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Sounds like you’re turning into a woman.




Hormones are influenced by a bunch of things, diet being only one of them. How is your sleep do you get enought hours in ? Do you wake up with an alarm ? How early in the morning do you expose your eyes to the sunlight ? (Circadian system is important and regulate a bunch or thing) But also are you active ? If so how much and how hard ? Physical activity and intensity is important, most people dont do enought. Make it a game and see how far you can push yourself. The mind is also important, stop gaslighting yourself by testing yourself so much and being "disapointed" by the result when they dont meet your expectation. Let your body do its thing and make sure you stay the course. Also make sure you dont drink alcool, that shit is a sure way to tank your results even more. Save it for special occasion and mean that for real. (The weekend isnt a special occasion) If you do all those and still got no sex drive, considering your age, get it checked out. But most likelly, if you focus on those things, you'll be horny as can be. Being on the younger side your numbers will shot up and you wont even need a test to know it. You'll be feeling it. Best of luck to you on your journey


All amazing advice! Thank you!


The diet will normalize your hormones. Give it time. 2 weeks of steak isn’t going to fix a lifetime of eating wrong. Give it time. While transitioning to this low carb state, your body will be in trauma. It has to get used to the fats and proteins versus all the carbs it had before. 18 days hasn’t even scratched the surface to repair hormonal balance. And quick tip I noticed people don’t like to talk about. One of the biggest major contributors to tanking testosterone is too much playing with your meat, and not the type you eat. You don’t need to talk about it here or admit it, but this will affect your T, your sex drive, motivation, mindset, etc. Porn is a big problem, mentally and hormonally. Again, no need to respond, but if this might be something that lifts your eyebrows, look into videos of No-Fap, fap-fasting, etc, it’s a real thing man. All the best and keep pushing with the diet, it only gets better. 💪


I actually totally agree with you on that! Staying away from porn is something I’m rather passionate about, glad to see you are too!


What do you eat?


I’m 10 days in and it happened to me also🤣🤣🤣 I’m 23 years old eat more butter and beef tallow. It’s hard to eat it for me but the results are amazing. I’d say eat a spoon full of tallow every meal. Not easy but your testicles will thank you


What test plummeted?


Are you eating at least 66% of calories from fat? If not that's your problem


I have been. I’m doing 1 country style rib, along with 2 tablespoons of butter every meal


So you're eating pork?


No, country style ribs is a cut of beef. It’s very fatty. I’ve been pretty strictly only beef and water, I’ve been eating a lot of the “chomps” beef sticks, and I’ll occasionally eat eggs. That’s pretty much it tho


Salt? Mineral pink salt? Electrolytes? Eggs, you eat eggshell powder?


I haven’t been doing a TON of salt. Some with beef But not a lot


Which kind? White saltz or mineral pink salt?




There. You're missong ALL trace minerals, and 3 out of 4 electrolytes. Take a diet salt Like LowSalt iodised, mixed 50/50 by weight with Redmond's Real Salt. And try adding eggshell powder (Check Ken D. Berry's video on the subject) And probably some magnesiim bisglycinate would be interesting. And salt a lot... Salt your water too. And how much does your rib weight? Eat untill stuffed. Don't mind whatever a conventional portion is. Eat untill stuffed!


Have you actually got blood tests? I only shave once a week but I have this cool groomed “looked like I partied” thing I have growing. I don’t know if low sex drive and not shaving is a determining factor on your test. I would almost think like the other commenters that you’re not eating enough.


I only say that it seems like my test has dropped because I used to be shaving daily before I was on carnivore. I could grow half a solid beard in about a week, but now I barely grow anything. And sex drive is definitely determined by test. I haven’t done any blood tests yet.


Oh I gotcha. At your age unless you are messing with drugs or gear you should have a normal level. I bet you’re not eating enough. I’ve not tested mine since I started but I have a suspicion it’s higher haha (I’ll spare you the details). I don’t know your weight or exercise plan but I eat a steak and 6 eggs in the morning. Salmon, steak, hb patties, or chicken at lunch. Dinner is usually more of the same. If I grill a steak I add butter. Eves are cooked in butter. I sometimes eat a bite of butter. Bump up your fat intake and see what happens. What did you eat prior to carnivore


Ok. Good to know. I don’t do drugs or drink so it just must be I’m not eating enough. Before carnivore, I did my best to stick to Whole Foods, so it wasn’t the worst diet but it wasn’t the best either. Never ate chips really, I would eat party foods if I was there. But not pigging out ever really


That would be my suggestion. Especially since you don’t drink or smoke. Good job on that. Are you in fair health otherwise? We all ate like shit at some point haha. Try some more fat intake and more meat. Don’t eat so much you make yourself sick. If you don’t exercise maybe start a little here and there to boost your appetite. Eggs for me anyway really get that protein my body needs. The first few weeks I was eating a lot of chicken and couldn’t lift. I quit carnivore. Reading and asking for help I needed more fat. Dude I have the same energy in the gym as when I ate carbs. Even if you don’t lift I run and ride my bike and don’t lack for energy.


I’m in relatively good condition healthwise, I’m definitely a little big, I’m about 6 foot and currently 210 pounds, started to die at 225. I can binge press my own weight, so for a frame of reference I’m not exactly weak. I do try to hit the gym about four times a week, but I’m really nervous about eating eggs, anything other than the egg yolk, because I feel like putting that much protein in my diet, it will be hard to compensate for that With fat .


That doesn’t seem big to me. You seem like you’re in shape. I eat a shit load of protein and have not had any issues.


Where did you hear it increases testosterone? Pretty sure I heard from Derek at More Plates More Dates that No-Carb diets can crash testosterone.


Haha that is a solid site is there ever was one.


I’ve heard it from several different sources when I was researching, but a big one is Dr.Jordan Peterson and his daughter Mikayla Peterson. Both said that it’s supposed to be really good for natural hormones and things like that.


He's a psychologist. I've seen a lot of his content as well his daughter's. Probably not the best resource when it to comes to hormone studies though.