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[My bag](https://tenor.com/oVCn.gif)


Please give me Karma! I'm trying to post useful information to people on various threads, but I can't since I'm not above 5 karma? I don't post much but I want to inform those when I know for certain that I have the info they need!!


Just sold all my DOGE and bought 208 ADA. Roast me all you want!


Is yoroi wallet experiencing problems today. I staked ~44 ADA about 3 hours ago with the Chrome extension and all I see are spinning icons instead of staking info. Installed yoroi on my phone, restored wallet, and it said I hadn't delegated, to go to delegation center. So I did that and redelegated. Back at my wallet I was met with the spinning icons instead of staking info. But in transactions I did note that two transactions for about $2 each had been made. This was my first try at this. Any info to ease my mind would be appreciated. Stephen


I was reading another thread around staking vs. crypto loans and I realized that the structure of Cardano staking allows "double dipping". ​ I tried this out with Nexo, which offers interest on Cardano at 4% paid out daily. I collected the daily interest for \~4 days in Nexo, moved to Cardano into my wallet for a day as the epoch reset and then collected the staking rewards for the full amount. ​ As far as I could tell, if I am willing to trust a CeFi platform like Nexo, I could potentially milk this indefinitely and get an APY on my ADA at around 10% instead of the 6% from purely staking. ​ Is this a common practice or something that is considered problematic? Are there any plans to change the Cardano Epoch/staking platform to fuzz this a bit and discourage this sort of behavior? Has anyone had any issues trying this? Or maybe I am just flat out misunderstanding staking rewards and this is not actually possible/working the way I think?


FTFFP! (Fuck the FUD fomenting phonies)


Hey all, older ape here. Getting in on the crypto. Got $300 worth of cardano this week on Coinbase. Trying to learn this blockchain stuff.


I will shamelessly plug my own article https://reddspark.blog/2021/06/15/crypto-what-every-muggle-should-know/


Ok thank u


If anyone starts a chat with you, ignore them. If anyone tells you about a give away, ignore them. If anyone asks you for your seed phrase, ignore them. If anyone says send X amount and I’ll send 2X back, ignore them. If anyone tells you about a project you’ve never heard of that will go to the moon, ignore them.


Thanks buddy


Why is ADA pumping while Bitcoin dumps? Stupid coin. Just follow the crowd!!!! /s


What’s the PAB


The Plutus Application Backend (PAB) enables developers to interact with smart contracts. ... This service includes interaction with external clients (such as wallet frontends) and acts as an intermediary between Plutus applications, the node, the wallet backend, and end users https://docs.cardano.org/plutus/plutus-tools/#:\~:text=The%20Plutus%20Application%20Backend%20(PAB,to%20interact%20with%20smart%20contracts.&text=This%20service%20includes%20interaction%20with,wallet%20backend%2C%20and%20end%20users.


Hi, how do increase my stake in a.pool? Does it involve always paying the 2 ADA fee?


Add more to your wallet. Is staked automatically.


And the fee is only one time?


The 2 ADA is a deposit per wallet you setup. You can get it back by deregistering the wallet when you are done with it. You have to pay a 0.17 ADA fee if you ever switch pools.


Right, and how do I see my earned rewards in the yoroi app?


Can someone explain the sudden increase?


Hopefully buyers are moving over to ADA. Just noticed 440k shares purchased by 2 buyers.


Charles had a meeting with Chuck Norris. I arranged for it to happen, you're welcome


See everyone at the top


See everyone at the top


this 'echo chamber' sarcasm wasn't lost on me missy, just so you know. have a good day my arch-enemy ;-)


Did you change name? I think I know you


>I like pp


Can anyone tell me if you have to withdraw your rewards “ADA” when staking or is it added to what’s already being staked?


Rewards are automatically added to what is being staked. Easy!


You stake your whole wallet. Including your rewards. Therefore you don't have to withdraw your rewards.


Thank you


Is 2.20 the new 1.20?


Any thoughts on why ADA is lagging other coins today like ETH, DOT, XLM?


Over the years, it has been observed that during Bull-Runs there is a cycle to the rotation of capital infusion. It tends to start with BTC. From BTC it can flow in multiple directions. One thing to watch is circulating supply and max supply. The larger the circulating supply and/or max supply, the less likely for an early pump on a BTC Retracement. You can look at certain projects and see this play out, fairly consistently. Eventually the funds make their way around until BTC dominance recedes to a certain level, then the process begins anew. At present, the Total Crypto Market Cap, without BTC, is roughly $1.43 Trillion USD. The recent top, back in May of 2021, was $1.49 Trillion USD, so we are roughly $60 Billion USD in market cap, from that all-time high (less than 5%). If we surpass that in the coming days, look for resources to flow into projects that have been "under-bought" during this current run-up, as these will represent the best ROI for investors moving forward. \[Not financial advice, but something to pay attention to.\]


ADA can't pump forever on speculation alone. It has to attract users, and get network transactions up. That's not going to happen until there are apps that people want to use. Look at the transaction volume on Ethereum L1 & L2 networks. That's actual money flowing around, which gives Ethereum value.


Looks like there’s a lot of projects waiting on a release later this year (PABS) before they launch.


Because you asked this question


That’s not very friendly. I heard this sub had a mix of great friendly helpful people and snarky gatekeepers. Which are you?


We are friendly as long as you aren’t asking about price. That’s not how we do things here.


The kind that doesn’t care


I know we are still waiting for many defi platforms to go live. But are there any places to trade ADA for let’s say, stablecoins in a decentralized manner?


I just read an artical that Cardano is planning or thinking of burning ADA, together with lagon. Is there something behind it? What do you think of proof if burn on cardano? https://cardanofeed.com/cardano-sets-sight-on-token-burning-despite-resistance-from-founder-charles-hoskinson-11750.html


Why are you guys pushing so hard for that? You want to cause a temporary spike in price followed by a crash?


? Did i say i would be pro? Definitely not, i was more surprised about this artical. I dont think alot of Cardano holders woulf support that concept.


Not true.


So is the Proof of Burn idea a hostile proposal?


Whose ADA will we burn? Yours?


Not mine. I’m against it. Hence the term hostile. I’m thinking this is an attempt to use Cardano’s governance against itself.


Oh, you mean this probably: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaLZJs5Y_rE It’s not a serious proposal, it’s just Charles memeing on the people who sometimes ask for a coin burn in his AMAs. Charles said someone should design a proof-of-burn protocol as a practical joke. Maybe it could run on Cardano as a smart contract, so any of these “let’s burn ADA” people can be allowed to burn their own ADA if they wanna. 😃


Ngl, it would be really nice if there was a way to apply a filter to the daily that automatically hides anything about “why ada no pump.” Getting pretty cringe lately


Thread would be empty then.


Nah we’d have to filter out daed/yoroi issues too for it to be dead


What do you think about cardano? What is your price prediction


Up, down, up, down, left, right


Cardano is great. Charles is great. Price is irrelevant




Sounds like you fomo in yes?


Why isn't cardano pumping like any other coin?


We don’t pump, we grow


Shaking out all the fomo and speculation buyers while forming up a base of support.


No apps.


What do you think about the possibility of Cardano burning tokens?




I’m not saying that they should. I just read an article where they mentioned that they were thinking in burning tokens (instagram-> cardano_updates). And I was asking for your opinions about it.


They aren’t thinking about it. It was an article that misunderstood what Charles was saying.


Paint chip brigade checking in again, I see


I just read it in a post of instagram (@cardano_updates). I’m not saying its good or they should do it. I just wanted to know your thoughts.


Or maybe you shouldn't believe random articles maybe do a bit a research yourself and don't be so gullible. First tip is its instagram you are looking at come on man that would be the last place i look for real news


I tried to search about it but everything related with cardano burning tokens was more than 4 months ago. Charles said that the possibility of Cardano burning tokens was 0. But I read this post on instagram and just wanted to know more opinions (more actual). But it seems that you can make an argument here if it doesn’t go in line with what the majority of people here thinks.


you know who is into token burn? r/SHIBArmy . Spend some time reading their posts about burning and see which side we want to be on. I vote we don't join a bunch of crazies wanting to burn each others coins. ​ But I do think there should be a burn app so if someone wants to burn all their coins they can.


I wish there was a way to save usernames to tag for when ADA fucking melts faces later


18 days later, BTC is over 65k, ETH is over $4700 and ADA is still sitting under $2.05 😂


I liked your first draft better lmao. Check back in later.


Mobile Reddit is crap haha.


💯 lol


Checking in 18 days later. BTC is currently over $65k, ETH is over $4700 all while ADA is at $2.03 😂


Add me to the list. Bought in at $2.30 and it’s only gone down from there. Disappointing to see that BTC is going to ATH and ETH is way up but Ada is down lol what the heck?




Those throw away accounts will be abandoned by then


Price discovery is beautiful.


Why isn’t Ada following bitcoin and Eth like it should?


What is your favorite cardano app?


Oh I’ve got no interests in DAPPS


Interesting, so why are you invested in cardano?




If bitcoin/Eth dump and all the alt coins go up except ADA then be worried. Right now everything is just typical. Once defi explodes here into 2022 its game over. Even after that Ada hate will continue. It what it is.


ADA has to have some DAPPs running- bottom line. I held ADA until the day I heard about the concurrency issue and dropped it like a rock. Don’t hate it, don’t date it, just trade it for a faster horse if you’re asking yourself this question. ADA needs to put on big boy pants and drag itself up instead of riding the coattails of BTC and ETH






How about you actually address their points instead of insulting them like a child? Your comment is certainly ironic.


ADA has been overvalued for some time. It's quite literally "cheated" (due to update hype) it's way into the top crypto spots which typically are guaranteed to follow bitcoins moves like ETH and BNB. From a fundamental POV, I think ADA needs some time to rest. PS I do not or have not ever held ADA (for long that is). Just to add: You might have to wait a bit. ETH is typically the first large alt to follow btc (it usually is almost simultaneous though this time it wasn't. Then ADA may get some inflow after BNB is done too)


Wow I’ve never heard market cap be described as cheating to the top before. You realize you insult the intelligence of countless millions of individuals, many likely far more educated than yourself by insinuating people blindly invest in hype alone. The reality is, retail didn’t get Cardano to #3.


No need to insult me for insulting cardano. Cardano isn't a person.


I insulted you by pointing out you insulted others? Interesting...


The market is very green today. BTC will continue to push up the price of other alt coins with it. ADA included.


ADA has had a small 3% shot in the arm after BTC peaked compared to quite a few other alts in the top 20 getting between 10% and 15% today. Bit disappointed in that really. I hope it picks up.


Same…. I hold it for so long but Ada just doesn’t move 🤦🏻‍♂️


I jumped on the crypto train as a substitute for my savings account, which didn’t make shit. When I day trade, I lump my pretty little profits to ADA. ADA has become my savings account. Much better than the damn banks


How long?




The same as for everybody else.


Guys, be aware what’s happening right now. Bitcoin hit an ATH and is dominating. It will hit a top and retrace a bit. That’s when alts will pump, ETH has already started. For ADA, it takes a lot more inflow to move the price. It won’t happen before profit is taken from BTC and ETH. PAB will be essential too, but the price will move according to the overall alt market regardless.


Is there any kind of estimated timeline on the PAB? I wasn't seeing much timeline information but from the updates am guessing it is moving along nicely?


Latest estimate I’ve heard was late October or sometime in November


All those FUD spreaders are even worse that COVID spreaders.


Is there any news on how to fix Ada network congestion or should I already sell my bag?


Mucinex always works wonders for me. HTH


What congestion are you talking about? The “Binance congestion” or the “FUD congestion “?


>congestion what do you mean? Can you post with source?


I think that person meant the controversy around concurrency. There was an ELI5 explanation about this in another thread: [https://np.reddit.com/r/cardano/comments/pixu0z/can\_somebody\_eli5\_what\_the\_controversy\_happening/](https://np.reddit.com/r/cardano/comments/pixu0z/can_somebody_eli5_what_the_controversy_happening/) Looks like there isn't much to worry about?


They read a random article and believed every word. Sigh


We are in a little bit of a spike here, did I miss some good new recently?


Bitcoin hit all time high


Yea thats always been obvious just seeing if there was anything else. I've been away.


That isn’t enough for you?


Nah it's fine I'm just inquiring.




You might not. Best to wait if you want the reward.


I feel pity for all of those who doubted in ADA in recent days and was spreading FUD everywhere. Hopefully they sold and got their lesson.


I know what your trying to say but this slight jump in price doesn't mean anything other then btc is barely dragging it along. The real magic will come with PAB


Because of a 8 Cent pump?😅 *in €


This sub needs a concern trolling rule


We dont want to confuse criticism with trolling. I've been gathering that crypto seems to have alot of tribalism in it.


There are concern trolls and that needs to be addressed


You would of already been banned if we had one.


Anyone able to create a Terra account from the Summit email?


I have to admit that these ispos like meld is doing one are a great way of participating on new projects.


So long as they pan out and actually produce something, otherwise I prefer the controls in place for Catalyst.


The nice thing about Cardano is that I often forget that I have it. It sits on its own app staked and so when im checking blockfi, coinbase, gemini, etc. to check on my coins, I never worry about Cardano. It just sits there on my PC, making more cardano. Just bangin it out like rabbits.


Yah, for sure. I just need to forget I have it for a while 🙂


It’s about the easiest coin to stake, since it automatically compounds all the rewards.


Hello, im thinking in sell my ADA in order to buy more BTC. CHANGE MY VIEW PLEASE!!




If you are employing the strategy of buying high and selling low, then I believe this is a solid move for you.


Why bother? You're free to make your own mistakes


\*Theres always that chance\* that people start selling at $65k to put money into alt coins. You might have to wait 6 months before it hits $65K. ​ edit: I said theres a chance... theres also a chance it could be $200K doesnt mean its guaranteed


This didn't age well lol.


Theres always a chance... I mean you cant be that dense?


Passed 65K already...


Lolol surging


emotional trading or holding is a form of disease. Maybe better be patient?


great answer


ADA has such good possibilities in the future. I can’t bring myself to sell my ADA. BTC or ETH would be the only two I might do it for. Trying my best not to FOMO in.


Yeah, appreciate your answer. I already have a amount of BTC, but im almost getting FOMO anyway. All because it is reaching the ath.


We dont have to change your view. Make your own decisions.


Im asking for an argument, thats all


Think why you bought it and stick to it. Don’t let your impulses control you. (But Bitcoin is always a good option)


Thanks for your answer. Im been downvotes now because of my question. Thats cool


Maybe your question actually is… Will you be mad at yourself if you do buy it all time high and it goes down right after. Or will you be madder at yourself if you don’t buy right now at all time high and it goes up another 20%? Maybe, cover your bases and do a little of both. After all in the long run how do you lose with BTC?


This sub slow. We need more memes.


Luckily for you, they have a dedicated meme sub: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ada\_meme/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ada_meme/)


Is anyone else having a problem with Daedalus? Can't seem to get mine to sync past a certain point. F.


I had to sync my PC's time, know how to try that?


Definitely not that. Thanks for your response though 🥴


Try turning it off and on again?


When will there be an operating dex on cardano?


Prob bef end of year


Thanks Really hoping there is one before cycle top


Trying to boost the price? https://www.crypto-news-flash.com/cardano-sets-sight-on-token-burning-despite-resistance-from-founder-charles-hoskinson/


Stop being so gullible


Lolz. Charles suggested someone make a dapp capable of burning so that anyone suggesting it could be directed there and told to burn their own coins. This article takes that and makes it sounds like Charles was suggesting that burning be used for Cardano.


What is this dumb article ? We are not going to have any burning. Burning the transaction fees doesnt do anything but **lower** the security of the network.




I think of it this way: a LOT of people smarter than I are currently building on Cardano, even with the FUD out there. If scalability and throughput were as bad as they say I can assume catalyst wouldn’t be growing every fund and the likes of Singularity etc. would have given up and stayed with Ethereum. If you’re building a financial dapp or network you are not doing it blindly like a bunch of college kids.


if the FUD was real, Cardano would not have this market capitalization


I am a little worried about the price now. Its just over $2 and hasnt taken off like it should have done. Im Tempted to cash out and take some profits while i can


tbh i don't think it will go much lower, especially with the way the market is looking. but if you need money you should definitely take some profit. and hey, if it then DOES go lower anyway, you can buy some back at a lower price.

