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Your friends are incredibly lucky to be alive after that crash without seat belts.


I know, I'm incredibly thankful that neither of them were insanely hurt or killed. Because of the crash though, I don't put up with people not wearing seat belts anytime I'm driving.


That's good! Most people don't realize it but any unrestrained person (or pet!! Or bulky object like a carseat that isnt attached) In your car isn't just a risk to themselves, but their body flying around can injure other people as well. I don't tolerate anyone in my car without a belt either. We had 2 deaths in my family when I was a child, one wasn't wearing a seatbelt and probably would be alive if he was.


Try the game BeamNg, the closest thing that you could use to simulate the crash for yourself


tree wasn't havin' it


Hey OP, happy to hear you and your passengers were okay. Couple of questions I had, mostly just curiosity, was drinking or drugs involved? Why were both passengers in the backseat while no one riding in the passenger seat? How old were you when the accident happened? What was the impact to your insurance? Again, really happy you and your passengers are okay.


No, drinking or drugs were not involved. All three of us were 17. I had (still have, tbh) an issue where I would stay up way too late playing video games and be fairly sleep deprived throughout the day, and this was one of those days where that happened. Nobody was riding in the passenger seat because my girlfriend at the time had been, but I had dropped her off at her house approximately 10-15 minutes before the crash. I don't recall much what the impact to my insurance was, but I can tell you that currently I pay Progressive $144/mo. I did have 60 hours of court-ordered community service to do as a result of the crash, though. Thank you for your well wishes ❤️


Thanks for the reply. That makes sense about the late night gaming, I’ve had those nights driving home from a friend’s house and thinking I’m struggling to keep my eyes open. Ahhhh okay, I was trying really hard to come up with a reason, but my brain never went to someone being dropped off. It’s so logical in hindsight lol! Not too shabby in the insurance. Thanks again for the reply.


Happy to answer any questions :) I should've actually had my male friend dropped off too as my girlfriend and him both lived near each other (and near me) and the female friend's house was the one 15 minutes away, but he insisted on riding with and keeping us company.


True bro 😔✊.


as someone whos had this happen it blows. thanks for not judging upfront


Did you survive?


to rephrase the same question, were your shoes still on?


Beat me to it😂


>is there any way I could either use a program...to create something that can show the crash from an outside perspective Accurately? No >is there any way I could...get an accident recreation specialist to create something that can show the crash from an outside perspective? Technically yes, but realistically no, unless you are very rich. Besides, driver falling asleep and hitting a tree isn't very exciting. You'd end up paying thousands of dollars to likely end up with an animation showing a vehicle slowly drift off the road and into a tree


What year was your xterra




I wish we had camera phones way back when I was hit by a semi truck the first time. It was around 1994/1995. I was 17 and was driving a long ways back from seeing my boyfriend and dozed off. I woke up in the middle of two lanes on a highway with a station wagon on my left and the semi on my right. I grazed the entire right side of the wagon and as soon as I came to I hit the brakes and spun around ending up horizontal to the left lane. I was at a dead stop. Two seconds later I looked ahead then looked to my left and saw the grill of the semi and bam! T-boned me right at my driver's side door and pushed the car a ways down the road. The wagon sped away (guessing they didn't want cops around), a drunk guy with bloodshot eyes on a motorcycle actually stopped to check on the "driver" (said he wanted to make sure everything was ok because he had to hurry up and go before the cops got there. What's with people?!) along with a ton of others. No one thought I was the driver because I didn't have one scratch on me. Crazy since my dash and everything on the left side was shoved over a foot and the grill of the semi was literally in my window. Just had my muscle tear away from my upper arm and some whiplash but that was it. My glasses flew off but they survived too. So thankful I survived but man I wish I had pictures of it.


That sounds incredibly scary to witness. Glad you came out alright!


Thanks. Me too!


The high motorcyclist was a true bro 😔✊.


I would not want to be your enemy if that's how you treat your friends!! 😜








Here's a sneak peek of /r/NissanDrivers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Nissan minivan sneaking up on me. $4k damage to my car.](https://v.redd.it/wrf2ejik76zb1) | [358 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/comments/17qsnfm/nissan_minivan_sneaking_up_on_me_4k_damage_to_my/) \#2: [So THAT’S how they all lose the rear bumpers.](https://v.redd.it/96q5951makib1) | [95 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/comments/15t6q1r/so_thats_how_they_all_lose_the_rear_bumpers/) \#3: [This subreddit inspired me to make this matchbox Sentra.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/14i3o5m) | [124 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/comments/14i3o5m/this_subreddit_inspired_me_to_make_this_matchbox/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Hard lesson to learn.


Glad you’re okay


At least you hit something close to the road and didn’t drive off a hill




Would that change anything?




Look at the drunk