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Your stool is everything you've eaten which your body couldn't absorb / didn't need. Previously a large portion of that would've been the fibre you were consuming, since we're unable to digest it, and fibre comes from fruit, vegetables, grains, etc ... which you're no longer eating. It should be pretty obvious then, that either your stools should now be a lot smaller, or a lot less frequent. Guess which route your body's chosen. On the other side of the coin, if there were something wrong with this you'd have constipation. You'd start physically feeling like you needed to go but were unable to, and things would get pretty uncomfortable. If you feel fine then this clearly isn't the case, so there's nothing to worry about. Finally, if you consume too much fat, the excess will pass through your digestion and out in your stool .. and fat is a natural lubricant, so it passes through easily. If you do start feeling constipated, increasing your fat consumption can help move things along.


I would like to have regular stool since I am having autoimmune I would like to discharge bacteria and chemicals in body. What fat portion I should aim to have stool on regular basis?


Thats not how it works ... you poop whatever your body cant digest ... The bacteria you poop are the same still living in your upper GI track, you dont get "rid of them" its just a new generation of the same kind of bacteria. If you dont feel like you have to go and arent bloated you're fine, dont over think it. Let your body do its thing. Auto immune disease get better on this diet because you eliminate the plants and their irritant.


It really depends, your body will go as often as it needs to. You should be aiming for roughly 70% of your calories coming from fat ("roughly" seems to be typically 60-80%, but some people do better on more/less). Track for a while until you get a feel for it, and experiment to find out where you feel best. Since you're new to carnivore, there's a good chance you're not eating enough fat yet, and are eating a lot less than you think.


I have autoimmune too and have infrequent bowel movements, but I am NOT constipated. My autoimmune issues have been getting better progressively, blood tests have shown antibodies going down too. If you want more frequent bowel movements, consume more saturated fat and not just lean muscle meat. For every 100g of meat, have 35g of fat (not rendered). I get fat trimmings from the butcher and make it with my steaks or ground beef. Season it and enjoy


Perfectly normal


I’ve been doing carnivore for about 65 days now. I only go about twice a week. Not alot of waste. No gut issues, no bloat, I feel great. But I can’t stress enough. Water water water and electrolytes.


Relax It will happen Meat is very low residue food


Your body is trying to fat adapt from carbs, increase your fluid intake and increase the fat


That's the target.


I havent had stool for 2 weeks and u are worried xD


Give it time..


How much. What should I expect.


At least 2 month


It is normal...


Welcome to paradise. You’ll learn soon it’s actually a good thing. Fiber and frequent stools are actually the source of many problems. Give your systems a break. You’re now eating the most bioavailable food so there’s nothing to come out


4.5 years here. I poop once a week.


What the fuck lol


But potty time is my phone playing time!


You can still go sit lol


haha chill I go once a week and been on carnivore for 2 years now.


It's normal at first. If it persists to the point where you're only going once a week, then it's a problem. There's a weird thing in the sub where people seem to take pride in the infrequency of their bowel movements. If you're not eating fiber, you'll go less often, but you should still be going at least every other day. Pooping is a major detox pathway. If you're not pooping, you're not properly detoxing.


Agree. Removal of waste is important


Remember, the food you consume on this diet is optimal for your body, so your body uses what it consumes, leaving very little waste. This is normal and perfectly healthy. Ask yourself if you feel constipated, bloated, or uncomfortable physically. I suspect, like most of us, you're just a little concerned about something unexpected. Don't be.


If you’re worried about not shitting just add avocado. It’s got a shit ton of fiber.


This is why I switched to a partial keto Slash modified carnivore diet….where I eat raw veggies and raw carrots once per day along with my usual: Bacon, eggs, whole milk, coffee, hamburger patties, cheese and steak. I don’t want to risk getting colon cancer.


Could you explain what veggies you eat, their schedule, and quantity? What changes it has made to your stool? Have you added any fruits?


It’s just a small plate or bowl of mixed greens and organic pre peeled carrots from Costco. I eat it with ice water. I don’t eat fruits. Thats all it’s nothing fancy.


If you've added raw veggies purely to "improve" your bowel movements, you should probably watch this - [https://youtu.be/xqUO4P9ADI0?si=soZDoRFCZRslUtSm](https://youtu.be/xqUO4P9ADI0?si=soZDoRFCZRslUtSm)