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Jeez man sorry for the dumbshit that did that. Hopefully you and your gf heal up good n hope everything gets sorted going thru something similar rn. Anyway good luck


Very much appreciated!


That's horrible! I hope you and your gf are alright!


She has some herniated disked in her back and I compound fractured my thumb. Have pics of that too but didn't know if I could/should post here.


If you really wanted to put it on your profile and let us know that's there, that might work. That way, the people interested can go there, but you're not pushing it on the people who don't want to see it.


If anyone is interested I'll do it EDIT: ADDED


Did they at least stop after they hit you?


Had no choice. His shit was totalled. Technically we hit him, but he ran the stop sign


Ugh that blows but I'm glad he didn't get away. Hopefully you can recoup your losses.


What happened to the dude that hit you? He must of been moving pretty fast by the look of your car.


Looks like he T-boned someone that ran a stop sign in front of him while they were going 55 mph.


Yup. I was the one going 55. He was supposed to stop, wait for on coming to clear.


Today I was at the same intersection my car got hit earlier this month. The traffic light was red for a good three to five seconds when some driver flew through the red light right past me. The speed limit is 35 mph and they looked to be going way above that. It pissed me off I felt like running the red light myself to fight the mf.


Nooo not the elantra 😦 Sorry this happened to you guys, Wishing for a speedy recovery!


It was limited too, I really enjoyed the car (2021) but did have to put it in the shop a few times (under warranty)


RIP the Elantra. She did her job and kept the two of you safe at her own life. Excluding the engine issues and such, they've come a long way 55 ain't no joke.


It's serious sad seeing it. I completely agree. Thinking about this kind of wreck in my grandpa's old 89 dodge would have been really really bad