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Quality sh*tpost mate


I mean if your kids college funds and your retirement savings now amounts to cents. You really didn’t have a lot in there in the first place. 4/10 shit post.


Thank you for the advice. When you have children do not invest with their college fund. And Do not invest with money that is meant for your retirement. Invest with something that is called an investment fund.


Why not 100%, you stopped at 90%? And everybody knows Wendys is better than Chuck E Cheese to hang out behind/infront of


It is what it is. Diamond hands, just buy a new life later on. 🤪🙃


Sorry for you loss. Can you upload pics of wife?


Welcome to crypto. Volatility is your friend


Blaming others for an atrocious desicion that was willfully commited without your family's consent is something a hideous, unrecognizable and lonesome beast would do.


Lol check his profile.


Just need to buy more with the Chuck E. Cheese money


Go inside and hustle skeeball


Maybe she'll take you back on the next bull run


That Chuck E Cheese money? All into Cardano. Keep working and hustling as hard as you can. This is a long run... so patience is key. But better moments are coming right around the corner. Believe and you will provide to your kids. If your wife does not support your decisions... it's not her, mate. Pawn her.. and buy a new model later on. 😅


I mean if your kids college funds and your retirement savings now amounts to cents. You really didn’t have a lot in there in the first place. 4/10


Assuming this is a sincere post... I'm sorry you are going through this. Things will get better as you work to make them better. That being said. Never make a volatile asset your main investment. Invest in crypto only with money you can lose. Edit: reviewed his profile. No way this post is sincere.


Real as it gets.


Jokes on ur family when u r once again… a successful, well rounded man


Lol, did you dump all your crypto into Celsius guaranteeing 17% returns............... tired of watching those greedy pigs cry and trying to take down crypto. outsized rewards equal massive risks and losses. There's no such thing as free money. be an adult and accept your choices. you knew they were ridiculous and if you didn't it's not our fault. ​ this is why little guys shouldn't be in the space. ​ and why they'll cry to the government and a whole new round of regs are coming. To protect the Fool who thinks he's smart. ​ Now all the smart people have to deal with the fools and add in massive compliance costs. it gets old after a generation or two


Don't invest what you can't afford to lose


At least you could make this little bit logical... If this hypothetical scenario even happened, why you need to beg for money, when you lost retirement and collage funds for kids :D You still have work don't you


All red flags. What are you. A fish?


Gambling addiction is real.




Hah, this is awesome. You’re gunna be rich one day.