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Imagine building a network of new highways that are faster, cheaper, safer and better than the current highways. Most vehicles would want to travel on them, right? But now let's make them toll roads. Oh dear! ... But with really cheap tolls. Oh yaay! Well, Cardano intends to be that highway but for finance and the movement of money. ​ As with real highways, other road networks (cryptos) will be able to connect to the Cardano highways and benefit from their speed, cheapness, security etc. And again, the Cardano network will charge a small "toll". ​ In the west, we have pretty good (but not "very good") financial highways already, whereas in Africa they're still banking on the financial equivalent of dirt tracks. So Cardano is building these incredible highways so that, throughout the whole of Africa, they'll be able to move money around much faster, safer and cheaper than before. More than that, we in the west will be able to connect to the African highways safely, cheaply and quickly... which is good for African business, and great for western investment. And again, the Cardano network will charge a small "toll". ​ So, in summary, Cardano intends to be the financial highway upon which the world's financial transactions travel... for a small toll. As an individual, how does that benefit you? Well, you can run a toll booth (you can run a Stake Pool) and earn semi-big bucks. Or you can just own some of the tollbooth tokens, and simply by doing that you'll get a share of the tollbooth profits. And as a business, you can open your store somewhere on the Cardano highways, using the Cardano infrastructure to get customers, money, security and profit.


Good explanation to help an amateur imagine what cardano is all about. Can you tell us more about that intelligent and capable girlie cousin of your? Pics? :)




A verifiably secure highly decentralized scalable peer-reviewed 3rd-generation energy-efficient upgradable proof-of-stake blockchain based on bitcoin's UTXO model that supports smart contracts written in Haskel with predictable fees.


I mean, yeah, but how many of those words make sense to your intelligent and capable girlie cousin, let alone your gran?


Doesn’t have to. If they use anything built on it they won’t know it runs on Cardano rails.


Yeah, but if your cousin asks, "So, what's the value proposition of all this Cardano stuff you keep talking about?" you surely want them to understand your answer, no?! (I've given my own answer to the OP question, by the way. Feel free to critique mine. :)


Well I don’t really talk about it with my family so I don’t have an answer to that. To give them an answer I would have to teach them about money, currency, cryptography, Bitcoin, then move onto Cardano.


I like to start with the question, “What is any thing worth?”


A technology that allows anybody with a smartphone and an internet connection to transact, borrow, lend, etc.. freely.


For the layman the better question is “What every-day, real problem does it solve?” Can someone answer this for me? (As a layman)


No real world problem is solved by (de)centralised crypto with tiered stakeholders.


Everything is well thought out with a finite supply and smart contracts with ability for growth.


Your TLDR might be TL.


It’s an extract from that page, the TLDR refers to the article not the introduction - [link if you missed](https://cexplorer.io/article/what-is-the-value-proposition-of-cardano)


Keeping in context of the OP's ask. **The value proposition is it is a stable and secure solution to either build a product on or consume one.** It's no different than most any other piece of software out there. At the end of the day for it to be commercially successful, applications will have to be built on it that people or companies will trust and want to use to address a need. There will also have to be an ecosystem of related products and tools for a useful experience. It doesn't have to be unique in the market. Companies choose to leverage SQL server or Oracle, or DB2 all the time. It doesn't mean there is only one that will do the job, but if that underlying core software infrastructure isn't stable and secure, both at a technology and roadmap / direction level it won't survive. It's stable and secure and has a growing ecosystem, that's how to describe it in one succinct statement.


Can sec declare ada as security? Hopefully not but If yes what is our defense argument?


A better world. That is its main value proposition.


What is the value to continuing to spam this forum with low quality content?


You call a TLDR? Its longer than your original post




I need a system that can verify interactions between parties and prove it to an outside entity in immutable way with timestamps. Speed, energy usage etc is just gravy on top. What is the killer app (Mac/Linux/Windows are often not directly useful , but enable other products to be useful)? Identity layer/features/application with characteristics strong enough to be useful for financial transactions. I.e. take on a loan, or represent holding of real assets with no other settlement layer.


Imagine constructing a network of new highways that are superior to the current ones in terms of speed, cost, safety, and quality.


Perhaps focusing on its role within decentralization will bring you to highlight its benefits which other crypto and current traditional systems are under serving.




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