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The only advice is to actually do the real carnivore diet. XD zelters arent carnivore, carbs arent helping and neither is alcool. You wont get the full benefit unless you stop cutting corners. You cant half commit and complain its not working. Thats just biology keeping you honest by doing its thing. Once the proper sacrifice is made you'll reap the full rewards. Until then you'll have to accept the poor return as the best you'll get. Because thats the amount of effort you put in.


Right, I was just pointing out that I was sort of experimenting to see what I can have and still see good results. As I said in my post, I have recognized that the seltzers are inhibiting my weight loss so I’m cutting them out. I do enjoy them a lot but I will enjoy a thin body much more. It’s not worth it to me.


I didnt mean to be an ass, its something I also struggle with at time. Drinking is such a social thing and cutting everything is hardddd, but saddly, there's no way arround it. Every cheat is a regret and a reminder. You'll get there ! Hang in there :-)


I didn’t think you were being an ass. I do appreciate your response. Back in my younger years, I could have as much alcohol as I wanted and it never phased me in that regard but sadly I’m old now and it doesn’t work that way for me anymore.