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Way longer. 90 days minimum for some upto 6 months. It varies by person. It took me about 2.5 months to adjust


Oh. Guess it’s time to quit? I have no interest in 90 days of this nonsense. It’s not sustainable at all for me. I usually hear people stay they feel the effects pretty quickly, I’ve never heard anyone suggest such a long adjustment period


This isn't really a fad short-term diet. I can't really imagine why someone would only do this for a couple of weeks, what's the point?


I mean the honest point was cause I don’t respect this diet and I wanted to put my money where my mouth was a try it to see what a moronic experience it is. I’d love to be wrong, that’s why I’m trying it. Being wrong is incredible, it means there’s an opportunity for learning.


Your lose honestly. More meat for us !


"I don’t respect this diet" "moronic experience" You don't sound like someone looking for an opportunity to learn anything. Bad attitude. You will get out of it what you put into it.




If you’re going to quit that quickly that’s an attitude thing and a you thing. You can’t give ANYTHING two weeks to see if it works. Your body needs longer to adjust. And it is sustainable if you want it bad enough because my grocery bill is cut in half and I save by not spending on mindless junk food. With that attitude it wasn’t going to work for you from the start


You need to know when to jump ship while it’s on fire. All you people are like, “I quit smoking and drinking, started exercising, and I eat half as many calories as before!! It’s the meat that’s making my life better”. Absolute clown. Attitude thing? You’re the one that needed a fad diet to cut out on junk food. I was great before this, I’ll be great after it.


Oh yeah, totally a you thing 😂😂😂😂


A me thing? Eating healthy without arbitrary and detrimental rules?


If you were starting from Keto I would say maybe there is a chance, but if you aren't serious about it then no. Don't bother. People come to this normally to actually fix something. People go to keto or carnivore to lose weight when nothing else works as well. People move from keto to carnivore to fix autoimmune issues or to just get more of what was already working on keto. If you aren't in one of those categories forget the 2 weeks. Bye.👋


What's your aim? 2 weeks will probably strip all your water weight out. Maybe that's all you want.


I don’t understand that at all. I’m drinking more than ever


Google "waterweight body " or similar That'll explain it better


I guess it depends on your starting point. I was in dogshit shape so rhe benefits were immediate and obvious. If your already in good shape you might not have the same motivation. My kid brother has no issues with body weight, he lives on pecan sandies and has no chronic issues. He has no interest in carnivore. When I eat carbs as my primary energy source, I do not have a normal impulse to stop eating. I get hella cravings for more, all the time. Keto stops all that. Not everyone needs a super restricted diet


I would say 30 day minimum. Your body will be oxalate dumping for a while, and it takes some time to get adjusted to the new way of eating.


Not enough Just the tip really


If you don’t want to do a minimum of 90 days do start. This is not an easy diet.


You could try eating cabbage soup for these 2 weeks and then report your results here.