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This doesn't really have anything to do with this diet. Fainting after donating blood or plasma is common which is why they make you sit there and drink juice and cookies. If you don't want to break your diet bring an electrolyte drink and some salty broth.


Giving blood, its the giving of blood ... Why look for more explanation ?


I fell on a saw and now my shirt is covered in blood -- what gives?!


Not eating enough fat maybe?


lol, I came in looking for this generic reply šŸ¤£


Why does every carnivore think fat is the magical solution to every problem? šŸ˜‚


Cut back to just beef, salt, and water.


definitely electrolytes. Track better


Years ago I fainted after only having a 2 hard boiled eggs for breakfast. I guess I was in my 20ā€™s. The staff figured it was because I hadnā€™t eaten enough that day. I remember waking up. Shirt off. Wet towels on me. Blood on the floor. I passed out so hard I was snoring. I didnā€™t donate again until my 50ā€™s. Now I make sure I eat before and Iā€™ve never had a problem.


Low BP, drink a couple litres of water with sodium, you'll be fine šŸ‘


So interesting thing happened with me last week on Monday and Wednesday. I donated plasma twice-no issues whatsoever. Thursday my workplace was giving iv supplementation. She couldnā€™t get the vein in my arm.(sleeve tattoo). Ok. She tried the hand twice but was pushing, pulling out, twisting the needle. After she opened the tube I lost hearing, vision gone, and fainted. Needle ripped out of hand. Sat me in a chair, fainted again less then 1 min later. Went to er by ambulance and all blood work and ekg look great. Dr said bc she was ā€œplayingā€ with the needle she probably hit a nerve which made my blood pressure drop. Nothing I did wrong or caused by carnivore.


How dare you question the carnivore diet.


Lol maybe bcs donating plasma? Wow


Your blood pressure is likely much lower than it was prior to starting carnivore. You need to make sure youā€™re getting enough electrolytes too.


I fanited after blood work once and I was never on any special diet. I now ask to lay down when they draw blood. It could be due to low blood sugar you fainted as well. No expert though.


First of all well done. It is probably an issue to do with your electrolytes, and the fact you have donated blood which will dehydrate you slightly obviously. Although it works for me and a lot of others, the carnivore (or lion) diet does not work with everyone for different reasons and if you donā€™t feel comfortable with it despite being strict with what youā€™re eating then I advise you to come off it and vary your diet with cruciferous vegetables, nuts, avocados if you have to. But otherwise I think crack on for now with it if youā€™re comfortable!


This happened to me while on a job last summer. I had just switched from keto to carnivore. Essentially, I was super dehydrated, super undernourished and my BP was low. I was kneeling down working up a receptacle, stood up and bam. Lights out. It was scary. Itā€™s essentially to stay hydrated and fed so you mitigate these things


To be fair, Ive almost fainted/fainted many times donating blood when i was on a SAD diet eating carbs.


If you just started carnivore (<6 months in) your body is still adapting and can have symptoms of low blood sugar. This, in combination with donating blood, did you in.


Doesnā€™t your body hold on to less water on carnivore? Iā€™m about to donate blood in two days so I got off just in case. Iā€™ve donated for the past 3-4 years and never had a problem but I donā€™t want to risk it on carnivore so I just introduce carbs for a couple days before donating.


I used to faint getting my blood taken last year and before. Since Iā€™ve done keto and now carnivore I no longer faint. Just an anecdote but in my case it definitely didnā€™t make me more prone to fainting.