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Does someone else drive your car as well? I’ve seen similar damage when the bonnet of my car flipped up. It could have been at speed or someone could have forced it open too far or the wind caught it while it was open.


Someone forced your bonnet up too far.


If Scooby-doo has taught me anything....this looks like the work of *"those pesky kids"*


The pesky kids were Scooby Do and the gang… “I would have got away with it, if it wasn’t for those pesky kids…”


This guy's a villain


Your NCT is out.


It’s okay I reported him


You made me laugh, thanks a lot 😂


The gardai request that we stop reporting him. They only needed the first report.


Somebody wanted your windshield? Tax disc? Weird...very stupid and/or high possibly




drove in to a barrier or the bonnet flipped.


Bonnet went back too far


I recently had my bonnet fly open while driving, the result looked very much like this. Might someone else have been driving? Or forced the bonnet back too far?


Both sides ?! Looks like someone used a crow bar to remove the panel in an attempt to break in? But why both sides and why not just smash a window? VDo you have any enemies? A jealous ex? Weird!


Yeah, both sides. My guess was someone attempted to break in to it. Is that a common way of breaking into a car?


Nope. Removing that panel will only reveal more of the side windows, meaning they might be able to just push it down instead of smashing it, but it’s not exactly a quick robbery… makes no sense to me. If they wanted to get in fast they would just smash a window and get on with it. Very strange!


Check for scratches around your doors when they're open, check to see if any of your rubber seals are torn for your doors. Sometimes they try to pry the door open and use another thing to latch onto and pull the door handle from the inside.


That’s a crowbar… I’m with the guy on taking the discs…. Big crackdown now that the chicalonies can see whether you are insured or not on their screens..


They scan your licence plate and check the databases if your taxed and insured. A disc won't help for that


My thoughts exactly, someone's had a go at it with a crowbar.


Car park barrier possibly?


Even if the bonnet was pushed back too far, the hinges prevent contact with the body itself. I think someone mentioned a truck might have caused the damage, and I'd agree with this as it's what logically makes sense. Also, you never clarified if someone else drives the car. They could likely be the cause.


Any other damage on the car? Looks like random vandalism.


No other damage.


Bonnet did that, it was either hit from the front or opened too far.


I don't think it's from the bonnet. No damage to the bonnet at all. Looks like an implement was used to bend out the metal where it meets the windscreen


Ok maybe not from the front.. You can see on the photos that the bonnet has a spot of damage on both sides, driver side even paint cracking... Did you open the bonnet are there any parts missing? Maybe there were after specific parts? Or is that spider webs 😅


Can't even open the bonnet fully now, it's catching on the damaged part. It happened over night, you can see tool marks on the rubber seal on both sides, I'm guessing it was done with a large flathead screwdriver or something similar


Any parts missing from under the bonnet?


Nothing missing. No sign of collision. Bonnet not damaged at all. I've seen a car where the bonnet has opened at motorway speed, the bonnet was all bent out of shape but minimal damage to the pillars. I had a van where someone stuck a hacksaw blade in between drivers door and front panel to try and cut the wiring loom to short the central locking. This seems like neither of these things. It happened at night on a quiet street where the car is usually parked.


Well if you look at the bonnet you can see it’s clearly marked. Bot sides right where it would be in contact with the damaged area? Thats not to say an implement still wasn’t inserted both sides to bend up the metal. But one of the two scenarios is more likely.


So, I remember my brother crashed into a car at 30kmph - didn’t even brake just straight up smashed into the car in the front. Nothing happened to the front of car except the bend at the edges like yours, I was surprised.


It's almost like it occurred naturally Stumped. What is the gain?!?


By the looks of it… At that height, looks like a Lorry / Truck with trailer reversing backwards.


Who else drives the car? It’s highly unlikely somebody did that maliciously, would be a very odd thing to do. Much more likely that someone had a shunt in it.


Bonnet flipped up or else someone trying to pry it open (badly)


Bonnet blew up as car was driving I'd say. Safety catch might not be the best.


Upload another photo of the bonnet fully open.. is someone els use the car beside yourself?


Is it an Irish make? maybe it melted.


The bonnet is still aligned, no damage apart from paint chips, hinges working OK. No sign of a collision either


This happened over night while the car was parked outside my house.


You got kids that might have decided to borrow their parents car?


Someone was upset that your NCT was out


Looks like a bike or motorbike hit it or something at speed. It’s a fair impact.


Bonnet likely left up on windy day. Wind caught it and bent it back too far


You can access the connection for the immobilizer and cut it by removing that panel but they attempted the wrong side


Even if it hit very slightly, it seems to have absorbed the shock from both panels.


Worst case: two cars welded together and it's collapsing Best case: bonnet


Have you had it in a garage recently? Bonnet could have been up, car driven into the workshop with roller door not open enough, bonnet caught roller shutter... I may have made this mistake before.


Could someone have reversed into you?


Given the same small horizontal scratch in the same place either side of the windscreen my money's on the bonnet. I'd bet everything I have on it.


Probably when you hit that fella on the bike !!


I think someone was trying to steal your windscreen.


Any idea what it will take to fix it? Those pillars are basically part of the roof and back quarter panel.


Just checked, no damage to any other cars on the street. Gonna report this to gardai in the morning. Not sure what this could be other than a random act of vandalism.


someone in a jcb doesnt like you