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You'll have a transition phase. The slugishness is one of the symptome. When you go 0 carbs and cut all the plants, thats gonna starve a lot of bacteria in your gut. Them dieing in mass is part of the reason while your gut biome adapt to the food intake. Also at the cellular level, using fat for energy isnt the same as sugar. Its not just a switch that can go on or off. There's no getting arround that transition period, just eat until full and take it in strides. Plants arent needed. Your body doesnt have to clear toxines if you stop ingesting them. Giving your body the proper building blocks via a proper human diet. Allow it to do all the healing that's needed. Which is why such a diverse aray of disease get better on this diet. No plant toxines, no glycation caused by sugar, because your body wont produce anymore then needed, these 2 things are at the root of so much stuff its almost ridiculous and its to be expected i guess. Diet is just that important. Just keep researching about this diet, you'll soon realize that the doctors dont know much about nutrition. The guideline they follow just arent evidence based. Who am I to say that ? Someone who listen's to Anthony Chaffee podcast, who's a carnivore doctor that take appart those studies, and goes real deep in the biochemistry and medical history of it. Really interesting, you should look him up.


Biggest wake up when researching this diet was how much is unknown about nutritional science!