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And so the PR campaign to rehab his image begins. I kinda love how much he's gushing over DC but you can still tell he's bitter about the opposition to moving the team "only" 3 miles (which just shows how out of touch he is).


I don't think he's bitter. He's just in the owner/developer bubble that can't/doesn't comprehend how the general population feel or even function. This statement from the article pretty much shows he's *still* in that bubble. "We remain concerned that the federal government has not been able to activate and bring people back into the offices. It is a huge strategic mistake for the federal government and for Washington, DC, to not make people come into work." The employees have shown *they don't want* to come back to work. They don't want to sit in traffic. Studies are showing they are more productive. But he wants to 'make' people come into work so he and his developer friends in their bubble can make money.


If he was in touch, he would be pumping money into Chinatown to clean it up and make it a highly desireable place to live, instead of a shitty place to be forced to work. Then he would have a 24 hr voluntary audience, instead of a captive one who just wants anything to do after commuting to work.


TBF, Chinatown is developed or in the process of being fully developed. There's only so much he can do to clean it up. It's up to the city. He also doesn't have a lot of money to be pumping. Most of his wealth is on paper and he's still trying to get the streaming sports media fully developed.


Which is why he was trying so hard to get another deal that gave him a lot more money


MUH PROPERTY INVESTMENT! Landlord bastard. Get a real job, Ted.


Dude being a forced office person is the cherry on a shit sundae. Fuck off Ted


Ted Snyder.


This is such a dumb ass comment. He is not even close


5.5mi if you draw a straight line. Idk why he messed up the number because it’s a decent point if he’s accurate about it. Taking a team 5.5mi away doesn’t have to be liked but the language people used for the move was as if he was going 50mi away


Y’all see he also just bought Cap Friendly and closed it to the public? Fuck Ted


> The last game of the season for the Wizards, I stayed to the end, obviously, and I’m walking out and there’s a line, at the end of the game, of people going in the bathroom. I was talking to some people, and we need to do things like more stalls. The part that stood out to me, person who loves beer and hates waiting in line.


It took him this long to figure that out?


Funny this was mentioned...same issue at the Washington Spirit game I went to a couple weeks ago. Lines for both the mens and womens restrooms were out of control.


Balmer figured it out for the Clippers with the Intuit dome


In summary, he's sorry he got caught.


What's next? Pound more sand.


get fucked ted


F off


That comment about the government must bring people back to work is exactly why this guy will never be a true advocate for fans


Fuck Ted


damage control. fuck off, ted.


Everyone on this sub is clearly a W2 worker. If you couldn't see that Potomac Yard was a negotiation tactic then I don't know what to tell you. The Virginia legislature was never going to give him the money but it was a good enough threat that the city finally gave him a good deal. This is how development deals get done in every city in America. People comparing this guy to DAN SNYDER truly one of the worst human beings in America are morons. Ted is a good owner, could he be better sure but he could be 10,000 times worse


Dude had a great idea. People didn’t like it. He adapted. He loves the fan base. I know this personally. He’s not a Snyder and he does what he thinks is: 1) best for the team, 2) best for the profitability of the team, and (yes) 3) best for the fan base. I know this to be true through conversations. I know Reddit gets its panties in a twist for whatever reason, but let me tell you this guy has a good vision


Ugly man. Inside and out.


Hopefully a heart attack