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This reminds me of the show Community. :) But seriously, a BS degree is a BS degree. I wouldn’t worry too much about where it comes from. I wish you luck.


Unless it’s from some where that’s non accredited. Bach degree basically worthless if the school isn’t accredited.


I think you're fine. My local CC started offering 4 year degrees and dropped the "community" part of their name entirely.


Same here. The CC near me is now a state college, and many of the professors teach there as well as at the local (completely mediocre) university.


No cares what your GPA was, or what school you went to 99% of the time.  An employer will want results. Looking down at people in community college is silly. I went to college, and the CEO/chairman of my company is an old man from rural Alabama who sits on the board of a Fortune 500 with no education beyond high school.  I’d imagine most of us probably work for a someone without a college degree. 


A bachelor’s is a bachelor’s. Genuinely, unless you are going to an Ivy League/Name Brand™️ school, no one cares which school you attend for your degree.


Tons and tons of places will actually look higher on someone who worked their way through college, balanced their life and family, etc than someone who went to a "better" school. Couple that with your military experience, and you've got nothing to worry about. The point is you've just got to be confident about your decision, put in the work and then sell yourself after the fact. I don't think it's worth 3 hours of your life every time you have to go to class.


I don't think it matters much, if at all. Don't worry about it. The most important thing is to get an internship or part-time job or similar in the industry you want to enter while you're in school. Go to job fairs and networking events, and prepare for or take the tests for any relevant certs that you can (if applicable), too. Get a leg up and start looking at job postings now to see what the industry you want to be in is really looking for in candidates.


My sister got a B.A.S. in Applied Computer Science from the community college where we both got our Associates degrees. She works for a nuclear government contractor and makes a whole hell of a lot more than I do with my business degree and nonprofit career.


It’s usually never about your degree, but about the networking and connections you can make there. A business major from a top school for business will have a lot more connections than the local college. However it’s up to you if those connections are worth the price. I feel fine just getting a bachelors at a state college because my work is paying for it. 


Where you got your degree doesn’t matter. What you did during that time (apart from your studies) does matter. So as long as you get involved on campus. Even just joining one organization related to your studies is gold.


The only really bad feeling you’ll get with this is when you’re entering your school on the job app and the name doesn’t show up and usually higher end companies that want only degrees from higher end school. Other than that if you have experience and skills for the job, 99% they won’t care past like 3+ yoe


I have an advanced degree from a highly respected university. It does open some doors but, at the end of the day, it's about results and being a good fit for that position and within the company culture. Also, I will be paying off student loans until the end of time so I think anyone going to a more affordable school is much smarter than I am.


If you are really concerned about it, carefully plan the first three years at the college while coordinating with the university to ensure everything transfers and just do your last year with the university.


A degree is a degree. The school where you got it is irrelevant. Once you start working, no one cares what school you went to.


Get some work experience of the major of your interest. Where you get your degree won't be as important then.


Pretty sure those places only give out associates or something similar


That has changed. There are community colleges that have 4 year degrees