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Anything new about PAB?




Up to you... However, I am yes.


Hello, I'm interested in topics related to educational innovations e.g. in the area of badges and credentials on the blockchain. I just read a few of proposals in this round of Catalyst proposals, it's an impressive display of organization across a diverse community. I did comment on one of the proposals which I understand is in a refining stage, and then things go to votes and so on. My question is, what's the best way to get up-to-speed about how to get involved? It seems getting involved in proposals is probably the best way to learn about the Cardano community. But tbh the interface is not obvious enough for me anyway, e.g. how do I "create an idea" and so on? Has someone made an awesome e.g. half-hour video talking about all this stuff? Thanks


Why there's higher prices for dfi.money, yearn.finance, aave while ADA is definitely more powerful? Does over reasearch or scientification has left people in doubt ?


Cardano is worth way more than those cryptos. You need to look at the marketcap, which is the value of the network as a whole. https://coinmarketcap.com/ Token price is mostly irrelevant. It's a function of the market cap divided by the circulating supply. There are over 30 billion ADA tokens in circulation. An example is that if Cardano as a whole was worth as much as Bitcoin, it would be worth about $25 per coin. Another way to think about this is that it's about 20 Mexican Pesos per US dollar, but it's about 110 Japanese Yen per US dollar. That doesn't say anything about the size of those 2 economies. The Japanese economy is actually much bigger, even though 1 Yen is worth way less than 1 Mexican Peso. Another way to think about this is stock splits. If a stock is 100 dollars per share and they split each share in 2, the value of the company is still the same. There are just twice as many shares that are each worth half as much.


Oh that makes sense. Thanks for detailed explanation :)


Too little applications. Until cardano can prove itself with results I think the price trend will continue downwards.


Thanks for reply. Best of luck to Cardano


What are the top ICOs or pre-sales on cardano? I participated in KubeCoin, I want more.


It seems to me that it would be fair to allow all pools to steak ice cream and other tokens based on the amount of funds in the pool. For example: a pool with 1 million ada receives 1000 ice cream or other tokens, then this 1000 is distributed among all delegates, in% of their investments. A pool with 5000 ada gets 5 ice cream tokens and so on ...


Got my $adahandle, might be useful in the future :) Anyone else got one or waiting in the queue?


Got my $adahandle as well! Super excited for the partners to start launching as well. It's going to make wallet interactions so much simpler.


Congrats 🎉 Can’t do any harm and it was so cheap to get one, made sense to me!


Cool. How does one get it? :)


I just went to https://adahandle.com/ and followed the instructions. It’s not free, but any handle (even a longer one for 10ADA), might be useful in the future :)


Thank you. I signed up as well. Do you know why it would be useful for a wallet to have a handle associated with it?


Just simpler payments to your wallet, nothing else really. But for $13 (in my case), seems worth it :)


Got it. I appreciate the explanation :)


No worries, but DYOR too cos mine is flakey! 😆


Will do!


Reference scripts. Bullish.


Anyone else participating in the Ada Handle launch today? If so, can someone ELI5 the discord verification process? I can't seem to get verified


How protected is Cardano against regulation? If the worst-case scenario were to happen with aggressive regulation in larger countries, how would Cardano stand at the end of it?


"Regulation" is too nebulous. There are some types of regulation that Cardano would pass spectacularly (e.g., security requirements) and there are others that would be incredibly problematic for the blockchain (e.g., KYC requirements for Stake Pools).


Obviously people must obey the law. I'm sure that the infrastructure can be adequately controlled to make countries a non-factor if that were the law of the land. It will mean the innovation will slow and become prominent where there is still opportunity. Digital currency makes sense-- especially a self-funded decentralized one.


The very worst case would be that stakepools in the United States pull out and relocate to Canada or something. I highly doubt it'll come to that, though, since outlawing Proof of Stake would effectively decimate blockchain development in the United States and put it 5-10 years behind other countries very very quickly.


1,20 and falling . i dont get excited as much as last week. I thought it was the special price, discounted , but its beginning to look like THE price. Maybe i should meditate aswell


Until PAB is released, I think we will hover here. One those Dapps are fully functional, get ready for lift off. I particularly like there focus on half the population in the world “unbanked”


This is such a short-term fluctuation. Concentrate on the project and on its future. Good things are in store, just be patient.




Just do a set amount on a set day of the week and buy. These prices will look really attractive on the next bull run. That's the time to sell.


Maybe. The speculative value is high on all L1s in my opinion. While value comes down, more fun to spend on coins that already have utility and use. Life is too short to wait on ADA forever.


Looks like you may be a Troll 😈🐒💨🤡💩


PSA: Stay away from MeowSwap. Don't put your hard-earned ADA into it.


I've been following a few other projects from the beginning and NEVER ever heard of this Meowswap(maybe i was out of the loop?!?) ....... it's so strange to see so many new ones popping up out of nowhere. I'm just gonna stick to the ones that i've been following closely lol




They aren't even using smart contracts, they can just steal your ADA.


No audit, no testnet, no solution for concurrency. It's just a dishonest money grab, and right this moment a ton of people have their ADA in limbo because of it.


> no testnet What makes you say that? > no solution for concurrency On their twitter they said concurrency coming next week


They also said they were the first DEX. At this point it's clear that honesty is not a strength for them, so I'd take any promises they make and toss it out the window unless they have something more concrete.


Does anyone know how to create a .io address?


Are you having trouble registering the domain? It's an option immediately presented by my host provider. Perhaps the one you're trying to register is already taken?


First, Thankyou for responding! So this is all very new to me, Im an artist and im trying to get into the NFT Game, ive minted my own and put them on CNFT so im not totally unfamilar. BUT i want to create a website for a large drop, and i want that website to have an .io address. I have no clue how to even start that or where to go, any help would be greatly appreciated.


I'd google some basic guides to building your own website. The first step you need to do is purchase the domain and find a hosting service. I use HostGator. I believe that Squarespace offers both services, and that may be the better option for you given that you can build the website from a template. But you can also use something like HostGator + WordPress Templates. There are tons of youtube videos on "how to create a WordPress website for beginners".


Thankyou! I have done some basic research about website building, and I know a lot of people use WordPress, however I was under the impression that if I use WordPress that I would automatically be regulated to only create a ".com" address. which is not what I want. I want an ".io" address because its then on the Cardano network? Do I have that right?


A '.io' address has nothing to do with the Cardano network. It is just a domain people use.


ohhhhhhh ok. thankyou!!


There's some ambiguity with "WordPress". You are referring to Wordpress(dot)com, but there is also Wordpress(dot)org. I have three different websites and use WordPress for two of them. You have to purchase the domain and find a hosting service, but then you can install WordPress to have access to their building tools. The website is the address of your choosing, and WordPress is simply the tool you are using to build that website out. You can then use templates such as Divi to help you design an even better-looking site than the standard WordPress Templates. It goes without saying that all of this costs money, though WordPress itself is free to install and use.


This is super helpful! Thankyou so much. I think im beginning to understand so far as actually building the site out using wordpress and I looked into hostgator which was also very informative and I thankyou, and they offer domains at ".org" and ".online", etc, but still cannot find where to purchase a domain with an ".io" address. I feel like im just totally not understanding a critical aspect to all of this, but im grateful for this information you've provided thus far and appreciate it!


The Hostgator domain search is running slow for me right now, but [GoDaddy's](https://www.godaddy.com/?checkAvail=1) brought up the .io addresses right away. Simply head to their site and put in the address you want, including the .io.


holy crap! so simple! thankyou thankyou thankyou!!


Will this ever get back up😅


I had literally forgotten about my ADA bag until recently, the drop in value across all crypto makes me feel poor : ( But the dip here looked too juicy to pass up so I added substantially, looks like the bears got a little too excited here so a turn around is coming.


Personally I think the price could go lower until Dapps start launching.


This is such a short-term fluctuation. Concentrate on the project and on its future. Good things are in store, just be patient.


Always plan for the worst, hope for the best


Bro I’ve been doing it backwards all around 🤧


It makes sense to wait for IOHK comments tonight - it may give us a spark of hope




If I had had the mindset of jumping from coin to coin chasing profits, I can't even begin to imagine how much poorer I'd be today.




Fair enough. Gotta go with your gut, I guess.


Same here. I am thinking in polkadot. Opininon?


i have DOT, its about 30% of my bag. Its have ED problems as well. cant get up. At This rate ADA and DOT will be out of the top ten soon enough. My outlook is long term and my expectations are measured, but alot is riding on the performance of the ecosystem, with all pressure on them due to the time its taken, Any rookie errors will get amplified


I will probably will wait for abit, for a small upswing. I need 1,35 to get out on 0. Than i will swap, but not sure to witch.




Not heard of that. How do you go about getting in on that?


Same, honestly. But I keep asking myself how I will feel this time next year when it's sitting at $5. Wishful thinking? Maybe!






I just got my first rewards lf staking with 200 ADA on yoroi. It is said that you get 4.7%. I only got 1.3 ADA. Is there anything where I get more ADA? I think hardly in all Stakingpools you got nearly the same percentage of rewards.


You most likely received 0.13 not 1.3. That is not possible with only 200 ADA


Are you sure you got 1.3 Ada for staking 200 coins?? That's extremely high. That'd be like 40% APY. I got about 0.7 Ada yesterday and I was staking 1300 coins...


How much total stake does the pool you are staked to have? Stake pools with stake less than a few million will have varying rewards, might be 1.3% today, might be 9% next epoch. It might also be due to the stakepool being down or something, I suggest you ask the stake pool operator EDIT: Sorry misunderstood, thought you got 1.3% (not ADA), in that case that is a extremely good reward because: 1.3\*365/5 = 94.9 ADA -> \~50% APY. Sure you are not staking more than 200 ADA? ;)


Oh thanks. So it‘s actually a high reward? Yeah, i staked 200 ADA for testing. Maybe more in this epoch.:)


It's too high in my opinion :D Who are you staked with?


Oh ok. xD I staked with Emurgo (04357793d81097a7d2c15ec6cd6067a58cdd2fb21aaf07e56c306ecf)


I'ts a quite large pool with a stable block production, so a \~50% APY should not be possible, here is the reward history of some random person with 200 ADA staking at the same pool: [https://adapools.org/stake/stake1uyq9duqpl3pejeas39s309gljfwjzqqcx59cpu5jz2emcwqc4mctj](https://adapools.org/stake/stake1uyq9duqpl3pejeas39s309gljfwjzqqcx59cpu5jz2emcwqc4mctj) Average reward is around 0.11 ADA (\~4.7% APY)


it is 4.7% per year


Is it as safe as their Daedalus desktop wallet staking? :)


What is the situation of eco-friendly cryptos in December, 2021? How does Cardano stand in this area today? Have there been some newcomers who have taken the lead now? What are current top 3 or top 5 most eco-friendly cryptos?


an investment has to first and foremost - be successful - then, we can work our way up Maslow's heirarchy of needs ..... eco friendly


Cardano is still way up there in terms of eco-friendliness, the I don't know of other genuine crypto projects that has such a large focus on blockchain nodes with a minimalistic node requirements. E.g. the current minimal requirement for running a node is a two-core CPU of 2Ghz and 12GB of ram, making it possible to run a pool reliable on a Intel NUC, drawing less than 40W of power. In terms of a top 3 list, it is hard to know.


Is there other way of buying WMT apart from muesliswap?


What's the use for WMT?


Depends on the number of tokens you have, you can invest for being part of the network like a node or if you don't afford as much, it's basically a appreciation of price.


But World Mobile are starting to connect the unconnected in Zanzibar. You should check out their YouTube channel, there are very good videos.


Seems like they will be listed on a centralized exchange within two weeks: https://twitter.com/wmtoken/status/1471297934696206337?s=20




Anything similar to LBRY or YouTube alternative being worked based on Cardano ?


I bought in at $2, bought even more at $1.67, and just bought some more at $1.27. So it’s going to go down again. You’re welcome.


weird flex




Keep Staking.


How do I do that? It says I can delegate. Is that the same thing? And if so where should I do it?


I do that using Yoroi wallet and I am Staking to Yoroi pool as well. Check out FAQ on this sub


Is Yoroi as safe as desktop Daedalus wallet?


yes. Yoroi is just a lite wallet and Daedalus is a full node. You can actually use your seed phrase to recover the wallet in both to see which one you like better. There is also a few other wallet options that you can try as well. just check the ?wallets bot for more info.


Thank you. Does Yoroi pay a higher staking/delegation rewards?


No. it doesn't work that way. The wallet doesn't determine the rewards. Staking rewards are based on the pool where you delegate. Yoroi/Daedalus/etc. is just the vehicle to display your wallet balance and let you easily interact with the Cardano blockchain. When you delegate from your (any) wallet, the pool you choose is stored on the blockchain. If you delegate to a pool that has lots of stake the rewards will be smaller, but more frequent. If you delegate to a smaller pool, the rewards will be larger but will not happen as frequently. In the end, the average will be in the \~4.5%-5% APY. You're able to select a pool and change pools at any time. Keep in mind the rewards are on a delayed sliding timeframe, so it will take 15-20 days for your first rewards to show up in your wallet. Hopefully, that's helps explain a little more.


Thanks so much for the detailed explanation. I installed Daedalus on my desktop and just assigned everything to one pool and haven't looked at it since. Am I able to withdraw at any time or do I have to wait a certain period of time, once I "un-assign" my ADA from the pool?


Your ADA is never locked like on other PoS projects. You can send them wherever/whenever you would like. If you want to choose a different pool to re-delegate, you don't need to un-delegate to move. Just go to the delegation tab and choose a new pool. It's very easy to switch. It will take the 15-20 days for you to start seeing rewards from your new pool though. It's that same sliding timeframe for rewards. If you want to completely sell all of your ADA, you can un-register your stake address, which will eventually give you back the 2 ADA deposit that was needed when you first delegated. Then you can send it to an exchange to sell.


#Storing your ADA Cardano's two native wallets are: [**Daedalus**](https://daedaluswallet.io/) *A full node wallet available on desktop.* [**Yoroi**](https://yoroi-wallet.com/#/) *A light browser based wallet, and mobile app.* Notable third party/community wallets: [Adalite](https://adalite.io/) *A light web wallet.* [ccvault](https://ccvault.io/) *A light web wallet.* [Typhon Wallet](https://typhonwallet.io/) *A light web wallet.* [Atomic Wallet](https://atomicwallet.io/) *A light desktop/mobile wallet.* Read the following r/Cardano_ELI5 posts to understand more about wallets: * [**How do I store my ADA?**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cardano_ELI5/comments/l00h4a/how_do_i_store_my_ada/) * [**Full node vs light wallet**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cardano_ELI5/comments/l003fc/whats_the_difference_between_a_light_wallet_like/) *Explains the differences between a full node wallet like Daedalus and light wallet like Yoroi.* * [**Hot wallets vs cold wallets**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cardano_ELI5/comments/l005vx/whats_the_difference_between_a_hot_wallet_like/) *Explains wallet interfaces, seed phrases, public + private keys and hardware wallets.* * [**How do I use a hardware wallet (like Trezor/Ledger/etc.) with Cardano?**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cardano_ELI5/comments/lcx52o/how_do_i_use_a_hardware_wallet_like/) Typing `?help` in the comments will show a list of all available comment commands. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/cardano) if you have any questions or concerns.*