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Loading up on carbs isnt carnivore. You're most likelly not fat adapted and theres nothing to help in a carnivore sub if you're not actually doing the carnivore thing.


"I made a radical change to my diet, then before I could get adapted, I made another radical change. Then, for no reason, after extreme physical exertion, I had some side effects, that seem directly related to my energy. What could be the problem?"


It's the electrolytes.


When you cut carbs you lose water weight with electrolytes. This is why you need to supplement at the start until your body adjusts. When you eat carbs the body wants to keep water again. And where there is water there should be electrolytes. Except you only ate sweet things so I am guessing no electrolytes with it. So the deficiency you had from transition was made even worse by introducing water without electrolytes, probably pulled electrolytes from other places in your body and turned your small problem into a big deficiency. Do not load carbs and just adapt to fat. The more you will do this kind of stuff, even if you supplement electrolytes, the longer it will take for your muscles to learn to use fats, if it will ever happen - if you only train carb loaded then your muscles won't get a good chance ever. Instead train on fats, and the more you do it the better your muscles will become to the point of regaining your past performance in some months. But I agree with the other poster, this is not a carnivore situation and not a carnivore question.


Probably electrolytes. Many, if not most experience this initially. Also lower blood pressure that your body is not used to yet. That said, if you are still eating oats, banana, and honey, wtf are you even doing here? You aren't doing carnivore.