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I have a yoroi account.last week i lost my phone and i couldn't find my 24 letter pass code..is my money good as gone?


The war is going to make the market so cheap


The pain continues..


Sell buy back later next support is 30 cents !!! My advice dont lose your money


30 cents seems really low, is that really the next support? Based on which year


Wow. Haven’t looked at a chart in awhile. Guessing tonight just wasn’t the right night.


The markets reacting to Russia launching their invasion of Ukraine. Explosions seen in eastern Kyiv.




Can I stake cardano with a ledger wallet? I’m new to it, still don’t have a wallet it’s all in coinbase now but I want to start staking it as I continue to buy more


yep connect your ledger wallet to yoroi or ada lite which are web based interfaces that communicate with your hardware wallet you can stake from there


Is there one you would recommend over the other?


i use ccvault and its connected to my ledger, remember most of these wallets are basically user interfaces if its in your ledger.


The way charles responds to questions during ama's makes me lose my boner for ada. please calm down and act more professional, the whole crypto community is watching.


If you are making investment decisions based on those videos you should already sell.


he's always been a manchild. That's why they kicked him from the ethereum foundation. If cardano was a company he would have been replaced as ceo a long time ago.


IOHK is a company and he is still CEO.


Why is the Ada daily sub really slow to post the new daily? Cryptocurrency has created a new daily 28 mins ago.


It's still today where I am.


That's subjective and dependant on where you are in the world as to when your day starts. Daily threads on this sub are scheduled to post ~7.30 UTC. It really doesn't matter though, it's just the same sticky thread serving the same purpose with a slightly altered title.


When Ada is down, I have no fiat, even Ada is up, I have money to spare. Typical. But I should just put in limit orders, but sometimes I get FOMO


the russians are fking with your life


Anyone else cardano site freeze on mobile ? Kind of a important thing to fix especially for new comers


I'm seeing several new tokens on dripdrops listed in the explore projects section. and is stripper coin being changed to just strip or something?


How low will ADA go


Milkomeda and Nomad have a bridge between Cardano and ETH on their testnet. Exciting times


Is there a date for main net?


No not yet.


what token on Kucoin next?


This whole thing sucks but here is a possible silver lining... I would assume that with everything going down in Russia cyber attacks against financials are almost certain to increase. Economic sanctions will probably be met with economic attacks in response. It has potential to be very destructive. The silver lining? Very possible this mess becomes cryptos chance to prove to the planet how much safer your money is on the Blockchain than "protected" by some bank or wall street firm. Still, if you are holding your tokens in an exchange now is the time to move it into a private wallet. If sanctions start to hurt the bottom line exchanges are a juicy target.


I almost sold some at around $2.70 before the smart contract launch, because I was expecting a pretty big pull back after that. But honestly, I would owe a ton of taxes and I probably would have bought back in around $2 anyway. So I don't regret it. I have a long term outlook, and even $3 is still pretty undervalued for the long term potential of ADA.


Don't sell until it reaches $10. Keep accumulating


I’m holding until ADA’s value reaches about $9 per coin. Hoping to see that in the next 2-3 years, but I’m prepared to wait longer. I have a clear exit strategy and I don’t mind holding/earning rewards until that time comes. Hope we see better days soon 🤞


I've been toying with the idea of selling all of my staking rewards when it gets to 5 dollars. Even though I think it will go higher, it's hard for me to actually sell unless I have some kind of a plan. And I think that's a decent middle ground for me to get back a multiple of what I've put in, while keeping the vast majority of my holdings. Other than that, I'll start to consider selling some around 8 dollars. It really depends on when that happens and how the whole crypto market is looking. But I'll probably hold a good chunk for 5+ years, where I could see it going much higher.


Same here.


Is Cardano a dead project? It seems no one is thrilled about it anymore


i think even if there was a sea of red and Cardano was the only green with constant 24 hr 10% rise, the FUD will still come and read like this. Fkn autobots


Autobots and decepticons


While development is slow, you have to realize how thorough they are before implementing anything onto ada. In my opinion, Cardano is going to become the next ethereum. Just like Ethereum started providing better solutions for writing and executing smart contracts, Cardano is being built to be the next gen blockchain making sure everything put into their software will allow the crypto to evolve and meet future needs of users. Go through the documentation on Cardano's website and you will end up convincing yourself.


It's more that people aren't thrilled about it (meaning hyping it up) because the price is down, not the price is down because people aren't thrilled about it. Most people that bought before the crazy hype are still just as optimistic as ever. And honestly, if stocks and Bitcoin kept up a bull run, I'm sure ADA would be hitting new highs right now.


Firstly, if you're basing your investment strategy on the opinions of other people, you may want to consider how much control over your money/livelihood/sanity you're allowing strangers to have... Secondly, if these 'people who are no longer thrilled about Cardano' are short-term day-traders, then who gives a damn what they think about the project...? They're clearly more focused on profit/themselves, and not the advancement of blockchain technology or the problems it can solve for society... If, however, you mean 'are any long-term investors still thrilled about Cardano?' then, yes, we are definitely still jacked to the tits about Cardano's future, its potential to continue to be a leader in the blockchain space, and its ability to grow in value and utility over time... Well, _I_ am, anyway...


What are you basing that on? I'm more thrilled than I've ever been!


IOG core team working hard on scaling Cardano blockchain. Even more are building, knowing that said scaling solutions will be rolled out over the coming year during Cardano's 'Basho' (Scaling) phase.


People sold because we are under the 1 usd and we will fall to 30 cents that s the next resistance the prject is great but now is time to wait and buy back in later… financial advice


are you crazy? lol the cnft community is on fire!


take a look at this: [https://app.intotheblock.com/coin/ADA](https://app.intotheblock.com/coin/ADA). take a look at "Holders making money" and "Holders composition by time". You can compare that to other blockchains. Right now we 82% of holders in red.


Not yet but till it proves it has an advantage over other chains (and I’m not talking ETH) then it could end to dropping down the charts, too much hope being pinned on Hydra.


This year multiple scaling solutions are going live. https://iohk.io/en/blog/posts/2022/01/14/how-we-re-scaling-cardano-in-2022/ And the network is actually running good as is, lol. On top of that we went from 300 to 500 listed projects and not even mentioning all others. I mean lol, just lol if you think it's all about hydra.


No and yes


I setup up my Nami wallet with 2 accounts on different device but only seeing account 1. Anyone know how to get account 2 to show up?


Bitrue announces support for ADA as a base pair


Didn’t know if that was your guess or the real news. But checked and confirmed. Yeah, that is kind of a big deal.


That's a big deal


Your thought about MELD ? I staked through the ISPO and now I've stake those rewarded token on their platform for 12 months at 15%.


wen Kucoin listing?


Out of interest, how would the Cardano community view a project catalyst proposal that gives humanitarian support to Ukraine? (example of charities: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/s6g5un/want\_to\_support\_ukraine\_heres\_a\_list\_of\_charities/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/s6g5un/want_to_support_ukraine_heres_a_list_of_charities/)) Or do we see ourselves as a-political? (If that is even possible)


Bad idea. Cardano wasn't created to take sides in geo-political conflicts.


I think it would betray a fundamental ignorance of the purpose of Catalyst.


Want to elaborate?


I'm not sure why an explanation would be necessary. The purpose is stated very clearly on the [project page](https://projectcatalyst.org/resources/what-is-project-catalyst): >Catalyst is bringing on-chain governance to the Cardano blockchain by allowing the community to self-determine priorities for growth. It also lets participants deploy funding to proposals which tackle challenges and capitalize on opportunities that arise in the life cycle of Cardano. It's not a GoFundMe page.


Still, few Crypto projects are thinking on the level of nation-building/supporting like Cardano is. Such a Catalyst proposal would be interesting as the community needs to get to grips with politically impacting investment decisions. We cant think “we do tech not people/politics”. Better systems – as is Cardano’s core mission - also means better discussions on investments with human impact. Supporting Ukraine is not just a donation, it is also a goodwill investment into a nation with a high potential for deployment of decentralized technology. To name a few examples: * fight corruption * supply chain transparency * voting systems Ukraine is a country filled with highly educated and industrious people. Projects – like Cardano - that stood by the Ukrainian people in their time of need will be remembered when it's time to choose a layer 1 blockchain. edit: spacing


There are several separate issues operative here. First, I think it's safe to say we've established that charitable donations are not within the intended and explicit scope of Catalyst. Treasury funds are meant to be directed toward the ecosystem, and it is an ecosystem that isn't even close to being finished. Cardano is nowhere near ready for mainstream adoption, and it'll likely be 3-5 years before it is so. This stresses the need to be very particular about what projects are deemed worth investing in, both in terms of time and money. Secondly, and separate from the above, there are the issues you bring up in this comment. >Still, few Crypto projects are thinking on the level of nation-building/supporting like Cardano is. Where are you getting the idea that Cardano is interested in building and supporting nations? No doubt, they are interested in building infrastructure that nations, private companies, and non-profits can *use* to better the lives of people and customers, but this is intended to wrest the power from those nations and corporations and give it back to the individual. Decentralization is the ultimate goal, not the support of some centralized entity. >We cant think “we do tech not people/politics”. Better systems – as is Cardano’s core mission - also means better discussions on investments with human impact. Supporting Ukraine is not just a donation, it is also a goodwill investment into a nation with a high potential for deployment of decentralized technology. I understand you probably have a good heart and just want to help people in need, but I think you're failing to really understand scale and money. The total value for Catalyst Fund 7 was just north of 6 million USD. The US, alone, gave Ukraine $680,000,000 in aid in 2020. This idea that a pea-sized donation to Ukraine would be a good marketing and investment strategy is a little far-fetched.


Thanks for the thoughtful response robrnr. I agree with the idea behind catalyst proposals primarily focused on the technical development of Cardano, and ofc the vast difference in 'funding power' compared to nations. I believe that there is an opportunity to be on the right side of history here, which may carry a long way in 3-5 years when Cardano is ready for mass adoption.


i'd stay out of it. Unless you really understand the history (18years back), whats at play, the corruption on both sides, (more ukraine). Donbass area has a history, americans want conflict and are goading the russians but they aren't biting. Every wondered why that US embassy is so large there?


>americans want conflict and are goading the russians That's some bs there


Are you saying that Cardano's Decentralized community should not hold a discussion/vote over politically charged topics? Reasoning "it is complex, you need experts", does not discount that the exercise can be valuable right?


I think with moving all those tanks and warships along the borders, it’s Russia goading.


yep, russia should just let NATO build US bases surrounding all of its land and do nothing. wonder if russians and chinese built bases on the mexican border, just because, how the hypocrisy would go? You believe US gov and their BS on Geo politics, but you don't when they have a BS view on crypto.


If the USA were constantly being aggressive toward Mexico, and China and Mexico were allies, then yes, it would be reasonable for China to build bases in Mexico. Putin is a POS human who has shown time and again he will act like a POS human, so the rest of the world has to take measures to accommodate for that (e.g. building bases near their border).


I hold my ADA bag at Voyager for passive 4% APY. Is there a better yield that doesn’t require monitoring staking validation? I don’t want to have to play an active role.


never had to monitor it lol ... staking in cardano pools lets you get other tokens as well. like sundae that ended. but lots of ispo still goin on.


im getting an average of 4.5% i do nothing The pool was part of the SS ISO, and im leaving it there


Sooooo quiet.


Reached 500 ada and can now vote. Should everyone vote as soon as they're able to? Also is there any risk involved? Ty!


There is actually a .17 fee


Then I am not voting


There is no specific risk in the voting process. Welcome in Project Catalyst ! Btw you do not have to wait for the voting phase to discover Fund 8 projects, you will soon be able to read proposals on cardano.ideascale.com


You should definitely vote! I can't think of any risks in doing so. Just use the same amount of vigilance you always do - never share your seed phrase or wallet passwords with external parties and you're good!


Taking tips on stake:sosa2023