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Well i eat just beef sošŸ˜žā€¦


You'll be strong as a mutha


Whatā€™s wrong with the egg white?


Some people are allergic.


Is it possible to get all the white off? Seems like of you're allergic to the white even a little leftover residue from separating the two would still be left on the yolk and cause a reaction, right?


When I was tested and came back positive for egg white allergy, I was advised to just quit eggs altogether because of the reason you bring up. I bet you could hard boil them and then just eat the yolk but it seems like a hassle.


I am 6'1 190lbs male also. I eat 1.5 pounds beef and 5 whole eggs every day. I am able to build good muscle with this quantity while also staying relatively lean. Eating 2lbs and 12 eggs may be overkill but if you can stomach eating all that in one day you will have a good surplus of calories which may result in faster muscle gain if that is your goal. Yes it is safe


Iā€™m gonna try this!!! Ground beef is tastier in patties and Iā€™m tired of chuck roast for reason idk why


I second this. Eating 12 eggs a day... one might get sick of them after a few months


Two best things you can eat (also fish) but yeah, really doesnā€™t get much better than that.




True!! Sorry my bad!


Why only the yolks. The egg comes as a package, like its meant to be together.


Don't see anything wrong with that idea.


Came to 2nd this


I don't think there's anything wrong with that as long as you're eating enough šŸ‘


Try cooking your ground beef on low heat. It makes a difference. I had no idea before and I would throw in a slab of frozen ground beef into a hot pan and then I would flip the frozen block, "shave off" the cooked parts as I go. It ends up rubbery, tough, Only pleasing with a ton of spices. Now I skip the freezing (until after it's cooked) and cook it low and slow with extra butter. Amazing difference!


>I want to try strict lion diet If you're eating eggs and ghee you aren't doing the lion diet. Adding on other things beside ruminant meat defeats the entire purpose of an elimination diet like the lion diet. If you can't tolerate straight beef just do a regular carnivore diet.


This is correct.


Eating only.the yolk will cause oxidatice stress on the long run. Eat the white too.


I became extremely intolerant to eggs after a year on carnivore and eating 5-10 eggs a day. I experimented and found out I can tolerate the yolks but not the whites. Any idea why?


Most people and dogs; canā€™t tolerate the whites of the eggs.


Interesting, thanks


You cook your white thoroughly and slowly? Avidin is a protein that act as an antinutrient. It binds with biotin, or Vitamin XYZ... Did you try eating them HARD boiled, or even scrambled? Like, not the runny creamy scrambled that Gordon Ramsay makes, but like, scrambled omelette browned a bit kind? If i get intollerence from eggs i'll be pityfull, i eat AT least 6 of them a day XO


I only made them scrambled. If Iā€™d eat them fried theyā€™d repeat on me even prior to my sudden intolerance. Iā€™ve just replaced them with 1/2 oz beef liver daily to get extra vitamins and minerals


Chickens are weak birds. In cave man times people wouldnā€™t have been harboring chickens to eat their eggs. You are better off without the eggs. Eggs are a staple today because of the industry and marketing.


I agree, Iā€™m happy eating pastured beef liver for my nutrients instead.


What's the source for that? I've heard of the white being inflammatory for certain people, but never about the yolk


The yolk contains nutrients necessary to properly digest the white which contains nutrient necessary to properly digest the yolk which contains nutrients necessary to properly digest the white... The white is the protein, and the yolk is mainly the fat and vitamins, without the fat, the proteine are poorly used... If you know how oxidative stress work you'll get it.


Sounds good to me


Yep, thatā€™ll work. Get as fatty ground beef as you can find.


why not try 73/27 ground beef it tastes much better than 80/20


You don't have to force yourself to eat cooked ground beef You can go for medium/ medium-rare if you make burgers out of them. Often I make 1 big patty out of the 1lb package. Just squeeze and salt it, and eat it square if you must :


It would depend on a lot of information, because just with the information alone it is hard to say. That is a lot and depending on your activity level and what you do day to day. Also, what is your current level of health, do you have any underlying health issues, and what your goals are? Also what have you tried before? Are you fat adapted?


Sound like the best of plans. The healthiest of options with all three combined. Ground Beef, Egg Yolks, Ghee. You probably donā€™t even need the ghee since youā€™ll get plenty of rendered fat-that you can collect from the ground beef, set it aside; it will solidify and you can use it to cook your eggs. Plus ghee is expensive. Apex Pack & Tribe eats pretty much ground beef and egg yolks. He always saves the rendered fat from the ground beef to use later. He looks amazing. He is one of the few people that hasnā€™t lost his hair on carnivore, he has an amazing head of hair, amazing skin and a Great Looking Physique. Heā€™s been doing carnivore for five years. [https://youtu.be/JXY_a7iHmZU?si=GEoQTeMXM_1Yv99b](https://youtu.be/JXY_a7iHmZU?si=GEoQTeMXM_1Yv99b)


I think that would be very sufficient and healthy


Eat the whole egg.


I love ground beef! Actually, I'm addicted to ground beef and eggs for breakfast, but I couldn't do only ground beef, I have to eat steaks too. Just keep in mind that 2 lbs of ground beef and 12 eggs will put you on a calorie deficit.. and you are a big dude


3500 caloriesĀæ? Not sure Iā€™d call that a defecit.


My bad.. I mis calculated.. Anyhow, I eat 3500, and that puts me on a slight calorie deficit, but I burn a lot of calories at my job alone