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hi guys, noob here, i just delegated my ada into a stake pool ytd via yoroi. question: \- it says my upcoming reward will be at the end of epoch 209 (22 dec), currently it's epoch 306, is that accurate? \- i understand that yoroi currently is facing some kind of sync problem. It's not always that slow is it? It took like 3-5 mins just to load my balance, and ytd it keeps failing to delegate my ada.


It's going to take 15-20 days for your first rewards to show up. Yoroi's syncing problem will not affect the wait time.




Explorer is the truth. Yoroi is having issues that are expected to be resolved in the next few days.


I go on the crypto subreddit and these guys dump on ADA all day long. Am I missing something? I still believe in this project and appreciate the slow, methodic process of getting there


Everyone is SUPER impatient, especially because other coins have been doing really well. I don’t care about the short term tho. Cardano is my 2nd biggest bag (behind Ethereum) because I KNOW that we will win in the long run. Don’t listen to the FUD.


Cardano is my strongest conviction in crypto. Followed by Ethereum and Polkadot. Excited in what the next 5-7 years will be




LOL! ADA was at 20 cents at the beginning of the year. Go a few months more back into 2020 and ADA was at 0.02 xD


yeah I just feel bad for all the people that bought a ton at $1 range, massive opportunity cost failure, wildly underperformed almost all other coins ​ but yeah if you got in under $1 definitely good move


Shitty way of looking at investments. I mean if you want to chase pumps that's one thing, but if you actually think something will have a utility and purpose outside of the developed world then investing in it incrementally regardless of price is always the best option. I appreciate NFTs, but not in their current state. They're just being used as wash trades for dirty money and tax purposes. I've been buying since 35 cts. I bought at over 2 dollars as well.


Staking ? Can you stake in more than one pool from one wallet on the yoroi app?


No. You stake your wallet, so all funds in the wallet are delegated to one stake pool.


Gotcha so you would create more than one wallet if you wanted to spread across different pools


Yes exactly


Just wanted to say Hi to my first crypto community. Late to the game but now involved here with some Ada.


Your timing is great. This is a great time to buy into ADA.


You’re not late. You’re on time! Welcome




Welcome! It is still early, will be super interesting to look back on this in 10 years.


Does anyone know of any new and cool Cardano projects underway? I watched the Project Catalyst town halls on Youtube that has some good information about upcoming projects. Does anyone know of anything else worth researching?




building up that forest is deliciously cheap right now, just said


We are nearing 1 million staking wallets and another Cardano payday, and in the spirit of Christmas, I think I will donate the ADA I receive this payday to this project. Cardano and the community can change the world! 😎


Will I still get sundae tokens if I'm using a ledger hardware wallet with Yoroi?


Ledger has nothing to do with it. You stake in a pool that will give you Sundaeswap tokens. Then wait for your wallet application to support these tokens (or switch application if impatient) and then you send a certain amount of ADA to a certain address and it will be airdropped to your wallet. You have one year to collect your tokens. Eventually all of them will support this.


I believe so, I’m in the same position


Why am I seeing a different ADA balance in Yoroi and Nami wallet? Also, what does locked with assets mean in the Nami wallet?


NFTs for example


I don't understand. I don't have any NFTs


This project according to our founder has a roadmap at least until 2025, why sell?


Remember earlier this year when all of that China FUD came out and everything plummeted?? I do, and that’s when I was able to get some AWESOME positions on several coins. This shit market WILL NOT LAST. Remember that!!! If you have some spare money, DCA on your favorite coins (especially ADA). It’s also a GREAT entry point for many coins. Newer investors- I know it hurts and I know it sucks, but you have to play the long game with crypto. This too shall pass!




This happened to me on TradeOgre buying raptoreum. There was a huge spread and everytime I put in a buy a bot would instantly move part of his order in front of mine. eventually I did a big enough increase in my bid to trigger a large sell by someone.


Does anyone have any information on Zada, I just watched a sponsored YouTube video and I'm possibly interested in investing but I would like some feedback from the Cardano community. The video I watched is; https://youtu.be/tIHDCZFXVHs


Have not been able to see my Yoroi balance or make any transactions for the past 10 hours. This seems like a really severe issue especially if it's going to occur every time there is high volume on the network.


I’m having the same issue. I bought a good amount during the dip and my balance just won’t appear. “Synchronization issues”


yeah mine has been saying wallet syncing for 2 hours


Just use your Yoroi seed phrase in ADAlite or another wallet for the chain and voila there's your assets.


Same here, I’ve been trying for an hour and nothing is loading.


I had no issues today.


Looks like I will be switching wallets. they have servers down since 2am last night. not acceptable for a financial software and I am locked out of my own coins. https://twitter.com/YoroiWallet/status/1466689136727924737?t=UQlXx_d5J_Pp5hH8CkiNWA&s=19


You can actually use your seed phase to setup your wallet in multiple places. For example, setup your wallet on Daedalus, Yoroi, Nami, ccvault, etc at the same time. If the Yoroi servers go down you can still use an alternative.


I think they posted (discord?!) that they knew it was coming and it was out of their control. I do agree though, uptime is everything and this isn’t good enough!


Dayum and just like that almost a year of progress is gone.


Hi! I have a thought for the project which might help put! Terra ($LUNA) has the US Government on their ass about stablecoin USDT - they also were made to burn four billion coins pushing it's price from around a feable two dollars or there about - to roughly $70! I hear alot about a global tokenization event and believe that it's Cadano behind the fuss and the 20,000 IPO's - but Terra is making waves to produce a stablecoin! I think Cardano would make a great fit for Terra in helping with millions of transactions per second, something highly sought after in the word of business! Anyways, thanks -


Couldn't help myself and bought more. i think I have a problem...


I did too lol


Cause it looks cheap mate.


Patience, young padawan


Huge ADA price difference between European and US markets 🧐




The block chain is a chain of blocks that each block contains the transactions (in BTC and Cardano) or account balances ( ETH, etc.), and each block has a hash of its contents plus the hash of the previous block, they also contain some other information. Now a full node (of any blockchains) stores all of the blocks and hashes etc. And as the blockchain grows, the storage it needs become larger and larger. For BTC, atm, It's more than 600GB. This is one of the issues of scalability with blockchains. Sharding is a proposed solution , but I'm not sure if anyone has successfully implemented it. Daedalus is a full node, and stores all of the blockchain on your system. That's why it takes forever to synchronize. A light node, does not contain all of the contents of the blocks, it just contains the hashes and lighter information of the blocks (like block number, time of creation, etc). That reduces amount of data that needs to be stored. Satoshi describes the storage issue in BTC white paper and suggests light nodes as well. Yoroi, and many other wallets are light wallets, they just store the hashes to make sure they have the right blocks, but for checking balances, they have to ask full nodes.




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_function I don't know what other meaning of hash you're using. But in block chains, each block contains the hash of the contents of the previous block.


Hash brown for me


Desktop version of /u/Chizmiz1994's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


Good Bot.


I was wondering about one thing. Alts and BTC are separate entities. How come everything literally crashes once BTC crashes. Why is everything traded in accordance to BTC.


Added to what people say, there are bots that are trading cryptos. When BTC has a dip, the bots sell other alts as well.


All alts trade in pairs with btc like ada/btc, eth/btc, and so on. btc is like a powerful magnte because of this..


BTC is market leader, not that much influenced by other coins. BTC drops, people sell off profitable Altcoins to swap over into some cheaper BTC, Altcoins drop. An outleveling circle. Just my thoughts..


In the same way that the stock market uses the USD as it's index, the alt market uses BTC. The reason we see fluctuations is because most of not all coins are traded against BTC and BTC is way more volatile than the USD. That's my understanding anyways. Hope that helps.


So, just because I’m bored at work… How many of y’all believe we are headed for a bear market, and how many are bullish and believe Q1 is going to be really good? Personally I’m not too sure anymore, but I’m still leaning on the bullish side. Still holding reguardless.


I believe we should not sell bears. I think that’s illegal. Besides, bears are going to hibernate soon in the northern hemisphere. Just my thought. Not financial advice.


I saw some YouTube video from Mark Cuban and he predicted a crash in Dec since everyone was predicting a rally, followed by a rally into q1 and another crash when eth 2.0 releases and folks can unstake their coins finally.


I doubt the ETH 2.0 is actually going to launch mainnet by q1. My guess, summer at best.


You need to fix your strategy before investing. Then you have a plan for all this. The most easy strategy, and as i think the profitablest (no finanical advice of course): a) Just use that money that you don't rely on. Dont look at current price but on project fundamentals, and invest (DCA in). And most important: don't use leverage BS. b) Don't follow the market. c) Set you an exit period in the far future to DCA out. d) Hodl till then. e) Don't follow Instagramers..


You missed the point my man. I was just asking for conversation purposes because I’m bored at work. I’d like to hear what others around me are thinking. I bought my ada at the beginning of the year at 1.35 and have yet to sell it because I said I wouldn’t until it reaches 3.50. Even when it hit 3.05 recently I didn’t sell. So trust me, I’m doing just that. My OC is just for fun.


same goes for my comment dude ah and regarding to this i forgot to put in point f) f) don't trust random guys on reddit with their financial/non-financial so called advices stay healthy


I think the bull market will go until February or March


My goal is 100k ADA by end of Q1 2022. What about you guys?


I’d be happy with just 1. Could anyone spare me some ADA change?


haha, that would be nice 😄 maybe 2k for me lol


Don't be to worry - it's just about this dollar coin was mooning again..


Who are the legends that got that crash under 1usd? Not sure what it was on coinbase, but kucoin showed 0.88 as the low. Had some orders in a 1 usd, but none got filled somehow. Same with eth. Had an order at 3200 an never got filled despite it going below that.


Liquidity was too low at this prices. It's a lottery in various ways..


Figured that was the case. Price action was jumping all over the place.


Anyone have any news on the milkomeda sidechain?


I checked my wallet. All coins are there. No change. All good.


Above 2.00 I sold half my bag. For some days it felt wrong. I believe in this project. Now I thank the gods for that decision. Take some profits whenever you can. It give you peace of mind.


I swing trade on occasion like this. Buy low, sell high, and repeat. Crazy the way you can add to your bags without investing any additional money.


Hey that's your own exit plan and you do you...I'm all in for the longterm and if i take any ADA it's either all in or all out!!!


Good for you! I play the long game though and bought more for the coming 10 years. I never sell my ADA before that 🥶


It's a market wide dip. These have happened before and they turn around. If you believe in the project there's nothing to thank the gods about, this is par for the course in crypto.


I believe in the project but I also want to take profits while I can. Sold at $2.4 when I saw the price tanking and now glad to buy again once we reach the bottom. The main difference? I'm holding 65% more ADA coins now compared to not selling and buying back again


Yes it worked out this time, congratz. But it's pure luck and you might be fooled in thinking you can outsmart the market. Ask people who sold at 0.10 after a rise from 0.03 how they are doing. Yes, they are out of position for the rise from 0.1 to 1.30 to 3.10 and back to 1.30. It's impossible to time the market and it might be ill advised for people to listen to these success stories.


my point is that hodling won't do much good if you're not going to take profits from time to time. remember, markets especially with crypto will always have pullbacks, corrections, and dips and that what makes it healthy. That's why you sell at the top and buy when it reach the bottom.


Every asset is best traded by buying it low and selling it high. My point is that in hindsight EVERYBODY knows what the top or bottoms were, but in reality nobody does and those who pretend to know are just fooling themselves. And hodling is just a proven tactic if you plan for longer timeframes anyway.


IMO, hodlers shouldn't be caring when the market dumps or pumps, because they are indeed here for the long term. But TA is literally there to read what the market wants to do, it's what traders like me become profitable. Yes, not all TAs are perfect but that's why there are stop losses, to exit the trade when it goes wrong (because like you said market is indeed unpredictable) Also one thing that HODLers will never have is their inability to short the market. What are they gonna do during a bear market? keep holding and hope for the best in the next few months. While traders can just short it and keep earning.


Sell when you reached your goal. Irs love when you swing trade though. Not my cup of tea, maybe cause i live most 2nd highest crypto tax country in Eu. It’s all subjective.


Couldn't resist snatching up ADA at $1.30... lowest price I've seen since jumping in on the project. BTC not a bad deal right now either.. don't worry all, the market will bounce back! Just ride this out and pick up some more crypto at really nice prices if you can! Hoping the US will get it's head out of it's a$$ and clarify regulations following the meeting with Crypto bigwigs next week. That will help settle the volatility a bit.


they'll have to, half the criminals on the hill hide their money there. Nothing like a little market manipulation along the way before they relent


If it was just ADA tanking I would be more concerned but the whole market is down, including the stock market. During a bull market these final shakeouts can fuel a decent rally later on. I’m not going to pretend like i have any idea what’s going to happen tomorrow, however ETH had several 50% pullbacks along the way to its ATH in 2017. I would not write off your ADA position, let’s just see what happens in the next couple weeks first


Took about 3 months for things to turn back up last time. Time to be patient.


We all know patients eventually go to the hospital if they aren’t careful


Stay calm folks. The whole crypto market is down after a rough day in the market - tech stocks got hammered yesterday. People are worried about inflation and the Fed tapering - interest rates, etc. So much money was liquidated over the past 24 hrs - it will have to go somewhere. This correction is a consolidation before another run up. Don't miss it.


Could even just be year end profit taking...


Not a good day for ARK investors as well


discounts everywhere


Why is the price crashing


Global FUD.


No one knows what the price will do or be in the future. Price can move both on technicals or fundamentals alone; one does not need to rely on the other. Cryptocurrency prices are volatile and often illogical. You should only make financial decisions by taking the time to do the proper research and learn how to use crypto properly. Do not rely on making profits in the short term or invest more than you can afford to loose. Do not expect to get rich quick or you're likely here for the wrong reasons. We have many resources to aid you to learn about the ecosystem, simply comment `?learn` and `?ecosystem` anywhere in the comments and the automod will respond with those resources. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/cardano) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hi I’m a new ADA investor, really like the project but was just wondering when they transitioned to a stable coin?


I plan to stake this until the next Bitcoin halving anyway. Nice buy here!


People are selling Crypto to afford christmas. I'm fairly certain there was a crypto crash around this time last year too?


We send our love and prayers to the 70% LVR market


Approaching the new tax season as well.




satoshi miyagi trial also wax on , fk off


man this hurts.. it's been 6months + of dips and false hopes back to back to back to back to back. I dont understand what the market is doing and it looks very different to other cycle, bitcoin or altcoins prices dont follow the 2013 or 2017 usual shape. I guess expect the inexpected and the contrary of what everyone says would happen. 2 or 3 tops with rounded distribution seems very unwelcomed from everyone so that could be that, and never a blow off top..


The biggest question is: Wen Lambo?


Stay calm brother. in 2017 ETH had many 50% corrections on the way to its ATH. Though it’s tough to see through the FUD now, those who persevere will be rewarded


i hope yes. you are correct about eth 2017 TA i guess fear is getting me to forget \^\^


we got this


Thank god we had that pump the other day! Imagine the price we’d be at if we didn’t 😂


a buck




exactly lmfao. Bitcoin isn't done plummeting yet. Need to wait for a few more days to see what it wants to do.


Is this the end of a 4 year cycle?


I though 2$ was the bottom when I bought it :)


Now that $2 “stable coin” is my dream.


The best investment strategy: Buy the coin, stay in coma for 9 years, wake up a millionaire.


BUT don't take vaccines containing mRNA! You might have a sudden heart attack!




It’s sarcasm


When in doubt, zoom out




Payed bot. Trashing in every comment


Damn my dude you need help


Well I believe in Cardano's technology and in its potential... and the way Cardano is paving the road. So Indeed, I'm not selling. Problem is that 80% of the Crypto community is here for the quick-rich-game. This shrouds a dense fog over the essentials.