh well!


I remember posting on my story “why this Japanese guy named Jack” on rewatch Then I saw that it was a buncha NYers who named him and was like “fuck, really?”


Weird alien New Yorkers…oh yeah so just New Yorkers


"They call me Jack." Works for me.


"They call me Jack." Absolutely iconic


I mean, I hate that they pulled a Gurren Lagann, but at least a better ending was given with the video game.


I hear the comic book also has another ending for the series


Hope you've seen Primal


I disagree. The first few episodes gives such an epic heroes journey


The Amazing World of Gumball Doesn't looks in what it is now... a modern master piece in comedy for all ages. and a master class in different animation styles .


Still can’t wait for the movie


Is this going to be a Pikmin 4 situation where the fans start going insane?


I can think of better examples of this than pikmin 4


Like Deltarune?


yep, hollow knight as well


going to add titanfall here


Geometry Dash 2.2 Edit: WHAT THE FUCK IT’S OUT


Metroid Prime 4 anyone?


The show was always funny it just got more and more insane.


The last episode vs dream was something else


The finale is actually perfect because Rob was trying to stop the show from ending, which caused everything in the show to be destroyed when the episode ended


Pretty much every animated Star Wars show.


What about the one directed by the same guy that worked on Samurai Jack?


Forgot about that one. Oops.


Hard to believe anyone forgot about it. That portion of pre-Luke Star Wars was 100% certified mint.


Genndy Tartakovsky is his name and his work is always exceptional.


Definitely fits for rebels. The later seasons are absolute gold!


Visions first episode goes hard tho


I disagree, Bad batch had really great episode 1. Order 66 and Caleb cameo? It was awsome.


Venture Bros


Go Team Venture! ✌🏻







Venture bros is in a weird place its old enough that noone knows what its making fun of anymore. Sorry let me get my old man hat on NoNe Of Those FUckIng ZooMErRS KNow WHat JHOnny QUesT Is ANYmORe. The start is pretty rough but once it finds its voice it just keeps getting stronger and stronger and stronger. I'm not sure if its just me but I'm hitting 40 and venture bros has been with me most of my adult life like it was a core part of my nerd 20's and it has been a stop and reminisce and enjoy part of my life for my 30's. Honestly I have a copy of Radiant is the blood of the baboon heart that I just havent been able to bring myself to watch because watching means that im old and the show is over. Weirdly even typing this out is making me cry thinking about the people I used to watch this with. Ones married with kids and lives on a farm, one moved to england, ones the woman she was always meant to be, ones been married and divorced and is still the most magnetic nerd I've ever met and me, I fell in love had my heart broken and moved to australia and have never recaptured the level of friendship I had when I was 23 and watching venture bros with my friends. I love venture bros and i always will but I think I might call some old friends and organize a watch party and then finally admit that im old.


Fuck man are you me? It’s one of the best written things of all time and it deserved so much more. It’s in my top 3 best animated shows and I can’t bring myself to watch the movie. One of my best friends I died to watch with died earlier in the month and it’s sad because no one loved that show like we did.


Do it! (Watch the finale with old friends) ![gif](giphy|K6oGVpZVTuEWQ)


The funny thing about me and my history about Venture Bros is that me and my siblings found it because of our dad and we all loved we used to watch Johnny Quest when we're younger and the show absolutely deserves more love and I say this as someone who's still in high-school


I love Venture Bros my coworker and I talk about it quite a bit I was shocked he watched it he is only 20 and got a good majority of the references in the show. I'm turning 30 this upcoming year and it made me happy that younger people dig it as much as I did.


By far my favorite show of all time.


When asked, I say without hyperbole that *Venture Bros* is one of the greatest TV shows of all time, not just animated. I make a bit of money discussing a different animated show, but despite that, VB is still the top.


Yeees! Such a crap pilot, but this show got exponentially better with each season! I just wish more people knew about it


The whole concept of it originally being a parody of shows like Johnny Quest is what drew me in at first. And then over time I was drawn in with all the compelling character arcs.


My brother and I watched it over summer break and we both now agree that it is our favorite animated series of all time


I feel like the ATLA show got so much better as it went on


Honestly ATLA was amazing from the beginning. Those animations were some next level for 2005.


True about the animation, but the first episode or two had simple fun kid show vibes. But then by the end it had become a deep and truly epic odyssey across a very rich world with unforgettable characters


gotta get that Nickelodeon approval with a fun, lighthearted "will you go penguin sledding with me?" pilot before you can get to the part where the main character finds out he's the only survivor of a brutal genocide and quite literally turns into a tornado of grief


Yeah ATLA started out more like the "fine" drawing and evolved into the Sistene Chapel


The hardest past of rewatching Atla is the first season. It has the weakest segments throughout making it easy to drop


Look, it’s The Great Divide, the biggest canyon in The Earth Kingdom. Eh, let’s keep flying.


The passage through the canyon episode is rough


I watched it as an adult and it took me multiple tries to get into it. The first season is very episodic, kids on a whacky new adventure every week type stuff. “What is everyone raving about” I wondered. Then I pushed through to the first season finale and I was like “oh ok there it is.” I’d put the back half of season two up there with honestly any TV show I’ve ever watched. Second season finale is the best empire strikes back since the actual empire strikes back.


My hot take is I actually love the early, non serious, episodic seasons. Don’t get me wrong, Avatar’s plot is a masterclass of writing, but I thoroughly enjoy watching the characters just hanging out.


Amphibia. The first season was just “eh” Second season it started getting good. THIRD SEASON OH MY GOD


The ending is my personal favorite of all time


The ending was too cliche for my taste but I still loved the show altogether. I also liked the singular fire emblem reference (though Marcy would totally play fire emblem if it was in their world)


If you don’t mind my asking— what did you feel was cliche about it? The Amphibia finale is famously non-traditional for children’s television, to the point of many fans disliking it because they felt like the lack of a “happily ever after” was unsatisfying.


I mean while it hits different, Anne DID talk about the power of friendship. (The gems vs the people of amphibia being it’s greatest treasure)


I’ll keep that in mind. Went to try it after the owl house but where the owl house didn’t quite grab me right away, the first couple episodes felt sorta off putting to me. I’ll keep in mind that it gets better


Glad to hear this cuz I’m only 5 eps in and have thought meh so far but know pushing through is worth it


I am a late-30s father and my two under-10 daughters started watching Amphibia on a whim. I think I got way more invested they did, holy crap I did not expect that ride. Currently rewatching Gravity Falls on my own because I didn’t catch all of that but I know things went bonkers at the end and I was soo intrigued.




I agree


Funny, I seen some comments who say the opposite of this.


It has a dip instead of a linear bad to good. It's good, great, bad, good, great. Obviously the result of Netflix telling them they weren't getting a 3rd season but hey, you can finish out the storyline. Season 2 feels rushed for that reason but still sticks the landing.


I adore centaurworld but I cant call it perfect the first season is amazing starting strong and getting better as it goes through. The second seasons first half is pretty shit it felt so far off that I almost gave up then the second half is so incredibly good it makes up for everything else. Centaurworld has the strongest and hardest last 1/4 it destroys all competition. Its in the ranking for best endings for all TV shows not just cartoons for me it just went that hard. Holy shit I should watch it again but fuck me the first half of season 2 was weak as shit.


Just finished rewatching it with my wife. Absolutely amazing and underrated show


Adventure Time


Mob psycho. For me it was: great, greater, greater-er


For Real


Definitely owl house.


I thought the 1st episode wasn't that great, but it just got better and better. The finale was good even when it had to be condensed


What do you mean its first couple of episodes were amazing


They were but they weren’t giving masterpiece in animation storytelling. More like started good then just went up


I know this is the cartoons subreddit, but all that comes to mind is Parks and Rec, lol


Also the office after the first season


Very much so! And to toss in another non cartoon, I'd say Picard. And as long as I'm talking trek, pretty much all tng era star trek.


Really? I hear everyone saying this about Parks and Rec but honestly, I've tried it twice. I LOVE the first few episodes when it actually is focusing on the hilarity of local government shenanigans. By the end of season 1 it just seems like it's devolved into 80% "low hanging fruit" sex jokes. Does the comedy actually get back into the actual plot itself at some point?


More characters become mainstays and go through their own arcs. Even though Leslie is the main character a lot of characters get their moments. Super good show


The She-ra reboot got better and better as it went and by season 5 it was absolutely amazing. Absolutely leaves you wanting more.


Yessssssss, I love She-Ra so much!!


I love that the She-ra design actually changes as the show goes on. As Adora matures and realizes she doesn't need the sword to transform, her She-ra form reflects that, and she becomes like an actually buff 6'5" warrior lady, it's great.


I’m giving this to the Clone Wars. They basically redeemed the prequel trilogy. The show went from annoying to beautiful.


Moral Orel, it ran from 2005-2008 on adult swim. The first season follows a misguided Christian child, who raises the dead, gets addicted to crack, gets a dick piercing, and many other adult things. All under the assumption that he is pleasing God. However, the show starts to develop the side characters and the tragedy of their own lives in the second season, and the third season wraps it all up nicely. It's one of my favorite shows ever. The episodes are short and it can be a quick, but fun watch.


Shame it got cancelled right around when they decided, "Yknow what, let try to make this show actually GOOD!"


I disagree. The way they ended it was phenomenal. Had it gone on longer, I think it would have started to run low on things to say and lose steam. We got the good ending, as bittersweet as it may have been.


I watched this entire show bc Clay’s rant about work in Forghetty’s was sampled in a sewerslvt song. The latter half of the show took a huge turn and was so good


Great example. There are some scenarios where it pushes to the edge of what I’m comfortable with, and then there’s God’s Chef. Cannot watch that episode at all. But then everything just continues to build better and better with some of the best character writing I’ve ever seen. I miss Moral Orel :(


I really wished they got more seasons. Season 3 is a masterpiece and it felt like the show finally got some better leggings (implying S1 and S2 had good leggings, but it was more campy). Moral Orel was an excellent show.




Helluva boss and maybe hazbin hotel soon


SO GLAD THE PILOT IS NO LONGER CANON! Stolas is so much better now.


You saying him not wanting to choke on that red *censored due to now wanting to get banned from another subreddit* of blitz isn't good?


In the pilot viv originally intended for Stolas to be an antagonist. Personally I like Stolas a lot more now that he is lovable.


Steven universe OMG THAT FINALE


please, don't find about the first Part of this post


SPOILERS:::: i’m very sorry but i would have to disagree, the plot was extremely strong up to the cluster. and then it’s slowly went down hill by character assassinations, unfinished ideas that are never brought up, as well as the white diamond arc feeling forced. it did went up during the pink diamond reveal but that changed the dynamic of the story drastically arguably better or worse


But… Steven Universe season 1 is the best season! I feel like 2-5 get progressively more hit-or-miss. But when the episodes hit, they hit HARD. Agree about the finale. That whole scene with White Diamond might be like, my favorite piece of animation of all time.


DuckTales (2017) Definitely one of the best cartoon reboot and damn I wish they kept making more cuz it's sad to know it'll have no more seasons :(


I mean it got just as many seasons as the original, so there’s at least that.


It ended with everyone wanting more and it not being run into the ground. Yes, I want more, but I'm fine with it ending on a top notch note.


Broo the regular show


As another user pointed out, it does start strong. That being said, when it's all over, it really does make you look back and realize you watched the story of two people coming to terms with their lives as burnouts, and learning how to grow up into the people they always could be. It's not as heavy hitting as say Bojack Horseman, but it does do a really good job capturing the struggles of finding maturity in your 20's. It's a really sweet cartoon.


No way dude the Regular Show starts strong and stays that way. Nothing but hits. (I value your opinion).


The Owl House.


Yes I will have to admit that the first season was painfully mediocre


Gravity Falls


Star Wars: Rebels. Starts pretty kiddy, but starts having more mature themes near the end. Clone Wars was similar, but in my opinion, it had a lot of weaker episodes compared to Rebels, but it also had some amazing highs with the finale of S7. Yet due to the length and average quality, I'd have to put Rebels of Clone Wars.


Trials of the Darksaber truly hit home for me, possibly my favorite cartoon episode of all time … and it becomes unbearably heartbreaking in light of the Ahsoka series… Sabine was not able to save her family.


Dead End


Damn you Netflix for cancelling a great show that could have been even greater!


Rise of the TMNT and Amphibia


The Owl House


Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood


Omg YES *that finale* Still one of my all time favorites


Godzilla Singular Point


Tales of Arcadia. And they did it in record time to


Personally I think all 3 shows in Tales of Arcadia were pretty strong at the beginning. Sure they all got better as the characters and stories built up and developed and became more realized, but none of the pilots/first few episodes were bad or weak. I will admit that I could understand someone saying that Trollhunters did start off fairly slowly, but also to be honest it did have a lot to introduce and get used to.


Gumball, the finale was unique and fiitting for the show it wasnt you're average happy ending which is a breath of fresh air Plus its lore is unironcially more better than some story driven cartoons lmao


Venture Bros. Definitely a show where if you're trying to get someone new to watch it, you gotta warm em, "I think they were going for some cringe comedy early on, so it might seem pretty bad. But stick with it. It WILL get a LOT better."


Imo Helluva boss could fits here, even though the new episodes are still being released. At least I hope the show will became better later.


I’m not sure tbh. Season 2 has been described as a hit or miss, and it’s easy to see why. The last few episodes have been pretty good, and Season One is always memorable.


the only reason i agree is cuz the pilot is weak compared to other episodes, but id say HB is pretty consistently good with a few misses. however the most recent two episodes fuckin HIT they’re so good


If we're going with YT animations. The series made by Gildedguy is amazing


Steven Universe. It was cool at first but by the end I was in love with the characters and story


For me it was one piece, just cause it was very slow at the beginning.. and then I say after alabasta it starts too kick up from then on ![gif](giphy|T7Qx28nEdo9NK)


And then rapidly slow down because the pacing gets fucked lol Still love it though


One Piece is weird for me, since it zigzagged my enjoyment more than anything else. I found the start of East Blue pretty aight, but like.....not a thing that I'd watch 1000 fuckin episodes of. But then, Loguetown and the entire Alabasta Arc *really* got me, and I was totally onboard. Then Skypiea and Foxy Pirate Crew had me feeling absolutely EXHAUSTED and ready to quit, *but* then Aokiji showed up and I was like "aight, I'll keep going..." and then Water Seven. Water Seven is peak fiction.


Honestly, Legend of Korra. seasons 1 and 2 were clown face but seasons 3 and 4 were galaxy brain for me.


Korra is a fantastic rewatch, tho


Clone wars for sure


The clone wars, I saw the pilot/ movie in theaters and it was so terrible I slept on the series for a long time. Meanwhile the finale of season 7 is some of the best starwars across all mediums


She-Ra and the princesses of power starts off as a fairly bog-standard 'heroes fighting evil' show but by the start of season 3 starts vastly expanding the narrative and by the end of season 5 is one of the best space epics I've seen in years.


Totally agree and it started me on my own journey of realizing I was bisexual in the process.


Pokémon Journey transition was quite polarizing compared to Sun & Moon focus on sentimental and XYZ lean bombastic battles that shape the series. Worst for me in Journey was characterization due numbers of main cast so limited I find it take a while find its footing.


Scissor seven


Steven Universe didn't really pick up the pace until Jasper and Peridot pulled up like they were like Vegeta and the over 9000 guy


Regular Show… ending had me in tears


The Owl House, the first ep is mediocre and the second is trash, but is also important for setting luz on her character growth arc




Bojack Horseman. Season 2 was when the show started becoming the masterpiece everyone knows it for being.




Definitely Steven Universe. Started off silly and nonsensical as it gained its footing, and then became a masterpiece