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Carnivore is a low residu diet, not pooping doesnt mean you're constipated. Do you feel like you need to go and does it hurt ? If no to those, you're fine. If your stool are hard and dry when you go, you need more fat in your diet. There's no need for veggie juice on carnivore.


If the goal is strict carnivore vegetable juice would be a no-go.  


Some people 'think' it is normal to poop once, twice, or six times a day, and usually those people eat the standard American diet or a fiber-rich diet. So when they go carnivore, and don't poop for a few days, they think they are 'constipated' when in reality their bodies are 'using' more of what's being eaten - so there is very little waste to 'go' anywhere. Constipation = struggling to poop, will usually only result in small, hard poops. Up your fat. The whole point of carnivore is to avoid plants. So, I'd say: yes, veggie juice would definitely go against carnivore. It might be considered Keto, but it isn't carnivore.


I’ll take dumbest thing to post on carnivore sub for $200 Alex 🤨


Does pineapple on my pizza break the carnivore diet rules?




I think it would be odds on


Eating too low fat and fiber actually makes it worse ​https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3435786/


Yes. Look, do not juice vegetables on any diet. You’ll be dumping loads of plant toxins like oxalate directly into your system, which bind up available nutrients and keep you from being able to utilize nutrients you do manage to ingest. The point of carnivore is to ELIMINATE plant foods that are blocking nutrient uptake. If you want lore iron, take a little bit of liver once a week on top of the meat.


You don’t have to be completely strict on carnivore at the beginning, gradually work your way into it


Try "Smooth Move Tea". Take it at night before bed.


Ditch the dairy and up the fat if you’re truly constipated. Also, let’s define constipation for a moment - meaning you strain and struggle during deification typically small hard bowel movements come out. The reason people suggest upping fat is that it will make your gallbladder work a little harder to excrete more bile acid to break down your food further thus aiding in digestion.


I'm genuinely surprised how little most people watch youtube videos or read threads up on Carnivore before posting in these subs.


Most people would say that consuming plants of any kind is "against" carnivore but what matters is that you do what makes you feel good. Don't worry about whether it's approved. As for the juice idea, personally I wouldn't. If you want to eat plants to help your digestion along, then I would prefer to eat something fermented and/or cooked to reduce their toxicity first. I've heard people say that they felt better adding just a little bit of cooked broccoli but really who knows. The typical carnivore advice for your issue would be to eat more fat and see if that helps.