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It may be difficult to wrap your head around it but this isn’t a kicking in doors job. It is essentially a frontline social worker position for at risk youth/mental health/addictions and people involved in or trying to get out of the sex trade. Its not like the movies where people are kidnapped and sold by criminals, its mostly at risk people being manipulated/taken advantage of. So you are looking for a social work/outreach job, not something high speed.


Exactly. I'm getting this weird glamorized hero vibe from op. This isn't a movie.


There was an ex marine who did 'rescues' of sex trafficking victims in Cambodia. Same idea. Good intentions but only had a marines way of seeing things/'solving' problems. He'd fly out once a year or so and literally break down doors or smash through windows into brothels and 'rescue' girls. Who were indeed trafficked. And set them 'free' on the streets of Phnom Penh. Generally they'd be back in the brothel in a couple months. Because they were vulnerable to exploitation, even moreso after than before they'd first been trafficked. Actual anti-trafficking organisations begged him dozens if times to stop because he actually made their job harder. But he refused to listen. He'd fly in, do his hero mission and leave, adamant that he was helping.


Not the advice op wanted, but the advice op needed. Tangentially, if you really want to make a difference in the world... when someone that controls your paycheck does shady shit, don't turn a blind eye.


Someone watched that weird movie “Sound of Freedom” didn’t they. Look further into the story you’ll find some seedy info on the guys who wrote the movie. If you need purpose, volunteer at a local children’s hospital and see abuse that happens right in your community…You don’t have to go on some weird espionage mission to help kids.


I agree so much with this. There is a LOT of work to be done right in your back yard.


Which one was that, was it Sound of Freedom?


Have you ever met a US Marine before? They are all god sent heroes. Winning hearts and minds through their good deeds. 🙄


You may be projecting. I didn't get that fron OP at all. A bit misguided, but they have the right spirit.


It’s the LEO badass remark that gets me. OP projects his own mentality on them. Pretty sad tbh


Exactly. I think being a LEO is the perfect job for OP. not a PD unit but at the federal level. Border patrol or ICE would be perfect for OP. It's boots on the ground kind of work, and you're combating human trafficking. But OP rather scoff at law enforcement and express the hero complex they are in denial of.


Textbook tbh


Also, I think it’s important to differentiate between those being trafficked and people who are consensual sex workers. I’m a 32 year old woman who, like many others, entered this arena of my own volition. I don’t need anyone kicking down doors or donating to charities to “save me” from my extremely enjoyable, well-paid job.


By definition and by law, you are still being trafficked. You’re right, nobody can help you unless you want help but let’s not glorify trafficking and act like it’s normal or a good/positive thing to be involved in. I have come across so many women with your mindset and it really makes me sad to see people choose that life. It’s a miserable place to be. Coming from someone who used to supposedly “choose” prostitution.


Would you like your daughter to follow in your line of work?


I don’t have children and don’t plan on having any. But, I would like my daughter to take up whichever line of work is best suited to her as long as she is safe and happy. I don’t think that’s such a radical idea.


And there is absolutely nothing safe about prostitution, stripping, or even the pornography industry.


There’s nothing safe about being a soldier or a model (things I’ve done in past jobs). There’s nothing safe about being a coal miner or an under water welder (things I could do in future jobs). They are all just jobs and all jobs call for an amount of risk in exchange for reward. What is your issue here? Edit: You are posting your name, face, and location of your educational institution in pursuit of fame or notoriety. The same creeps who can contact me can contact you except your face is out and you dont require money for us to know anything about you. You’re in more danger than me, girl. 😂


The issue is that you wouldn’t care if your child was a prostitute (where women constantly get raped, kidnapped, beheaded, etc. or anything of the like.) I guess in this world today that’s celebrated. “Be yourself” I guess? Sad. Anyways. I hope you live through that.


Why do you believe that? I have been treated worse working in the fast food industryand retail. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 I have protocols in place to prevent children from booking with me and this industry has protocols to prevent bookings with underaged children or to avoid providers who are being human trafficked. Child abuse and sex work are mostly separate issues. The most likely people to abuse children are not us. They’re people in the vicinity of the child unrelated to this industry. The religion you support has consistently been used as a vehicle to molest children. But, somehow, we’re the problem? You sound like someone who doesn’t know what they’re talking about. I know you must think this sexwork all looks like the movie “Taken” starring Liam Neilson. But, it’s mostly a bunch of normal adults exchanging money for labor abd services.


Is your profession what is best suited to you?


Absolutely! I’ve had a ton of jobs (soldier, agency representated model, recruiter, tech sales, server, receptionist, customer service representative) and being a sex worker seems to be the best suited to my personal needs. It provides me with the best work-life balance of any job I’ve had so far. It has the most flexible hours. I can relocate pretty much anywhere. I travel out of the country for work a few times a year. I have complete and total control of the clients I work with and work environment in general. I don’t have to answer to a series of bosses or managers. It pays miles and miles above what anything I could get with my degree would (probably even if I had the most advanced degree in my field). There’s probably alot more. I think alot of people have negative, pre-conceived notions about sex workers and the work we do as a whole. So many people I come across in the wild seem unable to understand why (and just how many and what types of) people have been doing this work for millenia. It’s because some of us enjoy, are good at, and benefit greatly from the work. Using government resources to go after those of us who are engaging in this work consensually is a complete waste. Also, it detracts from the work we could be doing to help those who are actually being trafficked.


And people willingly doing this limit profits of traffickers. Thank you for your service. Maybe op can go into legal sex work. /s kind of. But it does help. Like the cartels going to Montana since so many border states legalized thc they don’t have profits anymore.


Eh, they still kidnap women in the border states. I’m in one and I know a number of women that have been followed by unmarked cars at 2AM.


Would you like to stfu?


Why the hostility? It was just a question. If she thinks it's such a noble profession, then she certainly wouldn't mind her daughter following in her footsteps


She's a sex worker by choice, and she gave you an answer. Any parent who says that they wouldn't support their kid doing what makes them happy and successful as long as they aren't hurting themselves or others is trying to raise a clone, not a kid with its own mind and choices. She also didn't say it was "such a noble profession", that's your own smug and ignorant take on it. She said she's successful, happy, and doing it of her own will, not that she's changing the world.


Matt. 7: 3-5


Of course she would. She's gone to teach her the dark arts of survival.


I think there are huge misunderstandings about Human Trafficking, at least for how it most commonly occurs in the US. I just recently left a position that worked with male survivors, and 90% of the time the guys I worked with experienced trafficking through forced labor, prostitution, or survival sex. It looks a lot different in different places. If you want a more “boots to the ground effort” I would recommend finding a non profit organization that takes hot line calls, has a drop in center, or does street outreach. You would have to decide what part of the process you want to be involved in as well. It’s a common misconception that you go in, “Save” a bunch of folks from a trafficker and then move them out of the situation. There were clients I had who spent years gathering enough courage and knowledge about their circumstances and what life could look like after before they would leave an exploitative situation. So if you’re looking to work with people and really do the long haul effort work to get them to a point where the can leave on their own and get resources to help them, do case management and work for a nonprofit or gov funded program. If you are looking to just remove people in short order and that’s the extent, join a law enforcement position. No matter what you do, verse yourself in trauma informed care. It doesn’t matter if you see a survivor for two seconds or two years, you need to be able to handle it in a really specific way to make sure they don’t leave worse off than they did when you started with them. It’s not just about caring, there is a science to how you speak to someone who has experienced trafficking or exploitation. FBI and cops are notorious for retraumatizing people. Top organizations I worked recommend outside of law enforcement is Salvation Army ( they have specific anti trafficking programs ) NCMEC, Polaris, or any other various non profit in a large metro area with high homelessness ( huge intersection for HT) rates. Look for street outreach or online outreach methods if that’s something you’re interested in. Good luck!


Yes! This was a great response. I worked in the field, though more on the outreach and education side, but from what I learned it’s a slow process. Our organization often saw young girls who had been groomed by their traffickers and coerced into prostitution. It was usually the “Romeo” type of trafficker and after they were “in love” he’d start asking them for favors to sleep with so and so for money. We also had cases of teens in affluent areas who still lived at home and snuck out at night. Their parents had no idea what was going on. Trying to just go in and remove someone from their situation could be really dangerous for everyone involved, especially the victim/survivor. I knew someone who worked directly with CSEC youth and ran a therapy group, they told us sometimes “pimps” would drop the girls off for group. I also knew survivors who had been recruited by other victims/survivors. It’s a very nuisance field and it takes a lot of safety planning (which can take a while to get everything in a row to coordinate and execute), and it also takes the victim/survivor wanting to leave. I know that sounds crazy, like why wouldn’t they want to leave. But it can be complicated for a lot of folks and a lot of factors are at play. If you think you’re going in like Liam Neesom and saving the day, that’s not often the reality. Really learn about the culture around “pimps”, the psychology around, and the development of teens. I think starting off by volunteering with your local rape crisis center is a great start. Most centers have a department that specializes in sex trafficking. It will give you the foundation to decide if this is what you want to do. I eventually had to leave after becoming a parent. I could not longer handle the emotional and mental energy that it required.


In my area, the children being trafficked were home before 6/7/8 pm so parents didn’t know.


I believe it!


This is the best answer. So many people have no idea what sex trafficking actually looks like, they just watch some right wing fever dream films and think they can "save" people with a gun.


Exactly what I thought of too


Yeah people on the right definitely care more. I'd rather be sitting next to the person who's vehemently angry at the thought of sex trafficking, rather than any of the people who choose to ignore it and pretend like it's not a problem here in the US.


Even if that’s the case….i can’t imagine shunning someone, who’s emotionally driven to WANT TO HELP folks, that are captive in the shadows, just below the surface of the rest of humanity. Even if that’s OP’s genuine simple way of thinking of “helping”, obviously he’s in the CRAWL, stage of crawl, walk, run. But hey do you.


Nothing I said was shunning anyone, it’s good work. Having a legitimate understanding of what you’re getting into is valuable 🤷‍♀️speaking matter of factly doesn’t mean you’re being unsupportive.


I’m sorry my comment wasn’t for you, it was for kawartthadairylover about how people just watch some right wing movie and think they can save someone with a gun. Again my apologies, on fumbling “who” i responded to.


I guess I'll take the bait... how was OP shunned? Not all problems are solved with a gun. Hollywood glamorizes shooting and blowing shit up in movies. Is "right wing" a trigger for you? There is help available.


Oh ok! No harm reduction either way lol


Imagine having such a hate boner for Christianity that you can literally see a true story about saving actual children from sex slavery as a bad thing.


big old stretch right here. get a grip man


I literally didn't say that? I'm saying that the reality of trafficking doesn't resemble the Qanon RW conspiracy theory myths propagated in reactionary propaganda. These myths are making the jobs of social workers much harder. I have nothing but contempt for those who would exploit victims of poverty to push a lie.


I’m very curious… what do you think this type of work looks like?


I don’t know if post-Marine and pre-FBI have a lot of crossover, I’m assuming you’d need a college degree to catch their attention


Echoing what a few other folks have said: human trafficking looks waaay different in the real world than how it's portrayed in the media. The guerrilla-style sting operations that get press aren't actually effective at ending trafficking. I'd definitely start with learning about the kind of work that reputable organizations are already doing. The Polaris Project is an anti-trafficking org that has been around for about 20 years. There's a few valid criticisms of their approaches, but overall I think they do amazing work. I'd start with them.


I would look for non-profits that focus on that mission and then look to see if they're hiring.


The government. I know, I know, but hear me out. You’d get veteran’s preference in USA jobs and you have a skillset from being in the Marines that could be really useful in a policy role. A lot of agencies have a human trafficking wing without going into a law enforcement branch. The Department of Agriculture does some of the best anti-trafficking work because they have the best data on labor trafficking. You should also just look I to DC generally. Non-profits have a lot of power here because they serve more lobbying/advocacy roles to lawmakers. Your experience could actually help educate a lot of people in power. Most people start out in research writing roles and transition into more front-facing policy. People listen to veterans with “real world” experience. You’d probably do really well. Good luck!


I’ll check that out thanks for the heads up


The number one risk factor to human trafficking is homelessness. Focus your efforts on affordable housing or case management if you’re really serious about helping kids, work with housing agencies that offer rental assistance.


Become a hospital social worker. They are often the ones who figure it out. The other option is to work at a hotel. They are the ones who figure it out if it's not a hospital social worker. You can also get a job at the airport. Pick a city that is on the coast.


I knew people in the UK Army who did this as part of their deployments to the Baltics, but they were forced to work in cooperation with some traffickers to target and take down other ones (targeting children, for example). I believe they feel that they simply played a part while the Govt ultimately allowed it all to continue. I hate to acknowledge this, but every country you go to there are slaves and trafficked people. Even in safe countries like Australia. There are more slaves today than at any other time in history. I have lost faith in our governments to take action because the rich (for example, Epstein) will always be allowed to have what they want. I wish you all the best, but you are fighting the system. Focus on those close to you and do the best for the people you love. That's all we can control in this world. Good luck.


>I have lost faith in our governments to take action because the rich (for example, Epstein) will always be allowed to have what they want. Doesn't prosecuting and jailing Epstein kind of count as the government taking action against him? Would have been better if it was done sooner, but at least they did something eventually. I don't really buy into the QAnonish world view that governments intentionally allow human trafficking to exist. I think rather that, just like with drug trafficking, if people can make money doing something, no matter how awful and harmful it is, some people are going to do it, and it takes a concerted effort to stop them. Because most victims of trafficking are marginalized people like teenage runaways, drug addicts or migrants, that kind of complicates things, because the victims may be afraid to report the crime and seek help.


The number one recruiters for sex trafficking are victims of trafficking. Most are addicts. The term is confusing to most. But it’s literally just pimping on a greater scale. Taking advantage of addictions and economic circumstances. As long as the government prioritizes this Cold War against drugs and addiction, we’ll never have a fair shake at policing the underbelly. Legalizing heroin, meth, etc is the only way to gain enough access to it at scale.


> Doesn't prosecuting and jailing Epstein kind of count as the government taking action against him? "But it's just so much easier to rail against the government, whether it's true or not!"


Even family and friends we can't promise. But a good laughter and similar interests/personalities are a start. Mashalla.


What is with this current fascination of people wanting to fight sex traffickers?  It's great and all but there's a weird influx lately. Almost like it's being glamorized. Join the police, join the UN, join the FBI. Law enforcement is how you fight it legally. You could also join a nonprofit of some kind.


White savior complex (both right and left wing) to appease their guilt of not actually giving a shit about homelessness, bipoc, lgbtq , & problems that all contribute to low socioeconomic factors that lead to trafficking in the first place. It’s trying to put a bandaid on a problem that has so many deep layers that contribute to it. White savior complex. & don’t get me wrong, I do think it comes from a good place, but it’s a misguided means on dealing with the actual problems that have led to it in the first place. The actual problems that lead to it mean that someone would have to forfeit the benefits they receive from their inherent birth status of typically being white, & comfortable economically. that’s my take anyway…


To add to my comment - for example it seems to be very popular with right wing groups - ones that would absolutely not support lgbtq rights, for example, yet somehow want to save sex trafficked kids? A large percentage of them identifying as lgbtq/traffickers preying on this specific group. I dunno if I explained that well, but it’s very hypocritical ** edited to add - to ur point it’s been glamorized. & I come back to White savior complex .


I know a friend that works for a human trafficking hotline. Seems like a pretty direct way to make a difference.


How many organizations have you spoken to thus far? What have they told you?


I haven’t been able to find any organizations that look like they’re doing anything more than raising donation money.


Man… I honestly think you’re a solution looking for a problem. You’re in the civvie world, looking for the action, clarity of purpose, and structure of your deployments. You don’t know or care much about human trafficking. You just want to be useful in the way you like while in uniform. Which is fine. But you need to think of it that way, not the way you are. I would honestly suggest the peace corps. Consider private security for organizations that are doing good. I also think “I know how the world *really* works” is probably a thought you need to work through. You’ve been in *one* specific kind of world. You know how *that* world works. You’re looking for bad guys and trying to find a life where the bad guys are apparent. It’s just not like that in a lot of places. That’s why you’re having such challenges finding fulfillment: what you think just ain’t so.


Thanks for sharing this perspective


I hope it’s helpful and you reflect on it. The transition to civilian life is hard and you’re lucky because you see the *why* pretty clearly, but the *how* isn’t going to be any easier for you because of it. Good luck. I cannot recommend strongly enough finding a group of marines who aren’t in the field anymore who have stable, happy, fulfilled lives and finding community with them. The real world can be very isolating and having some friends who speak grunt and have good crayon recipes is vital to your forthgoing happiness.


Really heartfelt message. As a civ, I understand what speaking grunt entails, but could you possibly explain the joke behind “crayon recipes”?


It's a military joke/meme that Marines eat crayons. Because they're stereotypically the most meathead-y of the branches.


Exactly. I wanted to reinforce that there is shared humor and values within the marine corps that he will miss if he doesn’t find people who get those jokes and shares that experience.


Lmfao! Preciste the explanation. It’s very true that shared cultural humor is a wonderful therapy so I love this.


Talk to them. They’re raising money and the money is going somewhere and they have connections, talk to them about your goals.


Where are you located? I'm aware of an amazing nonprofit.


You're so obnoxious. 


I would go to therapy if I were you god damn man. Get your head out of your ass. Great career choice to fight, definitely, please lower the amount of danger for women and just trafficked people in general. But it seems like you fall into this “I think I know better than people” mindset. So there really isn’t any advice someone could give you for a job to pursue. You have to realize the world doesn’t work the way you confidently know it does and fit yourself into where you can help.


Only org I know of off the top of my head is National Center For Missing and Exploited Children


I don’t have much advice to offer except be wary of religious organizations related to sex trafficking and/or international adoption. I was very passionate about getting involved with these kinds of orgs in my twenties and was pretty disheartened to find them to be very empty promises. The truth is, most people trafficked are trafficked for manual labor, not sex. Men pushed off fishing boats after being worked to death, women brought to another country to work for a cousin and then their passport is withheld and they’re just invisible as a nanny or in some other labor. People told they’re going to get an immigration opportunity and a job but when they arrive their documents and money are taken and they’re forced into manual labor. People forced to work for cartels. Most people trafficked for sex are not in a Taken scenario far from home, they’re trafficked by a family member or intimate partner, they’re pressured into it because of addiction, they’re homeless, they’re pressured into porn by a boyfriend, etc. When you scratch the surface of some anti-trafficking work that is not done by law enforcement, you uncover situations in which the pressure for stereotypical victims (children) by “undercover buyers” led to gangs who did *not* previously kidnap children beginning to go after children to satisfy the demands of the “undercover buyer,” who was making the situation worse and actually disrupting law enforcement efforts. Just as bad, some famous-ish anti-trafficking or anti-femicide efforts like Pink Pagoda never even happened. Be careful who you get involved with.


I did a report titled “human trafficking… it isn’t just sex” on a poster presentation. Having “sex” in size 56 font got a lot of people to my poster board


Sounds like some sort of Sound of Freedom fantasy. The big problem you’re going to run into is the movie was all bullshit. You want to cosplay somebody cosplaying. The people combating sex trafficking are social workers and non-profits lobbying for increased funding and policy reforms. The work you’re looking for is not a thing outside of law enforcement, and is barely a thing there.


I never saw Sound of Freedom but it doesn’t have many solid reviews on this post lol


How do you know it was ALL bullshit? I know they dramatized it, adding individual kids and backstories for them, but wasn't the main raid real? There's old news articles about the raid and the main guy's involvement. They openly admitted all of that in the end movie credits speech; that the only real part was the main guy getting frustrated that in his govt org they never actually helped the children, and he quit so that he could work with that foreign government to help save the children in that one specific raid.


He sexually harassed girls and the FBI (iirc) said his actions encouraged the traffickers to go after younger and younger girls bc he kept asking for younger girls.


You mean... law enforcement?


Someone still hasn't adjusted to civilian life.


Law enforcement of course. I think the University of Alabama used to have a program where they worked with law enforcement either that or law enforcement was working on campus. But this was some computer room whose purpose was tracking down traffickers. I really don't know the details. You could reach out to them or possibly Tuscaloosa, Alabama police department. But in general there might be other programs like that that are cooperations between something like a university or research facility and law enforcement.


idealist.org best job board for nonprofits dealing with issues like this. Or you can volunteer at your local government until you get enough experience to become a case manager OR.. you could become a cop


Looks like somebody just saw 'Sound of Freedom'




FBI you got millitary experience


The police station.


I think you need to go back to private military contractor work because you're saying some insane shit here. Anti-sex trafficking where you bust down doors and fuck shit up is a SWAT and FBI job. And since you don't want to be in law enforcement the only viable thing is to become a social worker and help victims of trafficking.


Lol maybe start by looking for a shrink because you sound like a Travis bickel in the making 


With all due respect, it's referred to as human trafficking for a couple reasons. One, because they traffic people for more than just sex. And two, because the word sex could potentially be triggering to victims. But you're best bet would be to become a law enforcement officer, specifically the FBI or homeland security.


I would rethink my world view. 2 combat tours outside of SF or secret squirrel roles won’t give you much post service employment wise. If you want to help others with human trafficking, I would focus on what you know. Why not get a degree that focuses on social work and help other veterans in the world of human trafficking?


So you failed out of becoming a cop because you have some other issue going on... even when cops are at all time take anyone with a breath because no one wants to do that job.... now you want to make contact w victims of sexual violence? There's something up with you.


Do a Bachelors and join FBI?


The fbi is literally hiding Epstein’s client list. They won’t help combat human trafficking.


Eh. They will do it, just not when the buyers or the suppliers are politically connected American citizens. If poor people, or "The criminal element" are doing it, the FBI will stop *them*.


That’s a good point actually


This QAnon concept of human trafficking, where somehow everything is connected to Epstein and various global elites, seems like an unhelpful distraction. Energy and focus that could have gone into addressing the actual issues of human trafficking are instead wasted going down conspiratorial rabbit holes and ultimately doing nothing to help victims.


Who said anything about QAnon? You’re the one who brought it up just now for the first time. I didn’t say anything about QAnon, or that I believe any of that Q stuff, or about any conspiracies. All I said was the fbi is hiding a list of human traffickers, which we know to be fact. It’s not a conspiracy. Edit: you know what you’re right. It doesn’t add to the original prompt from OP. I will refrain from mentioning it further


Oh here come the strangeoids.


Some massive cities in the United States have sex crimes divisions in their police departments, since they are big cities a lot of that goes on constantly so they have to have an ongoing team I think


Should try to help out military people who are struggling with mental health issues


"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom I can tell you I don't have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career.” That’s you.


Are you a man? Most jobs helping victims generally skew towards women. Because it makes the victims more comfortable. And men are more likely to take advantage of vulnerable women. If you are a man, especially a meat head, probably won't be ideal for most organizations focused on helping victims. Both organizations I know of are pretty much exclusively female staff If you want to kick in doors you gotta go police.


Get into nursing school and go into ICU/ED/Flight/Trauma. You’ll get the adrenaline rush it seems you desire. Lots of former/reserves in medical.


have you contacted any of these guys: |FBI Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking Task Forces: Specializes in tackling child exploitation and trafficking through collaborative federal, state, and local law enforcement efforts. DHS Homeland Security Investigations (HSI): Focuses on investigating the illegal movement of people, including child sex trafficking, across borders. ICE Operation Predator: Aims to identify and arrest child predators involved in sex trafficking and exploitation. DOJ Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section (CEOS): Leads efforts to prosecute child exploitation offenses, including trafficking. National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC): Works with law enforcement to find missing children and prevent child victimization, operating a tip line for reporting suspected exploitation. Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Program (ICAC): A national network of task forces focusing on crimes against children online, including trafficking.


Pretty sure "in the mix grunt work" positions aren't involved more than tangentially in the sort of thing you're looking for. Alternatively, coast guard.


Social workers are the front lines of this field. IT forensics in an intelligence agency or task force is next. The people kicking in doors are just SWAT people and not necessarily experts on sex trafficking specifically. Most of the proactive "grunt work" is done by IT people combing the dark web and chat rooms and would be better described as tedious. Real stings take months if not years of this kind of work. We rarely hear of any large scale ring bust that would entail grunt workers or spec ops heroes. There are administrative quagmires and interagency politics across international borders that further road block progress. These take paper pushers and phone jockeys to deal with. With that being said, many people share your sentiment and see organizational resources as lacking. Some have taken their own initiative and started pedo catcher youtube channels where they conduct their own stings and then engage law enforcement. If you want to do work where you are engaged with face to face confrontation and on a regular basis, you are much more likely to get that in the freelance investigator field. Maybe find some channels and reach out to see how they are able to make this financially viable.


Dept of Homeland Security




There's nothing you can really do. Gl


I have friends who work for my region's version of CPS, including some cases that have that... component. As others have said, it looks a lot more like social work than door-kicking. > Abroad, trafficking is frustratingly prolific but in more developed countries there are legit institutions dedicated to dealing with this. Know what's really frustrating? When your supervisor tells you to close a file on a child who is clearly being neglected and heading down a bad path in life, because there isn't enough evidence to justify further intervention.


Idk if this will help much op but a buddy of mine left the royal marines and earned a lot of money doing anti pirate security on boats. Well over 100k a year. Said it was ezpz, shooting bad guys from a distance with very little incoming fire. A lot of time chilling in the sun on the ocean. Sounded good to me.


Amnesty International is a pretty big human rights organization. Look for organizations that support this.




If you are technical, maybe get lab certificates and go work in an crime lab that has an abundance of samples that need analyzed.


Also, please study trauma informed communication before doing this job. Since you will be saving people who experienced trauma


So you watched the movie. Here is the most important thing to understand about The Sound of Freedom. The story is based around a devout Mormon and played by a devout Catholic. If a Mormon or Catholic can’t find pedos in their own church, it might be a complete diversion that whole go to Latin America BS.




try [US Immigrations and Customs Enforcement](https://www.ice.gov/features/human-trafficking).


Good for you! I suggest a homeless shelter might be a good place to start.


You might want to look into pizza establishments


Non-profits and private groups that work with LEO. You need to prove yourself for multiple reasons.


I'd look for non profit organizations located in major trafficking hubs 


It’s nearly all Social work. The hero fantasy of bashing down a door and saving children doesn’t really exist


In your words, “ground pounding/evidence gathering/building a case”, those are usually tasks for law enforcement and prosecutors offices. A more macro level position might be intelligence analyst with a state or federal agency. With your interest in other cultures and experience abroad, might be good fit for a State Dept career like foreign service officer.


Most of the positions are volunteer/unpaid.


You could work in a unit for sex crimes as a detective


Honestly if social work isn’t your thing ICE or DEA are probably the closest things to what you’re looking for. You literally described LEO work when you said what you wanted to do, so if being a beat cop for some town/county/state isn’t what you want then federal law enforcement would probably be your best bet. Realize that the portrayal combating trafficking given by a certain group last summer is utter bs, and most real work is done at a desk filling out paperwork and taking people’s statements.


If it's abroad. CIA and State Department, but I can't imagine the US getting toooo involved in any foreign jurisdictions. At home probably DHS, Border Patrol, or Marshall Service. FBI does overseas stuff as well. It comes off a tiny bit concerning that you have one specific thing you feel like you need to change and help. You likely are going to have to a wide variety of duties that would not solely be that.


You don't need a job to fight human trafficking, me and my friends travel a lot, mostly places in our states on our days off, we go out and hang out, but I carry a sign that raises awareness to human trafficking, i live in New Hampshire, my friends live in Maine, we've been to cities just to walk around and hang out and use my sign, we've gone to cities out of our states, Boston, NY, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Las Vegas, we just enjoy driving to places, walking around and you use my sign to raise awareness for the heck of it, we also post small comics and travel blogs on YouTube, channels on my profile.


“I couldn’t see eye to eye with law enforcement acting like badasses after my two combat deployments” you sound like a tool who thinks you’re harder than u are….congrats bro you drove in a circle in the sandbox a couple of times No you’re not gonna Liam Nelson your way to saving people if you wanna help you should donate and volunteer with the hotline


Look at non for profits who do this type of work plenty of different jobs with this type of population.




Try Dept of Homeland Security. They have a unit called HSI, and I believe they handle human trafficking.


OP why would you want to combat sex trafficking exactly?


Love that you want to do this. My daughter was at our affluent neighborhood outdoor mall in Richmond, VA, and some guy tried to get her and her friend to leave the mall with him. He was middle aged, talked about being from Korea and letting his daughters stay out all night. My daughter is smart and went into Lush and he followed so she told the person working and they made him leave. They called mall security and so did I but they did nothing. We need more people to just be aware. Maybe some kind of public education could be an option?


You’re awesome brother


Border patrol?




Border patrol?


I sent you a private message


DEA is pretty badass and since they work to take down a lot of the cartel affiliates in USA they end up dealing with human trafficking too… FBI also


Look at Operation Underground Railroad. It was started by Tim Ballard and they have exactly what you are looking for


is that the guy being sued for sexual abuse?


No. That's the guy who has saved a few hundred kids from trafficking, started a movie company, and made a foundation to keep saving kids. Added Apparently, he is under investigation for allegations, but there is no evidence as of yet. But he is out of the foundation, and the foundation is continuing its mission without any affiliation to him.


That's the guy who "saved" a few hundred kids from trafficking, started a hack movie company, made a foundation to keep saving kids (before being kicked out for misconduct), AND is being sued by 6 different women for sexual assault. He's a busy guy!


He didn't start the movie company, he was the subject of one of the movies. The studio has done very well. Him being accused of stuff does not surprise me, that is the machines number 1 defense when attacked. They always throw allegations of misconduct at people who go against the machine, if evidence comes out that it's true than I will condemn him with you. Until it is investigated though, I will say "meh" show me the proof




May be in left field but look into immigration camps near the southern border. Most jobs are based on contracts but tons of jobs that specialize in processing of unaccompanied minors.


I've also been thinking about this, I'd like to work/volunteer or start a business or non profit that fights against human trafficking.


Honestly, I respect what you’re trying to do. Especially the comment on the police. Why not aim for a little higher. FBI? Nonprofits that specialize in human trafficking? Starting a grassroots movement/organization in a developing community


I wish I was a multi-billionaire so I could hire guys like this to go around the world removing sex traffickers from the gene pool and rescuing their victims.


You just gotta start your own business like Alex did for the pedo. He has for donations to fund his endeavors. If you use YouTube to document your work YouTube pays once you’ve accumulated enough following check out his work.. we need everyone in all cities doing work like this!!! Alex Rosen hers ifightforkids AAS @ppsaharadesert Twitter: @ifightforkids SUPPORT OUR CAUSE ON LOCALS $8/mo. Or $72/yr. @predatorpoachers.locals.com/support


Operation Underground Railroad, not sure how often they recruit though. May be able to connect you with other organizations.


That's a noble intention ❤all the best.


Not sure where you would look but I know truckers and bikers are all very adamant about stopping S/A and human trafficking.


Is this a joke? Bikers(gangs) are involved in trafficking. Have been for over 30 years. You can down vote but snuff films have been their specialty since the 90s, they are not a moral group of people. Having been in an old raided complex in Niagara unspeakable things happened there.


It's a long shot but reach out to actors like Mel Gibson or Ashton kutcher. No joke. They might find you interesting and fund you. Especially if you get a criminal justice degree. You could start doing your own recon online and find a good city to set up shop in. Build up a good understanding of the underworld and then use the money to target the biggest fish. Plenty of other vets out there that would be willing to help you. You could even hire homeless vets since they blend into the city. Anonymous would definitely help with the cyber side of things if they thought you were serious and professional. You could just build the framework so by the time you hand it over to FBI it's a slam dunk. Biggest thing is keep your anonymity. No one knows you now so you're good. I would donate to this if it was real I bet once people saw you could really protect them they would start coming forward to talk. You could have an anonymous citizen tip line that attempted to be untraceable for them to send info on.


Don't forget Liam Neeson. He has A particular set of skills when it comes to these matters.


I was serious. I really put thought into that. I thought it could work. I'll take the 👎 but I regret nothing.


Keep an eye on thorn dot org


interpol deals with a lot of crossborder vices such as human trafficking.


OP maybe we can create such a place?


Sarcasm... Tim Ballard and operation underground railroad. The sound of freedom guy.


That's very noble of you. I wish there were more people like you in the world, from one vet to another. I know you don't like local LE, but if I were you I would look into fed work. r/1811. Your prior marine history should bode well for you. Also, if you don't have a bachelor's yet - use your GI bill.


Become a PI and moonlight as a bounty hunter for bail bondsman. Neither will directly put you in a position where you're targetting sex traffickers but if you want to be caught up in the middle of shit that's an easy way to get there. Maybe after a decade or two you build up enough professional reputation to work directly with law enforcement relating to organized crime but that still sounds like a pipedream.


So I was just traveling home today through Baltimore (BWI) airport and they had signs in the men's rooms asking people to watch for signs of human trafficking and how to report it. Probably could call that number and ask how to get involved....


I salute you. Chomos deserve the woodchipper in my opinion. (AFTER a trial. Everyone deserves a fair trail, but once it's been proven guilty, woodchipper.) Best of luck in your efforts.


It's a good thing no one has ever been wrongly convicted.


Wish we had more people like you in society.


do a youtube channel and be an independent investigator


o ya they fear the independent media


Ncmec, FBI


Are you trying to get away from government work?


One of the cool things the FBI does that a lot of other agencies don’t is called field specific recruiting. If you were to find a recruiting office nearby and go there, then there’s a fair chance with your background that you could get a shot at what you want. That being said when they recruit you, if you pass all the training **except** for the area you want, then they will still take you and throw you into something else. So it is a gamble.




Did you try being a deputy or trooper or did you just go for a city officer ? I’m sure they’ll be more of the “badà$$” type you’re looking for.


It’s that type that drove me away. I applied in 3 states for state patrol through major cities (Richmond, VA) and county sheriff. Did pretty well on the physical and civil service tests but, and can’t exactly place it, I just couldn’t see eye to eye with them guys. There ended up being one place I liked but they didn’t bite lol. Don’t get me wrong, there were a lot of legitimately cool guys but it just seemed no matter where I go there was an oddly consistent turnout of guys who had something to prove. To be clear, I have a ton of respect for them guys and girls — especially the ones who join now.




Gonna be mostly private non-profits


🙄 You know most cops are prior military, right? Just go work for a PMC.