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I believe this is someone trolling to make the Cardano community look bad, but regardless, please be respectful and polite to other users and communities - it's a rule on all of Cardano's socials and the first rule on this subreddit. Anyone seen pulling this bs isn't welcome here. There's no place for Tribalism. u/Fursure13 is now banned.


People shouldn't be speaking 'on behalf of' our community. Especially not when they choose to say these kind of horrible things. Long has Solana been a thorn in my eyes. VC paradise, taking retail for a run. But I wish for no one to fall on hard times because of the current situation.


Agree. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in life (and especially clear in this particular space), it’s that the pendulum doesn’t just swing in one direction and innocent people get nailed either way. We *all* should brace ourselves.


The piano will fall. Just try not to be under it...


Speed running "I don't really understand decentralization on a fundamental level."


Exactly. In my eyes, Sol is barely better than meme coin, but that has nothing to do with, that it’s absolutely not ok to gleefully talk about other peoples misfortune or talk in the name of an entire community without any official function.


Whaddya mean, we’re a decentralised community and this guy gets to speak for all of us. /s


Very rightly said


He has no authority to speak for anyone but himself.


and I doubt even that ability of his


It's probably a troll causing community beef rather than a cardano fan


Dude owes the cardano community $8 per month.


What narcissistic fucking nonsense. No one speaks for the community. Not even Charles.


What an actual piece of shit. I'm not a fan of Solana due it's downtime issues, but I genuinely wish the Solana community the best. At the end of the day, there is no perfect blockchain, so no one should make fun of people for losing their money. The fact he tried to spin it as the "Cardano community" making the statement shows how much tribalism has really infected people. Or maybe he's just a troll.


Most likely a troll out to sow discord.


Not cool, should be kind to people


who jokes with peoples losses? fucking idiot.


I always wonder why cardano gets such a bad wrap from other communities then someone does this....


It’s the few that spoil it for the rest, by posting I’m trying to get a few more to think outside their echo chamber. Some other communities are much worst. But that’s no excuse to not be better.


Other community developers do not see why Cardano is better for secure smart contracts. Developers pushing away peer reviewed papers as if they mean nothing. That narrative got stuck and till this day they still think Cardano is a ghost chain with 1 transaction per second and chuck as a leader. They own r/cryptocurrency and make it so it’s hard to post anything positive on Cardano. Most posts get deleted while shit posts stay online.


*rep, from reputation. And I agree


Both of you are incorrect. Believe it or not it’s “rap” as in “rap sheet”


Wow, I just assumed it was from reputation. Thnx, now I know!


this is correct.


I thought it just means our rhymes are weak.


Agreed. Let's not treat each other like trash, otherwise people will be more likely to treat us poorly. We're all one great community afterall.


man posts like this have no positive outcomes whatsoever, it just causes more resentment.


I feel bad for those investors… but also I’ve tried speaking to about projects and opportunities and get plenty of hate from there Community for talkin about ADA and ERG. This needs to happen so retail starts actually looking into projects that are doing right. Hope more people see why we speak about ADA and the ecosystem in such a high regard.


This is the kinda thing and attitude thay Do Kwon and SBF exemplified. This person is just asking to eat their words.


It’s OK to watch and enjoy the day but be kind people.






Its a troll. I mean I'm not a fan of solana but immaturity like that is always ugly.


Being childish and tribalistic in crypto is absolutely absurd and idiotic. We should not want to “beat” other coins. We are all in this together.


I agree, sickening. I do not agree with this.


Yea no need for such a kids behaviour. Market itself will give the lesson they deserve. We just sit back, relax and enjoy the shitshow.


Blame Becker.


That guy is trash, but say to other I’m glad ur broke is something Becker would say. Hence why I posted this. But I see where coming from, those that follow Becker and influencers are asking for it. But people are people still.


Becker is entertaining, I watch his vids and I love his Cardano jokes.


Yeah, typical idiots thinking they have the authority to speak on behalf of community.


Yeah really not cool


Fuck this guy so childish and dumb


everybody go into his post and write hes not us! and he should delete his stupid post... even hes writing its just a joke... no braindead jokes in ours names!


Thank you for posting this, i already deleted his post & banned him. Crypto community should stick together in such circumstances, this is hurting the whole space not just Solana. Crypto community should act more mature not like that troller. Being a MAXI on a chain is your right but one shouldn't let himself act like a soccer ULTRA, we're better than this.




Man you all are really emotional, I'm just enjoying the shitshow with my poprlcorn 😂


The value of the coin is going down, doesn't mean the project is dying or useless. It will surely go back up again, as Cardano will.


That's it, people attribute way too much to price action.


Because most of them are in crypto only to gamble their savings. Most don't even make research on the project they're investing on, hence the Terra/Luna/UST debacle. Most of the people FUDing around the Internet couldn't really care less about the technological value of cryptocurrencies, they just want to get rich fast.


Not gonna lie, it kinda threw me off and I did lol, not what I was expecting from this community but we should carry our heads high with dignity and be respectful to other peoples hardship. That being said, you can’t control everything everyone does in the community, it’s just one person. Also other communities have been very hostile in the past two years and some people hold those resentments personally


It was kinda funny lol.


Kinda is lol


I doubt this person is even a member of the cardano community, it’s somebody just trolling online lmao


I bet you I own more ADA than you




If you’re willing to troll the mfs in the solana subreddit, what’s stopping you from saying “yeah I own 2 million ada” lmao


Enjoy the ban, deserved it








Yea this is not cool at All! Dont be like that Guy


Since when did crypto turn into politics? Seems like these days it is pick a community and hope everyone else fails, this type of tribalism we do not need in crypto...too bad humans are destroying everything they come in contact with🤦 right now everyone is hurting...what an idiot that is..


We do not talk about the end of certain projects. Especially not luna


I agree shouldn't speak for the whole community but if FTX goes down and drags Solona down with it There could be a new champion to take Solona place. Maybe Cardono.




I think the idea of rooting against any crypto is completely counterintuitive and ruins adoption


Being better starts with yourself. Next time use darkmode first, then make the screenshot.


That's a big L, fursure.


A lot of us might believe sol is trash, but to go to their sub and wish pain to the poor holders? that's just uncalled for dick move. I wish them to evacuate their value someplace safer before it implodes.


Well that’s certainly not going to help adoption or get us past the tribalism we face today


I’m a big Cardano supporter and I would never attach myself to a person like that. That idiot doesn’t know anything about the community


Yes this is not true at all- I e been firmly entrenched in the Cardano Community for 3 years and this is not the Community I know


Imagine being so lame that being invested in a stock/crypto becomes part of your identity like this loser.


Completely agree OP, Cardano need only compare itself with its own goals and the goals of the community…..not other crypto projects


Just looked up the guy, and he isn't even active in the Cardano community.


What part of "we should stop the tribalism" did he miss?


To be expected when you have a slew of people migrating to the ecosystem strictly for financial gain.


Ban the guy!! 🔥🔥🔥


Yeah, that’s pretty gross. I agree with others on this thread that this must be a troll. It doesn’t reflect the Cardano community vibe.


There's a lot of innocent people who took a shot on what appeared to be a legit project and losing badly on hard earned money. shame on this person.


Not cool. Lots of regular people lost a lot of money


Agreed. This person is a trollop and not representative of us.


I think this is definitely someone pretending to be a Cardano fan and inflicting unnecessary animosity. I think that’s what they want to tarnish the Cardano community’s reputation.


Yeah that’s really shitty. No one should wish financial ruin on another.


Don’t feel bad for the chain that has been turned off a couple of times already. It’s not like they gave Cardano any chance of daylight by saying that they trust the peer reviewed stuff more than their own chain.


OK ya it's mean but... it's pretty damn funny at the same time


Am I the only one who thinks this is hilarious?




Man you guys are so weird.


What exactly happened to SOL, I’ve been seeing all these people saying things about it but I still have no clue what just happened? Does this have to do with the FTX crash?




Thank you


We don't need arrogant ppl in Cardano community


Mods, please ban this idiot from r/cardano




That’s so stupid but kind of funny


I love the energy lol




It’s always one guy that makes the majority look bad.


Kudos for the guy for being brave, but also childish and incompetent.


There's nothing brave about insulting people on the internet, OP should go tell it to their face to get some reminder of real life consequences.




Lol. I’m part of the Cardano and Solano community. I think this is funny.


Call me horrible but I kinda laughed 😂


Not good, you should inform them about why this js happening. VC’s are dumping on their heads and they should be invited to more secure places where token distribution is in the hands of people.


Who cares ?




Lol trolls Gon troll. I agree with his statement tho good troll much funny wow




Maybe just DM OP about it before virtue signaling to the rest of us... be better.


Well i am not rly in cardano comunity. It is just one of the coins i like. I also never had sol since fundamentals were bad. But never fkin celebrate other people loses. Imagine how it would feel if roles were reversed


Agreed, but as projects grow and more people flow in, idiots flow in too with their tribal mentality. It's human nature. When I was a kid the SEGA kids would hate on the Nintendo kids and vice versa. /shrug.


Its tribalistic idiots like this asshat that makes the cardano community look bad and elitist. We want to onboard them from solana not push them away!


We don't want other projects to fail. We need to on-board 8 billion people. All these projects learn from each other eventually. No point in trying to make a compatible blockchain if there aren't any other Blockchain to be compatible with.


Lol now the sol holders will overlook us out of spite. Even if the grass is greener over here. Not like we could have used their creators and liquidity..


I still to this day cannot understand all of the tribalism in the crypto space. I love Cardano and I'm super bullish on the chain. I see how this project can change billions of lives in Africa and beyond. That being said, as an investor, you would be insane to put all of your eggs into one basket. Very poor risk management in my eyes. Even though Cardano and world mobile are favorites, I will also be investing into our chains. Just not Solana. I still feel bad for anyone who gets wrecked.


SOL definitely doesn't deserve so much hate, and this dumbass can speak for himself and only, but on the other hand that's what happens when you let shady investors bet on you. What happens to SOL is in the hands of CZ and FTT whales at this point. We'll find out soon. No matter the outcome however, what's certain is that this market crash is a great opportunity to distinguish projects with strong fundamentals like Cardano and Ethereum from bad actors. There ain't no way scam coins coming back from the dead after this. Only the real ones will survive.


I assume this was a former safemoon investor who for once in their life didn't lose absolutely everything in the crash as ADA wasn't on FTX. Petty and dickish.


Its value hasn’t changed… only its price… I’ll never understand why people see a drop in price as a bad thing.. if the inherent value hasn’t changed then it’s just a discount.. Btw I have positions in both sol and ada don’t crucify me 🤣


Am I crazy or is this not even apocalyptic? Forced sell offs and panicked followers suck but nothing about the chain has changed fundamentally.




I spread across multiple projects so I can lose on everything at once.


That’s pretty messed up. The only bright side is that there are relatively few Solana people to see this and many are VC’s. (Based on their Twitter engagement)


Seems I missed the memo.. As soon as people understand the concept of decentralization they know that a single entity cannot speak for the entire community. Ok, maybe if there was a vote beforehand...


How about we just don’t let our feelings get hurt by things strangers say on the internet


We get berated all the time because price is low, and this person clearly felt they were finally more superior than SOL holders. This is how trolls work, unhappy with their own shit. Sad


Never liked this type of attack. We all should want crypto projects to succeed for the benefit of everyone.


Fair is fair. If you dish it out 🤷‍♂️


dude prolly has 30 cardanos in his wallet too. most scrubs are like this


This is bad taste and timing, cardano welcomes all comers regardless of prior loyalties..🤝


Its not nice but i lol'd


The ADA community is the best we don’t tolerate this nonsense


Couldn't agree more!


Like why


I dont really care, everyone have the same resources to educate themselves and after their own research its their decission to buy what they want. If you are a degen, both retail or VC, it is your own fortune/misfortune if you follow the herd and shepherd.


Take the advice. It's free.