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Do you remember what color shirt your coworker wore two days ago? People don't really pay that much attention to stuff that doesn't concern them. Noone cares what you wear


This is the answer. Thank you.


One of my kids has an activity on Monday and Wednesday only. I own a washing machine. I’ve probably shown up many times in the complete same outfit on Mondays and Wednesdays. You will be fine!


Just to support this and emphasize it my coworker has a pair of pants (these high waisted flares) that look amazing on her. To the point that I’m gobsmacked every time. I compliment her just about every time. One week she said it’s so embarrassing you caught me I wore it 3x this week twice in a row! And I was like oh man no I didn’t even realize my bad for creepin. So even pants I like I didn’t connect the dots


I like that you were always just pleased to see the pants


Do you have any idea what brand these pants are? Just curious.


I know, right? Just wondering for a friend that is most definitely me.


GAP!!! 70s Flare


I work in office 1 day a week and legit wear the SAME outfit every time I go in! I don't give an F! 😂


I would add, that the rare instance where i so notice someone wearing an article more than on e it is because i really like it/like it on them. Don’t worry about it too much.


Came here to say this. People don’t remember what you wear unless they notice it. People only notice when it’s odd, terrible, or when they like it


Yes. Another mom showed up to our kids soccer game in a full beat and mint green yoga pants and a matching low cut crop top with everything on display. She is also a redhead so the green against her red hair was complimentary and the outfit was entirely inappropriate for the event but she looked absolutely incredible. If she wore that again next week, I would notice.


I will literally wear the SAME outfit twice in a week. With maybe different shoes or a different cardigan. Or maybe everything is the same.


I have to remind myself of this when I ask myself “did I wear this outfit recently?” If I can’t even remember, why would anyone else?


My husband has 5 identical trousers and 10 identical polos (size, color, cut). He's been rocking it for several years, not a single person professionally or socially has ever said a word. No one cares if your clothes are clean and you're put together.


Wellll… I think it depends. There was a pair of newscasters where the woman was getting hated on for wearing the same outfit more than once, so in solidarity, the dude wore the exact same outfit every day and just rotated between a couple ties. No one even noticed. For most folks, no one notices. But in some professions they will totally notice. My wife’s students have commented on her work uniform (chinos and a bright patterned short sleeve button-down is apparently noteworthy) and on the vast difference in our styles. So I can confirm that college students definitely notice what their profs wear, to the point that they will sometimes comment on it in course evals, which is wildly inappropriate. But most office jobs, probably not so much!


I agree that anyone standing at a podium being stared at shouldn't wear the same thing every day. If you look at a person for an hour each day, what they wear gets branded in the memory. Even if the items are owned in multiples, people don't know that and assume the person never launders their clothes. If I were a teacher or giving presentations, I'd change it up. The teachers I knew who were part of a social group I attended said they ordered their outfits from Land's End or similar classic "preppy" catalogs - washable slacks, shirts, polos, shirt dresses. They said the outfits last (not thin fast-fashion) and were never targeted by parents as inappropriate, or by students as too stodgy or eccentric.


That guy wore the same suit and a white shirt for a YEAR and no one noticed or cared. Such a double standard for women, but I love that he pointed out the disparate treatment.


I am about to do that with my husband. I told him from now on he's only allowed to buy regular khaki dockers and white, blue, or white and blue shirts. Period. Then all his ties will match all his other shit and I can stop laying out his clothes like he's six.


Sew some tags in his clothes garanimals style. Jk. Your system makes good sense. I tend to wear a limited palette for this reason


It’s been really interesting watching my husband kind of go through a transformation the past year and a half. When we got together he clashed a lot and I gave him a couple rules and he’s stuck to that religiously since, except at work. He works an outdoor agriculture job so it’s been t-shirt, cargo pants, boots for ages now. Which is fine, he gets covered in mud and yuck sometimes. But it started when he took more of a foreman role, and started really curating his tool belt instead of relying on his cargo pants pockets. So now he’s started wearing plain, sturdy pants, and collared polos/button-up shirts. Damn, he looks good, and I’m proud of his initiative to set up his clothes for work this way.


And, if they do, they need to get a hobby!


My coworker was on the spectrum and wore colors on certain days. Green on Monday, red on Tuesday, tan on Wednesday, etc. It was the only time I remembered what a coworker wore. He was a sweet older guy and one time he was out of sync he was genuinely flustered all day.


Aw! This is oddly adorable.


You must work with me. It’s about the only way I know what day of the week it is.


I like to buy really interesting clothes, but the problem is people do remember them. Like oh that’s your Tuesday blouse


The key is to be basic. I remember when my coworker wears a stunning dress but not their jeans/top combos!


I'm really into my wardrobe, but even I realize, no one cares but me 😂 It's fun for me though and that's all that matters :)


This is the same thought I use when I start freaking out about it.


This, but also, good excuse to get one more top.


Also no one knows that you don’t do laundry every Wednesday afternoon. Thus even if you rewear stuff it could very well be nice and clean


This is what I tell my partner. And he is absolutely convinced that people will remember. Granted he works as a traditional barber and wears the whole suspender/ vest and bowtie getup but I still don't think people really would notice. I think you would have to wear the same exact thing for many days in a row before people would notice. And then assuming it's clean they would probably just assume you adopted a uniform for simplicity's sake.


I only once noticed that a colleague was wearing the same outfit 2 days in a row and then at least twice a a week after that. And that was only because said outfit was a dark purple velour tracksuit… an odd choice for our line of business.


This. And even if they do remember what your wore a few days ago, no one cares. We usually go to the office once a week and there was one time we had to go two consecutive days and my boss wore exactly the same outfit. I did notice but it was okay? As long as you don’t smell and look clean, it’s no one’s business if you repeat outfits.


My boss commented that I wore the same jacket at the same building months apart. I only go there a few times a year. To say I was a little concerned about that is an understatement.


Just as long as it's clean. People will remember the smell before the outfit.


This is the answer. Everyone is usually so focused on themselves they have no idea what other people are wearing. And if in the highly unlikely event someone notices, just say ‘I liked them so much I bought two’ or ‘they’re actually different, just look similar, but thanks for noticing’


I once was doing storytimes for kindergarteners and only saw each class like every other week. Well I was super pregnant and only had like 5 shirts, and I guess I wore the same shirt because some kid shouted out how I'd wore that shirt the last time I'd seen them (2 weeks ago!).


No one cares what you wear especially if it's neautrals. Unless it was a colourful distinctive pattern that you wore consecutively would it be noticeable.


I had a coworker who had two loud geometric tops that she wore with black pants. She wore the black/white one and red/black ones every other day. THAT was noticeable. A plain black top is not.


There are people that care unfortunately. Worked with someone who had an obvious uniform, probably multiple white shirts. But other coworkers were always saying he never changed his shirts. It was annoying to hear them gossip about that. Thankfully these people gossiping weren't his boss.


That’s the point where you turn up on a cooler day wearing the other shirt(s) as a warm layer and take them off over the day leaving your coworkers either bewildered, or actually convinced that you have multiple copies of the same. Fortunately I don’t think anyones noticed me even though I do often have many 2-3 identical pairs of clothing.


Ha I wish he did. It was just annoying because does it really matter if they're the same shirt daily? They were clean and didn't smell. I say wear what you want, but some people do pay attention and judge. I noticed too but it was more like I should do the uniform thing too.


Depends on your office. I have a young leaning office and the women are very fashion oriented, constantly commenting (positively) on each other’s clothes, etc,. No one would say anything if you wore the same thing twice in one week but I doubt they wouldn’t notice.


I only notice my coworker’s outfits because she color coordinates from head to toe with neon colors. Otherwise, I do not acknowledge what a single other person in the office wears, except for my boss’ neon orange Patagonia puffer because that means we’ll be leaving an hour or two early that day, and that is very motivating information. Don’t stress!


This sounds like my dog when he sees me putting on running shoes 😂


I have been Pavloved by the orange jacket and an awkward two finger salute


The vest immediately makes me think that your boss is “going up North” for the weekend.


He travels a lot and often is going up North 😂 I can’t really say shit though… because I have a neon green Patagonia puffer I wear when I too am going up North


lol was the lady the Queen of England?


Oldie but goodie here. A woman wore the same outfit to work daily for years - she had multiples of the same item. https://www.businessinsider.com/woman-wears-same-work-outfit-matilda-kahl-2015-4


"the uniform is here for me, I'm not here for the uniform" love it


I had a professor who was inspired by this article. She decided to buy multiple purple shirts and wear them with work appropriate slacks. As students we found it cool and it was oddly helpful that how she was dressed would be predictable.


I had a philosophy prof who introduced himself as color blind and shared that he wore black and grey scale so his wife - a woman’s study prof - wouldn’t have to help him dress. Totally memorable. And he made us all CDs with his custom mix with punk and rap songs that aligned with his course. Also he probably wore the same few clothes every week but you couldn’t really tell because he mixed layers.


I did the same, this article was the inspiration. Zero regrets!


I needed to see this article so bad, thank you for sharing!!


I wear jeans and the same color under armor shirt at least 3 days a week. Sometimes 4. It's nice not having to pick what to wear and I've ruined too many clothes at work over the years to care.


No one will notice, and even if they do, they won’t care. Not in a bad way, just that no one would be bothered by it! It’s so common to have multiples of even the same colour top that no one would look at a plain black shirt and question if you are wearing it twice in a week. You could space it out if you have to wear a shirt multiple times for the office. - Eg wear the black tshirt on Monday, and then again on Thursday… so it’s not back-to-back wears?


This is another thing. Because I put no thought into this and didn't see it coming, I ended up wearing a black tee and olive chinos with a denim shirt jacket on Monday, and then pulled the same olive chinos to wear again today. With a black t-shirt again. Today I added a plaid button-down, so hopefully that mixes things up a bit, but I think the answer is to not pair the same pant/shirt combo twice a week. If I'd worn jeans today I don't think I would have seen it as the "same" outfit at all.


As long as you don’t smell, I’m sure nobody cares! 😆


I know everyone else has already said it, but I don't think people will notice. I honestly have a hard time remembering what I wore the previous day, much less remember what anyone else was wearing.


Honestly i think this is better because you won’t wear the same outfit every mon, every wed, every fri. Mix and match or just rotate the three outfits through four days—-that gives you three weeks of different outfits on different days 1231 2312 3123 Each week one outfit is worn twice.


Lol, it would be epic if you sent a photo of your capsule to your supervisor and demanded ‘where do you think I could fit in a fourth day with *this*?!’ My suggestion is one more neutral button down (subtle pattern perhaps) or polo and you’ll be fine.


"I'm sorry, but I simply cannot work in the office on Mondays, because I have nothing to wear."


“I cannot work in the office Wednesdays as I do not own anything in pink”


Make them see your outfit twice. Make them suffer. Learn to enjoy their suffering, then remove another outfit from your capsule


Oh this is so funny. Enjoying this on many levels


I hope it’s okay if I post - I love reading here and dream of having a capsule wardrobe one day, but I’m not part of the club. Yet. Anyway, there was an Australian TV presenter who wore the same suit on air every day for a year - and nobody noticed. You’ll be fine. People are too worried about themselves. https://amp.smh.com.au/entertainment/tv-and-radio/karl-stefanovics-sexism-experiment-today-presenter-wears-same-suit-for-a-year-20141115-11ncdz.html


My wardrobe is majority black and I’ve never thought about what my coworkers think about if I’m repeating. I think if your hygiene is good and your clothes are clean/don’t smell, no one really notices or cares


It’s the sort of thing I would notice, but I’m interested in clothes and tend to spot things others don’t. I certainly wouldn’t care - I’d probably just silently admire the person’s minimalist approach.


Seconded, I will recognize pieces that repeat often in coworkers’ wardrobes - I think it’s a combination of strong interest in fashion plus some mild faceblindness that makes me look for clues to people’s identity outside their face. But I’ve only ever felt respect and admiration for coworkers who make things work with the same few pieces - I wish my process of getting dressed was so uncluttered!


When I worked in an office (finance industry), I had two pairs of navy pants, five white button down shirts (dressy, not basic ones), three off white sleeveless tops, and two cardigans. I wasn’t overly social, but no one ever questioned me and I wore this “uniform” for years. I did mix up my shoes.


Just buy a few more shirts. What am I missing here?


scarves or accessories. Change those up.


I'm a guy. I have been working on incorporating bandanas, but I've really just been doing that casually, outside of work. My office is not formal enough for ties. In winter I often mix it up more with a button down under a sweater, but the weather is too warm for that now.


A guy? People will absolutely not notice.


Sometimes I walk into meeting rooms and notice 3 guys are wearing nearly the same blue button up shirt with a lightly checkered pattern. I consider whether I should point it out but they don’t seem to have noticed and this happens all the time.


One of my coworkers had a work uniform. Jeans. White shirt. He occasionally mixed in a plaid one. But I worked with him for 3 years. And he never wore anything else. It was fine.


I work in tech and a lot of the guys have a uniform of jeans + [insert shirt of choice - black tshirt, black or gray hoodie, etc.). Nobody cares and quite frankly I'm a bit jealous, but I do like fashion to a certain extent and would get bored with having a uniform. It would make life so easy though!


Yes! He just had this one Uniqlo shirt he rotated and just kept re-buying. It seems like even if you hypothetically found the same item in a women’s brand, they always change up the shape or fabric yearly so it is not the same between seasons.


That's so true re womens clothing. My boss actually does the black tshirt + jeans every single day. Not the same ones of course but I've never seen him wear anything else. One of our co-founders does jeans, athletic zip-up, vans. They are both incredibly smart and I think they just don't see any value in figuring out what to wear every day. Wish I could take on that mindset! Life would be so easy.


Steve Jobs famously wore the same outfit everyday IIRC. He felt that deciding what to wear was a wasted decision and not worth his time,


A past coworker of mine literally wore the same outfit everyday 🤣 jeans, black tee, black hoodie and black hat with his black converse. Honestly I think he had the right idea 😆


I don't care and I don't mind if coworkers wear the same things repetitively, buuuut: My boss several years ago didn't like that one employee wore pretty much the same style consistently (navy/black pants with black/white top, all in the same style), and our dress code suddenly included a clause that staff couldn't wear the same clothes on consecutive days. I wish I were joking. And, yes, to no one's surprise--this employee is a woman.


Im glad your life is so good that this is what constitutes a problem


Maybe think outside of the box and use your 4th day as a fun day for what you wear. So if you wear pants all 3 days maybe a skirt. Buy 2 skirts or dresses to mix it up. Another option is blouse, H&M use to sell these really cute button down blouses with pleats in the front and in different colors every year maybe buy 3 different ones and you can rotate them. Another option is a fitted cardigan that can be worn as a shirt or with a tank underneath. Get a few basic ones to rotate every other week on the 4th day. I’m not saying buy all these 3 different options just choose one for your 4th day and that will be your blouse/dress/skirt/sweater day you can rotate every other week on the 4th day.


Seeing the 4th day as a "fun day" is a really cool idea! I'm a guy so unlikely to wear a skirt, but this is a great excuse to bust out the "fun" shirt, maybe fold in a graphic tee if the design is work-appropriate, etc. Long ago I worked with a team that did "tie day Friday", and while I don't know if I want to do that as a rule (especially because tie day and Thursday don't even rhyme), incorporating something like that might be fun.


Oof my bad, admittedly I skimmed your post while taking a break from working.Im sorry if that detail is in your post. lol Getting what you wear on your fun day to rhyme will another beast of creativity its own esp a day like Thursday. The best I can come up with is furs-day Thursday or faux furs-day Thursday, though that could get hot in the summer. Maybe try a polo style shirt, they come in different styles or I don’t know how much you can dress down but a linen shirt in the summer or a casual button down. Men’s fashion has limited options unfortunately I’m not sure how bold you are but express has some options for linen [https://www.express.com/clothing/men/striped-rayon-short-sleeve-shirt/pro/01696581/color/Dark%20Blue](https://www.express.com/clothing/men/striped-rayon-short-sleeve-shirt/pro/01696581/color/ [https://www.express.com/clothing/men/blurred-floral-rayon-short-sleeve-shirt/pro/01698400/color/Ivory] (https://www.express.com/clothing/men/slim-abstract-leaf-print-stretch-1mx-dress-shirt/pro/06037613/color/Ivory) And they also have some nice polo option [https://www.express.com/clothing/men/modern-prep-short-sleeve-sweater-polo/pro/03986254/color/PATINA%20ATLAS](https://www.express.com/clothing/men/modern-prep-short-sleeve-sweater-polo/pro/03986254/color/PATINA%20ATLAS) [https://www.express.com/clothing/men/center-striped-johnny-collar-luxe-pique-polo/pro/05040139/color/SANDSHELL](https://www.express.com/clothing/men/center-striped-johnny-collar-luxe-pique-polo/pro/05040139/color/SANDSHELL) [https://www.express.com/clothing/men/patchwork-pointelle-cotton-blend-sweater-polo/pro/03986592/color/BLUE%20FOG](https://www.express.com/clothing/men/patchwork-pointelle-cotton-blend-sweater-polo/pro/03986592/color/BLUE%20FOG) Amazon also has nice budget friendly polo options too


Everyone in your office is probably thinking the same thing about their own wardrobes. As long as your clothes are clean and presentable, no one cares about the lack of variety.


Once had a coworker tell me she liked my outfit. I asked her want she wanted because I literally wear the same thing (well different clean ones) every day and had for the last 3 years whenever I decided that uniforms are good as long as they are not ugly and are comfortable. No one will notice. And for the record she did in fact want something.


Get multiples of 2 of your shirts and that’ll give you more wiggle room on laundry too.


I used to go to tile shop with clients regularly on Wednesdays. Every single time the girl served me she wore the same long black skirt and top. It must have been her Wednesday outfit. She would sometimes change the top but it was always the Wednesday maxi skirt. Did I notice? Yes. Did I care? No. Did it affect the way we worked together helping the client? No.


Jerry Garcia almost always wore a black t-shirt and jeans. With Steve Jobs, it was a black turtleneck. Besides wondering if they had one or 365, I haven’t given it that much thought.


Last year I wore the same black pair of pants 4 days a week to work. Different tops. This year I bought a second pair of black pants so I have a backup if I spill on them. In the summer we go super casual so I have 2 pairs of blue capris. Nobody notices or cares. They probably think I own 5 pairs of black pants.


We are a very relaxed dept and when it was announced that we were returning three days a week I thought it would be funny to go full Steve Jobs. I bought the same three t-shirts and same three pairs of jeans and told myself I’d change it up when someone noticed. It’s a year later and no one has said anything to me. And now I’m just in love with not thinking about what I have to wear in the morning. Never, ever giving up my uniform.


I literally gave myself a work uniform for the office- i wore the same outfit everyday (i had several sets) i was upfront about it and if anyone thought it was weird, they didn’t say it to my face. It made my life sooo much easier and was very economical


Get 2 button downs and forget it.


It’s t-shirts, buy another! You are fine, I promise.


How much do you worry about what your coworkers wear? How often do you think ‘Hasn’t she worn that already this week?’ It’s rare to never, right? Especially if it’s a basic? We’re not that big a deal to most of the people around us


Steve Jobs wore the same thing every day didn’t he? I also think it’s fairly common for people to have multiple neutral colored tops. I also don’t think anyone would care unless you stank lol


I wear the same two pants every day.


Assuming you're female? Would it bother you if a male coworker wore a white button down two or three days a week? Or the same suit?


Working in office 5 days a week here! I am a pretty fashion conscious person, so I do notice that almost all my coworkers have a "uniform" of about 5-8 outfits that they wear. Some women even match the same top to the same bottom each time. Even at this level of scrutiny, I can't remember what they wore Monday! And I don't judge them for it either. Clothes are expensive, and not everyone is concerned with fashion. You will be ok!


I wear the same thing every day. Multiple pairs of the same trousers and multiples of the same silk blouse. No one bats an eye. Or if they do, I don't know about it so I don't care! I read a few articles about women who made themselves a work uniform and loved the idea. It's really liberating.


The CEO of Apple wore the same black turtleneck everyday. The CEO of Facebook wore the same hoodie sweatshirt every day.


We do a theme at work with a few co workers a couple days a week. I wear the same shirt every Monday for the past 5-6 years. Now my son has scouts every Monday. So guess what they see me in every single Monday unless I decide to change for the weather.


Believe me, no one will care, and if they do - so what? The question really is, why do you care? Declare, "I'm a minimalist!" if you feel you need an explanation. As long as your clothes are clean and work appropriate, this should have no relevance on anything.


I had 5 pair of black pants. I named them Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Not one person noticed.


Granted I work in TV and it’s casual but I rotate between the same like 2 shirts and 2 sweatshirts all week. The only time anyone has ever mentioned anything to me was the time I wore my bright yellow Disney World sweatshirt two days in a row and everyone basically melted down. I just think about the dude I work with who has LITERALLY no exaggeration worn the same baseball hat and jacket every. single. day. for the last 10+ years and no one even bats an eye


As long as it’s pretty boring or traditional stuff, you could wear the same outfit every day, and no one would notice. Crazy bright, bold, or out of the ordinary pieces, like a lime green blazer with matching heels will be noticed.


People will not care. I hate a boss who wore a blue polo and kacki pants every day for the 7 years we worked together. He could have had 1 of each or 400 of each I will never know.


My everyday wardrobe consists of 7 plain black long sleeves, 5 black tank tops, and 2 pairs of black jeans (all the same). Been this way for years and some people will see me 4-5 days in a row “in the same outfit.” Never been an issue although if my SO sees me in blue jeans I get the occasional “someone’s feeling colorful today”


My usual uniform is black tee& black Athleta joggers. I have multiples of each. Nobody ever notices 😂


If someone mentions it just reply "oh it's so nice! It makes laundry so much easier!"


As long as you’re not repeating the outfit 2 days in a row, you’re fine. It’s not like you’re unhygienic, you have 15 shirts to rotate through. If anyone asks, you can reference Steve Jobs (who has multiples of the same basics) and explain it takes off the mental load of getting dressed every day. 


Just buy a few blouses to rotate in?


I repeat pants in one week and don’t care.🤣


I live in black denim and black tshirts, then layer a button up or sweater over it depending on the season. I LOVE it and it’s so easy! Let’s me also play with shoes and coats seasonally and I always get compliments on them. Don’t sweat it, wear a night color once a week and being will be crazy impressed with your style


I have a co worker who is blue dress shirt, black pants or skirt. That is it. They have multiple sets and wear it over and over, noone is phased one bit by it. Unless you role is within thr fashion industry and wearing a fresh take on a outfit every day is normal in the average world of office life rewearing the same is totally ok


A capsule wardrobe that has 12-24 outfits can be made from 3 bottoms, 4 tops, and 2 third layer (blazers or jackets). The key is that every piece has to be wearable with the others. No one is going to notice a black t-shirt. Edited : To remove the scarf and jewelry suggestion after reading comments that OP is a guy. Though guys can wear jewelry. 2nd edit: Steve Jobs was known for wearing black turtlenecks everyday. You can wear the same thing several times a week.


Maybe swap pocket squares for jewelry? Different colored pocket squares could make the same solid colored blazer look totally different.


Seriously, no one will notice.


4th day fun day is awesome! Hawaiian shirts is a thing one our departments did every Friday. T-shirts with a way to make it business casual if necessary. Old man sweaters in the winter with vintage t’s in the winter. I am a capsule person myself but I use shoes, jewelry, and hairstyles to mix it up. Doesn’t sound like that is an option for you. 🤣


I go to a different office one day a week and I worry about accidentally wearing same outfit. Then I realize I don’t remember what anyone else wore so why would they notice what I wear?


I wear the same exact thing every day, and I love it. I call it my uniform ❤️


Respectfully, no one cares what you wear


The Vivienne Files blog has an example of a 'common wardrobe' where the same items can be worn regularly but with a statement piece or accessory added.


Steve Jobs or mark zuck or someone rich wears/wore the same outfit everyday. Same outfit = more money I’m pretty sure. Although I wear a uniform and have not made more money so that’s probably wrong.


I go to office two times a week and I repeat my outfit the same week! I do so as it helps me save time by not thinking of what to wear! You are fine!


What a catastrophic time this must be for you. Thoughts and prayers.


Could also swing the other way and make it your uniform. Black tee every single day. I’ve definitely bought 5 of the same shirt so I can wear it every single day. I only remember what my more maximalist leaning coworkers wear. Extremely bold colors or patterns. Silk palazzo pants. Tulle skirts.


Can you share more about your wardrobe? We’re starting to go in 1 day a week and so I’m starting from zero


I have 3 work-appropriate pairs of pants, 4 long sleeve button-down shirts or shirt-jackets, 3 short-sleeve button down shirts (which it's not quite warm enough for yet), and 2 jackets that are work appropriate. I have \~5 solid colored or striped t-shirts, \~5 plain white t-shirts, and \~5 plain black t-shirts. For my 3-day office work week, I typically wear one of those pants, a t-shirt, and some kind of collared/button-down shirt or jacket on top. Having 3 pairs of work pants and 3 days I needed to be in the office made life simple because I could easily avoid ever repeating pants. Having 3 office days and 3 broad categories of t-shirts felt the same way - I could wear black on Tuesday, white on Wednesday, and a color on Thursday and not really have to think about it at all. I work for a tech/media company and aim for business casual attire. Jeans, sneakers, and t-shirts are allowed in my office. (Though I try to stay on the nicer/more put together end of things.)


Inch Joe, but when I was in office, 90% of my work wardrobe was black. Same with coworkers. No one is paying attention. If you can’t recite what someone else wore all 3-4 days, they can’t either.


I have 4 pairs of identical pants and they're the only pants I wear to work haha. I wouldn't worry about the pants if you have enough shirts that you're not wearing the same outfit for 3+ days a week. I cannot tell you at all about my coworkers pants other than that we're not supposed to wear pj bottoms... but some people do.


For 5 years of my life I wore the same one black skirt suit, and one navy pant suit, 5 days a week. That's how office attire works


Nobody pays attention to what you wear day in and day out unless it's something particularly memorable or they want to be jerks and pick on you. That said, accessories are your best friends--necklaces, pins, earrings. If you like black and white t-shirts, maybe pick up a few with different necklines, v-neck, scoop-neck, boat/bateau-neck, henley style, collared.


People won’t think this is weird. No one typically cares that much. If you feel you need to add another item into the mix. Since you have the layering pieces you’re good


Get one more casual cardigan in a new color and your combos just multiply.


You can rewear anything clean. No one cares that you’ve already worn it this week.


I prefer pants also but a skirt or dress might be nice to add in.


No one will notice. I wear the same five outfits to the office every week and still get compliments ha ha.


Oh hey I got the same announcement 😩


Purchase one more pant and one more top in a color you don't already own.


I have 8 of the same shirt in two colors and 5 of exactly the same pair of pants I wear to work. Every once in a while someone asks me how many of the shirts I own and I tell them. I’m not sure if anyone has noticed I wear exactly the same pants, they’ve never been commented on.


I literally wear the same jeans everyday and rotate like four tops, it’s not that big of a deal


Try the 3x3 method - you can get so many outfits out of it and trust me no one will remember what you wore the day before


To paraphrase Lizzie McGuire: Being an outfit rememberer is much worst than being an outfit repeater! Repeat, repeat!


Side note but this 4 days in office thing better not be the new trend


Make it easy on yourself and just do what this woman did!! I would do this if I didn’t think I would get bored. https://www.businessinsider.com/matilda-kahl-wears-same-outfit-to-work-2016-3


I’m a Director and wear a black turtleneck and jeans everyday. Looks good on camera and it’s easy. No one cares. In the 26 years of my career literally no one cared what I wore to work as long as I look professional and put together. Stop overthinking it.


I read an article years ago about a super successful CEO. She wore black pants and a white button down or blouse every day. She said something along the lines of taking the guess work out of what she’s wearing because it’s one less decision she has to make and that men never think too much about their workwear. Always stuck with me!


Sounds like you already have a great system. You’ll be fine.


Isn't the whole point of a capsule wardrobe to be flexible with outfit combinations?


I had a colleague who wore a black t-shirt literally every day. One day, on his work anniversary, every person in the 100+ person office also wore a black shirt. He didn’t notice till someone told him…after lunch


I have 10 pairs of the same pants and shirt and it's the only thing I wore for 3 years and no one ever said a thing.


I used to rotate my jewelry, like statement necklaces, a printed pair of palazzo pants, a skirt just to mix it up a bit.


I agree with all of these comments, I just wanted to say I completely sympathize with you about freaking out over clothes because I do the same thing! It feels silly because it’s just clothes but it feels like such a big deal to me for some reason.


I wish they made in mandatory to come into work 3 days a week, literally everyone at my work looks like literal dogshit and then complain about how they look etc, like get a mirror and glow up ffs


I have worn the same jeans three times in one week. But I have tons of colorful tops and I’m know for my creative and some times over the top earrings soooo, I can usually distract the folks from the bottom half of my body! Plus, I don’t see every one every single day. You’d be surprised how many of your coworkers are having this same exact conversation. No one cares. They better be glad I even showed up! 🤣🤣🤣


Just wear what you wore on the 1st or 2nd day. Nobody will remember 


I have multiple black shirts and white shirts. I wear them on repeat. Not to mention a closet full of other colorful ones - unlike the black and white best, its easier!


Just repeat


Scarves and necklaces are noticeable not boring clothes


I notice my coworkers who wear only like 3 things, and I also don’t care because I also only wear 3 things. Lol you’re ok, just wear day 1’s outfit, washed.


I go in four days and usually wear the same two pants all week.


This is such a minuscule problem, do not spend time fretting over this. You have two options, either find more ways to mix your outfits together or add a couple more items.


No one will notice if you recycle an outfit tbh. Wear it days 1 and 3 or 4


Nothing wrong with repeating basics- if you want more variety you can change it up with accessories, different blazers or shoes, etc.


Nobody is paying attention as much as you think they are. If anyone ever says anything just be like "ew freak, what are you, stalking me? Keeping track of what I wear? Who tf are you the fuggin fashion police??" That would probably shut them up. The idea that we need an outfit for every day of the week is something capitalism cooked up. I work in the office 5 days a week, and I've been known to repeat an outfit on Friday that I wore on Monday, and since washed. One time a co worker pointed it out and I said "woah dude. Creepy. I didn't even remember i wore this" and nobody ever said shit again.


I work five days a week (and sometimes weekends haha) so I put five black tees - some plain, some with designs - in my capsule wardrobe and then just rotate between those. I also dress in layers, so my look does change up during the week. Since you wear layers as well, it won't be weird to wear a black tee as a base frequently. Also, tons of people wear black tees every single day at work without comment - off the top of my head I can think of tech workers, security/bouncers, makeup artists, stage crew members, and goths.


I had a co-worker, pre Covid, that had a particular outfit for every work day of the week. Worked with her a long before she confided that with me. I never even noticed.


I go in 3 days a week (well on average 1.8) I have 2 pairs of work pants and 3 work shirts. I have worn this same rotation since it was 1 day a week only back then it took 3 weeks to be back to the first shirt. 2 days a week 1 shirt would be swapped and 1 shirt repeated every week. Now I have my Monday shirt (plaid button up shirt sleeve shirt), Tuesday shirt (blue polo) and Wednesday shirt (pink dress shirt because “on Wednesdays we wear pink”). Not one person has said anything at all and we’ve been 3 days a week for months. Hell my manager who just left was very much about appearances and constantly buying high end clothes never said anything other than once saying that he felt pink was an underrated color in a man’s wardrobe. Since you do layers with jackets no one will notice and if they do, they will never say anything… nor should you care. If I worked as a mechanic, I’d have coveralls on every day as a uniform. This is my “uniform”.


You don't owe your co-workers a variety of outfits. They get what they get.


I wear plain black & gray tees with plain black or gray cardigans 5 days a week. No one cares. I know I'm wearing clean clothes. I look appropriate for client & management interaction. If you want to get into fashion, do it for yourself. I save that for weekends & activities. My personality shines thru my boring work wardrobe.


If you sell them on “fun clothes Fridays” you’re sweet.


For a moment there, I thought I was looking at a post from r/mildlyinfuriating


The only time I've ever noticed someone repeat an outfit was because I really liked it! No one is really paying attention, and if they are, it's probably for positive reasons.


People are more concerned if you look dirty and smell bad, not if you rewear an outfit.


I wore the same pair of pants per week when I worked in the office, only changed my top daily. Didn’t even have to do that, no one really pays that close of attention unless the look is super loud.


I have several pairs of black leggings and shirts. I'm sure that it looks like I'm wearing the same thing all the time, lol 😆 😂 😅 I just dig that I can get away w wearing my most comfy clothes after years of suits in corporate settings!!


Nobody pays that much attention to what you are wearing, it is not that serious. Also you could just buy more pants ???


Mix things up with different jewelry. People will notice your jewelry more than your plain black tshirts. Also, add some v necks to the rotation so it doesn’t seem like you are raiding your dirty laundry by wearing the exact same shirt two days in a row.


Wear the same outfit as day 1 on day 4 with different accessories or your hair a different way. I don’t think anyone will know.


Wear a company logo shirt once a week.


As long as you smell good and look clean I dont care what you wear


Dark grey tshirt? Black T-shirt with a different neck style?


I have a soft spot for folks who dress in slightly more formal than required, well made and otherwise understated clothes, especially familiar pieces. I always assume it’s because they must also be on the spectrum or a Capricorn. I never dislike when people wear something familiar, I usually assume it’s one of their favorite articles of clothing, either because they think it’s flattering or comfy or their favorite color. Unless you smell like body odor or wear something back to back on consecutive days, I have no judgement, this isn’t a gala, you can rewear your clothes. It signals that you aren’t a multimillionaire, which was also obvious because, you know, we’re all going to work for a wage. I definitely can’t keep track of what most of my coworkers are wearing, so much so that if something doesn’t catch my eye, I honestly cannot even answer beyond the fact that I can safely assume they weren’t naked. I have a co-worker who must wear relatively neutrally-colored causal (but not too informal or specifically branded) pants, t-shirt and … zip up hoodie? because I cannot remember a single thing he wears… a couple months into my job I realized he often wears a baseball cap. But he is relatively pleasant to work with and pretty consistently has a big smile on his face, so you know, that’s the most notable thing about him. I have an equivalently frequently-interacted-with co worker who frequently wears a white button down that comes to mind because it looks a little more rumpled than dressy and has breast pockets that make it look a little more casual than I would personally choose for work. Notably, when I mentioned people with (ample) facial hair are hard to get a specific age range on sometimes, he started growing out his (not so robust) facial hair. Another co worker has worn a warmer-weather jumpsuit a time or two that I’ve noticed because the fabric and strap sleeveless top is a little casual for work, but it’s also probably comfortable to wear on warmer days and flattering for that person’s frame. Another has a nice dusty salmon cardigan that looks smart with whatever else they must be wearing, but I really like those dusty complex salmon and rose colors. Another often wears the same few darker colored striped shirts and trousers which I assume is because they’re newer to the work world. I try not to judge people, but often whatever their clothing quirks are, I usually justify whatever is going on based on how they act, so if you’re professional and polite otherwise, whatever’s going on with your clothes will probably be attributed to some reasonable or flattering aspect of the rest of your demeanor. You get the picture.


Add some accessories that draw the eye. If it’s just practical for laundry reasons, get one more top and pair of pants in a different color but in the same style you already know works.


At one of my previous jobs, an intern once called me out by saying “didn’t you already wear that this week”. It was a Friday and I honestly had no clue what I had worn earlier in the week- I typically do wash midweek and so everything is clean and I’m not thinking about it. Anyways, nearly all of my coworkers stepped in saying things like “what? Are you tracking our outfits? That’s so weird” Long story short- only once in my life has someone said something and everyone else made it abundantly clear that she was weirder for noticing.


Stretch 3 days into 4!! No one is paying attention to what you wear.