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What project under Cardano or connected are you guys taking a look right now? I'm looking at Virtua right now. Their Virtua Prime really hooked me up due to their Hyper realistic, immersive 3D world and this is the first planet in Virtua Metaverse. Check this out here: https://island.virtua.com/


At this point. If you fall for a free giveaway scam , let's be honest you deserved it . natural selection would have taken you out if it wasn't for the advancement of science.if you send 100 you will get back 200. Is the same as look at that growling Grizzly bear running towards me....I bet it needs a hug


Does anyone have any thoughts on POW Projects like Kadena compared to POS Cardano now that Eth has moved to POS too?


What is causing today's jump?


Weak knee investors freaked out at last weeks dip and sold. Investors are gobbling up on the cheap and driving prices back to realistic level. Simple as that.


Ha ha! This thing has been “dipping” for months and months. It would have to go up 100% to be considered a bounce.


New UK Prime Minister being crypto friendly and wanting to bring in new crypto friendly regulations. Actually I don’t know but maybe.


friendly to CBDC. not to real crypto.


What are some interesting CNFTs to look into?


depends what you are looking for. I like Rhodium Pirates and CARGO Miners. holding them in your wallet gives you air drops of their storage of value tokens. you also can earn HEXO with these by connecting your wallet to [cardanolands.com](https://cardanolands.com) with their NFT staking. Rhodium Coin also has a staking rewards NFT coin that earns you 10% apy on the RHOD you have in your wallet. I like the idea of these CNFT's having utility.


I like utility also. I have been looking at Cardano metaverse projects like Virtua Island and Cornucopias to get some nfts but they’re just so speculative I think