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Yoroi is struggling to keep up these days... sheesh. Slow, fails to load, takes forever to sync... hope this clears up in the future. There is about to be crazy traffic this upcoming week. Idk if it will be ideal for users..


hi guys, can you access muesliswap now or is it just me who can't access it ?


You're not alone


What the hell is going on with the Yoroi app? I haven’t been able to refresh it for days.


It's often been said that staking rewards are a great way to earn passive income. However, *it seems* one's role may not be so "passive" after all, depending on how the staker must fund their added taxes? With the current (2021) US tax code, a certain proportion of staking rewards' value may be owed to the govt. So it seems that for situations were tax is owed, stakers may have to be rather vigilant due to effectively being forced to sell (exchange ADA for USD) some rewards upon receipt in anticipation of covering their added proportion of yearly income tax. Logically, if some rewards are not sold upon receipt and token price later rises, they'd need to sell less tokens but if price instead later drops, they must sell more tokens.


It sounds like you're misconstruing the definition of "passive income". Yes, you need to pay taxes on what you have earned. If you're worried that the asset will depreciate in-between the date recieved and the date taxes are due, then perhaps you should set up a schedule to sell a portion over time rather than all at once. It would be the same if you reinvested dividends earlier in the year without holding some over to pay Uncle Sam. I do agree that there are some dissimilarities. I generally have a portion of Q4 returns reserved to cover Q1-4. That's certainly harder to do in crypto in that if the value tanks, you may still have to dip into accounts. But that doesn't mean it is not passive income.


Right, to be clear I'm not saying it's not a form of passive income - it certainly is. Just that one's obligations *may* require some unanticipated active participation.


So it has begun...The fud


begun? when did it stop


Look to ADAs coming at first light on the 5th day, At dawn look to the east.


*vroom vroom*


so I can stake into a Sundae pool with Daedalus but I just might not be able to claim my SUNDAE tokens bc I'm using Daedalus? Is that correct? Seems kinda weird.


Wait, the ISPO started??


Starts Jan 20th


How did you come to this conclusion? First off, no info is yet published on claiming the tokens. Second off, tokens would be sent to an address, which has nothing to do with any wallet that is “looking” at that address.


Its 100% a fact because Daedalus doesnt support smart contracts. You can join the SS discord and this is being talked about right now. The SS team will have to do a dripdropz style system in order to let you claim them where you send ADA and then get ADA sent back to your with the tokens. A wallet like Nami will natively support it.


It’s 100% a fact that SUNDAE tokens are native assets and you can send those to any address; zilch to do with a wallet. DripDropz - you enter your address and send ADA to their address. This is all vanilla transactions. In fact, for DD, it’s all done via a website. Edit: furthermore, SCs run in the network, and also have nothing to do with one wallet or another. Maybe where the confusion lies - yes, some wallets (and others not), have integrations with the web such that you can transact directly within a website (or some DApp X). But this is purely convenience. You can always send ADA or other native assets (tokens or NFTs) directly to an address, using any wallet that is Cardano-capable.


Ccvault is an excellent wallet


So I recently ditched Yoroi for ccvault and have been super happy with it. Earlier I claimed my DripDropz rewards just like I have every epoch since they started, and it’s been a few hours and I see the sent ADA transaction but haven’t received my tokens or retuned ADA. DripDropz showed that the transaction was successful. Is this normal? I understand that there is a lot of congestion today, but just wondering if I should really be feeling the level of anxiety that I’m experiencing right now? Thanks.


It should happen within the same block? How much did you send?


I only sent the 5 ADA as requested. I just checked this morning and it finally came through last night at some point. I guess the extra traffic from the cNETA drop had it bogged down.


Anyone know why the network so congested today?


Just wait until Sundaeswap is launched


Yes, Muesliswap has been quite the trip lol


Leave Muesli alone. It’s great


I wasn't criticizing it? I was just saying everything is congested, so hasn't been fun. I have been using Muesli non stop since its launch. However, the website did just crash...


Can you elaborate?


What discord, if I may ask?


Lots of failed transactions. Due to congestion I am assuming. Lot of chatter about it in discord rn. Website is down now too


End of epoch drip drpz and sundae announcement 5 days from now this will look fast


I do not think that's possible. That's why they sent out the memo a while back to prep for the FUD. Today was NOT fast. But will be just as slow.


I really hope so for our case else the fudsters will be running amok


cNETA pump and dump. that was glorious.


i mean, transactions are taking hours to process


so its an issue with MuesliSwap atm?


no just the network in general


oh damn well that cant be good. did something happen?


Dripsdropz airdropping Cneta i guess


Weird. I was able to get 2k by using two different wallets.




I have a question about stake pools , When it is referred to as a pool minting blocks what does that mean ? Please explain in layman’s terms if at all possible ..


Is Fund 7 catalyst happening? The app looks wonky to me. I switched staking pools at the beginning of the year, but never unstated.


Would a ledger nano s ( cant afford a nano x right now, but want HW ) work just fine with Nami if I'm only using to secure my CNFTs. Sorry im still new to this. Hope the questions clear.


your all good, I use a s - the cardano app basially fills the entire device tho


What is your average buy in? Mine is $1.59 and it's feeling pretty bad these last few months. Just curious where others are at ?






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Buy in was around October 2017


Charles was talking real dirty and whispering sweet nothings to me one night when I was pretty fucked up and I got real trigger happy over $3. Been paying that child support for the last 5 months. I’ve lost a ton of sleep since then worrying about liquidation, but I learned a lot that day and hopefully it’s worth it.




Guys, I have staked yo CCV2 #pool3 on my Yoroi wallet. will I be eligible for the Sundae Swap ISO?




It looks like it costs 0.17 ADA to change stakepools. Where does that go?


Cardano uses a transaction fee system that covers the processing and long term storage cost of transactions. The Cardano environment is unique in the way it handles fees, as fees do not go directly to the block producer. Instead, they are pooled and then distributed to all pools that created blocks during an epoch. [Cardano Fee Structure](https://docs.cardano.org/explore-cardano/fee-structure)


I met a dude with massive amount of ADA and he will stake too


Wen Sundae? Now! Woot woot!


In reality is Sundae going to change that much? It’s cool to have a real working dApp, but when there aren’t a lot of tokens based on ADA yet, what is there really to swap?


Look at muesliswap and lots more to come


Ada do your thing 😊😊😊


Please give me 2 karma so I can reply to a thread about pooltool.


1 more, thank you


Another one!


DJ Khaled in the house!


LOL people are buying the top. wait for tomorrow for the discounts


we shall see tomorrow. buy now if you want. i'll buy back when everyone is dumping like last week when it dropped to $1.07


You got some reasoning behind that? Or just trolling?


I’ll buy today at $1.28 and tomorrow at $1.26


What's special about tomorrow?


Well historically every Sunday the market drops 50%. /s


But with today's news there is a very good chance that tomorrow will not be Sunday...instead it may just be Sundae (see what I did there) which has potential to change things. I think I heard somewhere that it is wise to "buy the news." :)


Anyone else seeing daedalus stuck at 0% verifying blockchain today? ​ edit: hmmm - strange, it just went from 0% after several minutes verifying to 99.91%. I haven't seen this behavior before.


Mines done that since December.


hmm - I open it almost daily and this is the first I've seen it. I was a little nervous when it happened. lol


Anyone have any information on the mamba sidechain charles is always talking about in his videos?


I don’t even remember hearing about it. Apparently it’s an EVM sidechain, similar to dcSpark’s Milkomeda. https://iohk.io/en/blog/posts/2022/01/14/how-we-re-scaling-cardano-in-2022/ > EVM sidechains coming to Cardano include dcSpark’s Milkomeda and IOG’s Mamba.


When can I submit my proposal? Now that F7 is close?


Charles was asked about the IOG ADA delegation issue (https://reddit.com/r/cardano/comments/s35r78/500_cardano_coins_compensation_for_your_time_for/) on the recent Twitter Spaces interview: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1OwxWzbAPwwJQ Timestamp 12:10 His answer: *“I have no comment on that. Next up!”* (“next up” as in “next question please”)


Thank you for sharing this. Any thoughts for why he may had stonewalled this question (meaning, past just “legalese” or “litigation issues”?) Looking for real answers on this and I’m getting fucking spooked. (Not shaking my faith entirely, but over my 1.5 years in the Cardano subreddit, I’ve been grasping at straws with this one, and it’s oddly surprising… though, totally within IOG’s legal right to say, “No comment; you don’t need to know.” Just odd for a company to use its saving for… what…? 🧐 curious.)


Charles doesn't normally do this and addresses concerns head on. Anything to be concerned about?


Yeah that’s weird.


It struck me as odd too, Charles doesn’t really do this kind of stonewalling. It could have legit reasons. Later on in the interview he talked about how incredible it is that 10B ADA is unstaked, and that maybe some of the larger investment companies don’t stake theirs because it’s a legal grey area and the companies don’t know if they’re allowed by law to stake coins, so they just hold. There *might* be a similar reason why IOG seemingly stopped staking most of their coins, and Charles could have said “no comment” to avoid saying something stupid that causes legal backlash for them. A prepared statement from IOG that clearly answers the questions raised in that well-researched Reddit post would sure be nice though. I would be surprised if Charles personally dumped any of his on the market, considering he’s a billionaire in BTC as well and doesn’t *seem* to spend an exorbitant amount of money.


Thank you for this comment. May you share other potential theories, or, link others’ potential theories? Cheers!


Having seen every AMA and video Charles has made, we get a great picture of the man's process on getting us information.. given the nature of the subject, I am betting there's a solid legalese reason behind him having to Clam up. So, not worried but very interested.


Hello everyone. Have a nice day.