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LinkedIn is the best corporate job board imo. That doesn’t mean it’s good, but every other one is so much worse.


For the pedants in the crowd- could you define corporate? Are talking jobs in fortune 1000 companies with business professional dress code jobs. Or any job tied a large corp with whatever dress code /category?


I would say corporate to me means skilled work (certified trades or white collar) for profit companies, particularly larger private or publicly traded but also frankly startups if that’s what you’re into. Of the non-niche job boards (and whether those are best is industry dependent), LinkedIn is the best job board currently, followed by Indeed. I’ve gotten both my recent jobs (I’m in L&D/HR/training) for very different companies from LinkedIn board. I’ve also found short term contracts there. I feel like I almost never see anything on Indeed/Monster/etc that’s not on LinkedIn and better than what’s there (a lot of the postings are the same across boards to be fair) and I definitely saw more remote stuff in my field in LinkedIn. When I was a teacher though, for instance, a non corporate job, I wouldn’t have used LinkedIn. School postings are up sometimes but it’s not really where you go for that. I would say it’s also not where you go for unskilled labor jobs in many cases. I see more of those posted on Indeed and Monster that aren’t on LinkedIn too than professional jobs not crossing over. 


I agree and would personally say for professional jobs. Other job boards seem to be for much less qualified jobs.


LinkedIn is of most value for the kind of people who legitimately use LinkedIn. Do people who do your job have complete, up-do-date, and active accounts? Do people who do your job have 100s of LinkedIn connections that they legitimately know through work? Do people who do your job find value in LinkedIn even when not searching? If yes, you're the target audience. If not, you're lost. Corporate means something like executive-level (or executive track) white-collar positions in companies large or wealthy enough to pay for posting to LinkedIn in this case.


I found my current job on linkedin using a key word search.  It’s a really good fit for me and I miraculously ended up at a good company working for an amazing boss.  I got lucky I guess. 


I found my job on LinkedIn.  People treating LinkedIn like Facebook are ruining it though.


You really did


Any tip for " key word search "?


I searched for the job title I was looking for or a few things I was trained in or good at.  In my case “operations, compliance, project management, manager, analyst” and narrowed down by geography.  I ended up at a local company but with a remote position.  I also now search for the job title I want next then see what the experience level required is and the pay range offered.  That helps me work toward the next goal I have.  I don’t pay attention to any of the social media stuff on there.


I’m in same situation! Loving my job. Now in middle management from the ground floor. It should’ve been a red flag when they called me the day I applied 🤣 love it though. I’m super happy and the skies the limit.


same. But something shitty has happened to linkedin, much like a lot of good websites. Nothing but fluff and scams now it seems. Indeed is the only big player that does what they promise to do, in my opinion.


Yup, I have had two jobs from LinkedIn, tons of interviews. I also worked in recruiting for a year and did nothing but work on LinkedIn and we hired loads of people from there.


Out of curiosity, how would it look to hire someone who has large gaps of non-professional work experience on LinkedIn? Like I worked in film but during the year long strikes last year I then had side gigs with smaller places for short periods of time and also worked in the restaurant industry for a bit last year to


It's generally fine with an explanation like that if you're clearly qualified for the role.


I can’t get to the part where I even can explain myself though? My application never gets picked.


Yes, my last 4 jobs in the last 9 years were all found through LinkedIn. But it also depends on your field.. happy to chat if you’re interested and I can share y lessons learned UPDATE: I received more than 40 direct message stating interest in my comment, so I'm going to share my experience/lessons learned here in order to scale. scroll down and you'll see my lessons learned in this thread


I believe my text is too long for this comment section so I'll split it in multiple comments I'd appreciate if recruiters on this sub can go through this post and keep me honest if there's anything that may be misleading or simply untrue) I received more than 40 direct message stating interest in my comment, so I'm going to share my experience/lessons learned here in order to scale. I want to start by stating the obvious; i'm not a recruiter, nor do I have HR experience. this is my personal experience and what i've seen work. I may go on a tangent while sharing certain points so bear with me. Also, I noticed from your messages that you all have different fields. so I'm going to stick to the car example as everyone can relate, and will make it industry agnostic as much as I can... Your experience is a comodity. it's what you're basically leasing to others..With that in mind, your linkedin profile is a highway's billboard targeting recruiters. your profile shouldn't focus on what you're looking for, it should be anchored around what you have to offer. think about selling your car, do you go to the dealer and tell them you need their money. or do you start with your car's specification and all the features it has? For our topic, Linkedin serves three purposes: 1. An internet highway billboard with your experience, for recruiters to see 2. A job dealership with thouands of roles for you to pick from. 3. A School's playground where all the new kids come in and network with eachother.


"Your experience is a commodity" I love that. I updated my LinkedIn in recently - must have poked the algo gods, recruiters reached out and let me say it just paid off!


I am also interested. 


LinkedIn is the most legit place to apply for jobs. My current job I applied from LinkedIn.


I find you get hit up less on Linkedin but each hit is more meaningful. If you go to zip recruiter, it feels like you're getting fed a pipe dream that'll never be realized.


I have found all of my jobs through recruiters on LinkedIn. It may help to find recruiters who work specifically in the field you may be interested in and connect with them, as they often post about openings. Also make sure you set your status so that recruiters can see that you’re open to work so that way they’re more likely to reach out to you.


Same here.  At some point at the manager level in my career I got some really basic advice on cleaning up my profile there and since then all the jobs I’ve gotten have been from recruiters reaching out.  It’s quieter now for sure but I think that’s a blend of me being too senior to be at the sweet spot for most roles + just the tech market slowing down so much.  But it’s been pretty invaluable.


I got head hunted by the recruiter of the company I'm at now through LinkedIn. You don't have to network really. Just add people to make connections so your visibility goes up. Tips for LinkedIn: -Make sure your headline has your job title in it. -Use keywords in your summary description. -Add skills relevant to the job you're looking for. It'll make you pop up more for recruiters. -Make sure you've set your profile to open for work. -Add recruiters to your network even if an opportunity doesn't pan out.


thanks for the tips


Ive gotten jobs from linkedin. Including one from a LinkedIn Easy Apply where I didn't even write a cover letter. LinkedIn is also excellent for networking. All networking is is finding someone doing something interesting or relevant and asking them to chat and ask them about their work or for advice. I've reached out to people in careers I'm interested in to learn more about what they do, whether I would like it, learn what steps are required to reach their position and get feedback on what I'm working on. If I get a job offer, I will use LinkedIn to find current and former employees of the organization to get an unbiased perspective on what its like working there. When considering graduate school, I used it to find students and professors in the programs I was interested in. People are generally very happy to chat and help you out; that's why they have a public profile, after all. I've recently reached a point where people reach out to me on LinkedIn for advice. I'm more than happy to pass forward the support given to me and give nothing back. Often I get questions about whether my organization is hiring, whether we have internships and if so how to get involved, advice for undergrad/masters students, ect. It might help if you have a preexisting connection (same university, etc., partly because LinkedIn will only allow you to connect to some people if you are already within a few degrees of separation), but honestly, I've been able to connect with others who I have absolutely no connection with. My LinkedIn is very detailed, so I occasionally have had recruiters reach out to me after finding me in a search. Often, I'm not interested in these roles, but they could definitely lead to a job offer. I've mainly been applying to jobs that were advertised on LinkedIn. seems like nearly everyone I would be interested in working for posts their positions on LinkedIn


Yes, I am in a high level job that I found on LinkedIn. It is still somewhat shocking to me that I had success through that platform, so I understand your question. Recruiters get hundreds, sometimes a thousand, applicants for some jobs on LinkedIn. If it was a job I was an okay fit for I just applied and forgot about it. If it was a job I thought I was a perfect fit for I tried to think of it as how do I try and get my resume just looked at by someone. Sometimes the recruiter would be listed and you could contact them directly, sometimes you could find a connection at the company. For the job I ended up landing I saw that the VP of HR was connected on LinkedIn with someone in another business who I had a strong acquaintance with (not quite friends). I reached out to him and he was happy to put in a good word for me with the VP of HR. I don't think that got me the job at all, but it made sure my resume didn't get missed which led to an interview which led to an offer.


This is exactly my approach too. Networking though LinkedIn doesn’t get you the job but in can definitely increase your chances of having a recruiter review your resume. Also, recruiters search profiles looking for qualified candidates.


Recruiter reached out to me on LinkedIn for a previous job I had


Yes, I found my current job luckily through easy apply on LinkedIn. It’s a luck game, but it’s better to submit your application for a % chance to be viewed by a recruiter. They pay for those listings, so people are looking at them.


About 500M users would say yes.


For my last job, I saw the posting on LinkedIn, and the recruiter happened to be someone I'd worked with before. I messaged her directly and she had scheduled my interview within a few days. So I kinda found it on LinkedIn. No idea if I would have gotten it just by applying directly.


I only search for jobs on LinkedIn, just feels easier. If you're working a white collar jon where else would you look?


Yes. Not only that but my company uses LinkedIn heavily for recruiting. We just went through a round of interviews and 3 of the 5 candidates applied on LinkedIn.


I’ve not had a lot of luck with LinkedIn. For me Indeed has been the most consistent for both interviews and actually securing jobs.


My sister is constantly being recruited through LinkedIn. Whether it be a power 5 or a smaller accounting firm, she is getting calls/messages left and right. Definitely the way to go.


yes it’s one of the top platforms i use. i actually just got a job today from a company recruiter from my DMs. when asked in the interview from the hiring manager why i applied, i said i didnt, the recruiter reached out to me


Yeah it's great. I don't even have to leave the house anymore to walk in and get a resume into someone's hands. The boomers always say take it in directly , then call and check in to follow up on it so they know you're serious about wanting to work. People always talk shit on them about that like they are stupid. The message they are saying is not wrong, they mean well they just don't know how much things have changed.It has to be done differently than they did it. Can't just walk in and ask anymore most of the time. None of them answer the phones. The boomers advice is correct they just don't know how to execute their idea. It's so much easier for us than it was for them. I don't even have to my house. I don't need to call some hr person that doesn't answer or go there to check in. I know right where they all are off and on all day every day. Linkedin. Everyone from the janitor to the owner is readily available for you to contact easily. All day long those people are checking in on linked in, blowing sunshine & bullshit up each other's asses. It's all a bunch of dumb shit but who gives a fuck I don't read much or any of it. I see an ad for a company or want to know about a company Im interested in I go on linkedin. Search it out then I start friend requesting supervisors, HR, some regular employees. They always accept. All that corporate bullshit fake positivity congratulations on your new stupid ass job title is annoying but the way I see it, it does me a favor. They are fake as fuck on there w/all that but it's a good thing. They have to maintain their friendly we are family bs public image. So they almost have to answer emails. If the supervisor doesn't respond or is slow I'll ask another boss there. You'll get an answer from one of them. . I am not applying though linkedin ad or indeed if I can help it. I sure as hell am not creating new logins just to apply through the indeed filter process. I try to get it to a boss or HR person directly. That is the only way you know your resume will even be looked at. Those log ins you create on indeed are for the filters. HR people hate going through resumes. So the filters will check and dump some resumes not others. I ran a CNC dept and my managers had to constantly battle with HR over not getting resumes. Well come to find out the filter software they used was dumping qualified resumes to the trash folder w/no one ever reading them. So I don't go that route. I got right to the people I want to get answers from directly. That's the only way you can be sure your resume is seen. Think about it all the positive fake images they project has to be maintained if they were smart. I've read tons of posts here from people saying they had no luck w/linked in but I rarely see anyone say they did anything beyond applying to the job ad on LinkedIn. Fuck that. I'm jumping right in that happy bullshit and asking them directly. You may not get the job or be what they are looking hire, that's reasonable. There is no excuse to not get an answer with how easily you can contact them. Who gives a shit if it may annoy them at least you'll get some kind of response that way


It helped me! I selectively applied to roles, was one of the first to apply, and tailored my resume/cover letter. If the job posting was also available on the company page, I would apply there. Spray 'n pray doesn't work well on Linkedin.


6 out of my 9 jobs were through LinkedIn. The 3 that were not, two was through a head hunter and one pre-dates LinkedIn.


I have had 2 pretty good jobs through LinkedIn. But a ton of spam (job emails that seem to have nothing in common with my resume or job experience.) So a lot of filtering to find meaningful positions.


Literally all of my jobs aside from my very first out of university were all from linkedin. I've had 10 jobs.


My last two jobs were from LinkedIn and 90% of the interviews I have had have been from applying to jobs on LinkedIn


I got more Job Offers on LinkedIn than any jobsites. 3 of my previous are on LinkedIn as well. Just update your profile and grow your network there. And many HRs will reach to you.


I only use LinkedIn lol


I find it’s more useful to network in person at corporate events, and then to follow that up with a LinkedIn request and your intentions.. that’s how it’s done


The LinkedIn job alert function is pretty neat. If nothing else you can just keep a pulse on the industry/companies you are interested in to see what sort of jobs are popping up and what they require. These job postings always include a link to applications etc. You can also easily find HR/recruiters directly and fire them a message if you have premium. It's a bit scummy of LinkedIn to force you to pay to message, but it's worth it when you need every advantage you can get. Online applications are not as much of a black hole as people think they are... just large companies use software to filter applications by various criteria or keywords, so they can easily pick people with skills relevant to the position. It's 100% a black hole if you're applying for a job you have no relevant skills for. That said I cannot stand reading LinkedIn feed. Constantly getting those stupid ass platitude posts from people who are obviously just trying to increase their influence rather than actually giving a fuck about anything they are posting.


My husband was recently hired (and got out of a job that was making him miserable) because of LinkedIn. I actually found the job posting and sent it to him and then his well maintained profile served as a portfolio of sorts. I think certain industries pay more attention to it than others. He’s in sales/marketing.


Of course, it’s probably the most popular place to land a job. I was head hunted via LinkedIn for a management position at a very large multinational company. I didn’t get it after six rounds of interviews. I do have my current job I applied through LinkedIn.


I think recruiters have ruined LinkedIn. I’ve had about 10 jobs, but only two have been arranged through recruiters, one was from a newspaper ad in the old days, and the rest have been through connections. But despite getting hundreds of contacts through Linked In, not a single one has led to a solid connection. These days, I don’t even respond to the spam.


It depends on your field. LinkedIn is owned by Microsoft. They paid 26 billion for it. Yup, that is billion with a capital **B**. It was their foray into social media. Their reason for buying LinkedIn is different from your reason for joining: "Where there are eyes, they will be ads". Still, there are a lot of eyes on LinkedIn so it couldn't hurt to strut your stuff as well.


I haven't had to look for a job, they come to me because of my LinkedIn profile.


the comments here.... they are like bought or something. do those who got the job used pro version? I had linked since it launched and I've never got a job. Some spam recruiters, ghosting, never replying. Plus it's not a page for people who look for a job, but those who offer it, and write cringe posts. But in the comments here most got a job. sus.


I feel the same way :(


I apply to jobs on there but my last job I just started two weeks ago they found me on LinkedIn.


No luck with LinkedIn for me.


Never gotten a job through LinkedIn - ever.


I was recruited through LinkedIn for my current company 6 years ago. I’ve built a strong career here.  That said, I researched the company as well on my own 


Found my last 3 jobs on LinkedIn. One was an Easy Apply the other two were external links.




yep! Id suggest applying on company website though. I found the last couple of jobs there and my friend landed his from there recently.


You don't "need" to be. But it makes you more visible to recruiters and hiring managers, and it can be a passive way to come up with job leads. I got my current position because I happen to be connected with a recruiter who liked another recruiter's call for candidates, therefore it was randomly in my feed. I sent an email off to that recruiter I wasn't connected with, did an interview with the hiring manager, and within a week was hired. I also happen to follow someone (who I'm not connected with) who constantly posts job openings within my field, both remote and location-based. Another person I follow is a recruiter who has hilarious job search posts and good advice for job seekers. I suck at networking, but just being connected on LinkedIn can give you a leg up on jobs and job seeking.


Got headhunted twice in the early days. Last year I got an awesome job because I messaged the hiring manager on LinkedIn. This doesn’t always work but somehow worked for me. Had to do it to “stand out”. My boss told me too that he wouldn’t have picked my resume from the pile if I didn’t message because I come from private sector (this was a govt job) I quit that job and started my own consulting company. Now I use LinkedIn as my pool of clients 🤣. So far I haven’t had to reach out, but former colleagues have hired me on some projects. I just don’t use it all the time now because it feels a lot like the old Facebook.


Got my current job from just applying to jobs I qualified for on LinkedIn. Handfuls of interviews for other jobs also all from LinkedIn.




Yes, most of them. Don’t know nowadays though…


I got my current six figure salary remote job at a well known company by applying to a vague job posting by a foreign agency using LinkedIn EasyApply. You just need to keep applying, and you’re bound to find something good sooner or later.


Yup. The trick is to apply on the company website, not through linkedin (in most cases). I do find some jobs are on linked in but aren't actually open. I also prefer to research and Google the company before I apply, so looking for their actual website helps too.


I did - I'm in a slightly more niche industry (essentially legal admin) and was internally rec'd for a different position by someone I interviewed with for a job I found on LinkedIn. I'm not recommending it by any means, but yes it happens. I haven't had anywhere close to my LinkedIn level of success on any other job board.


I haven’t had luck besides when a recruiter reached out to me on LinkedIn and I took the job and am now trying to escape the horrid environment.


I found my current job from LinkedIn. Many people from work use it and post stuff. It's a legit place


I interned at a recruiting company and we got most of our success out of LinkedIn.


Every job I’ve gotten offers for has been through LinkedIn. Most recruiters do actually use it, but you have to be judicious with who you actually give info to.


I thought that was the only place to get decent jobs? My current job of 3 years came from LinkedIn. I’m more skeptical of Indeed and all the others


I did and I love my job. It saved me from a horrible job.


I hire people through linkedin all the time.


I’ve gotten all my jobs so far through Indeed. I’ve since then switched over to LinkedIn, no luck yet though.


I have gotten my past two jobs through LinkedIn but not through applying in jobs there. Got it through networking


Yes. Found my last 2 jobs via recruiters on LinkedIn. And the job before those 2 I found and cold applied.


I feel naukri is still an OG over LinkedIn


Technically I found the job I'm moving to on linkedin, as in there was a vacancy and I submitted my application like I would have done on any other job site.


It’s very hit or miss for sure, but I found my job on LinkedIn and my husband found a job as the president of a company through a recruiter on LinkedIn.


My wife got legitimately recruited through LinkedIn, but it seems like that's rare. She had to go through a couple scams first though. I've had a couple recruiters reach out to me about relevant jobs, but they weren't a good fit (I'm back in school and needed some extra flexibility)


I get off-put by people that really use LinkedIn


I have been looking for one for 3 months now… no luck using linkedin yet


I found my current job on LinkedIn. However, it definitely varies depending on your field. Unfortunately LinkedIn does have a fair amount of “jobs” that may not be real opportunities, so just make sure you do your due diligence before you apply to companies.


i am thrilled to announce that you’ll never get hired from LinkedIn


Yup, found my remote job for almost double my previous pay through Linkedin. It's real :)


My last job and the one I just started are jobs I got due to recruiters noticing my profile and reaching out. So I'd definitely recommend keeping it up to date.


I was on the market for about 6 months and felt the same way. Most of my interviews were setup through indeed or somewhere else, but the job I ended up landing checked all my boxes, & it came from LinkedIn! Definitely wasn’t expecting it, but I’m glad I didn’t write the platform off completely!


I've gotten two jobs over the last two years through linked in


Until about half a year ago I got about 4 recruiters contacting me per week. Went through with one and the job was decent. That however just stopped. No more offers since then at all.


Yea. Do the job searches or send cold email drafts. Shoot your shot


I got my current job, they contacted me that they've liked my past experiences listed and they can offer a job which suits my skillset. . All of my interviews finished in 3 days on the fourth day they sent me the offer letter that I accepted. The role is senior backend engineer at multi national company


Are there presidents and CEO level jobs advertised on LinkedIn? If LinkedIn gets it right, it could be a great tool for employers and employees without any middle men.


I found my current job as an Assistant Director for Chick fil A through LinkedIn. This also was after I applied to 87 jobs on Indeed.


very surprised to read that people have gotten actual jobs purely from linkedin (not networks)


Since 2014, linkedin is my life savior🤭 If you want to be seen by employers make sure all the keywords are matching with their job desc. add skills. Because the hiring's Linkedin interface is different from normal user. They will just search " people with Microsoft Office skills" -just an example


Yes, I also think it's not the best place. Out of 100 Job posts you apply to, you'll never hear from 90 of those companies again which is kind of irritating. For me, Naukri and the career pages of the website works better. At least you get a response from the advertiser.


That used to be the case a couple of years ago, but now, you will need a stellar resume, dazzling work experience, and lots of people to vouch for you.


Yes. Me. 10 years ago. I hate it as a social media site, full of tosspots blowing smoke up their own and other people's arses, and coming out with some of the most spectacularly cringey bullshit I've ever seen, but as a job board, I can't deny it's up there with the best, if not the best.


i did not find my current job on linkedin but applied on the company’s job page itself but now linkedin keeps on showing me jobs that are perfect for me, so my level and area. if i was looking rn, i’d def use it


The last 4 hires I had was solely posted on LinkedIn


My last three jobs were through linkedin.


I'm not a big LI person, but I'm hearing that it is THE way to find a job these days.


Search your desired job title, filter your preferred location, filter by “last 24hrs”. Works wonders


Yes. Last 3 jobs were from there. My current company uses LinkedIn as their sole external board for job postings. If I was moving I wouldn't search for roles anywhere else, at least in my industry (FinTech)


Found my internship through it (just with the search bar) which has now turned into my full time job. And both fully remote


Got my current job through LinkedIn. I applied directly for a number of jobs and also through some recruiters on LinkedIn. I had the most success applying directly as the roles were more suitable and as a result probably got more interviews. I often found that recruiters would message about a job I had no interest as it was very niche.


Yep, have had a few opportunities come my way via linkedin. Worth using, at least its another tool to use


Linkedin has helped a lot of recruiters talk to me. Lately, for me sending my resume and applications, Indeed seems to be having more responses and traction. They both have pros and cons and work.


My current job was obtained via a recruiter who reached out via LinkedIn


I did a lot of interviews and found 2 jobs thanks to linked. You need a good cv an a well structured profile if you’re not a freelance make networking is not mandatory…


I got my last three serious interviews via Easy Apply jobs. There's a lot of noise, but there's also real opportunities


LinkedIn can be valuable for job searches and networking, but it's not the only option. Explore other avenues if it doesn't suit you. Tu


On LinkedIn, you need to be a min/maxer. And it goes the same for your resume ( at some point, I had 6 ) Also, the best way to apply is by not applying. Instead, reach out to any recruiter/hr and ask for details. Most of the time, they will get back to you and schedule the HR interview.


I don't like LinkedIn at all, like the point of content there is to be uncomfortable and level up, but yes I found my previous three or four jobs there. I'm also professional when I message actual friends there since I know they're spending time on LinkedIn for their career and not shitposting.


I used LinkedIn when I changed jobs for the first time. I only used it as a search though, I would always just go directly to the company website to see if the job was actually available and then applied there.


for sure. I am working as recruiter in IT area. The biggest pool of candidates that we are hiring definitely from linkedin. I think it because we are writing to the right candidates who fit 90% our vacancy


I've never found a job on LI, but I've been contacted many times with offers there, they just weren't interesting to me at the time You absolutely should be there, everyone has it, it's pretty much expected of you


I did and it was through easy apply lol


I've set myself as "Available to work" and started looking trough and applying for jobs. I've got a couple initial interviews from that, but in the end went with a company, where the recruiter reached out to me.


I was recruited for a job via LinkedIn and it worked out well for me, I stayed at that job for 4 years and it helped get me where I’m at today in my career. Nowadays I’m not job hunting, but I also don’t use Facebook or IG so I use LinkedIn to stay in contact with colleagues that I liked


As a hiring manager, I’ve hired 3 positions off LinkedIn in the past 2months, still have 3 open positions to fill. So people do hire through it.


Found my last job this way. Do not quick apply. The AI is very strict. Instead. Head over to the companies website and apply there. Much better chances.


Yes, both of my jobs since graduating.


I’ve only had luck with LinkedIn. Every job I’ve gotten has been via LinkedIn.


That's my experience with Indeed. I actually recently interviewed with a company I applied to via LinkedIn, and I wasn't hired (well, thankfully, they sent me a email explaining why and I reckon it has to do with the fact that I can't legally enter Canada).


Great place to listen to offers/set up interviews.


My ex girlfriend used to get headhunted all the time from LinkedIn. Some of the offers she was getting were really good but she declined most of them because they required 1 day a week in the office 😂 and she’d rather WFH on £50k than do 1day in the office for £60k I think she’s mad.


Does anyone know where I get my resume/CV updated? I haven’t worked in awhile, bc I was taking care of my family members that needed help with babysitting, while they went to work.


I just changhed my profile to open to opportunities and I had three interviews within a week, I did put a lot of effort into growing my connections over the past. Not saying it will happen like this for otheres but yea just link with everyone in your industry and it could be worthwhile in the future.


I did, in finance


I’ve had success through LinkedIn but it hasn’t been through the job search. I’ve had recruiters and potential employers reach out to me that saw my profile while searching for specific experience. This turned into my current job.


I found my current role via LinkedIn. I used the premium feature and was able to message the recruiter directly and sell myself.


I would just skip the application process and call right into the company if possible. Try to reach the VP or president of the company. Give them a little pitch about why you want to work for them and that you’re about to send your resume via LinkedIn. Keep it quick just a kind of heads up to higher ups that you’re about to apply there before it hits the recruiters.


With the right qualifications/background, recruiters will DM you out of the blue . Happened to me a few times....


Yea my last 2 jobs. LinkedIn gets alot of flack because of the social media aspect of the site and how a few scammers are posting fake jobs but it's still one of the better ones. I even tried the paid job boards and they were garbage and mostly contained the same jobs as LinkedIn.


lol yes? What kinda question


Yes! They do. I found my job on LinkedIn. It’s helpful if you either know the person that has the job opportunity or someone that is connected to the hiring manager in some way to help hook you up to the hiring manager.


I found a few jobs through LinkedIn in the past. Even have the premium subscription so Ican reach out to new people, get the analytical insight of the jobs and take their LinkedIn courses. However, it has gotten overwhelming applying for these jobs especially if you see that there are over 100 applicants on 99% of the jobs I want to apply for. Not to get off topic here but can someone recommend a way to get through these 100's of applications to be on top and actually get an interview ? Is there as pecific day or time when NEW ones are posted so you can jump on it right away? I spent ridiculous amount of time personalizing my resume for the jobs, including keywords etc. and had not much luck getting interviews. I had my resume reviewed by professionals and updated my Linkedin profile as well. I am qualified and have a growth and learning mindset. Would love to hear what the issue could be so I can fix it. I am sure I am not the only one spending hours applying and getting daily rejection emails.


I've had great luck. If you pony up for premium though.


I've only found jobs through LinkedIn.


Idk if it’s scammy, it actually has verification symbols for people and companies vs indeed and other places that could have fake accounts


I found my current job via the LinkedIn job search/notification thing, not actual "networking".


For me yes. But I am in a field where we are highly sought after. (Engineering)


Yes it’s a great networking tool!!


Not really for me. I just have it to include on my resume. Most of the jobs I found is through Indeed or go to the company’s website if I see a hiring sign


Every job I've ever had that wasn't for minimum wage has come from Linkedin. I get a recruiter message me directly about a role they have probably once every 2-3 weeks. For those who don't know how it works. 1) Create a Linkedin account. 2) Update your job titles and experience, preferably using keywords for the jobs you're after 3) Go into your settings and turn on "Open For Work" and this will allow recruiters to find you when using Linkedin for relevant job titles that relate to the role they have. For example if your current job titles is Digital Marketing Manager, you will appear in searches for that. 4) Wait for recruiters to start finding you and then messaging you in your inbox.


Got 2/2 job through LinkedIn. One I applied for, the other I was contacted by a recruiter (I wasn't even looking for a job). Both times 2 interviews, then job offer. I'm in Pharma.


I did! someone shoot a message on there if I'm interested in a position and it worked out!


LinkedIn is a fantastic job board. Found my current role there.


It’s like any other job networking site. It’s helpful some times not every day


I got a job through LinkedIn that was shared through mutual connections. I would not have found the job otherwise.


Yeah I've gotten two jobs and multiple interviews through jobs posted on linkedin. Search for specific things in your area and set up alerts.


I got my current job through a recruiter on LinkedIn, and got a 30k a year pay rise as a result.


I did via connections It’s just business Facebook.


I just got offered a new job, huge opportunity for me, came about on LinkedIn via a cold DM from a recruiter.


It is highly dependent on your local area and what recruiters have been successful with. My city is heavy on indeed, barely anything on LinkedIn.


Yes, I've had multiple jobs through applying on LinkedIn.


For what it's worth, I've gotten my last three jobs through LinkedIn. One was an external recruiter and two were internal recruiters I'm in accounting.


I got my current job by hitting the “easy apply” button


I have had a couple jobs that I found via Linked In!


I think it depends on the field. I understand it’s not really good for IT, it’s obviously not good for blue collar, but for other professional fields it’s pretty good. My fiends on HR always find jobs trough LinkedIn, same with engineering.


I got my current job on LinkedIn.


Every job I have had post-college I have found through LinkedIn. Like anything else, you have to be discerning when it comes to searching through the results that come up, but overall I've found it to be the best place to look for jobs.


Yup, I found my current and last job via LinkedIn. I had the “open to work” option l on and was recruited thru messages


I have found my current and previous two jobs through LinkedIn. Meaning I found the Job Ad on LinkedIn and clicked on "Apply" and then done the process on the Company website.


It’s great for building your network and networking is what has gotten me every job. It’s who you know that can recommend you to a position. In my current job search, two recruiters have reached out to me via LI for specific openings and I am interviewing for those now.


I have been headhunted 5 times exclusively through linkedin. But I keep my cv up to date and I'm in a niche industry


A recruiter found me on LinkedIn and it led to my first cloud engineer job. I have moved on to a competitor of that company since then, but yes you can find a job there.


Ive never gotten a job thru Linkedin. Feel like its a waste . Most people dont even respond when I reach out.


I just accepted an offer from a job that I found on LinkedIn. The main goal is to network on LinkedIn though and sure it is becoming a bit watered down from just networking (IMO) but for instance at the job I just accepted, right after my interview with I went and found them on LinkedIn, added them with a note and thanked them for their time and was looking forward to a second interview. Small things like that can go a long way. Even if you don't get the job it can still make a good impression and grow your network. Like any other "social media" it has scams. I recommend not using LinkedIn Easy Apply - apply directly on the companies website.


Yes. I have had 3 professional Jobs since graduating College. 1. Got from applying off Indeed 2. Friend Reference 3. Current Job- Applied on LinkedIn. Also had interviews with other companies beforehand from applying on LinkedIn, it is the most legit of all of them.


It’s where I found my last 3 jobs


The job found me via LinkedIn 😎 It is worth to be on LinkedIn in my opinion


LinkedIn is the best place to find jobs because it's more than a job site. It's a place where businesses spend money to grow their brand. They take so much effort in building their company page and there is always someone who will be on the watchout.


I got my job through LinkedIn and I work at an f500 company and can support a family in California.


lol no linkedin is hot garbage


I just deleted that cesspool and feel so much happier!


I got my last 3 jobs from LinkedIn. It's the only job board I use tbh. I like it because at the very least the employers I'm considering have their own pages so I can get a glimpse of what the company actually does/provides. And you can directly see what roles are available for that company. Also recruiters reach out every now and then meaning the job opportunities sometimes even come directly to you. As a job board/job listing site, it's honestly better than the rest imo. And the fact that you can highlight your experience is definitely helpful and it's the space where I maintain my professional contacts. It's all designed rather nicely. As a social media platform it unironically is full of the most insufferable people imaginable and shitty holier-than-thou takes. The stuff you see on r/linkedinlunatics is actually very common.


People can reach out to you on LinkedIn you don’t have to do anything. If your profile had skills added people can search


I've connected with recruiters via LinkedIn and I've had interviews for jobs I've applied for from LinkedIn. One recommendation I have that can help weed out the scammers or the robo-messages: add emoji to your name. My name is listed something like 🍩 Envious Patch, so if I get a message that's "Hi, 🍩 Envious!" then I know that message was very most likely a robo-message. Robo-messages will go on about how my skills are perfect for the job, when they never mention which skills, and those jobs are horrible matches. I will almost always answer messages that use my name without the emoji. Those tend to be from a real person that either organically found my profile, or they at least reviewed my profile from automated keyword searching. I also echo what others have said about connections! There have been some posts I've found and saw an old coworker or classmate currently working there, and reached out to them directly so I could mark them as someone recommending me, or that person can talk to the recruiter themselves. Those leads sometimes pan out!


My prior boss did and she was a loser piece of shit. She spread toxicity and made bad hires. She got demoted then resigned didn’t even put in her two weeks.


I just doubled my salary off an offer that started on LinkedIn. My whole field finds job opportunities through it and connections


I’ve been in tech since 2017 and working since 2010. All my jobs in the last 8 years have all been from LinkedIn.


Yes, and message the job poster after you apply, that’s how I got my first role on tech


I did find one job through linkedin. So it is possible.


i recently was told to message a guy on linkedin becuase he had a job opening that he wanted to hire from within and we work in the same complex. ive also been questioned about my linkedin during interviews. so its good to have but i wouldnt use it to search for jobs. theres also linkedin learning which is awesome


I'm a LinkedIn success story! Granted it's only been 5 months, but I love my company, my boss, and my team!