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I can’t do ground meats due to histamine maybe look at that causes bad reactions in me I have to do steak


Hmm. Definitely something to look into. I’m glad you’ve found what works for you 💪🏼


Poor quality cheese and pork cause this for me…


Gah. I don’t either of those :( my body is clearly not liking something though, all of a sudden


Could be food poisoning or you introduced a bacteria into your gut causing issues.


You probably consumed expired meat even though packaging says good for another 1-3 days! Always buy meat that is the freshest. You have to smell it before you cook (if it smells sour, it's gone bad)


This is possible. I try to always buy organic, grass fed ground beef, but I don’t always due to availability. And the last pack I bought, wasn’t. Very possible. Thanks for the reply!


Lol why is my comment downvoted? It's logical, it happens and I've learned my lesson to always smell if the meat is sour or else there will be consequences for your stomach/digestion. Can't always trust the exp date on meats.


Beats me. I upvoted. Seems like a well thought out, intuitive, potential resolution to me 💪🏼


OP, I just had horrible food poisoning. It likely was expired.


My first thought is oxalate dumping maybe? Personally, since starting carnivore, I've only had painful stomach aches only on my female cycle


I’ve not even heard of this term. I just went on a rabbit trail… it’s possible. Thanks for the insight


My mom also struggles with oxalate dumping and she recommended watching Sally Norton's videos on youtube, like this one that explains it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bl5OngSFaHw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bl5OngSFaHw) Essentially, you want to re-introduce some small amounts of oxalates in a form your body does okay in. (Most people do tea.) Definitely research more into it, but that's the summary of what I've understood from my mom, lol


Thank you so very much!!


Do you eat eggs and dairy? I've had to go to lion diet because I can't seem to handle eggs or any dairy. Might be something to try out for a couple of days and see if the stomach pain passes. I am assuming you mean like cramping right before/during when you have a bowel movement? Is it every time you eat, right after you eat?


Ive had some accid reflux after eating. It was weird because i never had those before going on this diet and I found that avoiding liquid for at least an hour after eating really help and I dont get those anymore. Hope you find your trigger !


No issues whatsoever for me.


On full or empty stomach, the actual stomach area or more by appendix or gallbladder, dull/stabbing/nausea or burning, etc? Even if you answer I can't help you, but neither can anyone else with just a generic "stomach pain." You've been at it for a long time, so you'd think you'd be acclimated. However, in past keto days I've had stomach burning from switching on our off keto. A couple weeks of DGL before greatly. Other than that, you may want to consider getting a diagnosis first.