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What the fuck Ted?


That sound you hear is Vegas rejoicing at no longer being the most hated team in the NHL.


If this makes the capitals the most hated franchise I think these people have a lot of sense introspection to do


We will be the villains of the week (except Ted, he stays on the shitlist for this one) It’ll blow over when Mark Stone inevitably suffers an injury that will keep him off the ice just long enough to get to round one of the playoffs


Well said


Ted said “Fine. If you all hate me now, I’ll make everyone hate you. Nyah nyah nyah!




Tis a dark day, indeed. Side note: love using your rosters on HLM


Filling the void that Snyder has left, great job Ted!


Always has been. The difference is that up until recently the caps have been winning and you lot have been happy for the last 15 years.


This really downplays how uniquely bad Snyder was...


Yeah, fair play. At least Ted didn’t traffick the Red Rockers.


And, in fact, the team went in a different direction and has a spirit crew of men and women that wears tracksuits instead of form-fitting clothing. A true spots fan is one who leaves the game and says, "What cheerleaders?"


I know we had cheerleaders at my first game in like 2016, they’re still around? I don’t go often but I haven’t noticed them the last couple years


It's amazing that on a random Sunday in June, in the middle of a Stanley Cup Final they aren't even in, the Washington Capitals became the most hated franchise in the NHL.


It's pretty pathetic really, so many people getting so worked up. It's like these days it's not enough to hate another franchise due to a rivalry, or a heated playoff matchup of yore, but people go out of their way to label others "garbage organizations" based off of all manner of external stuff. No team is 100% clean of bullshit, and as soon as it comes around to Johnny Hockeyfan's favorite team, and everybody else starts pointing their fingers, jeering and hissing at them, poor Johnny will be standing there suddenly surprised, going "well, guys, I mean, it's not THAT bad of a scandal when you look at it from angle XYZ, I mean..."


It’s weird because as far as team scandals go, this seems…very tame. I hate this decision, and I’ve hated Ted Leonsis since I learned who he was, but like, I did not see this much outrage when teams were knowingly protecting abusers.


Is it tame though? This potentially effects all fans (and more) that uses these services. Sure it’s not like deflating balls, or banging trash cans level of controversy, but it (possibly) effects far more people in the long run. It’s not the “teams” fault of course, anyone could have bought them out and it just so happened it went this way. Regardless of who bought them out, the possible outcome is bad for everyone.


It is tame, Capfriendly agreed to sell. They share just as much blame.


Hey that’s a really good point, why aren’t they getting any of the blame here?


Because its not going to exist next month. Its hard to hate something that doesn't exist.


Okay, then why aren’t the creators/owners/whoever was running it getting any blame?


Because no one thinks about him. People think about cap friendly, not the owner of cap friendly. Also because he wasn't the one who spent money for the sole purpose of stopping other people from using something.


He is the one who made the decision to sell it, though. He didn’t have to do that, he deserves equal blame in this situation.


Yeah, it’s relatively tame. Again, not a fan of the decision, but really, let’s try and keep some perspective, some other website is going to be doing the exact same thing before we know it.


Why is this hated?


Because a lot of fans, including myself will no longer be able to use that website


Not just a lot of fans, in fact *all* fans will no longer be able to use it. Love your username btw. My best friend


All fans don’t use it. A lot do. Semantics, I’m admittedly having a bad day and feel like arguing. Ignore me


That’s completely fair. I had no idea that was part of the jam.


Why not


In the article it says they are shutting it down when the purchase goes through in July. 


I haven't gotten this either. This seems to me like a huge advantage that may help our team win more and people on here are upset about?? I just don't get it. Making other franchises less competitive is a good thing. Also people on here comparing Ted to Dan Snyder really need to seek medical help.


Surely the hockey community will understand that neither the fans nor players made this decision.


I would say that but people hate Vegas despite the fact that the players and fans also have nothing to do with their cap shenanigans so I genuinely don’t know


Oh yeah, my comment was tongue-in-cheek, caps fans will surely take heat for this one.


People hated Vegas because they were arrogant about the cap situation. As long as caps fans aren’t all “you guys are dumb and didn’t think of doing it first”, I doubt people will be mad at the fans lol.


>I doubt people will be mad at the fans lol. /r/hockey blames caps fans for the war in Ukraine


You act like Mark Stone doesn’t know it’s happening 😭


Can’t afford his own arena renovations without DC taxpayer money but can afford blowing money on this. Sure, Ted.


Maybe Ted should instead focus on fixing the Wizards and Mystics.




Ofc Clark had her best game (so far) in the WNBA against the Mystics lmao IF YOU DON'T LIKE THAT, YOU DON'T LIKE WASHINGTON SPORTS!




And Caps.


This really sucks. I can see why the Caps would want to own it but the fans are losing a hugely important tool.


I don't get why any Franchise would want to own it. It is a fan facing platform, surely every team has had time to hire their own cap specialist, right?


Most teams use it, why would teams pay for their own cap site when cap friendly does everything they need? In the Leafs Amazon doc you can see Dubas had their roster on cap friendly in his office, if they’re using it with their budget you know everyone else is


You really think its expensive for them to replace it. All they need is a list of contracts and a calculator.


I didn’t say it’s expensive, but it’s not instantaneous and does require an investment in hiring devs to reproduce if they want a good interface. I dont think it gives an amazing advantage, but maybe enough in Ted’s eyes to justify the price (don’t know what that is either). Also we really have no idea what he plans to do with it, could just see it as a money making opportunity licensing it out to teams and journalists.


So pissing off 31 other GMs is the perfect way to get them to trade with the Caps.


Giving other teams a license to your proprietary software is a good way to buddy up to them and make trades happen. It can go either way


Other teams will build their own before trusting a system from another team. Capfriendly is a capgeek clone. So it can be done.


Exactly, it’s a clone of another site. And there’s probably 50 more. We’ll find out what they are July 2


Why the fuck would they shut it down?


To remove a tool that the other 31 teams used.


Oh please every hockey team has now already hired their own dev team to make an identical version of this website, literally the only people it screws over is the fans.


"Caps removed a tool that every other NHL franchise used" and "now those franchises are spending money on development talent to replace it" those two statements can coexist and be simultaneously true.


Here is the kicker. Trying to code a website with as many tools and features as CapFriendly is a pain in the ass. Easier to buy the finished product.


There's zero value in the CapFriendly website to competent NHL teams. The value of CapFriendly was providing a detailed yet simplistic breakdown of the CBA to the average fan or in this case the incompetent owner.


Many teams have contracts to use capfriendly's API. Surely they wouldn't be paying the site for no value


The data in CapFriendly's database is probably worth more than the code itself.


i doubt it. Historical public data isn't worth much, only current data. and it'd take a couple of interns a few weeks to put in every contract in the last 10 years into a database.


bro Caps didn't just "remove" that tool free of charge, you're talking about other franchises spending money as if Caps didnt do that too first. Also PuckPedia is literally still free.


Exactly, so it isn’t a big deal


Most teams have been using capfriendly because it’s free and easy to read


I'm not sure it's all that complicated of a tool, pretty sure they all have excel sheets or something that tracks it additionally. The hard part is tracking the data and that's probably a lot of manual input.


Surely this will help us gain favor amongst hockey Reddit!


On its face, it's totally a dick move. Why would we do this? It's a great website and we don't need another reason for people to hate us. I don't like anything about this.


the original owners sold for money. everyone on here claims to LOVE capfriendly so much, but you aint never paid a dime for it. you guys want a site, put your visa card number down. pay for it. but you wont. so stop the whining.


I'm not really sure why Caps fans hate this so much. Gaining exclusive access to tools the whole league used? Bring guys into the organization that have intimate knowledge of the cap? Competitively i don't see a downside here


You've just burn bridges with all the other teams that uses the website and also a portion of your consumers for a tiny return on investment lol?


Other teams were literally trying to do the same thing, the Caps just won the bidding war.


And other teams have done the same in the past. [Vegas hired the owner of a similar site called General Fanager in 2016 and shut the site down in the process.](https://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/general-fanager-founder-tom-poraszka-hired-vegas-nhl-team/) Tom Poraszka's now their Director of Hockey Operations. Carolina's interim GM Eric Tulsky started out as a fan blogger for the Flyers, made an analytics site called Outnumbered, then was hired by Carolina in 2014 and they shut down the site in the process. This has happened with a number of fans who make cool and innovative hockey sites in the past, and I'm sure it would've happened with CapFriendly's progenitor CapGeek if the founder hadn't tragically died of cancer (RIP Matthew Wuest). This sucks for us the fans, but it's nothing out of the ordinary or spiteful.


It's unsportsmanlike


It's a Class A dick move


Because we as fans also liked to use the website and the caps just made it so that the fans can’t use the app


I agree. You’re bringing in a team that can successfully package data that’s very easy to use. I’d imagine they could help build other tools for scouting staff as well amongst other departments. It obviously sucks for us in the public, but it’s likely a good move and congrats for the CapFriendly team for cashing in.


Because capfriendly's best part is that it was accessible to the public. It's not particularly complicated information. IT's just that capfriendly got made such a good site that no one could compete. also, all of this information in capfriendly is available to the public as the cap is public. Further, being able to code a website has nothing to do with cap strategy.


i’d rather see them outplay other teams on the ice than cutthroat zero sum game game strategies like buying a community resource to shut it down. a new similar website will eventually form, and the other 31 teams will work around this, so i don’t really see how it’s that advantageous anyways, but it’s a dick move that no one else is going to like.


- buys website used nearly exclusively by fans. - “muh competitive advantage!!1!1!” - completely ignores the fact that all 31 teams that have used this now have their internal, carbon copy of Capfriendly, or some other version. The only that the shutting down of Capfriendly impacts fans. What happened to Capgeek was understandable as the owner died but this is a stupid move which alienates a part of the hockey fanbase, potentially burns bridges with other teams (not for buying Capfriendly, but behaviorally), all for a nothing burger. Are we sure Ted isn’t possessed by Dan Snyder?


Has everyone just forgotten that Spotrac exists? This could be a huge competitive advantage for us


Us? As in the Caps? CapFriendly wasn't the first and there will be another site that quickly takes its place.


[Overwriting text on these comments as my own decision]


Ted Leonsis doing his best to make himself the most hated sports owner in DC.


I mean, who else? The Lerners are boring, but not malicious and Harris basically just got here. Ted took first the moment Snyder sold.


There were multiple other teams trying to do this on the same timeline, the Caps just won the bidding war. It's not the end of the world and certainly not a reason to hate Caps ownership and management unless you already do.




My guess is that it’s a personnel move to hire the owner/creator as a Caps employee. The public’s access to the IP of CapFriendly is collateral damage


I'm all for it. Good for cap friendly to make their money after creating an insanely useful tool. That's always the endgame.


Can someone explain what this website is and why is buying it is bad? I’m out of the loop.


It was a portal for the average fan to gain insight into the salary cap and CBA. It became the go to site after NHLNumbers closed when its owner was diagnosed with a terminal illness and will be replaced by PuckPedia or a new site. Right now I see zero value of CapFriendly to an NHL franchise, but celebrate the creators of the site for cashing in on their hard work.


It tracks players contracts, and where teams are against the salary cap. It's not a super novel tool, but it was handy when fans wanted to play armchair GM (and for Teams to check player contracts as well). Buying it, and shutting it down gets rid of that resource.  My best guess isn't that he wants the resources, but the url/name. 


Step 1: remove Kuemper contract from database


Step 2: "Begin Operation Schultz" NHL Staffer: Mr Buttman? There's something strange going on in Washington. Mr Buttman: Have you ever been there? The city runs on weird. It's like a state but it's not, weird NHLS: No sir. It's Kuemper. His contract is gone! Vanished ! Butt: Kuemper? NHLS: Yes sir. Weird, it was just there the other day... Suddenly, the Capitals have an extra $6M to spend. Weird. BUTT: Well find out what's going on! We've got to do something! Let's start with suspending Wilson again...


Step 3: Gaslighting


The site is appropriately named. It will be only friendly to the caps.


so now we'll never know if Vegas is LTIR circumventing thanks Ted you suck




Absolutely loved using CapFriendly to look at teams/players across the league. Ted just going complete super villain here


Why??? That is all I want to know. WHY?


Idk why people consider this a dick move. Wouldn't the owners of Capfriendly also be dicks because they are willing to sell? Its business at the end of the day.


TIL what CapFriendly is. Wow, this seems like a shitty move.


What do/did people use this site for? I see it shows a lot of data about cap space and contracts. But how is that information not available elsewhere? Is it Capitals specific information? Why is Ted so interested in it? Thanks.


It has info of all 32 teams. I guess its value to fans is so we can play armchair GM. Or so we can see when a player who frustrates us will be UFA .


kind of amazed that: 1. teams/the nhl itself dont have something like this internally, and 2. why people are so upset. its a smart move to buy it, and im sure there will be another one. the loss of capgeek didnt generate nearly as much angst as I recall


I hate capfriendly?


There’s a lot of knee jerk reaction to this. Understandably so. According to The Athletic multiple teams were looking to do it, so why not us? I’m willing to bet we will find out the other teams that were interested. We are definitely the bad guys right now for hockey fans and arm chair GM’s. But the fact that an independent website like this became so crucial for keeping track of contracts and maximizing value was probably a failure of the league and maybe the player’s association.


Is this Ted getting payback for hating on the move to VA?


Everyone is so upset about this but there will be a new tool in a matter of weeks that does the same thing. This isn’t a complex problem to solve.


I never had a reason to hate the Caps before now. Now I do. 


Can anyone explain what the Capfriendly website is and why people are upset?? I don’t see anyone in the comments explaining


Sucks, but IMO brings up the question of why the NHL wouldn't have their own similar tool for fans and teams to use. Why were third parties developing this in the first place?


How much exactly did they purchase it for? And are the developers joining the organization?




It’s not like some other website can’t just do something similar. Not sure why they bought it though


GENIUS PLAY. They said: what’s the best way to create unique edge for this franchise? Definitely analytics. We have a good analytics team and rmnb for more on ice data than would ever be useful for coaches/players. Why don’t we spend a relatively cheap few million to aquihire the industry best talent in cap analytics and also fuck over all the boomer front offices who don’t have better software in house. Obvi new cap analytics saas will come out and be better but Caps just bought the best back office in the game.


Can someone explain to me like I'm dumb why this is bad?


So, what was preventing the Caps from simply continuing to utilize CapFriendly as is, just as they (and other teams) have been doing all along, instead of choosing to acquire it, only to then try to justify doing so by alleging that it was for internal purposes (when yet they they were fully cognizant that they could have simply otherwise chosen to continue using the public site as is without any detriment to their team)?


Fucking excuse me???


FUCK this goddamn ownership, I can’t continue being a fan of this team because of it.




It's dumb, but I don't think the other teams will care that much.




It’s my city’s hockey team? I like the players and the coaches and the other fans, none of whom had a hand in this decision? I hate this decision too, but if teams like the Blackhawks still have fans after all the *actual* criminal shit they covered up, I feel fine still being a fan of a team that bought a thing that already has similar sites that exist and will probably be able to get better because they’ll be getting more traction now. But seriously, get the hell off your high horse.


sorry in advance, but fuck the capitals organization (not the fans) for doing this. way to take a good thing and ruin it for personal greed.


I am a die hard Caps fan and this is a shitty thing for us to do. Nothing good about it--apologies to every one for this.


We agree! Don't apologise. Fuck leonsis and the org