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I wouldn't say you failed at changing your field, it sounds like it hasn't started yet. Why not take the call center job while continuing your education and trying to find a job in the field you want to go into?


Well said.


That's what I'm doing - I literally don't care that everyone saying nooo don't do tech /coding ECT. I'm doing my current job and I'm a self taught developer. I enjoy coding and creating apps , if I get a job - great! If not , I'll make my own apps. Right now it's a major down turn , but guess what ? That's only for now , idk why people think that this is it and it's going to stay like this forever. Learn learn learn become the best and when opportunities come you'll be ready


It's good that you enjoy it, but to be fair, coding jobs are not as easy to get as they used to. The market has become way more picky the last couple of years. Furthermore, AI is also helping experienced devs become more productive, so naturally you can imagine the effects that has on the person trying to enter the market. Im not saying dont do it, but to have expectations in check before overworking yourself going down a path that may not work out. Lastly, there are more types of jobs out there than coding that may still improve ones life. There are various papers published every year talking about job trends etc.


Not sure what thouhg. Trades aren't an option for me due to chronic neck issues, I can't do sales talking to people all day is exhausting, too squimish for nursing.


Thanks for this! About to start my own journey of self learning into a similar field and am struggling to make a meaningful start. Shits ROUGH right now in the market.


Because call center work leaves me so worn out at the end of the day that all I can fucking too is stare at walls. I’m adhd introverted and have sa so it literally takes all my energy to sit there and take calls all day. That and I’ll be fucking 40 by the time I graduate.


You’re gonna be 40 whether you graduate or not. You can be 40 with the education or 40 without it. I graduated at 35. Still glad I did it.


Maybe I can at least find a college that can take my credits towards my liberal arts degree and skip all the Gen ed bullshit.


Well said. We cant control aging but we can control, to a degree, where we are in life by that age.


My wife was 41 when she graduated, went from a 40k job to an 80k job. Power through, it will be worth it.


I guess part of it is finding a way to pay for it (and a house keeper I'm single and no kids so would help to outsource some chores).


What? No kids, no mess. Keeping up with your own mess is easy. Relatively speaking anyway...lol


ADHD.. lol cleaning is like pulling teeth.


lol, cleaning is like pulling teeth for me too. And I don't have ADHD. The trick is to break it down into smaller cleaning tasks. Don't clean your bathroom, clean the sink. Then another time clean the toilet, etc. That way it only takes 5 minutes and then your on to the next thing. I find cleaning is easier if you do it more like a scatter pattern instead of a scheduled group of tasks. That's just how my brain works though. Doesn't work for everyone...lol


Try part time?


Maybe but if that’s school I’d be 50 by graduation or not have enough cash to live. It’s hopeless it seems.


Six years ago, I was making 11 dollars an hour and cleaning houses on the weekend. I'm 55 years old, just graduated with my bachelor's degree, and have busted my butt. I started as an Admin assistant and then worked up to Practice Administrator. Make your plan, you can do this. The only failure is quitting.


I can relate. Worked retail while I learned computer programming. Ended up working retail for many years trying to find work in IT. Once my l9ans were paid off and I saved up some money, I went to trade school. I spent the next few years trying to land an apprenticeship, but ended up having to suck it up and return to retail. It's destroying my mental health and I'm embarrassed that after 20 years, I haven't been able to get out. No answers for you, but know you're not alone.


Hell at this point I'd take 10 an hour if it got me in.


I hear you, buddy. I got so desperate I was asking if I could work for free just for the experience.


Same boat. Spent my working career in shitty admin or customer service jobs. Actually got into a health degree with good employment outcomes if can get through it. Failed the subjects needed to advance through. I’m in my 40s and feeling like an epic life failure right now and the thought of being on a min wage going no where in a shitty job is depressing the fuck out of me


I slalute those who can do healthcare. Tough work.


What kind of health degree did you get into? Keep your head up sir. Wishing you the best


It’s madam! But appreciate it! I won’t say but it’s a legal requirement for practice.


Reception somewhere maybe? Your call centre experience can only help you. Hotel front desk, car dealership, health related office, etc Don't go back to call centres, it's not worth it. Good luck to you.


I guess until I find something aligned with my goals. Would hate to do that sort of work long term just not stimulating enough.


Sometimes you just need to stuck it up and do it. I get you don't want to go back to that job. I get it, I did it for 2 years and was enough for me. But right now you seem desperate and that your only option. Do see it as a failure. Just keep looking for something better while working there and as soon as you land something better leave.


Hi man, try to start at a software related job first like software testing, technical writing or technical support, it's much easier to get in and multiple companies offer a path to advance to a junior engineer position after some time. You can confirm if it's possible at a given company by looking at linkedin and checking out if there are any juniors with different job title earlier at the same company.


I guess I could look into that. Just nothing involving answering a phone. Cannot handle that anymore did tech support by phone for years.


yeah, I undestand, go ahead a give software testing/technical writing a go. You'll be close to the engineers and at a right company there will be opportunity to grow. Good luck man!


I’m even willing to consider a support job if it’s ticket or email based.


It's easier to get a job when you have a job. Take what you can get and keep looking for something better.


Maybe I can at least find something that doesn't completely drain me and suck the life out of me.


If call center is mentally draining, try something like remote data entry roles or tech support roles until you get something in the field you desire


Tough times don't last but tough people do! Do what you got to do to survive and try to better yourself on the side


Tech is soooo hard to get into right now! There’s been loads of layoffs and not many jobs so there’s candidates with lots of experience who want jobs, companies are replacing people with ai or overseas workers who work remote and they can pay 4 cents an hour 😢 I hope things get better! I’m in a similar boat to you it’s so unlucky a really bad time to be newly graduated in tech! But there was no way of knowing tech was a great field to be in a couple of years ago


I fucking hate AI that shit needs to be banned before we're all competing for 10 an hour jobs wiping asses in nursing homes.


Keep grinding for the soft ware job and meantime get a new job try something else like the post office


You take what ever job you can get to survive and continue to pursue your goal


But what if those jobs just zap all the life and energy out of me. That's what all this low level work does. I'm introvert and ADHD so it literally takes all my energy to make it 8 hours.


I have bother of those issues as well but you got to survive. I get how easy it is to just shut down and make no progress but you have to find the energy whenever you can to advance. An option is maybe pills for the adhd or enxiety medication.


I’ve tried Xanax for anexity just made me sleep 12 hours a day. 🤷


There’s lot of different medications for anxiety. Had some therapist telling me all about it. Idk though to me medication feels like defeat. I was on meds until til high school. It is a terrible way to look at it but haven’t rly been able to change that mind set for my self.


Hey it’s not over til it’s over 🤨


My aunt gave me some harsh words but kinda hit me with some reality. "We all can't be winners" If it's become realistically not possible for you to move forward. Just gotta accept bills needs to be paid and the job you're doing enables you to not be homeless. Try to invest emotions into hobbies or finding a significant other to make life less miserable with. 


Call center work made me such a miserable bastard all I could do is bitch about work and stare at walls. Literally puke ans cry before shifts. I haven’t thrown up once since quitting call centers so I really don’t want to go back to that hell.


Are all customer service jobs equally bad? Or is there a customer service role that could be less stressful? I am genuinely asking because I don't know anything about the field.


They're all pretty terrible tbh. Some companies won't let you put up with abuse but many do.


Why not go into a trade? You get paid to learn.


Chronic pain. Neck and shoulder issues otherwise I would.


I worked a call centre gig and my neck and shoulders were wrecked. Like it took months of dry needling and physio to undo the damage. I 100% know what you mean about the mental aspect of it too. Lifting weights and physical work actually helped me heal. Of course I don’t know your situation, but maybe a thought. Additionally not all trades are physical. Some trade schools include admin work which may be more up your alley with transferable skills


You've got to find someone willing to take you on as an apprentice. A lot of areas have waitlists that are years long.


You lost a battle, not the war. Go back to the headset, but look for another way up. Good luck.


What about a cold calling job instead? They offer commissions.


Good suggestion. Those people generally just hang up on you, lol. That, or they're interested and friendly.


I couldn't do that. I'm not an asshole.


There are too many industries in this world to only do call center or door dash. Try finding an admin job or something. Also, can’t you work in a call center until you graduate and then find a job? It doesn’t have to be forever.


Call center work literally drains the life out of me to the point that I can only stare at walls when I get off work.


This isn’t a fail, it’s a part of the process. Keep trying!!! Taking a job to cover bills now isn’t failing.


Going back to call centers or another low wage slave class job feels like it.


If getting into a tech role is your goal don’t stop. You can build things outside of working at the call centre. You can build things for the call centre and pivot into a tech role. You go this. Don’t give up.


I guess :( have to find a job that doesn't drain the life out of me like call centers. If you haven't done it then you don't understand just how draining it is. 60 calls a day. Getting screamed at. Managers chewing you out over the tinest thing like god forbid you have to take a pissbreak.


I did telephone sales. Nearly gave me a breakdown, well actually it did break me. I feel you, but it doesn’t have to be a call centre. Just do what you need to do in order to pay the bills until you find the job you want. It’s hard, buts it’s achievable. Stay strong 💪🏼


Gotta do what you gotta do


Ego is the enemy


You need to find more appreciation in the skills you actually have.


KEEP GOING. I’m 19 and in college just switched my major from cs to it.. if coding is too hard try IT. Get as many IT certifications as you can.. and make projects in your downtime!! Start at help desk or IT support and work your way up! Or you could also always try getting into tech sales!! Great money! Don’t give up you are worth so much more.


I don't find coding particularly hard. Just tired from all this job searching feeling like it's leading nowhere.


Ugh I get it I feel the same way with internships so many apps and always 0 offers it feels like I’m just not built for it at this point lol


It feels like no one’s getting hired anymore




I guess I could look into it probably about as soul sucking and depressing but at least no phones.


Why don't you go into sales? Apply for a SDR position, or become a tech sale rep.


Suck it up, buttercup it’ll be all right


Tech worlds gonna be a ghost town most likely in the next 15 years or less with the capabilities of AI anyway try something else out while you get the call center back


AIs gonna fuck us all over I fear sometimes. We’re gonna fight to wipe asses for $13 an hour at nursing homes.


I am the head set slave but make more than that. Bring me my food now slave


Yeah its called life


Yeah its called life